Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains functions that encrypt and decrypt data to be stored locally
Adam Overton (adamo) 08-Feb-1998
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
#include <seccom.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <extypes.h>
#include <license.h>
#include <cryptkey.h>
#if defined(OS_WINCE)
BOOL GetUserName( LPTSTR lpBuffer, // address of name buffer
LPDWORD pdwSize // address of size of name buffer
) /*++
Routine Description:
Provides the GetUserName API on platforms that don't have it
lpBuffer - pointer to a buffer for the username nSize - size of name buffer
Return Value:
TRUE - successfully retrieved UserName
FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { DWORD dwT;
memset(lpBuffer, 0, *pdwSize);
// There doesn't appear to be user name available, just
// use a default and rely on the machine UUID for security
dwT = *pdwSize; #define USER_RANDOM "eefdbcf0001255b4009c9e1800f73774"
if (dwT > sizeof(USER_RANDOM)) dwT = sizeof(USER_RANDOM); memcpy(lpBuffer, USER_RANDOM, (size_t)dwT); return TRUE; } #endif // defined(OS_WINCE)
BOOL GetLocalKey( struct RC4_KEYSTRUCT *prc4Key ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function creates and caches a rc4 key which can be used to store private information locally
prc4Key - pointer to a buffer to hold the RC4 key
Return Value:
TRUE - successfully generated key
FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { A_SHA_CTX SHAHash; BYTE abSHADigest[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN]; static BOOL fCreatedKey = FALSE; static struct RC4_KEYSTRUCT rc4Key; TCHAR szUserName[SEC_MAX_USERNAME]; DWORD dwSize; HWID hwid;
if (!fCreatedKey) { A_SHAInit(&SHAHash);
// Get the user name
dwSize = (DWORD)sizeof(szUserName); memset(szUserName, 0, (size_t)dwSize); if (!GetUserName(szUserName, &dwSize)) return FALSE;
A_SHAUpdate(&SHAHash, (unsigned char *)szUserName, dwSize);
// Get unique machine identifier
if (LICENSE_STATUS_OK == GenerateClientHWID(&hwid)) { A_SHAUpdate(&SHAHash, (unsigned char *)&hwid, sizeof(HWID)); }
// Update the Hash with something less guessable
// but known to our apps
#define RANDOM_CONSTANT "deed047e-a3cb-11d1-b96c-00c04fb15601"
// Finalize the hash
A_SHAFinal(&SHAHash, abSHADigest);
// Generate a key based on this hash
msrc4_key(&rc4Key, (UINT)MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE, abSHADigest);
fCreatedKey = TRUE; }
memcpy(prc4Key, &rc4Key, sizeof(rc4Key));
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetLocalKey50( struct RC4_KEYSTRUCT *prc4Key, LPBYTE pbSalt, DWORD dwSaltLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function creates and caches a rc4 key which can be used to store private information locally
prc4Key - pointer to a buffer to hold the RC4 key
Return Value:
TRUE - successfully generated key
FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { A_SHA_CTX SHAHash; BYTE abSHADigest[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN]; struct RC4_KEYSTRUCT rc4Key; TCHAR szUserName[SEC_MAX_USERNAME]; DWORD dwSize; HWID hwid; DWORD dw;
// Get the user name
dwSize = (DWORD)sizeof(szUserName); memset(szUserName, 0, (size_t)dwSize); if (!GetUserName(szUserName, &dwSize)) return FALSE;
A_SHAUpdate(&SHAHash, (unsigned char *)szUserName, dwSize);
// Get unique machine identifier
if (LICENSE_STATUS_OK == GenerateClientHWID(&hwid)) { A_SHAUpdate(&SHAHash, (unsigned char *)&hwid, sizeof(HWID)); }
// Update the Hash with something less guessable
// but known to our apps
#define RANDOM_CONSTANT "deed047e-a3cb-11d1-b96c-00c04fb15601"
// Finalize the hash
A_SHAFinal(&SHAHash, abSHADigest);
// Add salt and stir gently
for (dw = 0; dw < 256; dw++) { A_SHAInit(&SHAHash); A_SHAUpdate(&SHAHash, pbSalt, dwSaltLength); A_SHAUpdate(&SHAHash, abSHADigest, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN); A_SHAFinal(&SHAHash, abSHADigest); }
// Generate a key based on this hash
msrc4_key(&rc4Key, (UINT)MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE, abSHADigest);
memcpy(prc4Key, &rc4Key, sizeof(rc4Key));
return TRUE; }
BOOL EncryptDecryptLocalData( LPBYTE pbData, DWORD dwDataLen ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function encrypts/decrypts data to be stored locally, but usable only by the current user on the this machine
pbData - pointer to a data buffer.
dwDataLen - length of the above data.
Return Value:
TRUE - successfully encrypted data
FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { struct RC4_KEYSTRUCT rc4Key;
if (!GetLocalKey(&rc4Key)) return FALSE;
msrc4(&rc4Key, (UINT)dwDataLen, pbData);
return TRUE; }
BOOL EncryptDecryptLocalData50( LPBYTE pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, LPBYTE pbSalt, DWORD dwSaltLen ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function encrypts/decrypts data to be stored locally, but usable only by the current user on the this machine
pbData - pointer to a data buffer.
dwDataLen - length of the above data.
Return Value:
TRUE - successfully encrypted data
FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { struct RC4_KEYSTRUCT rc4Key;
if (!GetLocalKey50(&rc4Key, pbSalt, dwSaltLen)) return FALSE;
msrc4(&rc4Key, (UINT)dwDataLen, pbData);
return TRUE; }