// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1997.
// File: cliprot.h
// Contents: Contains different client states and client protocol
// related definitions
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 12-23-97 v-sbhatt Created
#ifndef _CLIPROT_H_
#define _CLIPROT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
//Different states for client state machine
#define LICENSE_CLIENT_STATE_WAIT_SERVER_HELLO 0x00 //Initial state of the machine
#define LICENSE_CLIENT_STATE_KEY_EXCHANGE_INFO 0x01 //Client key exchange info
#define LICENSE_CLIENT_STATE_NEW_LICENSE_REQUEST 0x03 //Client asked for a new license
#define LICENSE_CLIENT_STATE_PLATFORM_INFO 0x04 //Platform info
#define LICENSE_CLIENT_STATE_PLATFORM_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE 0x05 //Platform challenge response
#define LICENSE_CLIENT_STATE_ERROR 0x06 //Error state
#define LICENSE_CLIENT_STATE_ABORT 0x07 //Total abort;
LICENSE_STATUS CALL_TYPE LicenseClientHandleServerMessage( PLicense_Client_Context pContext, UINT32 *puiExtendedErrorInfo, BYTE FAR * pbInput, DWORD cbInput, BYTE FAR * pbOutput, DWORD FAR * pcbOutput ); LICENSE_STATUS CALL_TYPE LicenseClientHandleServerError( PLicense_Client_Context pContext, PLicense_Error_Message pCanonical, UINT32 *puiExtendedErrorInfo, BYTE FAR * pbMessage, DWORD FAR * pcbMessage );
LICENSE_STATUS CALL_TYPE LicenseClientHandleServerRequest( PLicense_Client_Context pContext, PHydra_Server_License_Request pCanonical, BOOL fNewLicense, BYTE FAR * pbMessage, DWORD FAR * pcbMessage, BOOL fSupportExtendedError );
LICENSE_STATUS CALL_TYPE LicenseClientHandleServerPlatformChallenge( PLicense_Client_Context pContext, PHydra_Server_Platform_Challenge pCanonical, BYTE FAR * pbMessage, DWORD FAR * pcbMessage, BOOL fSupportExtendedError );
LICENSE_STATUS CALL_TYPE LicenseClientHandleNewLicense( PLicense_Client_Context pContext, PHydra_Server_New_License pCanonical, BOOL fNew, BYTE FAR * pbMessage, DWORD FAR * pcbMessage );
LICENSE_STATUS CALL_TYPE ClientConstructLicenseInfo( PLicense_Client_Context pContext, BYTE FAR * pbInput, DWORD cbInput, BYTE FAR * pbOutput, DWORD FAR * pcbOutput, BOOL fExtendedError );
LICENSE_STATUS CALL_TYPE ClientConstructNewLicenseRequest( PLicense_Client_Context pContext, BYTE FAR * pbOutput, DWORD FAR * pcbOutput, BOOL fExtendedError );
LICENSE_STATUS CALL_TYPE ClientConstructErrorAlert( PLicense_Client_Context pContext, DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwStateTransition, BYTE FAR * pbErrorInfo, DWORD cbErrorInfo, BYTE FAR * pbOutput, DWORD FAR * pcbOutput, BOOL fExtendedError );
LICENSE_STATUS CALL_TYPE ClientGenerateChallengeResponse( PLicense_Client_Context pContext, PBinary_Blob pChallengeData, PBinary_Blob pResponseData );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif //_CLIPROT_H_