/****************************************************************************/ // tssdcli.cpp
// Terminal Server Session Directory test client code.
// Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
#define INITGUID
#include <windows.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tssd.h>
// Test session data.
const WCHAR *ServerName = L"TSSDTestSvrName"; const WCHAR *TestClusterName = L"TSSDTestClusterName";
const TSSD_CreateSessionInfo TestSessions[] = { { L"FooUser1", L"FooDomain", 1, TSProtocol_RDP, L"", 1024, 768, 8, 0, 0xFFFF },
const FILETIME TestSessionDiscTime[] = { { 0, 0xCCCC }, };
/****************************************************************************/ // Command line main
/****************************************************************************/ int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc = 1; DWORD NumSessions; HRESULT hr; FILETIME FileTime; LONG RegRetVal; HKEY hKey; DWORD Len; DWORD Type; ITSSessionDirectory *pTSSD; CLSID TSSDCLSID; WCHAR CLSIDStr[39]; WCHAR StoreServerName[64]; WCHAR ClusterName[64]; WCHAR OpaqueSettings[256]; TSSD_CreateSessionInfo CreateInfo; TSSD_DisconnectedSessionInfo DiscInfo[10]; TSSD_ReconnectSessionInfo ReconnInfo;
printf("TS Session Directory test client\n");
// Initialize COM
hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf(" Initialized COM\n"); } else { printf("*** Failed to init COM\n"); return 1; }
// Get the CLSID of the session directory object to instantiate.
RegRetVal = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (RegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CLSIDStr[0] = L'\0'; Len = sizeof(CLSIDStr); RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"SessionDirectoryCLSID", NULL, &Type, (BYTE *)CLSIDStr, &Len); if (wcslen(CLSIDStr) == 0 || !SUCCEEDED(CLSIDFromString(CLSIDStr, &TSSDCLSID))) { printf("*** SessDir CLSID invalid, idstr=%S\n", CLSIDStr); RegCloseKey(hKey); goto PostInitCOM; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); } else { printf("*** Failed to open TS key\n"); goto PostInitCOM; }
// Get the reg settings for the sessdir object. Absence of these settings
// is not an error.
StoreServerName[0] = L'\0'; ClusterName[0] = L'\0'; OpaqueSettings[0] = L'\0'; RegRetVal = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Terminal Server\\ClusterSettings", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (RegRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Len = sizeof(StoreServerName); RegRetVal = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"SessionDirectoryLocation", NULL, &Type, (BYTE *)StoreServerName, &Len);
Len = sizeof(ClusterName); RegRetVal = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"SessionDirectoryClusterName", NULL, &Type, (BYTE *)ClusterName, &Len);
// Not an error for the string to be absent or empty.
Len = sizeof(OpaqueSettings); RegRetVal = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"SessionDirectoryAdditionalParams", NULL, &Type, (BYTE *)OpaqueSettings, &Len);
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
printf(" Retrieved reg settings:\n"); printf(" SessionDirectoryLocation: %S\n", StoreServerName); printf(" SessionDirectoryClusterName: %S\n", ClusterName); printf(" TestClusterName: %S\n", TestClusterName); printf(" SessionDirectoryAdditionalParams: %S\n", OpaqueSettings); // Open the TSSD object.
hr = CoCreateInstance(TSSDCLSID, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITSSessionDirectory, (void **)&pTSSD); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { printf(" Created a TSSD object\n"); } else { printf("*** Failed to create a TSSD, hr=0x%X\n", hr); goto PostInitCOM; }
// Initialize with a test local server address.
hr = pTSSD->Initialize((WCHAR *)ServerName, StoreServerName, (WCHAR *)TestClusterName, OpaqueSettings); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf(" Initialized TSSD, servername=%S\n", ServerName); } else { printf("*** Failed init TSSD, hr=0x%X\n", hr); goto PostCreateTSSD; }
// Create one test session.
CreateInfo = TestSessions[0]; hr = pTSSD->NotifyCreateLocalSession(&CreateInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf(" Created test SessionID %u, uname=%S, domain=%S\n", TestSessions[0].SessionID, TestSessions[0].UserName, TestSessions[0].Domain); } else { printf("*** Failed create session, hr=0x%X\n", hr); goto PostCreateTSSD; }
hr = pTSSD->GetUserDisconnectedSessions((WCHAR *)TestSessions[0].UserName, (WCHAR *)TestSessions[0].Domain, &NumSessions, DiscInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (NumSessions == 0) { printf(" Disc session query returned 0 sessions as expected\n"); } else if (NumSessions > TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions) { printf("*** Disc session query returned %u sessions, over limit " "of %u\n", NumSessions, TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions); goto PostCreateTSSD; } else { printf("*** Disc session query returned %u sessions, should be 0\n", NumSessions); goto PostCreateTSSD; } } else { printf("*** Failed GetDisc, hr=0x%X\n", hr); goto PostCreateTSSD; }
FileTime = TestSessionDiscTime[0]; hr = pTSSD->NotifyDisconnectLocalSession(1, FileTime); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf(" Changed test SessionID %u to disconnected\n", TestSessions[0].SessionID); } else { printf("*** Failed set test session to disc, hr=0x%X\n", hr); goto PostCreateTSSD; }
hr = pTSSD->GetUserDisconnectedSessions((WCHAR *)TestSessions[0].UserName, (WCHAR *)TestSessions[0].Domain, &NumSessions, DiscInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (NumSessions == 1) { printf(" Disc session query returned 1 session as expected\n");
// Validate the session info returned.
if (_wcsicmp(DiscInfo[0].ServerAddress, ServerName)) { printf("*** Ret ServerAddr %S does not match expected %S\n", DiscInfo[0].ServerAddress, ServerName); } if (DiscInfo[0].SessionID != TestSessions[0].SessionID) { printf("*** Ret SessionID %u does not match expected %u\n", DiscInfo[0].SessionID, TestSessions[0].SessionID); } if (DiscInfo[0].TSProtocol != TestSessions[0].TSProtocol) { printf("*** Ret TSProtocol %u does not match expected %u\n", DiscInfo[0].TSProtocol, TestSessions[0].TSProtocol); } if (_wcsicmp(DiscInfo[0].ApplicationType, TestSessions[0].ApplicationType)) { printf("*** Ret AppType %S does not match expected %S\n", DiscInfo[0].ApplicationType, TestSessions[0].ApplicationType); } if (DiscInfo[0].ResolutionWidth != TestSessions[0].ResolutionWidth) { printf("*** Ret Width %u does not match expected %u\n", DiscInfo[0].ResolutionWidth, TestSessions[0].ResolutionWidth); } if (DiscInfo[0].ResolutionHeight != TestSessions[0].ResolutionHeight) { printf("*** Ret Height %u does not match expected %u\n", DiscInfo[0].ResolutionHeight, TestSessions[0].ResolutionHeight); } if (DiscInfo[0].ColorDepth != TestSessions[0].ColorDepth) { printf("*** Ret ColorDepth %u does not match expected %u\n", DiscInfo[0].ColorDepth, TestSessions[0].ColorDepth); } if (memcmp(&DiscInfo[0].CreateTime, &TestSessions[0].CreateTime, sizeof(FILETIME))) { printf("*** Ret CreateTime %u:%u does not match expected %u:%u\n", DiscInfo[0].CreateTime.dwHighDateTime, DiscInfo[0].CreateTime.dwLowDateTime, TestSessions[0].CreateTime.dwHighDateTime, TestSessions[0].CreateTime.dwLowDateTime); } if (memcmp(&DiscInfo[0].DisconnectionTime, &TestSessionDiscTime[0], sizeof(FILETIME))) { printf("*** Ret DiscTime %X:%X does not match expected %X:%X\n", DiscInfo[0].DisconnectionTime.dwHighDateTime, DiscInfo[0].DisconnectionTime.dwLowDateTime, TestSessionDiscTime[0].dwHighDateTime, TestSessionDiscTime[0].dwLowDateTime); } } else if (NumSessions > TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions) { printf("*** Disc session query returned %u sessions, over limit " "of %u\n", NumSessions, TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions); goto PostCreateTSSD; } else { printf("*** Disc session query returned %u sessions, should be 1\n", NumSessions); goto PostCreateTSSD; } } else { printf("*** Failed GetDisc, hr=0x%X\n", hr); goto PostCreateTSSD; }
ReconnInfo.SessionID = TestSessions[0].SessionID; ReconnInfo.TSProtocol = TestSessions[0].TSProtocol; ReconnInfo.ResolutionWidth = TestSessions[0].ResolutionWidth; ReconnInfo.ResolutionHeight = TestSessions[0].ResolutionHeight; ReconnInfo.ColorDepth = TestSessions[0].ColorDepth; hr = pTSSD->NotifyReconnectLocalSession(&ReconnInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf(" Changed test SessionID %u to connected\n", TestSessions[0].SessionID); } else { printf("*** Failed set test sessionID %u to conn, hr=0x%X\n", TestSessions[0].SessionID, hr); goto PostCreateTSSD; }
// Verify again that there are no disconnected sessions.
hr = pTSSD->GetUserDisconnectedSessions((WCHAR *)TestSessions[0].UserName, (WCHAR *)TestSessions[0].Domain, &NumSessions, DiscInfo); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (NumSessions == 0) { printf(" Disc session query returned 0 sessions as expected\n"); } else if (NumSessions > TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions) { printf("*** Disc session query returned %u sessions, over limit " "of %u\n", NumSessions, TSSD_MaxDisconnectedSessions); goto PostCreateTSSD; } else { printf("*** Disc session query returned %u sessions, should be 0\n", NumSessions); goto PostCreateTSSD; } } else { printf("*** Failed GetDisc, hr=0x%X\n", hr); goto PostCreateTSSD; }
// Success.
rc = 0;
PostCreateTSSD: pTSSD->Release();
PostInitCOM: CoUninitialize();
return rc; }