Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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@echo off
REM This does not catch all possible invocations for a non-full build REM it does, however, catch the bz alias which is the most common. if %1 == -Z ( set __FULL_BUILD=FALSE echo Minimal build ) else ( echo Full build )
set __SHIMDBC_OPT= if "%SHIMDBC_STRICT%" == "" goto ShimdbcNoStrict @echo ShimDBC: Strict compile set __SHIMDBC_OPT=-s :ShimdbcNoStrict
if defined SHIMDBC_LANG goto ShimdbcUserSpecifiedLang set SHIMDBC_LANG=USA :ShimdbcUserSpecifiedLang
rd /s /q obj if not exist obj mkdir obj if not exist obj\i386 mkdir obj\i386 if not exist obj\i386\drvmain mkdir obj\i386\drvmain del /q obj\i386\* del /q obj\i386\drvmain\*
call %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\db\copyreqfiles.cmd obj\i386
pushd obj\i386 md drvmain md apps_sp
shimdbc custom %__SHIMDBC_OPT% -ov 5.1 -l %SHIMDBC_LANG% -x %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\db\makefile.xml if errorlevel 1 goto HandleError
if not exist temp mkdir temp copy sysmain.sdb temp call deltacat.cmd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\package\obj\i386\temp
copy temp\delta.* delta1.* del /f /q temp\*.*
copy apphelp.sdb temp call deltacat.cmd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\package\obj\i386\temp
copy temp\delta.* delta2.* del /f /q temp\*.*
copy msimain.sdb temp call deltacat.cmd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\package\obj\i386\temp
copy temp\delta.* delta3.* del /f /q temp\*.*
type %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\package\apcompat.inx >apcompat.inf copy %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\package\postcopy.cmd copy %SDXROOT%\tools\testroot.cer copy %SDXROOT%\tools\x86\certmgr.exe copy %SDXROOT%\tools\x86\chktrust.exe
if %__FULL_BUILD% == TRUE ( pushd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\tools\fcopy build -cZ popd
pushd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\lib build -cZ popd
pushd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\Layer build -cZ popd
pushd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\lua build -cZ popd
pushd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\Specific build -cZ popd
pushd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\General build -cZ popd
pushd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\External build -cZ popd
pushd %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\Verifier build -cZ popd )
copy %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\tools\fcopy\obj\i386\fcopy.exe
copy %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\layer\whistler\obj\i386\AcLayers.dll AcLayers.dl_ copy %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\lua\whistler\obj\i386\AcLua.dll AcLua.dl_ copy %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\specific\whistler\obj\i386\AcSpecfc.dll AcSpecfc.dl_ copy %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\general\whistler\obj\i386\AcGenral.dll AcGenral.dl_ copy %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\external\whistler\obj\i386\AcXtrnal.dll AcXtrnal.dl_ copy %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\shims\verifier\whistler\obj\i386\AcVerfyr.dll AcVerfyr.dl_
regsvr32 /s %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\buildtools\x86\itcc.dll %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\buildtools\x86\hhc apps.hhp
ren sysmain.sdb *.sd_ ren apphelp.sdb *.sd_ ren msimain.sdb *.sd_
%SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\package\bin\iexpress /N /M %SDXROOT%\windows\appcompat\package\AppFix.sed
goto FinishBuild
@echo Errors during compilation... exiting goto FinishBuild
:FinishBuild set __FULL_BUILD= set __SHIMDBC_OPT=