// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1997.
// File: context.c
// Contents:
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 12-12-97 v-sbhatt Created
// 12-18-97 v-sbhatt Modified
#ifndef _STORE_H_
#define _STORE_H_
#ifdef CALL_TYPE
#undef CALL_TYPE
#endif //CALL_TYPE
#ifndef OS_WINCE
#define CALL_TYPE _stdcall
#define CALL_TYPE
#ifndef OUT
#define OUT
#endif //OUT
#ifndef IN
#define IN
#endif //IN
#define LSSTAT_SUCCESS 0x00
#define LSSTAT_ERROR 0x01
//Adding or replacing flags, to be used in LSAddLicenseToStore
#define LS_REPLACE_LICENSE_OK 0x00000001
#define LS_REPLACE_LICENSE_ERR 0x00000000
//This is the License Store index structure. Licenses are queried against this index
typedef struct tagLSINDEX { DWORD dwVersion; //Uper two bytes major version and lower two bytes Minor version
DWORD cbScope; BYTE FAR *pbScope; //Scope for the license
DWORD cbCompany; BYTE FAR *pbCompany; //Manufacturer
DWORD cbProductID; BYTE FAR *pbProductID;//Product ID of the product for which the License is intended to be
#ifdef OS_WIN32
//Might not be necessay at all!!!!
typedef LS_STATUS (*PLSENUMPROC)( IN HANDLE hLicense, IN PLSINDEX plsiName, //License Index Name
IN DWORD dwUIParam //User Parameter
#endif //OS_WIN32
//Open a specified store. If the szStoreName is NULL, it will open default store
//Otherwise it will open the store specified by szStoreName parameter
LS_STATUS CALL_TYPE LSOpenLicenseStore( OUT HANDLE *hStore, //The handle of the store
IN LPCTSTR szStoreName, //Optional store Name
IN BOOL fReadOnly //whether to open read-only
//Closes an open store
LS_STATUS CALL_TYPE LSCloseLicenseStore( IN HANDLE hStore //Handle of the store to be closed!
//Add or updates/replaces license against a given LSINDEX in an open store
//pointed by hStore
LS_STATUS CALL_TYPE LSAddLicenseToStore( IN HANDLE hStore, //Handle of a open store
IN DWORD dwFlags,//Flags either add or replace
IN PLSINDEX plsiName, //Index against which License is added
IN BYTE FAR *pbLicenseInfo, //License info to be added
IN DWORD cbLicenseInfo // size of the License info blob
//Deletes a license from the store refered by hStore and against the given LSINDEX
LS_STATUS CALL_TYPE LSDeleteLicenseFromStore( IN HANDLE hStore, //Handle of a open store
IN PLSINDEX plsiName //Index of the license to be deleted
//Finds a license in an open store against a particular store Index
LS_STATUS CALL_TYPE LSFindLicenseInStore( IN HANDLE hStore, //Handle of a open store
IN PLSINDEX plsiName, //LSIndex against which store is searched
IN OUT DWORD FAR *pdwLicenseInfoLen, //Size of the license found
OUT BYTE FAR *pbLicenseInfo //License Data
LS_STATUS CALL_TYPE LSEnumLicenses( IN HANDLE hStore, //Handle of a open store
IN DWORD dwIndex, //numeric Index of the license to query
OUT PLSINDEX plsindex //The LSIndex structure corresponding to dwIndex
LS_STATUS CALL_TYPE LSQueryInfoLicense( IN HANDLE hStore, //Handle of a open store
OUT DWORD FAR *pdwLicenses, //Total no. of licenses available
OUT DWORD FAR *pdwMaxCompanyNameLen, //Maximum length of the company length
OUT DWORD FAR *pdwMaxScopeLen, //Maximum length of the company length
OUT DWORD FAR *pdwMaxProductIdLen //Maximum length of the company length
LS_STATUS CALL_TYPE LSOpenLicenseHandle( IN HANDLE hStore, //Handle of a open store
IN BOOL fReadOnly, IN PLSINDEX plsiName, OUT HANDLE *phStore //Handle of a open store
); LS_STATUS CALL_TYPE LSCloseLicenseHandle( IN HANDLE hStore, //Handle of a open store
IN DWORD dwFlags //For future Use
#endif //_STORE_H_