// confdbg.h - Conferencing Debug Functions and Macros
The main macros are:
ASSERT - display error if parameter evalulates to FALSE. e.g. ASSERT(x == y);
ERROR_OUT - always print this error. Messagebox is optional. e.g. ERROR_OUT(("Unable to FooBar! Err=%d", dwErr));
WARNING_OUT - warning message, not an error (App must call InitDebugModule) e.g. WARNING_OUT(("FooBar is not available. Using %s", szAlt));
TRACE_OUT - debug message (App must call InitDebugModule) e.g. TRACE_OUT(("dwFoo=%d, dwBar=%d", dwFoo, dwBar));
DBGMSG - debug message for a specific zone e.g. DBGMSG(ghZoneFoo, ZONE_BAR, ("Setting dwFoo=%d", dwFoo));
Important Functions: VOID DbgInit(HDBGZONE * phDbgZone, PTCHAR * psz, UINT cZone); VOID DbgDeInit(HDBGZONE * phDbgZone); VOID WINAPI DbgPrintf(PCSTR pszPrefix, PCSTR pszFormat, va_list ap); PSTR WINAPI DbgZPrintf(HDBGZONE hZone, UINT iZone, PSTR pszFormat,...);
Note: The strings in these functions, in particular the module and zone names, are always ANSI strings, even in Unicode components. The input strings to DBGINIT should not be wrapped in TEXT macros. */
#ifndef _CONFDBG_H_
#define _CONFDBG_H_
#include <stock.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
#include <pshpack8.h> /* Assume 8 byte packing throughout */
// deal with including "debug.h" before and after
#define _DEBUG_H
// MFC also defines this - use our version
#ifdef ASSERT
#undef ASSERT
#ifdef DEBUG
#ifndef NM_DEBUG
#define NM_DEBUG
#endif /* DEBUG */
// Special NetMeeting Debug definitions
#ifdef NM_DEBUG
//Debug Zones
#define MAXNUM_OF_ZONES 16
#define ZONEINFO_SIGN 0x12490000
// Zone information for a module
typedef struct _ZoneInfo { ULONG ulSignature; ULONG ulRefCnt; ULONG ulZoneMask; //the zone mask
BOOL bInUse; CHAR pszModule[MAXSIZE_OF_MODULENAME]; //name against which the zones are registered
CHAR szZoneNames[MAXNUM_OF_ZONES][MAXSIZE_OF_ZONENAME]; //names of the zones
CHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; // output file, specific to this module
// size of the memory mapped file
// General information at end of memory-mapped file (after all zone data)
typedef struct _NmDbg { BOOL fOutputDebugString; // OutputDebugString is enabled
BOOL fWinOutput; // Window Output is enabled
HWND hwndCtrl; // Window that handles output
UINT msgDisplay; // Message to post to hwndCtrl
BOOL fFileOutput; // File Output is enabled
CHAR szFile[MAX_PATH]; // File name for output
UINT uShowTime; // Format date/time (see DBG_FMTTIME_*)
BOOL fShowThreadId; // Dump ThreadId with each message
BOOL fShowModule; // Dump Module:Zone with each message
} NMDBG; typedef NMDBG * PNMDBG;
#define DBG_FMTTIME_NONE 0 // Do not format the time
#define DBG_FMTTIME_TICK 1 // Old format (tick count)
#define DBG_FMTTIME_FULL 2 // Full Year/Month/Day Hour:Min:Sec.ms
#define DBG_FMTTIME_DAY 3 // Hour:Minute:Second.ms
extern BOOL WINAPI NmDbgRegisterCtl(HWND hwnd, UINT uDisplayMsg); extern BOOL WINAPI NmDbgDeregisterCtl(HWND hwnd); extern BOOL WINAPI NmDbgSetLoggingOptions(HWND hwnd, UINT uOptions); extern void WINAPI NmDbgFlushFileLog(); extern BOOL WINAPI NmDbgGetAllZoneParams(PDBGZONEINFO *plpZoneParam, UINT * puCnt); extern BOOL WINAPI NmDbgFreeZoneParams(PDBGZONEINFO pZoneParam);
extern HDBGZONE WINAPI NmDbgCreateZone(LPSTR pszName); extern VOID WINAPI NmDbgDeleteZone(LPSTR pszName, HDBGZONE hDbgZone); extern BOOL WINAPI NmDbgSetZone(HDBGZONE hDbgZone,PDBGZONEINFO pZoneParam); extern PNMDBG WINAPI GetPNmDbg(void); extern VOID WINAPI NmDbgSetZoneFileName(HDBGZONE hDbgZone, LPCSTR pszFile);
extern PZONEINFO FindZoneForModule(LPCSTR pszModule); extern PZONEINFO AllocZoneForModule(LPCSTR pszModule); extern PZONEINFO MapDebugZoneArea(void); extern VOID UnMapDebugZoneArea(void);
extern VOID InitDbgZone(void); extern VOID DeInitDbgZone(void); extern VOID SetDbgFlags(void);
// Special reserved strings
#define SZ_DBG_MAPPED_ZONE TEXT("_NmDebugZoneMap")
#define SZ_DBG_FILE_MUTEX TEXT("_NmDbgFileMutex")
#define SZ_DBG_ZONE_MUTEX TEXT("_NmDbgZoneMutex")
#define GETZONEMASK(z) ((z) ? (((PZONEINFO)(z))->ulZoneMask) : 0 )
#define IS_ZONE_ENABLED(z, f) ((((PZONEINFO)(z))->ulZoneMask) & (f))
// Macro to check if zone is enabled: h = ghZone, i = zone index
#define F_ZONE_ENABLED(h, i) ((NULL != h) && IS_ZONE_ENABLED(h, (1 << i)))
// Standard Zones
#define ZONE_WARNING 0
#define ZONE_TRACE 1
#define ZONE_WARNING_FLAG 0x01
#define ZONE_TRACE_FLAG 0x02
// Functions
VOID WINAPI DbgPrintf(PCSTR pszPrefix, PCSTR pszFormat, va_list ap); PSTR WINAPI DbgZPrintf(HDBGZONE hZone, UINT iZone, PSTR pszFormat,...); PSTR WINAPI DbgZVPrintf(HDBGZONE hZone, UINT iZone, PSTR pszFormat, va_list ap);
VOID DbgInitEx(HDBGZONE * phDbgZone, PCHAR * psz, UINT cZone, long ulZoneDefault); VOID DbgDeInit(HDBGZONE * phDbgZone);
INLINE VOID DbgInit(HDBGZONE * phDbgZone, PCHAR * psz, UINT cZones) { DbgInitEx(phDbgZone, psz, cZones, 0); }
PSTR PszPrintf(PCSTR pszFormat,...);
#endif /* NM_DEBUG */
// Main Macros
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DBGINIT(phZone, psz) DbgInit(phZone, psz, (sizeof(psz)/sizeof(PCHAR))-1)
#define DBGDEINIT(phZone) DbgDeInit(phZone)
#define ASSERT(exp) (!(exp) ? ERROR_OUT(("ASSERT failed on %s line %u:\n\r"#exp, __FILE__, __LINE__)) : 0)
VOID WINAPI DbgZPrintError(PSTR pszFormat,...); VOID WINAPI DbgZPrintWarning(PSTR pszFormat,...); VOID WINAPI DbgZPrintTrace(PSTR pszFormat,...); VOID WINAPI DbgZPrintFunction(PSTR pszFormat,...);
#define ERROR_OUT(s) DbgZPrintError s
#define WARNING_OUT(s) DbgZPrintWarning s
#define TRACE_OUT(s) DbgZPrintTrace s
#define DBGENTRY(s) DbgZPrintFunction("Enter " #s);
#define DBGEXIT(s) DbgZPrintFunction("Exit " #s);
#define DBGEXIT_HR(s,hr) DbgZPrintFunction("Exit " #s " (result=%s)", GetHRESULTString(hr));
#define DBGEXIT_BOOL(s,f) DbgZPrintFunction("Exit " #s " (result=%s)", GetBOOLString(f));
#define DBGEXIT_INT(s,i) DbgZPrintFunction("Exit " #s " (result=%s)", GetINTString(i));
#define DBGEXIT_ULONG(s,u) DbgZPrintFunction("Exit " #s " (result=%s)", GetULONGString((ULONG)u));
#define DBGMSG(z, i, s) \
{ \ if ((NULL != z) && (((PZONEINFO)(z))->ulZoneMask & (1<<i)) ) \ { \ LocalFree(DbgZPrintf(z, i, PszPrintf s)); \ } \ } // e.g. DBGMSG(ghZone, ZONE_FOO, ("bar=%d", dwBar))
#define DBGINIT(phZone, psz)
#define DBGDEINIT(phZone)
#define ASSERT(exp)
#define ERROR_OUT(s)
#define WARNING_OUT(s)
#define TRACE_OUT(s)
#define DBGENTRY(s)
#define DBGEXIT(s)
#define DBGEXIT_HR(s,hr)
#define DBGEXIT_BOOL(s,f)
#define DBGEXIT_INT(s,i)
#define DBGEXIT_ULONG(s,u)
#ifndef DBGMSG
#define DBGMSG(z, f, s)
#endif /* DEBUG */
#include <poppack.h> /* End byte packing */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif /* _CONFDBG_H_ */