<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<TITLE>System Restore (Step 1)</TITLE>
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<OBJECT ID=ObjSystemRestore CLASSID="CLSID:fd589b7c-7ce0-11d3-b9e5-00c04f79e399"></OBJECT>
<SCRIPT ID="RestoreUI" LANGUAGE=JavaScript SRC="RestoreUI.js"></SCRIPT>
<LINK id="UI_StyleSheet" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="rstrui.css">

@media all

    behavior: url(calendar.htc) ;

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var g_bPageLoaded     = false ;
var g_nSelectedPoint  = -1 ;
var g_nRPExistsCurDay = false ;

var L_RPAppInstall_ToolTip        = "Restores your computer to the point before this program was installed";
var L_RPAppUninstall_ToolTip      = "Restores your computer to the point before this program was removed";
var L_RPRestore_ToolTip           = "Restores your computer to the point before this restoration occurred";
var L_RPSysChkPt_ToolTip          = "Restores your computer to this time";
var L_RPDriverInstall_ToolTip     = "Restores your computer to the point before this driver was installed";
var L_RPModifySettings_ToolTip    = "Restores your computer to the point before this program was modified";
var L_RPRecovery_ToolTip          = "Restores your computer to the point before this recovery happened";
var L_RPDefault_ToolTip           = "Restores your computer to this time";
var L_NoRestorePtSelected_Message =
        "Please pick a point to restore your computer to and then click Next.";
var L_NoRestorePtsOnDay_Message   = "There are no restore points created yet for this day. To restore immediately, pick another day and restore point, and then try again.";
var L_NoRestorePts_Message        = "There are currently no restore points available.";

function OnLink_HelpF1()

function UpdateEventList()
    var i          = 0 ;
    var varDateSel = ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate;
    var fRPExists  = false ;
    var nPoint     = ObjSystemRestore.SelectedPoint;
    var nListPoint = 0;
    var nCurPoints = 0;
    var nSel       = 0;

    var oRPList    = window.document.all.LstRestorePoint ;

    // By default nothing selected
    g_nSelectedPoint = -1 ;


    for ( i = ObjSystemRestore.Count;  i > 0;  i-- )
        var rpi = ObjSystemRestore( i-1 );
        dateRPI = rpi.TimeStamp( 0 );
        if ( ObjSystemRestore.CompareDate( varDateSel, dateRPI ) == 0 )
            fRPExists = true ;

            var oEntry      = document.createElement("LI");
            var oDiv        = document.createElement("DIV");
            oDiv.dir        = "ltr";
            oDiv.noWrap     = true;
            oDiv.tabIndex   = -1;
            oDiv.innerHTML  = "&nbsp;&nbsp;" +
                              ObjSystemRestore.FormatTime( dateRPI ) +

            var oSpan       = document.createElement("SPAN");
            oSpan.dir       = "ltr";
            oSpan.tabIndex  = -1;
            oSpan.innerText = rpi.Name;
            oDiv.appendChild( oSpan );
            oEntry.appendChild( oDiv );
            oEntry.value     = i-1;
			oEntry.tabIndex = -1;

            // Set tip based on the type of restore point, else go to the nice default tip
            if ( rpi.Type == 0 ) {
                oEntry.title = L_RPAppInstall_ToolTip ;
            else if ( rpi.Type == 1 ) {
                oEntry.title = L_RPAppUninstall_ToolTip ;
            else if ( rpi.Type == 6 ) {
                oEntry.title = L_RPRestore_ToolTip ;
            else if ( rpi.Type == 7 ) {
                oEntry.title = L_RPSysChkPt_ToolTip ;
            else if ( rpi.Type == 10 ) {
                oEntry.title = L_RPDriverInstall_ToolTip ;
            else if ( rpi.Type == 12 ) {
                oEntry.title = L_RPModifySettings_ToolTip ;
            else if ( rpi.Type == 14 ) {
                oEntry.title = L_RPRecovery_ToolTip;
            else {
                oEntry.title = L_RPDefault_ToolTip ;
            // Append element to list

            if ( nPoint == i-1 ) {
                nListPoint = nCurPoints ;


       var oNodes =  LstRestorePoint.childNodes;

       if (ObjSystemRestore.RestorePtSelected == false)
           ObjSystemRestore.SelectedPoint = oNodes.item(0).value;       	   

    // If a point has been selected highlight this point
    if ( fRPExists && ObjSystemRestore.RestorePtSelected ) {

    // If there are no restore points on the day then print a message
    // that other days have restore points so check some other day
    if ( fRPExists == false )

            var oEntry        = document.createElement("LI");
            oEntry.innerHTML  = "\<DIV TABINDEX=-1 STYLE=\"margin: 10px;\"\>" +
                                L_NoRestorePtsOnDay_Message +

    // Restore points for the current day
    g_nRPExistsCurDay = fRPExists ;

    TxtDateSel.innerText = ObjSystemRestore.FormatDate( varDateSel, true );
    if ( g_nRPExistsCurDay )
        TxtDateSel.style.color = "FFFFFF";
        TxtDateSel.style.color = "silver";


function OnCancel()

    if ( ObjSystemRestore.Cancel() )


function OnBack()

    if ( g_bPageLoaded == false )
        return ;

    ObjSystemRestore.CanNavigatePage = true ;
    self.location = "SRUI-Main.htm";


function OnNext()

    if ( g_bPageLoaded == false )
        return ;

    if (!ObjSystemRestore.CanRunRestore())

    if ( g_nRPExistsCurDay == false  )
        ObjSystemRestore.ShowMessage( L_NoRestorePtSelected_Message );
        if ( g_nSelectedPoint >= 0 ) {
            if ( ObjSystemRestore.CheckRestore() )
                ObjSystemRestore.CanNavigatePage = true ;
                self.location = "SRUI-Confirm.htm";
        else {
            ObjSystemRestore.ShowMessage( L_NoRestorePtSelected_Message );

// When user selects the previous day in the restore point list
function OnBtnBack()
    var varDateSel = ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate;
    var varDateRPI;
    var varDateTemp = null;

    if ( g_bPageLoaded == false )
        return ;

    // Remove selected restore point
    ObjSystemRestore.RestorePtSelected = false ;

    for ( i = 0;  i < ObjSystemRestore.Count;  i++ )
        varDateRPI = ObjSystemRestore( i ).TimeStamp( 0 );
        if ( ObjSystemRestore.CompareDate( varDateSel, varDateRPI ) > 0 )
               if ( varDateTemp == null || ObjSystemRestore.CompareDate( varDateRPI, varDateTemp ) > 0 )
                      varDateTemp = varDateRPI;


    if ( varDateTemp != null )

        ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate = varDateTemp;

    // Update the calender with the selected date
    var oCurDate = new Date(ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate);
    document.all.cal.value = oCurDate.getDate() + "/" + (oCurDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + oCurDate.getFullYear() ;


// When user selects next day in the restore point list
function OnBtnNext()
    var varDateSel = ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate;
    var varDateRPI;
    var fFoundPoint = false ;
    var varDateTemp = null;

    if ( g_bPageLoaded == false )
        return ;

    // Remove selected restore point and find next restore point,
    // only special case is if there are no restore points and
    // today is higher than the current date then we must navigate
    // to today even though it has no restore points
    ObjSystemRestore.RestorePtSelected = false ;

    for ( i = 0;  i < ObjSystemRestore.Count;  i++ )
        varDateRPI = ObjSystemRestore( i ).TimeStamp( 0 );
        if ( ObjSystemRestore.CompareDate( varDateSel, varDateRPI ) < 0 )

            if ( varDateTemp == null || ObjSystemRestore.CompareDate( varDateRPI, varDateTemp ) < 0 )
                      varDateTemp = varDateRPI;


    if (  varDateTemp != null )

            ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate = varDateTemp;

    else {

        if ( ObjSystemRestore.CompareDate( varDateSel, ObjSystemRestore.CurrentDate ) < 0 )
            ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate = ObjSystemRestore.CurrentDate ;


    // Update the calender with the selected date
    var oCurDate = new Date(ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate);
    document.all.cal.value = oCurDate.getDate() + "/" + (oCurDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + oCurDate.getFullYear() ;


// When user selects a day in the calendar code has to be updated
function OnCalDateChange()

    var e        = window.event.srcElement ;
    var oNewDate = null ;

    if ( window.event.propertyName == "value" )
        oNewDate = new Date(e.year,(e.month-1),e.day);

        // If a date has been changed/selected by the user set the external date the
        // same and also update the event list
        if ( ObjSystemRestore.CompareDate( ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate, oNewDate.getVarDate() ) != 0 )

            ObjSystemRestore.RestorePtSelected = false ;

            ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate = oNewDate.getVarDate() ;


function checkParent(src, tag) {
   while ("HTML" != src.tagName) {
      if (tag == src.tagName)
         return src;
      src = src.parentElement;
   return null;

function selectItem(list) {

   var el = checkParent(event.srcElement, "LI");

   // In cases where the UL is selected then we have
   // already gone up past the LI so null will be
   // returned (assuming the page has no other UL's)
   if ( !el )
       return ;

   if ( g_nRPExistsCurDay == false )
       return ;

   if ("LI" == el.tagName && el != list.selected) {
       if (null != list.selected)
           list.selected.className = "";
           list.selected.setAttribute("tabindex" , -1, 0);
       el.className = "selected";
       list.selected = el; 
       el.setAttribute("tabindex" , 0, 0);

   if (null != list.selected)
   g_nSelectedPoint = getSelectedPoint();

   // Set the new restore point
   if ( getSelectedPoint() >= 0 )
       ObjSystemRestore.SelectedPoint = getSelectedPointValue();


// Given a list and a value of an element in the list find the element
// and set this element as the selected element
function setItem(list,num) {

   var oNodes    = list.childNodes ;
   if ( oNodes.length > 0 ) {

      if ( num >= 0 && num < oNodes.length ) {

           var el = oNodes.item(num);
           if ("LI" == el.tagName && el != list.selected) {
               if (null != list.selected)
                   list.selected.className = "";
                   list.selected.setAttribute("tabindex" , -1, 0);
               el.className = "selected";
               list.selected = el; 
               el.setAttribute("tabindex" , 0, 0);

   g_nSelectedPoint = getSelectedPoint();

   // Set the new restore point
   if ( getSelectedPoint() >= 0 )
       ObjSystemRestore.SelectedPoint = getSelectedPointValue();


function selectItemKey(list)
	if ( g_nRPExistsCurDay == true )
	    if ( event.keyCode == 38 ) {		// up arrow
	    	setItem(list, g_nSelectedPoint-1); 	
	    else if ( event.keyCode == 40 ) {	// down arrow
	    	setItem(list, g_nSelectedPoint+1);   
	    else if ( event.keyCode == 13 ) {	// enter key
	    if (null != list.selected)

function RP_DelAllElements()
   var oAttach = window.document.all.LstRestorePoint ;
   var oNodes  = oAttach.childNodes ;
   var nLength = oNodes.length ;
   var nSelected = -1 ;

   while ( oNodes.length > 0 ) {

function getSelectedPoint()

   var oAttach = window.document.all.LstRestorePoint ;
   var oNodes  = oAttach.childNodes ;
   var nSelected = -1 ;

  if ( oNodes.length > 0 ) {
       for ( i = 0 ; i < oNodes.length ; i++ ) {
           if ( oNodes.item(i) == oAttach.selected ) {
               nSelected = i
               break ;

   return nSelected ;

function getSelectedPointValue()

   var oAttach = window.document.all.LstRestorePoint ;
   var oNodes  = oAttach.childNodes ;
   var nSelected = -1 ;
   var nValue    = 0 ;

   if ( oNodes.length > 0 ) {
       for ( i = 0 ; i < oNodes.length ; i++ ) {
           if ( oNodes.item(i) == oAttach.selected ) {
               nSelected = i
               nValue    = oNodes.item(i).value ;
               break ;

   return nValue ;


<SCRIPT FOR=window EVENT=onresize>

    ObjSystemRestore.CanNavigatePage = true ;
    self.location = "SRUI-Pick.htm";


<script for=window event=onload>

    var calendar = document.all.cal ;
    var i = 0 ;

    if (!ObjSystemRestore.CanRunRestore())


    ObjSystemRestore.CanNavigatePage     = false ;
    window.HomePageBody.style.visibility = "visible";

    // Initialize calendar object with dates
    var oMinDate = new Date(ObjSystemRestore.MinDate);
    var oMaxDate = new Date(ObjSystemRestore.MaxDate);
    var oCurDate = new Date(ObjSystemRestore.CurrentDate);
    var oSelDate ;

   if ( ObjSystemRestore.RestorePtSelected )
        oSelDate = new Date(ObjSystemRestore.SelectedDate);
        oSelDate = new Date(ObjSystemRestore.CurrentDate);

    calendar.minDate      = oMinDate.getDate() + "/" + (oMinDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + oMinDate.getFullYear() ;
    calendar.maxDate      = oMaxDate.getDate() + "/" + (oMaxDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + oMaxDate.getFullYear() ;

    for ( i = 0;  i < ObjSystemRestore.Count;  i++ )
        var oRpDate = new Date( ObjSystemRestore( i ).TimeStamp( 0 ) );

        calendar.addValidDate = oRpDate.getDate() + "/" + (oRpDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + oRpDate.getFullYear() ;


    calendar.addValidDate = oCurDate.getDate() + "/" + (oCurDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + oCurDate.getFullYear() ;
    calendar.value        = oCurDate.getDate() + "/" + (oCurDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + oCurDate.getFullYear() ;

    // If a date has already been selected then set this
    // date in the calendar
    if ( ObjSystemRestore.RestorePtSelected )
        document.all.cal.value = oSelDate.getDate() + "/" + (oSelDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + oSelDate.getFullYear() ;

    // Now make calendar visible
    TdCalendar.style.visibility = "visible";

    if ( ObjSystemRestore.Count == 0 )
        var oEntry        = document.createElement("LI");
        oEntry.innerHTML  = "\<DIV TABINDEX=-1 STYLE=\"margin: 10px;\"\>" +
                            L_NoRestorePts_Message +

        window.BtnNext.disabled = true;

        if (null != LstRestorePoint.selected)

    // Set page loaded
    g_bPageLoaded     = true ;




  Body of doc

<BODY ID="HomePageBody">

 Background image located on the bottom right of the page
<DIV style="position: absolute; bottom: 0px; right: 0px; z-index: -1">
  <img src="watermark.jpg" border=0 width="270" height="297"></DIV>

<table width=100% height=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tbody>


  Page header

<tr height="60px"><td id="TdBranding" colspan=3  class="styHeaderBlock">
  <table class="styImage" width=100% height=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 background="SR_Grad.jpg" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111"><tbody><tr>
    <td width="65px" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
	  <td width=80% valign=top nowrap>
      <div id="TxtHeader" class="styHeaderText">
        <font color="#FFFFFF">Select a Restore Point </font>
			  <a id="NoLoc1" class="styLink" href="javascript:OnLink_Choose();">
			    <img src="help.gif" border=0 width="32" height="32">
			  <a id="NoLoc1" class="styLink" href="javascript:OnLink_Choose();">
			    <font color="#FFFFFF"> <id id=HelpId>Help</id></font>
      <id id="NoLoc2">&nbsp;</id>

<tr height="3px"><td class="styHorzLine" colspan=3></td></tr>


  Top anchor

<tr height="25px"><td colspan=3>
  <table width=100% height=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tbody><tr>
    <td width=90%></td>
    <td class="styImage">

<!-- Left anchor -->
  <td id="NoLoc3" class="styImage" width=8% align=left valign=bottom>

    <table width=100% height=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tbody>



<td class="styContentBlock">
  <DIV id="TxtMain1" class="styText">
    The following calendar displays in bold all of the dates that have restore
    points available. The list displays the restore points that are available for
    the selected date.
    Possible types of restore points are: system checkpoints (scheduled restore
    points created by your computer), manual restore points (restore points
    created by you), and installation restore points (automatic restore points created when certain
    programs are installed).
  <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tbody>
    <tr class="styTextBold">
      <td id="TdStep1">
        1. On this calendar, click a bold date.
      <td id="TdStep2">
        2. On this list, click a restore point.
    <tr height=8px colspan=3><td></td></tr>
      <td id="TdCalendar" style="visibility:hidden">
        <IE:Calendar id="cal" ONPROPERTYCHANGE="OnCalDateChange();"> 


        <table id="RestorePoint_Cell" STYLE="border : 1px solid black" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tbody>
          <tr CLASS="styNavButtonTable">
            <TD id=L_ButLeft  valign=center>
              <BUTTON CLASS="styNavButtons" id=button1 onclick=OnBtnBack() name=button1 title="Shows the previous day.">
            <TD id=L_ButRight align=center valign=center WIDTH="86%">
              <DIV id=TxtDateSel class="styTextBold">
            <TD id=L_Day_Cell align=right valign=center>
              <BUTTON CLASS="styNavButtons" id=button2 onclick=OnBtnNext() name=button2 title="Shows the next day.">
            <TD id="RestorePointListTD" align=center class="styListCell" colspan=3>
              <DIV align=left ID="RestorePointList" class="styList">
                <UL TABINDEX=-1 ID="LstRestorePoint" ONCLICK="selectItem(this);" ONKEYDOWN="selectItemKey(this);">

<!-- Right padding -->
      <td class="styText" width=14%>&nbsp;</td>


  Navigation row

    <tr height="24px">
      <td class="styText" height="12px" colspan=2 nowrap>
        <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0><tbody><tr>
          <td width="70%">&nbsp;</td>
          <td class="styText" width="10%" nowrap>
            <button id="BtnBack" class="styButton" onclick="OnBack()" accesskey="B" tabindex=0>
              &lt; <U>B</U>ack
            <button id="BtnNext" class="styButton" onclick="OnNext()" accesskey="N" tabindex=0>
              <U>N</U>ext &gt;
            <button id="BtnCancel" class="styButton" onclick="OnCancel()" accesskey="C" tabindex=0>


<!-- Right anchor -->
  <td id="NoLoc4" class="styImage" width=8% align=right valign=bottom>


  Bottom anchor

<tr height="24px"><td colspan=3>
  <table width=100% height=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tbody><tr>
    <td width=90%></td><td class="styImage">
