// File: globals.cpp
// History: 16-Nov-00 markder Created.
// Desc: This file contains miscellaneous helper functions.
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <errno.h>
// Func: PrintError, PrintErrorStack, Print
// Desc: Helper functions for console output
TCHAR gszT[1024]; // Global buffer for console output
void _cdecl PrintError( LPCTSTR pszFmt, ...) { va_list arglist;
va_start(arglist, pszFmt); StringCchVPrintf(gszT, ARRAYSIZE(gszT), pszFmt, arglist); gszT[1023] = _T('\0'); // ensure null termination
va_end(arglist); _tprintf(_T("\nNMAKE : U8604: 'ShimDBC': %s"), gszT); }
void PrintErrorStack() { CString csError; INT_PTR i, j;
Print(_T("\n\nErrors were encountered during compilation:\n")); for (i = g_rgErrors.GetSize() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { csError.Empty(); j = g_rgErrors.GetSize() - i; while(--j) { csError += _T(" "); } csError += g_rgErrors[i]; csError += _T("\n"); PrintError(csError); } }
void _cdecl Print( LPCTSTR pszFmt, ...) { va_list arglist;
if (g_bQuiet) return;
va_start(arglist, pszFmt); StringCchVPrintf(gszT, ARRAYSIZE(gszT), pszFmt, arglist); gszT[1023] = _T('\0'); // ensure null termination
va_end(arglist); _tprintf(_T("%s"), gszT);
// Func: StringToDword
// Desc: Converts a string to a DWORD. Handles the 0x prefix for hex strings.
DWORD StringToDword( CString cs) { DWORD dwRet;
if (cs.Left(2) == _T("0x")) { _stscanf(cs, _T("0x%x"), &dwRet); } else { dwRet = _ttol(cs); }
return dwRet; }
// Func: StringToULong
// Desc: Converts a string to a unsigned long.
ULONG StringToULong( LPCTSTR lpszVal) { TCHAR* pEnd;
return _tcstoul(lpszVal, &pEnd, 0); }
// Func: StringToMask
// Desc: Converts a string to a mask, with some checking
BOOL StringToMask( LPDWORD pdwMask, LPCTSTR lpszVal ) { DWORD dwMask = 0; LPCTSTR pVal; BOOL bSuccess; TCHAR* pEnd = NULL;
pVal = lpszVal + _tcsspn(lpszVal, _T(" \t")); dwMask = (DWORD)_tcstoul(pVal, &pEnd, 0);
if (dwMask == 0) { // suspicious, possibly check errno
if (errno != 0) { goto errHandle; } }
// if a mask is ending with some garbage -- it's an error
if (pEnd && *pEnd != _T('\0') && !_istspace(*pEnd)) { goto errHandle; }
if (pdwMask) { *pdwMask = dwMask; } return TRUE;
errHandle: SDBERROR_FORMAT((_T("Failed to parse \"%s\"\n"), lpszVal)); return FALSE; }
// Func: StringToQword
// Desc: Converts a string to a 64-bit ULONGLONG (aka QWORD). Handles the 0x
// prefix for hex strings.
ULONGLONG StringToQword( CString cs) { ULONGLONG ullRet;
if (cs.Left(2) == _T("0x")) { _stscanf(cs, _T("0x%I64x"), &ullRet); } else { ullRet = _ttoi64(cs); }
return ullRet; }
// Func: VersionToQword
// Desc: Converts a version string to a 64-bit ULONGLONG (aka QWORD).
// Version strings are of the form xx.xx.xx.xx, where each of
// numbers is turned into a word and combined into a single
// quad word. If a portion of the version string is a * or is
// missing, it is stored as 0xFFFF.
BOOL VersionToQword( LPCTSTR lpszVersion, ULONGLONG* pullRet ) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; ULONG ulPart; LPTSTR pEnd = NULL; int i;
*pullRet = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ulPart = (WORD)0xFFFF;
// skip whitespace
lpszVersion += _tcsspn(lpszVersion, _T(" \t"));
if (*lpszVersion == _T('*')) {
// we expect to see either *\0 or *.xxx
// so move past *
pEnd = (LPTSTR)(lpszVersion + 1);
} else { //
// not a wildcard - if we have not reached the end of the string,
// keep parsing numbers
if (*lpszVersion) {
pEnd = NULL;
ulPart = _tcstol(lpszVersion, &pEnd, 0);
// check to see that the part was converted properly
if (pEnd == NULL) { SDBERROR_FORMAT((_T("Internal error, failed to parse \"%s\"\n"), lpszVersion)); goto eh; } }
if (pEnd == NULL) { break; }
// skip whitespace first
pEnd += _tcsspn(pEnd, _T(" \t"));
// at this point we should be at the end of
// the string OR at the '.'
if (*pEnd && *pEnd != _T('.')) { SDBERROR_FORMAT((_T("Bad version specification, parsing stopped at \"%s\"\n"), pEnd)); goto eh; }
lpszVersion = (*pEnd == _T('.') ? pEnd + 1 : pEnd);
*pullRet = (*pullRet << 16) | ((WORD)ulPart); }
bSuccess = TRUE;
return bSuccess; }
BOOL VersionQwordToString( OUT CString& rString, ULONGLONG ullVersion ) { // we do conversion to string
int i; WORD wPart; CString csPart; ULONGLONG ullMask = (((ULONGLONG)0xFFFF) << 48); ULONGLONG ullPart;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
ullPart = ullVersion & ullMask; ullVersion = (ullVersion << 16) | (WORD)0xFFFF;
// get the part into the lower portion
wPart = (WORD)(ullPart >> 48);
if (wPart == (WORD)0xFFFF) { csPart = _T('*'); } else { csPart.Format(_T("%hu"), wPart); }
if (i > 0) { rString += _T('.'); }
rString += csPart;
if (ullVersion == (ULONGLONG)-1) { break; }
return TRUE; }
// Func: TrimParagraph
// Desc: Trims extra whitespace from a string
CString TrimParagraph(CString csInput) { CString csOutput; long i;
// Expand CString's buffer to size of input
csOutput.GetBuffer(csInput.GetLength()); csOutput.ReleaseBuffer();
for (i = 0; i < csInput.GetLength(); i++) { TCHAR c = csInput.GetAt(i);
if (_istspace(c)) { if (csOutput.GetLength() == 0) continue;
if (csOutput.Mid(csOutput.GetLength() - 1) == _T(' ') || csOutput.Mid(csOutput.GetLength() - 4, 4) == _T("BR/>") || csOutput.Mid(csOutput.GetLength() - 3, 3) == _T("P/>")) continue;
csOutput += _T(' '); continue; }
if (csInput.Left(3) == _T("<BR") || csInput.Left(2) == _T("<P")) { //
// Get rid of spaces preceding a <BR/> tag
csOutput.TrimRight(); }
csOutput += c; }
csOutput.TrimLeft(); csOutput.TrimRight();
return csOutput; }
// Func: ReplaceStringNoCase
// Desc: Replaces all instances of lpszFindThis with lpszReplaceWithThis
// within csText (case insensitive).
VOID ReplaceStringNoCase(CString& csText, LPCTSTR lpszFindThis, LPCTSTR lpszReplaceWithThis) { LPTSTR lpszBuffer; LPTSTR lpszFind;
if (0 == csText.GetLength()) { return; }
CString strFindNoCase(lpszFindThis);
lpszBuffer = csText.GetBuffer(csText.GetLength());
do { lpszFind = StrStrI(lpszBuffer, strFindNoCase); if (NULL != lpszFind) { memcpy(lpszFind, (LPCTSTR)strFindNoCase, strFindNoCase.GetLength() * sizeof(*lpszFind)); lpszBuffer = lpszFind + strFindNoCase.GetLength(); } } while (NULL != lpszFind);
// now that all the instances of the lpszFindThis had been replaced with
// the upper-cased version... do a regular replace
csText.ReleaseBuffer(); csText.Replace(strFindNoCase, lpszReplaceWithThis); }
// Func: MakeFullPath
// Desc: Creates a full path from a (possible) relative one. Uses
// GetCurrentDirectory to prepend the passed in string.
CString MakeFullPath(CString cs) { CString csNewPath; DWORD dwCurDirSize; LPTSTR lpszCurDir;
return cs;
#if 0
// Check if it's already a full path
if (cs.Mid(1, 1) == _T(":") || cs.Left(2) == _T("\\\\")) { //
// This is either a UNC full path or a DOS full path.
// Drop out.
return cs; }
dwCurDirSize = GetCurrentDirectory(0, NULL); lpszCurDir = csNewPath.GetBuffer(dwCurDirSize);
if (0 == GetCurrentDirectory(dwCurDirSize, lpszCurDir)) { //
// Something really weird happened. Not sure how to error out.
return cs; }
if (csNewPath.Right(1) != _T("\\")) { csNewPath += _T("\\"); }
csNewPath += cs;
return csNewPath; #endif
// Func: GetByteStringSize
// Desc: Parses a 'byte string' (used in <PATCH> declarations) to determine
// how many bytes it contains.
DWORD GetByteStringSize( CString csBytes) { DWORD dwByteCount = 0; BOOL bOnByte = FALSE;
for (long i = 0; i < csBytes.GetLength(); i++) { if (_istxdigit(csBytes.GetAt(i))) { if (!bOnByte) { dwByteCount++; bOnByte = TRUE; } } else if (_istspace(csBytes.GetAt(i))) { bOnByte = FALSE; } else { SDBERROR_FORMAT((_T("Unrecognized byte character '%c' in <PATCH> block:\n%s\n"), csBytes.GetAt(i), ((LPCTSTR)csBytes)+i));
return 0xFFFFFFFF; } }
return dwByteCount; }
// Func: GetBytesFromString
// Desc: Parses a 'byte string' (used in <PATCH> declarations) into an actual
// memory block.
DWORD GetBytesFromString( CString csBytes, BYTE* pBuffer, DWORD dwBufferSize) { csBytes.MakeUpper();
CString csByte; DWORD dwRequiredBufferSize; LONG nFirstByteChar = -1; DWORD dwBufferCursor = 0; DWORD dwByte;
dwRequiredBufferSize = GetByteStringSize(csBytes);
if (dwRequiredBufferSize < dwBufferSize || dwRequiredBufferSize == 0xFFFFFFFF) { return dwRequiredBufferSize; }
for (long i = 0; i < csBytes.GetLength() + 1; i++) { if (_istxdigit(csBytes.GetAt(i))) {
if (nFirstByteChar == -1) { nFirstByteChar = i; } } else if (_istspace(csBytes.GetAt(i)) || csBytes.GetAt(i) == _T('\0')) {
if (nFirstByteChar != -1) { csByte = csBytes.Mid(nFirstByteChar, i - nFirstByteChar); _stscanf(csByte, _T("%x"), &dwByte); memcpy(pBuffer + dwBufferCursor++, &dwByte, sizeof(BYTE)); }
nFirstByteChar = -1; } else { SDBERROR_FORMAT((_T("Unrecognized byte character '%c' in <PATCH> block:\n%s\n"), csBytes.GetAt(i), ((LPCTSTR)csBytes)+i));
return 0xFFFFFFFF; } }
return dwRequiredBufferSize; }
// Func: DecodeString
// Desc: Decodes a list of strings with flags
// [00] [00] [00] [00]
// ^ Arch1 Arch2 Arch3
// |- flags
// syntax for the runtime platform:
// [!] ( [!] STR1 [; STR2 ] ... )
// example:
// !STR1 - will evaluate to TRUE when the the string is NOT STR1
// !(STR1; STR2) - will evaluate to TRUE when the string doesn't contain STR1 or STR2
BOOL DecodeString(LPCTSTR pszStr, LPDWORD pdwMask, PFNGETSTRINGMASK pfnGetStringMask) { BOOL bNot = FALSE; BOOL bBracket = FALSE; LPTSTR pEnd; TCHAR chSave; DWORD dwElement; BOOL bNotElement; DWORD dwMask = 0; INT nElement = 0; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
pszStr += _tcsspn(pszStr, _T(" \t")); //
// Got the first char
if (*pszStr == _T('!')) { //
// Peek ahead and see whether we have a bracket
pEnd = (LPTSTR)(pszStr + 1); pEnd += _tcsspn(pEnd, _T(" \t")); if (*pEnd == '(') { // global not
bNot = TRUE; pszStr = pEnd; } else { // local NOT -- so jump to parsing it
goto ParseStart; } }
if (*pszStr == _T('(')) { // bracket, we need to find closing one too
++pszStr; bBracket = TRUE; }
do { dwElement = 0; pszStr += _tcsspn(pszStr, _T(" ;,\t")); if (*pszStr == _T('\0') || *pszStr == _T(')')) { break; }
bNotElement = (*pszStr == _T('!'));
if (bNotElement) { pszStr++; }
// find the end of this token
pEnd = _tcspbrk(pszStr, _T(" \t;,)")); if (pEnd != NULL) { chSave = *pEnd; *pEnd = _T('\0'); }
dwElement = (*pfnGetStringMask)(pszStr);
if (pEnd) { *pEnd = chSave; }
if (dwElement == OS_SKU_NONE) { goto HandleError; }
if (bNotElement) { dwElement ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; }
dwMask |= dwElement;
pszStr = pEnd;
} while (pEnd); // when pEnd == NULL -- it was the last token
if (bBracket && (!pszStr || *pszStr != ')')) { // we expected a bracket here
goto HandleError; }
if (bNot) { dwMask ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; }
*pdwMask = dwMask; bSuccess = TRUE;
if (!bSuccess) { SDBERROR_FORMAT((_T("Failed to decode \"%s\"\n"), pszStr)); }
return bSuccess; }
// Func: DecodeRuntimePlatformString
// Desc: Decodes a list of Platform Strings with flags
// [00] [00] [00] [00]
// ^ Arch1 Arch2 Arch3
// |- flags
// syntax for the runtime platform:
// [!] ( [!] Platform1 [; Platform2 ] ... )
// example:
// !(IA64; !X86) - will evaluate to TRUE when it's NOT IA64 (native) and X86
// (IA3264; X86) - will evaluate to TRUE when it's running on X86 or 32-bit subsystem on IA64
// (AMD64; IA3264) - will evaluate to TRUE when it's running on AMD64 or 32-bit subsystem on ia64
BOOL DecodeRuntimePlatformString(LPCTSTR pszPlatform, LPDWORD pdwRuntimePlatform) { BOOL bNot = FALSE; BOOL bBracket = FALSE; LPTSTR pEnd; TCHAR chSave; DWORD dwElement; DWORD dwNotElementFlag; DWORD dwRuntimePlatform = 0; INT nElement = 0; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
pszPlatform += _tcsspn(pszPlatform, _T(" \t")); // got the first char
if (*pszPlatform == _T('!')) { // peek ahead and see whether we have a bracket
pEnd = (LPTSTR)(pszPlatform + 1); pEnd += _tcsspn(pEnd, _T(" \t")); if (*pEnd == '(') { // global not
bNot = TRUE; pszPlatform = pEnd; } else { // local NOT -- so jump to parsing it
goto ParseStart; } }
if (*pszPlatform == _T('(')) { // bracket, we need to find closing one too
++pszPlatform; bBracket = TRUE; }
do { dwElement = 0; pszPlatform += _tcsspn(pszPlatform, _T(" ;,\t")); if (*pszPlatform == _T('\0') || *pszPlatform == _T(')')) { break; }
dwNotElementFlag = (*pszPlatform == _T('!')) ? RUNTIME_PLATFORM_FLAG_NOT_ELEMENT : 0;
// find the end of this token
pEnd = _tcspbrk(pszPlatform, _T(" \t;,)")); if (pEnd != NULL) { chSave = *pEnd; *pEnd = _T('\0'); }
dwElement = GetRuntimePlatformType(pszPlatform); if (pEnd) { *pEnd = chSave; }
if (dwElement == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_UNKNOWN) { goto HandleError; }
dwElement |= dwNotElementFlag | RUNTIME_PLATFORM_FLAG_VALID;
if (nElement >= 3) { goto HandleError; }
// now shift
dwElement <<= (nElement * 8); ++nElement; // on to the next element
dwRuntimePlatform |= dwElement;
pszPlatform = pEnd;
} while(pEnd); // when pEnd == NULL -- it was the last token
if (bBracket && (!pszPlatform || *pszPlatform != ')')) { // we expected a bracket here
goto HandleError; }
if (bNot && nElement > 1) { dwRuntimePlatform |= RUNTIME_PLATFORM_FLAG_NOT; }
*pdwRuntimePlatform = dwRuntimePlatform; bSuccess = TRUE;
return bSuccess;
// Func: ReadName
// Desc: Wrapper to read the name attribute from an XML node.
BOOL ReadName( IXMLDOMNode* pNode, CString* pcsName) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
if (!GetAttribute(_T("NAME"), pNode, pcsName)) { SDBERROR_FORMAT((_T("NAME attribute required:\n%s\n\n"), GetXML(pNode))); goto eh; }
bSuccess = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
BOOL ReadLangID(IXMLDOMNode* pNode, SdbDatabase* pDB, CString* pcsLangID) { if (!GetAttribute(_T("LANGID"), pNode, pcsLangID)) { if (!pDB->m_csCurrentLangID.GetLength()) { SDBERROR_FORMAT(( _T("Tag requires LANGID attribute if there is no LANGID on the DATABASE node\n%s\n"), GetXML(pNode))); return FALSE; }
*pcsLangID = pDB->m_csCurrentLangID; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL FilterOSVersion(DOUBLE flOSVersion, CString csOSVersionSpec, LPDWORD lpdwSPMask) { DOUBLE flVerXML; CString csTemp; long nBeg, i, nIndSP; int nSPVersion; TCHAR chSP; BOOL bFilter = TRUE; DWORD dwSPMask;
if (flOSVersion == 0.0 || csOSVersionSpec.IsEmpty()) { *lpdwSPMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; return FALSE; }
*lpdwSPMask = 0;
nBeg = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= csOSVersionSpec.GetLength(); i++) { if (csOSVersionSpec.GetAt(i) == _T('\0') || csOSVersionSpec.GetAt(i) == _T(';')) {
csTemp = csOSVersionSpec.Mid(nBeg, i - nBeg); nBeg = i + 1;
if (csTemp.GetLength() == 0) { continue; }
dwSPMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
nSPVersion = -1; nIndSP = -1;
if ((nIndSP = csTemp.Find('.')) != -1) { if ((nIndSP = csTemp.Find('.', nIndSP + 1)) != -1) {
CString csSP = csTemp.Right(csTemp.GetLength() - nIndSP - 1);
chSP = csTemp.GetAt(nIndSP); csTemp.SetAt(nIndSP, 0);
nSPVersion = _ttoi(csSP); } }
if (csTemp.Left(2) == _T("gt")) { if (csTemp.Left(3) == _T("gte")) {
flVerXML = _tcstod(csTemp.Right(csTemp.GetLength() - 3), NULL);
if (flOSVersion >= flVerXML) { bFilter = FALSE; }
if (nSPVersion != -1 && flOSVersion == flVerXML) { dwSPMask = 0xFFFFFFFF - (1 << nSPVersion) + 1; }
} else {
flVerXML = _tcstod(csTemp.Right(csTemp.GetLength() - 2), NULL);
if (flOSVersion > flVerXML) { bFilter = FALSE; }
if (nSPVersion != -1 && flOSVersion == flVerXML) { bFilter = FALSE; dwSPMask = 0xFFFFFFFF - (1 << (nSPVersion + 1)) + 1; } } } else if (csTemp.Left(2) == _T("lt")) { if (csTemp.Left(3) == _T("lte")) {
flVerXML = _tcstod(csTemp.Right(csTemp.GetLength() - 3), NULL);
if (flOSVersion <= flVerXML) { bFilter = FALSE; }
if (nSPVersion != -1 && flOSVersion == flVerXML) { dwSPMask = 0xFFFFFFFF - (1 << (nSPVersion + 1)) + 1; dwSPMask ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; }
} else { flVerXML = _tcstod(csTemp.Right(csTemp.GetLength() - 2), NULL);
if (flOSVersion < flVerXML) { bFilter = FALSE; }
if (nSPVersion != -1 && flOSVersion == flVerXML) { bFilter = FALSE; dwSPMask = 0xFFFFFFFF - (1 << nSPVersion) + 1; dwSPMask ^= 0xFFFFFFFF; } } } else { if (flOSVersion == _tcstod(csTemp, NULL)) { bFilter = FALSE;
if (nSPVersion != -1) { dwSPMask = (1 << nSPVersion); } } }
if (nIndSP != -1) { csTemp.SetAt(nIndSP, chSP); *lpdwSPMask |= dwSPMask; } } }
if (*lpdwSPMask == 0) { *lpdwSPMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
return bFilter; }
VOID ExpandEnvStrings(CString* pcs) { LPTSTR lpszBuf; DWORD cchReqBufSize; CString cs(*pcs);
cchReqBufSize = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(cs, NULL, 0); lpszBuf = pcs->GetBuffer(cchReqBufSize); ExpandEnvironmentStrings(cs, lpszBuf, cchReqBufSize); pcs->ReleaseBuffer(); }
BOOL MakeUTCTime(CString& cs, time_t* pt) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; CString csTZ;
// Set TZ environment variable to override locale
// settings so that date/time conversion routines
// never do any localizations.
csTZ = _tgetenv(_T("TZ")); csTZ = _T("TZ=") + csTZ; _tputenv(_T("TZ=UTC0")); _tzset();
COleDateTime odt; SYSTEMTIME st; CTime time;
if (!odt.ParseDateTime(cs)) { goto eh; }
if (!odt.GetAsSystemTime(st)) { goto eh; }
time = st;
*pt = time.GetTime();
bSuccess = TRUE;
eh: _tputenv(csTZ); _tzset();
return bSuccess; }
BOOL ParseLanguageID(LPCTSTR pszLanguage, DWORD* pdwLanguageID) { LPCTSTR pch; LPTSTR pend = NULL; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; BOOL bBracket = FALSE; DWORD dwLangID = 0;
pch = _tcschr(pszLanguage, TEXT('[')); if (NULL != pch) { bBracket = TRUE; ++pch; } else { pch = pszLanguage; }
while (_istspace(*pch)) { ++pch; }
dwLangID = _tcstoul(pch, &pend, 0);
if (dwLangID == 0) { goto cleanup; }
if (pend != NULL) { bSuccess = bBracket ? (_istspace(*pend) || *pend == TEXT(']')) : (_istspace(*pend) || *pend == TEXT('\0')); }
if (bSuccess) { *pdwLanguageID = dwLangID; }
return bSuccess;
BOOL ParseLanguagesString(CString csLanguages, CStringArray* prgLanguages) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE, bExistsAlready = FALSE; int nLastSemicolon = -1, i, j; CString csLangID;
for (i = 0; i <= csLanguages.GetLength(); i++) { if (csLanguages[i] == _T(';') || csLanguages[i] == _T('\0')) { csLangID = csLanguages.Mid(nLastSemicolon + 1, i - nLastSemicolon - 1); csLangID.TrimLeft(); csLangID.TrimRight(); csLangID.MakeUpper(); bExistsAlready = FALSE; for (j = 0; j < prgLanguages->GetSize(); j++) { if (prgLanguages->GetAt(j) == csLangID) { bExistsAlready = TRUE; break; } }
if (!bExistsAlready) { prgLanguages->Add(csLangID); }
nLastSemicolon = i; } }
bSuccess = TRUE;
return bSuccess; }
CString GetGUID(REFGUID guid) { CString csRet; LPOLESTR lpszGUID = NULL;
StringFromCLSID(guid, &lpszGUID);
csRet = lpszGUID;
return csRet; }
CString ProcessShimCmdLine( CString& csCommandLine, GUID& guidDB, TAGID tiShimRef ) { //
// find whether we have anything to expand in csCommandLine
LPCTSTR pch; int nIndex; CString csNewCmdLine = csCommandLine; CString csToken; int nIndexStart = 0; int nIndexEnd;
while (nIndexStart < csNewCmdLine.GetLength()) {
nIndex = csNewCmdLine.Find(_T('%'), nIndexStart); if (nIndex < 0) { goto Done; }
nIndexEnd = csNewCmdLine.Find(_T('%'), nIndex + 1); if (nIndexEnd < 0) { goto Done; }
// we matched a token, see whether it's something we're interested in
csToken = csNewCmdLine.Mid(nIndex + 1, nIndexEnd - nIndex - 1); if (0 == csToken.CompareNoCase(_T("DBINFO"))) {
csToken.Format(_T("-d%ls -t0x%lx"), (LPCTSTR)GetGUID(guidDB), tiShimRef);
// replace the token with csToken
csNewCmdLine.Delete(nIndex, nIndexEnd - nIndex + 1); csNewCmdLine.Insert(nIndex, csToken);
// adjust our position for scanning
nIndexEnd = nIndex + csToken.GetLength() - 1; // one char before the end of this token
nIndexStart = nIndexEnd + 1; }
return csNewCmdLine;