* debspew.h - Debug macros and their retail translations. * * Taken from URL code by ChrisPi 9-11-95 * */
#ifndef _DEBSPEW_H_
#define _DEBSPEW_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */
#include <tchar.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include "stock.h"
#include "olestock.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
#include "resstr.h"
#endif /* DEBUG */
#include "valid.h"
#define DATA_SEG_READ_ONLY ".text"
#define DATA_SEG_PER_INSTANCE ".data"
#define DATA_SEG_SHARED ".shared"
/* parameter validation macros */
* call as: * * bPTwinOK = IS_VALID_READ_PTR(ptwin, CTWIN); * * bHTwinOK = IS_VALID_HANDLE(htwin, TWIN); */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define IS_VALID_READ_PTR(ptr, type) \
(IsBadReadPtr((ptr), sizeof(type)) ? \ (ERROR_OUT(("invalid %s read pointer - %#08lx", (PCSTR)"P"#type, (ptr))), FALSE) : \ TRUE)
#define IS_VALID_WRITE_PTR(ptr, type) \
(IsBadWritePtr((PVOID)(ptr), sizeof(type)) ? \ (ERROR_OUT(("invalid %s write pointer - %#08lx", (PCSTR)"P"#type, (ptr))), FALSE) : \ TRUE)
#define IS_VALID_STRING_PTR_A(ptr, type) \
(IsBadStringPtrA((ptr), (UINT)-1) ? \ (ERROR_OUT(("invalid %s pointer - %#08lx", (PCSTR)"P"#type, (ptr))), FALSE) : \ TRUE)
#define IS_VALID_STRING_PTR_W(ptr, type) \
(IsBadStringPtrW((ptr), (UINT)-1) ? \ (ERROR_OUT(("invalid %s pointer - %#08lx", (PCSTR)"P"#type, (ptr))), FALSE) : \ TRUE)
#if defined(UNICODE)
#else // defined(UNICODE)
#endif // defined(UNICODE)
#define IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(ptr, type) \
(IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC)(ptr)) ? \ (ERROR_OUT(("invalid %s code pointer - %#08lx", (PCSTR)#type, (ptr))), FALSE) : \ TRUE)
#define IS_VALID_READ_BUFFER_PTR(ptr, type, len) \
(IsBadReadPtr((ptr), len) ? \ (ERROR_OUT(("invalid %s read pointer - %#08lx", (PCSTR)"P"#type, (ptr))), FALSE) : \ TRUE)
#define IS_VALID_WRITE_BUFFER_PTR(ptr, type, len) \
(IsBadWritePtr((ptr), len) ? \ (ERROR_OUT(("invalid %s write pointer - %#08lx", (PCSTR)"P"#type, (ptr))), FALSE) : \ TRUE)
#define FLAGS_ARE_VALID(dwFlags, dwAllFlags) \
(((dwFlags) & (~(dwAllFlags))) ? \ (ERROR_OUT(("invalid flags set - %#08lx", ((dwFlags) & (~(dwAllFlags))))), FALSE) : \ TRUE)
#define IS_VALID_READ_PTR(ptr, type) \
(! IsBadReadPtr((ptr), sizeof(type)))
#define IS_VALID_WRITE_PTR(ptr, type) \
(! IsBadWritePtr((PVOID)(ptr), sizeof(type)))
#define IS_VALID_STRING_PTR(ptr, type) \
(! IsBadStringPtr((ptr), (UINT)-1))
#define IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(ptr, type) \
(! IsBadCodePtr((FARPROC)(ptr)))
#define IS_VALID_READ_BUFFER_PTR(ptr, type, len) \
(! IsBadReadPtr((ptr), len))
#define IS_VALID_WRITE_BUFFER_PTR(ptr, type, len) \
(! IsBadWritePtr((ptr), len))
#define FLAGS_ARE_VALID(dwFlags, dwAllFlags) \
(((dwFlags) & (~(dwAllFlags))) ? FALSE : TRUE)
/* handle validation macros */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define IS_VALID_HANDLE(hnd, type) \
(IsValidH##type(hnd) ? \ TRUE : \ (ERROR_OUT(("invalid H" #type " - %#08lx", (hnd))), FALSE))
#define IS_VALID_HANDLE(hnd, type) \
/* structure validation macros */
#ifdef VSTF
#ifdef DEBUG
#define IS_VALID_STRUCT_PTR(ptr, type) \
(IsValidP##type(ptr) ? \ TRUE : \ (ERROR_OUT(("invalid %s pointer - %#08lx", (PCSTR)"P"#type, (ptr))), FALSE))
#define IS_VALID_STRUCT_PTR(ptr, type) \
#define IS_VALID_STRUCT_PTR(ptr, type) \
(! IsBadReadPtr((ptr), sizeof(type)))
/* OLE interface validation macro */
#define IS_VALID_INTERFACE_PTR(ptr, iface) \
IS_VALID_STRUCT_PTR(ptr, C##iface)
#ifdef DEBUG
#define CALLTRACE_OUT(s) DbgZPrintFunction s
#define DebugEntry(szFunctionName) \
(CALLTRACE_OUT((#szFunctionName "() entered.")))
#define DebugExit(szFunctionName, szResult) \
(CALLTRACE_OUT(("%s() exiting, returning %s.", #szFunctionName, szResult)))
#define DebugExitBOOL(szFunctionName, bool) \
DebugExit(szFunctionName, GetBOOLString(bool))
#define DebugExitCOMPARISONRESULT(szFunctionName, cr) \
DebugExit(szFunctionName, GetCOMPARISONRESULTString(cr))
#define DebugExitDWORD(szFunctionName, dw) \
DebugExitULONG(szFunctionName, dw)
#define DebugExitHRESULT(szFunctionName, hr) \
DebugExit(szFunctionName, GetHRESULTString(hr))
#define DebugExitINT(szFunctionName, n) \
DebugExit(szFunctionName, GetINTString(n))
#define DebugExitINT_PTR(szFunctionName, n) \
DebugExit(szFunctionName, GetINT_PTRString(n))
#define DebugExitULONG(szFunctionName, ul) \
DebugExit(szFunctionName, GetULONGString(ul))
#define DebugExitVOID(szFunctionName) \
(CALLTRACE_OUT(("%s() exiting.", #szFunctionName)))
#define DebugExitPVOID(szFunctionName, ptr) \
DebugExit(szFunctionName, GetPVOIDString(ptr))
#define DebugEntry(szFunctionName)
#define DebugExit(szFunctionName, szResult)
#define DebugExitBOOL(szFunctionName, bool)
#define DebugExitCOMPARISONRESULT(szFunctionName, cr)
#define DebugExitDWORD(szFunctionName, dw)
#define DebugExitHRESULT(szFunctionName, hr)
#define DebugExitINT(szFunctionName, n)
#define DebugExitINT_PTR(szFunctionName, n)
#define DebugExitULONG(szFunctionName, ul)
#define DebugExitVOID(szFunctionName)
#define DebugExitPVOID(szFunctionName, ptr)
/* Types
/* g_dwSpewFlags flags */
typedef enum _spewflags { SPEW_FL_SPEW_PREFIX = 0x0001,
/* g_uSpewSev values */
typedef enum _spewsev { SPEW_TRACE,
/* Prototypes
/* debspew.c */
#ifdef DEBUG
extern BOOL SetDebugModuleIniSwitches(void); extern BOOL InitDebugModule(PCSTR); extern void ExitDebugModule(void); extern void SpewOut(PCSTR pcszFormat, ...); extern DWORD GetDebugOutputFlags(VOID); extern VOID SetDebugOutputFlags(DWORD dw);
#else // DEBUG
#define SetDebugModuleIniSwitches()
#define InitDebugModule(str)
#define ExitDebugModule()
//#define SpewOut(fmt, ...)
#define GetDebugOutputFlags()
#define SetDebugOutputFlags(dw)
#endif // DEBUG
/* Global Variables
#ifdef DEBUG
/* dbg.cpp */ extern HDBGZONE ghDbgZone;
/* debspew.c */
extern DWORD g_dwSpewFlags; extern UINT g_uSpewSev; extern UINT g_uSpewLine; extern PCSTR g_pcszSpewFile; extern WINDOWPLACEMENT g_wpSpew;
/* defined by client */
extern PCSTR g_pcszSpewModule;
* EVAL() may only be used as a logical expression. * * E.g., * * if (EVAL(exp)) * bResult = TRUE; */
#ifdef DEBUG
#define EVAL(exp) \
((exp) || \ (ERROR_OUT(("evaluation failed '%s'", (PCSTR)#exp)), 0))
#define EVAL(exp) \
((exp) != 0)
#endif /* DEBUG */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* _DEBSPEW_H_ */