Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains common client/server code that generate session key.
Madan Appiah (madana) 24-Jan-1998
User Mode - Win32
Revision History:
#include <seccom.h>
VOID Salt8ByteKey( LPBYTE pbKey, DWORD dwSaltBytes ) /*++
Routine Description:
This macro function salts the first 1 or 3 bytes of the 8 bytes key to a known value in order to make it a 40-bit key.
pbKey - pointer to a 8 bytes key buffer. dwSaltBytes - this value should be either 1 or 3
Return Value:
--*/ { ASSERT( (dwSaltBytes == 1) || (dwSaltBytes == 3) );
if( dwSaltBytes == 1 ) {
// for 56-bit encryption, salt first byte only.
*pbKey++ = 0xD1 ; } else if (dwSaltBytes == 3) {
// for 40-bit encryption, salt first 3 bytes.
*pbKey++ = 0xD1 ; *pbKey++ = 0x26 ; *pbKey = 0x9E ; }
return; }
VOID FinalHash( LPRANDOM_KEYS_PAIR pKeyPair, LPBYTE pbKey ) /*++
Routine Description:
This macro function hashes the final key with the client and server randoms.
pKeyPair - pointer a random key pair structure.
pbKey - pointer to a key buffer, the final key is returned back in the same buffer.
Return Value:
--*/ { MD5_CTX Md5Hash;
// final_key = MD5(key + clientRandom + serverRandom)
MD5Init (&Md5Hash);
MD5Update(&Md5Hash, pbKey, MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE); MD5Update(&Md5Hash, pKeyPair->clientRandom, RANDOM_KEY_LENGTH); MD5Update(&Md5Hash, pKeyPair->serverRandom, RANDOM_KEY_LENGTH); MD5Final (&Md5Hash);
// copy the final key back to the input buffer.
return; }
VOID MakeMasterKey( LPRANDOM_KEYS_PAIR pKeyPair, LPSTR FAR *ppszSalts, LPBYTE pbPreMaster, LPBYTE pbMaster ) /*++
Routine Description:
This macro function makes a master secret using a pre-master secret.
pKeyPair - pointer a key pair structure.
ppszSalts - pointer to a salt key strings array.
pbPreMaster - pointer to a pre-master secret key buffer.
pbMaster - pointer to a master secret key buffer.
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD i;
MD5_CTX Md5Hash; A_SHA_CTX ShaHash; BYTE bShaHashValue[A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN];
//initialize all buffers with zero
memset( pbMaster, 0, PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN); memset( bShaHashValue, 0, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN);
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) {
// SHA(ppszSalts[i] + pre-master + clientRandom + serverRandom)
A_SHAInit(&ShaHash); A_SHAUpdate(&ShaHash, ppszSalts[i], strlen(ppszSalts[i])); A_SHAUpdate(&ShaHash, pbPreMaster, PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN ); A_SHAUpdate( &ShaHash, pKeyPair->clientRandom, sizeof(pKeyPair->clientRandom) ); A_SHAUpdate( &ShaHash, pKeyPair->serverRandom, sizeof(pKeyPair->serverRandom) ); A_SHAFinal(&ShaHash, bShaHashValue);
// MD5(pre_master + SHA-hash)
MD5Init(&Md5Hash); MD5Update(&Md5Hash, pbPreMaster, PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN ); MD5Update(&Md5Hash, bShaHashValue, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN); MD5Final(&Md5Hash);
// copy part of the master secret.
memcpy( pbMaster + (i * MD5DIGESTLEN), Md5Hash.digest, MD5DIGESTLEN); }
return; }
VOID MakePreMasterSecret( LPRANDOM_KEYS_PAIR pKeyPair, LPBYTE pbPreMasterSecret ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function makes a pre-master secret for the initial session key.
pKeyPair - pointer a key pair structure.
pbPreMasterSecret - pointer to a pre-master secret key buffer, it is PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN bytes long.
Return Value:
--*/ { //
// copy PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN/2 bytes from clientRandom first.
memcpy( pbPreMasterSecret, pKeyPair->clientRandom, PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN/2 );
// copy PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN/2 bytes from serverRandom next.
memcpy( pbPreMasterSecret + PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN/2, pKeyPair->serverRandom, PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN/2 );
return; }
VOID GenerateMasterSecret( LPRANDOM_KEYS_PAIR pKeyPair, LPBYTE pbPreMasterSecret ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function creates a master secret key using the pre-master key and random key pair.
pKeyPair - pointer a key pair structure.
pbPreMasterSecret - pointer to a pre-master secret key buffer, it is PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN bytes long.
Return Value:
--*/ { BYTE abMasterSecret[PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN]; LPSTR apszSalts[3] = { "A","BB","CCC" } ;
// make master secret.
MakeMasterKey( pKeyPair, (LPSTR FAR *)apszSalts, pbPreMasterSecret, (LPBYTE)abMasterSecret );
// copy master secret in the return buffer.
memcpy( pbPreMasterSecret, abMasterSecret, PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN);
return; }
VOID UpdateKey( LPBYTE pbStartKey, LPBYTE pbCurrentKey, DWORD dwKeyLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function updates a key.
pbStartKey - pointer to the start session key buffer.
pbCurrentKey - pointer to the current session key buffer, new session key is copied to this buffer on return.
dwKeyLength - length of the key.
Return Value:
// make a SHA(pbStartKey + g_abPad1 + pbCurrentKey) hash.
A_SHAInit(&SHAHash); A_SHAUpdate(&SHAHash, pbStartKey, dwKeyLength); A_SHAUpdate(&SHAHash, (unsigned char *)g_abPad1, 40); A_SHAUpdate(&SHAHash, pbCurrentKey, dwKeyLength); A_SHAFinal(&SHAHash, abSHADigest);
// make a MD5(pbStartKey + g_abPad2 + SHAHash) hash.
MD5Init(&MD5Hash); MD5Update(&MD5Hash, pbStartKey, dwKeyLength); MD5Update(&MD5Hash, g_abPad2, 48); MD5Update(&MD5Hash, abSHADigest, A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN); MD5Final(&MD5Hash);
ASSERT( dwKeyLength <= MD5DIGESTLEN ); memcpy(pbCurrentKey, MD5Hash.digest, (UINT)dwKeyLength);
return; }
BOOL MakeSessionKeys( LPRANDOM_KEYS_PAIR pKeyPair, LPBYTE pbEncryptKey, struct RC4_KEYSTRUCT FAR *prc4EncryptKey, LPBYTE pbDecryptKey, struct RC4_KEYSTRUCT FAR *prc4DecryptKey, LPBYTE pbMACSaltKey, DWORD dwKeyStrength, LPDWORD pdwKeyLength, DWORD dwEncryptionLevel ) /*++
Routine Description:
Make the server session key using the client and server random keys.
Assume : the encrypt and decrypt buffer presented are atleast MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE (16) bytes long.
pKeyPair - pointer a key pair structure.
pbEncryptKey - pointer to a buffer where the encryption key is stored.
prc4EncryptKey - pointer to a RC4 encrypt key structure.
pbDecryptKey - pointer to a buffer where the decryption key is stored.
prc4DecryptKey - pointer to a RC4 decrypt key structure.
pbMACSaltKey - pointer to a buffer where the message authentication key is stored.
dwKeyStrength - specify key strength to use.
pdwKeyLength - pointer to a location where the length of the above encryption/decryption key is returned.
dwEncryptionLevel - encryption level, used to select the encryption algorithm.
Return Value:
TRUE - if successfully created the session key.
FALSE - otherwise.
--*/ { BYTE abPreMasterSecret[PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN]; BYTE abMasterSessionKey[PRE_MASTER_SECRET_LEN]; LPSTR apszSalts[3] = { "X","YY","ZZZ" } ; DWORD dwSaltLen;
// make a pre-master secret.
MakePreMasterSecret( pKeyPair, (LPBYTE)abPreMasterSecret );
// generate master secret.
GenerateMasterSecret( pKeyPair, (LPBYTE)abPreMasterSecret );
// make a master session key for all three session keys (encrypt, decrypt
// and MACSalt).
MakeMasterKey( pKeyPair, (LPSTR FAR *)apszSalts, (LPBYTE)abPreMasterSecret, (LPBYTE)abMasterSessionKey );
// copy first part of the master key as MAC salt key.
memcpy( pbMACSaltKey, (LPBYTE)abMasterSessionKey, MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE );
// copy second part of the master key as encrypt key and final hash it.
memcpy( pbEncryptKey, (LPBYTE)abMasterSessionKey + MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE, MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE );
FinalHash( pKeyPair, pbEncryptKey );
// copy second part of the master key as decrypt key and final hash it.
memcpy( pbDecryptKey, (LPBYTE)abMasterSessionKey + MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE * 2, MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE );
FinalHash( pKeyPair, pbDecryptKey );
// finally select the key length.
dwSaltLen = 0; switch ( dwKeyStrength ) {
case SM_40BIT_ENCRYPTION_FLAG: *pdwKeyLength = MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE/2; dwSaltLen = 3; break;
case SM_56BIT_ENCRYPTION_FLAG: *pdwKeyLength = MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE/2; dwSaltLen = 1; break;
case SM_128BIT_ENCRYPTION_FLAG: ASSERT( g_128bitEncryptionEnabled ); *pdwKeyLength = MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE; break;
// we shouldn't reach here.
ASSERT( FALSE ); *pdwKeyLength = MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE/2; dwSaltLen = 1; break; }
if( dwSaltLen ) {
Salt8ByteKey( pbMACSaltKey, dwSaltLen ); Salt8ByteKey( pbEncryptKey, dwSaltLen ); Salt8ByteKey( pbDecryptKey, dwSaltLen ); }
// finally make rc4 keys.
// use microsoft version of rc4 algorithm (super fast!) for level 1 and
// level 2 encryption, for level 3 use RSA rc4 algorithm.
if( dwEncryptionLevel <= 2 ) { msrc4_key( prc4EncryptKey, (UINT)*pdwKeyLength, pbEncryptKey ); msrc4_key( prc4DecryptKey, (UINT)*pdwKeyLength, pbDecryptKey ); } else { rc4_key( prc4EncryptKey, (UINT)*pdwKeyLength, pbEncryptKey ); rc4_key( prc4DecryptKey, (UINT)*pdwKeyLength, pbDecryptKey ); }
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL UpdateSessionKey( LPBYTE pbStartKey, LPBYTE pbCurrentKey, DWORD dwKeyStrength, DWORD dwKeyLength, struct RC4_KEYSTRUCT FAR *prc4Key, DWORD dwEncryptionLevel ) /*++
Routine Description:
Update the session key using the current and start session keys.
pbStartKey - pointer to the start session key buffer.
pbCurrentKey - pointer to the current session key buffer, new session key is copied to this buffer on return.
dwKeyStrength - specify key strength to use.
dwKeyLength - length of the key.
prc4Key - pointer to a RC4 key structure.
dwEncryptionLevel - encryption level, used to select the encryption algorithm.
Return Value:
TRUE - if the successfully update the key.
FALSE - otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD dwSaltLen;
// update current key first.
UpdateKey( pbStartKey, pbCurrentKey, dwKeyLength );
// use microsoft version of rc4 algorithm (super fast!) for level 1 and
// level 2 encryption, for level 3 use RSA rc4 algorithm.
if( dwEncryptionLevel <= 2 ) {
// re-initialized RC4 table.
msrc4_key( prc4Key, (UINT)dwKeyLength, pbCurrentKey );
// scramble the current key.
msrc4( prc4Key, (UINT)dwKeyLength, pbCurrentKey ); } else {
// re-initialized RC4 table.
rc4_key( prc4Key, (UINT)dwKeyLength, pbCurrentKey );
// scramble the current key.
rc4( prc4Key, (UINT)dwKeyLength, pbCurrentKey ); }
// salt the key appropriately.
dwSaltLen = 0; switch ( dwKeyStrength ) {
case SM_40BIT_ENCRYPTION_FLAG: ASSERT( dwKeyLength = MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE/2 ); dwSaltLen = 3; break;
case SM_56BIT_ENCRYPTION_FLAG: ASSERT( dwKeyLength = MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE/2 ); dwSaltLen = 1; break;
case SM_128BIT_ENCRYPTION_FLAG: ASSERT( g_128bitEncryptionEnabled ); ASSERT( dwKeyLength = MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE ); break;
// we shouldn't reach here.
ASSERT( FALSE ); ASSERT( dwKeyLength = MAX_SESSION_KEY_SIZE/2 ); dwSaltLen = 1; break; }
if( dwSaltLen ) { Salt8ByteKey( pbCurrentKey, dwSaltLen ); }
// re-initialized RC4 table again.
if( dwEncryptionLevel <= 2 ) {
msrc4_key( prc4Key, (UINT)dwKeyLength, pbCurrentKey ); } else {
rc4_key( prc4Key, (UINT)dwKeyLength, pbCurrentKey ); }
return( TRUE ); }