<html> <!-- ***************************************************************** MMC TaskPad BETA1 Template ************************************************************** --> <head> <!----------------------------> <!-- Document Title --> <!-- change the TEXT --> <!----------------------------> <title> Storage </title> <basefont face="Tahoma,Arial" color="black" size=1> <style> <!-- TD {text-align: left} A {font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; color=black} --> </style> </head> <script language="VBScript"> <!-- 'Main functions to perform task highlighting on with mouse movement Sub DoMouseOver(task) document.anchors("Task" & task).style.color="#0000CC" document.anchors("Task" & task).style.textdecorationunderline=true End Sub Sub DoMouseOut(task) document.anchors("Task" & task).style.color="black" document.anchors("Task" & task).style.textdecorationunderline=false End Sub --> </script> <body bgcolor="white" topmargin=0 leftmargin=0> <!-- *** Title Area *** 1 2 3 /---------------------------------------------------------\ | Picture | TaskPad Title | P | | 89x89 | Description | a | 1 | | | d | \---------------------------------------------------------/ --> <table width="100%" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 background="NTtile.gif"> <tr height=89> <td width=89> <img align="middle" src="NTDisk.gif" width=89 height=89> </td> <td valign="top"> <font size=4><b> <!----------------------------> <!-- TaskPad Title --> <!-- change the TEXT --> <!----------------------------> Storage </b></font><br> <font size=2> <!----------------------------> <!-- Description --> <!-- change the TEXT --> <!----------------------------> From here you can manage many of the items relating to the storage devices on your computer. </font> </td> <!-- empty cell for right-hand spacing --> <td halign=left valign=top width=5 background="NTtile.gif"> </td> </tr> </table> <br><br> <!-- *** Body Area *** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 /---------------------------------------------------------\ | P | Icon1 | Task1 Title | P | Icon2 | Task2 Title | P | | a | | Description | a | | Description | a | 1 | d | | | d | | | d | |---------------------------------------------------------| | Pad | 2 |---------------------------------------------------------| | P | Icon3 | Task3 Title | P | | | P | | a | | Description | a | | | a | 3 | d | | | d | | | d | |---------------------------------------------------------| | Pad | 4 \---------------------------------------------------------/ --> <table width=* border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=4> <!-- ********** Task 1 goes here ********** --> <!-- Row 1 --> <tr valign=top> <!-- Column 1 --> <td width=50></td> <!-- Column 2 --> <td align=left valign=top width=34> <!----------------------------> <!-- icon & hypertext link --> <!-- change the HREF --> <!-- change the SRC --> <!-- verify the NUMBERS --> <!----------------------------> <a name="icon01" HREF="ntbackup.exe" language="VBScript" onMouseOver=DoMouseOver("01") onMouseOut=DoMouseOut("01")> <img SRC="pc32.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0"> </a> </td> <!-- Column 3 --> <td width=300> <font size=2> <!----------------------------> <!-- title & hypertext link --> <!-- change the HREF --> <!-- change the TEXT --> <!-- verify the NUMBERS --> <!----------------------------> <a name="task01" HREF="ntbackup.exe" language="VBScript" onMouseOver=DoMouseOver("01") onMouseOut=DoMouseOut("01")> Backup/Restore Files and Folders </a><br> <!----------------------------> <!-- description --> <!-- change the TEXT --> <!----------------------------> You can backup everything on your system now or schedule it to be performed later. This tool will also allow you to restore from an existing backup. </font> </td> <!-- ********** Task 2 goes here ********** --> <!-- Column 4 --> <td width=50></td> <!-- Column 5 --> <td align=left valign=top width=34> <!----------------------------> <!-- icon & hypertext link --> <!-- change the HREF --> <!-- change the SRC --> <!-- verify the NUMBERS --> <!----------------------------> <a name="icon02" HREF="chkdsk.exe" language="VBScript" onMouseOver=DoMouseOver("02") onMouseOut=DoMouseOut("02")> <img SRC="pc32.gif" width="32" height="32" border="0"> </a> </td> <!-- Column 6 --> <td width=300> <font size=2> <!----------------------------> <!-- title & hypertext link --> <!-- change the HREF --> <!-- change the TEXT --> <!-- verify the NUMBERS --> <!----------------------------> <a name="task02" HREF="chkdsk.exe" language="VBScript" onMouseOver=DoMouseOver("02") onMouseOut=DoMouseOut("02")> Check Hard Disk Status </a><br> <!----------------------------> <!-- description --> <!-- change the TEXT --> <!----------------------------> This task will examine your disk and create a status report on any errors that may have been found. </font> </td> <!-- Column 7 --> <!-- empty cell for right-hand spacing --> <td halign=left valign=top width=5> </td> </tr> <!-- Row 2 --> <!-- blank row for spacing --> <tr><td> <br> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html>