// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// File: wkspace.h
// Contents:
// History:
#include "SrvDef.h"
// from TLSDb
#include "JBDef.h"
#include "JetBlue.h"
#include "TLSDb.h"
#include "backup.h"
#include "KPDesc.h"
#include "Licensed.h"
#include "licpack.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "workitem.h"
struct __TLSDbWorkSpace;
// Temporary define workspace to be 32
#define MAX_WORKSPACE 32
typedef CHandlePool< struct __TlsDbWorkSpace *, MAX_WORKSPACE > TLSDbWorkSpacePool;
typedef struct __TlsDbWorkSpace {
// one instance for all session
static JBInstance g_JbInstance;
// JetBlue transaction is session based and no
// two thread can use same session
JBSession m_JetSession; JBDatabase m_JetDatabase;
// These table should be kept open
LicPackTable m_LicPackTable; LicensedTable m_LicensedTable;
// LicPackDesc table is used by enumeration and
// adding license pack open as necessary.
LicPackDescTable m_LicPackDescTable;
BOOL BeginTransaction() { BOOL bSuccess;
try { bSuccess = m_JetDatabase.BeginTransaction(); } catch( SE_Exception e ) { bSuccess = FALSE; SetLastError(e.getSeNumber()); } catch(...) { bSuccess = FALSE; SetLastError(TLS_E_INTERNAL); }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CommitTransaction() { BOOL bSuccess;
try { bSuccess = m_JetDatabase.CommitTransaction(); } catch( SE_Exception e ) { bSuccess = FALSE; SetLastError(e.getSeNumber()); } catch(...) { bSuccess = FALSE; SetLastError(TLS_E_INTERNAL); }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL RollbackTransaction() { BOOL bSuccess;
try { bSuccess = m_JetDatabase.RollbackTransaction(); } catch( SE_Exception e ) { bSuccess = FALSE; SetLastError(e.getSeNumber()); } catch(...) { bSuccess = FALSE; SetLastError(TLS_E_INTERNAL); }
return bSuccess; }
void Cleanup() { m_LicPackTable.Cleanup(); m_LicPackDescTable.Cleanup(); m_LicensedTable.Cleanup(); }
__TlsDbWorkSpace() : m_JetSession(g_JbInstance), m_JetDatabase(m_JetSession), m_LicPackTable(m_JetDatabase), m_LicPackDescTable(m_JetDatabase), m_LicensedTable(m_JetDatabase) /*
*/ { //
// Force apps to call InitWorkSpace...
~__TlsDbWorkSpace() { m_LicPackTable.CloseTable(); m_LicPackDescTable.CloseTable(); m_LicensedTable.CloseTable();
m_JetDatabase.CloseDatabase(); m_JetSession.EndSession(); }
BOOL InitWorkSpace( BOOL bCreateIfNotExist, LPCTSTR szDatabaseFile, LPCTSTR szUserName=NULL, LPCTSTR szPassword=NULL, IN LPCTSTR szChkPointDirPath=NULL, IN LPCTSTR szTempDirPath=NULL, IN BOOL bUpdatable = FALSE ); } TLSDbWorkSpace, *LPTLSDbWorkSpace, *PTLSDbWorkSpace;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
BOOL TLSJbInstanceInit( IN OUT JBInstance& jbInstance, IN LPCTSTR pszChkPointDirPath, IN LPCTSTR pszTempDirPath, IN LPCTSTR pszLogDirPath );
TLSDbWorkSpace* AllocateWorkSpace( DWORD dwWaitTime );
void ReleaseWorkSpace( PTLSDbWorkSpace *p );
BOOL InitializeWorkSpacePool( int num_workspace, LPCTSTR szDatabaseFile, LPCTSTR szUserName, LPCTSTR szPassword, LPCTSTR szChkPointDirPath, LPCTSTR szTempDirPath, LPCTSTR szLogDirPath, BOOL bUpdatable );
DWORD CloseWorkSpacePool();
WorkItemTable* GetWorkItemStorageTable(); DWORD GetNumberOfWorkSpaceHandle();
BOOL TLSGetESEError( const JET_ERR jetErrCode, LPTSTR* pszString );
BOOL IsValidAllocatedWorkspace( PTLSDbWorkSpace p );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif