// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1997.
// File: Hcpack.h
// Contents: Functions that are used to pack and unpack different messages
// coming in to and going out from Hydra Client
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 12-20-97 v-sbhatt Created
#ifndef _HCPACK_H_
#define _HCPACK_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// Functions for Packing different Client Messages from the corresponding
// structures to simple binary blob
LICENSE_STATUS PackHydraClientNewLicenseRequest( IN PHydra_Client_New_License_Request pCanonical, IN BOOL fExtendedError, OUT BYTE FAR * pbBuffer, IN OUT DWORD FAR * pcbBuffer );
LICENSE_STATUS PackHydraClientLicenseInfo( IN PHydra_Client_License_Info pCanonical, IN BOOL fExtendedError, OUT BYTE FAR * pbBuffer, IN OUT DWORD FAR * pcbBuffer );
LICENSE_STATUS PackHydraClientPlatformChallengeResponse( IN PHydra_Client_Platform_Challenge_Response pCanonical, IN BOOL fExtendedError, OUT BYTE FAR * pbBuffer, IN OUT DWORD FAR * pcbBuffer );
LICENSE_STATUS PackLicenseErrorMessage( IN PLicense_Error_Message pCanonical, IN BOOL fExtendedError, OUT BYTE FAR * pbBuffer, IN OUT DWORD FAR * pcbBuffer );
// Functions for unpacking different Hydra Server Messages from
// simple binary blobs to corresponding structure
LICENSE_STATUS UnPackLicenseErrorMessage( IN BYTE FAR * pbMessage, IN DWORD cbMessage, OUT PLicense_Error_Message pCanonical );
LICENSE_STATUS UnpackHydraServerLicenseRequest( IN BYTE FAR * pbMessage, IN DWORD cbMessage, OUT PHydra_Server_License_Request pCanonical );
LICENSE_STATUS UnPackHydraServerPlatformChallenge( IN BYTE FAR * pbMessage, IN DWORD cbMessage, OUT PHydra_Server_Platform_Challenge pCanonical );
LICENSE_STATUS UnPackHydraServerNewLicense( IN BYTE FAR * pbMessage, IN DWORD cbMessage, OUT PHydra_Server_New_License pCanonical );
LICENSE_STATUS UnPackHydraServerUpgradeLicense( IN BYTE FAR * pbMessage, IN DWORD cbMessage, OUT PHydra_Server_Upgrade_License pCanonical );
#if 0
LICENSE_STATUS UnpackHydraServerCertificate( IN BYTE FAR * pbMessage, IN DWORD cbMessage, OUT PHydra_Server_Cert pCaonical ); #endif
LICENSE_STATUS UnpackNewLicenseInfo( BYTE FAR * pbMessage, DWORD cbMessage, PNew_License_Info pCanonical );
LICENSE_STATUS UnPackExtendedErrorInfo( UINT32 *puiExtendedErrorInfo, Binary_Blob *pbbErrorInfo );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif //_HCPACK_H_