// Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // Helpers.cpp: Helper functions for the SecUtil component //#include "FWCommon.h" //#include //#ifndef _X86_ //#define _X86_ //#endif //#ifndef _IA64_ //#define _IA64_ //#endif //#include /* #ifndef USE_POLARITY // For most users, this is the correct setting for POLARITY. #define USE_POLARITY #endif */ #include "precomp.h" #include #include #include "Helpers.h" #include "AssertBreak.h" #include "CVARIANT.H" #include #define IDS_NTDLLDOTDLL L"NTDLL.DLL" #define IDS_NTOPENDIRECTORYOBJECT "NtOpenDirectoryObject" #define IDS_NTQUERYDIRECTORYOBJECT "NtQueryDirectoryObject" #define IDS_RTLINITUNICODESTRING "RtlInitUnicodeString" #define IDS_WHACKWHACKBASENAMEDOBJECTS L"\\BaseNamedObjects" #define IDS_NTQUERYINFORMATIONPROCESS "NtQueryInformationProcess" #define IDS_NTOPENPROCESS "NtOpenProcess" #define IDS_WIN32_ERROR_CODE L"Win32ErrorCode" #define IDS_ADDITIONAL_DESCRIPTION L"AdditionalDescription" #define IDS_OPERATION L"Operation" typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *PFN_NT_OPEN_DIRECTORY_OBJECT) ( OUT PHANDLE DirectoryHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes ); typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *PFN_NT_QUERY_DIRECTORY_OBJECT) ( IN HANDLE DirectoryHandle, OUT PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN ReturnSingleEntry, IN BOOLEAN RestartScan, IN OUT PULONG Context, OUT PULONG ReturnLength OPTIONAL ); typedef VOID (WINAPI *PFN_NTDLL_RTL_INIT_UNICODE_STRING) ( OUT PUNICODE_STRING DestinationString, IN PCWSTR SourceString ); typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *PFN_NTDLL_NT_QUERY_INFORMATION_PROCESS) ( IN HANDLE ProcessHandle, IN PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessInformationClass, OUT PVOID ProcessInformation, IN ULONG ProcessInformationLength, OUT PULONG ReturnLength OPTIONAL ); typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *PFN_NT_OPEN_PROCESS) ( OUT PHANDLE ProcessHandle, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, IN PCLIENT_ID ClientId OPTIONAL ); //*************************************************************************** // // CreateInst // // Purpose: Creates a new instance. // // Return: S_OK if all is well, otherwise an error code is returned // //*************************************************************************** HRESULT CreateInst( IWbemServices *pNamespace, IWbemClassObject **pNewInst, BSTR bstrClassName, IWbemContext *pCtx) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWbemClassObjectPtr pClass; hr = pNamespace->GetObject( bstrClassName, 0, pCtx, &pClass, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pClass->SpawnInstance( 0, pNewInst); } return hr; } //*************************************************************************** // // GetObjInstKeyVal // // Purpose: Obtains an object's instance key from an object path. // // Return: true if the key was obtained. // //*************************************************************************** HRESULT GetObjInstKeyVal( const BSTR ObjectPath, LPCWSTR wstrClassName, LPCWSTR wstrKeyPropName, LPWSTR wstrObjInstKeyVal, long lBufLen) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; WCHAR* pwcEqualSign = NULL; WCHAR* pwcTmp = NULL; if(!ObjectPath) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if((pwcEqualSign = wcschr(ObjectPath, L'=')) != NULL) { pwcEqualSign++; long lLen = wcslen(pwcEqualSign) * sizeof(WCHAR); if(*pwcEqualSign && lLen > 0 && lLen < (long)(lBufLen - sizeof(WCHAR))) { wcscpy(wstrObjInstKeyVal, pwcEqualSign); // Remove any quotation marks that might // be there... RemoveQuotes(wstrObjInstKeyVal); // Also need to check that the class name // matches the name specified... WCHAR wstrClass[_MAX_PATH]; wcscpy(wstrClass, ObjectPath); pwcTmp = wcschr(wstrClass, L'='); if(pwcTmp) { *pwcTmp = '\0'; // Either the key property was specified or // it wasn't... pwcTmp = NULL; pwcTmp = wcschr(wstrClass, L'.'); if(pwcTmp) { // Key property specified, so check that // both it and the class name are correct... *pwcTmp = '\0'; if(_wcsicmp(wstrClassName, wstrClass) == 0) { if(_wcsicmp(wstrKeyPropName, ++pwcTmp) != 0) { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS; } } else { // No key prop specified, so only need // to check that the class name is correct... if(_wcsicmp(wstrClassName, wstrClass) != 0) { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_CLASS; } } } else { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { hr = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return hr; } HRESULT GetJobObjectList( std::vector<_bstr_t>& rgbstrtJOs) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HINSTANCE hinst = NULL; SmartCloseHANDLE hDir; PBYTE pbBuff = NULL; try { if((hinst = ::LoadLibrary(IDS_NTDLLDOTDLL)) != NULL) { PFN_NT_OPEN_DIRECTORY_OBJECT pfnNtOpenDirectoryObject = NULL; PFN_NT_QUERY_DIRECTORY_OBJECT pfnNtQueryDirectoryObject = NULL; PFN_NTDLL_RTL_INIT_UNICODE_STRING pfnRtlInitUnicodeString = NULL; pfnNtOpenDirectoryObject = (PFN_NT_OPEN_DIRECTORY_OBJECT) ::GetProcAddress(hinst, IDS_NTOPENDIRECTORYOBJECT); pfnNtQueryDirectoryObject = (PFN_NT_QUERY_DIRECTORY_OBJECT) ::GetProcAddress(hinst, IDS_NTQUERYDIRECTORYOBJECT); pfnRtlInitUnicodeString = (PFN_NTDLL_RTL_INIT_UNICODE_STRING) ::GetProcAddress(hinst, IDS_RTLINITUNICODESTRING); if(pfnNtOpenDirectoryObject != NULL && pfnNtQueryDirectoryObject != NULL && pfnRtlInitUnicodeString != NULL) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oaAttributes; UNICODE_STRING ustrNtFileName; NTSTATUS ntstat = -1L; pfnRtlInitUnicodeString(&ustrNtFileName, IDS_WHACKWHACKBASENAMEDOBJECTS); InitializeObjectAttributes(&oaAttributes, &ustrNtFileName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); ntstat = pfnNtOpenDirectoryObject(&hDir, FILE_READ_DATA, &oaAttributes); if(NT_SUCCESS(ntstat)) { ULONG ulContext = -1L; ntstat = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG ulBufLen = 0L; ULONG ulNewBufLen = 0L; // First query to get buffer size to allocate... ntstat = pfnNtQueryDirectoryObject(hDir, // IN HANDLE DirectoryHandle, NULL, // OUT PVOID Buffer, 0L, // IN ULONG Length, FALSE, // IN BOOLEAN ReturnSingleEntry, TRUE, // IN BOOLEAN RestartScan, &ulContext, // IN OUT PULONG Context, &ulBufLen); // OUT PULONG ReturnLength OPTIONAL pbBuff = new BYTE[ulBufLen]; if(pbBuff) { // then loop through all the entries... for(; ntstat != STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES && pbBuff != NULL;) { ntstat = pfnNtQueryDirectoryObject(hDir, // IN HANDLE DirectoryHandle, pbBuff, // OUT PVOID Buffer, ulBufLen, // IN ULONG Length, TRUE, // IN BOOLEAN ReturnSingleEntry, FALSE, // IN BOOLEAN RestartScan, &ulContext, // IN OUT PULONG Context, &ulNewBufLen); // OUT PULONG ReturnLength OPTIONAL if(ntstat == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { // Deallocate buffer and reallocate... if(pbBuff != NULL) { delete pbBuff; pbBuff = NULL; } pbBuff = new BYTE[ulNewBufLen]; ulBufLen = ulNewBufLen; } else if(NT_SUCCESS(ntstat)) { // All went well, should have data... if(pbBuff != NULL) { POBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION podi = (POBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION) pbBuff; LPWSTR wstrName = (LPWSTR)podi->Name.Buffer; LPWSTR wstrType = (LPWSTR)podi->TypeName.Buffer; // do something... // offset to string name is in four bytes... if(wstrName != NULL && wstrType != NULL && wcslen(wstrType) == 3) { WCHAR wstrTmp[4]; wstrTmp[3] = '\0'; wcsncpy(wstrTmp, wstrType, 3); if(_wcsicmp(wstrTmp, L"job") == 0) { rgbstrtJOs.push_back(_bstr_t(wstrName)); } } } } else if(ntstat == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) { // we will break } else { // Something we weren't expecting happened, so bail out... hr = E_FAIL; } } // while we still have entries delete pbBuff; pbBuff = NULL; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } // NtOpenDirectoryObject succeeded else { hr = E_FAIL; } } // Got the fn ptrs else { hr = E_FAIL; } ::FreeLibrary(hinst); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } catch(...) { if(pbBuff != NULL) { delete pbBuff; pbBuff = NULL; } if(hinst != NULL) { ::FreeLibrary(hinst); hinst = NULL; } throw; } return hr; } // a string representation of a SID is assumed to be: // S-#-####-####-####-####-####-#### // we will enforce only the S ourselves, // The version is not checked // everything else will be handed off to the OS // caller must free the SID returned PSID WINAPI StrToSID(LPCWSTR wstrIncommingSid) { WCHAR wstrSid[_MAX_PATH]; wcscpy(wstrSid, wstrIncommingSid); PSID pSid = NULL; if (wcslen(wstrSid) > 0 && ((wstrSid[0] == 'S')||(wstrSid[0] == 's')) && (wstrSid[1] == '-')) { // get a local copy we can play with // we'll parse this puppy the easy way // by slicing off each token as we find it // slow but sure // start by slicing off the "S-" WCHAR wstrTmp[_MAX_PATH]; wcscpy(wstrTmp, wstrSid+2); WCHAR wstrToken[_MAX_PATH]; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY identifierAuthority = {0,0,0,0,0,0}; BYTE nSubAuthorityCount =0; // count of subauthorities DWORD dwSubAuthority[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // subauthorities // skip version WhackToken(wstrTmp, wstrToken); // Grab Authority if (WhackToken(wstrTmp, wstrToken)) { DWORD duhWord; WCHAR* p = NULL; bool bDoIt = false; if (StrToIdentifierAuthority(wstrToken, identifierAuthority)) // conversion succeeded { bDoIt = true; // now fill up the subauthorities while (bDoIt && WhackToken(wstrTmp, wstrToken)) { p = NULL; duhWord = wcstoul(wstrToken, &p, 10); if (p != wstrToken) { dwSubAuthority[nSubAuthorityCount] = duhWord; bDoIt = (++nSubAuthorityCount <= 8); } else bDoIt = false; } // end while WhackToken if(bDoIt) { AllocateAndInitializeSid(&identifierAuthority, nSubAuthorityCount, dwSubAuthority[0], dwSubAuthority[1], dwSubAuthority[2], dwSubAuthority[3], dwSubAuthority[4], dwSubAuthority[5], dwSubAuthority[6], dwSubAuthority[7], &pSid); } } } } return pSid; } // helper for StrToSID // takes a string, converts to a SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY // returns false if not a valid SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY // contents of identifierAuthority are unrelieable on failure bool WINAPI StrToIdentifierAuthority(LPCWSTR str, SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY& identifierAuthority) { bool bRet = false; memset(&identifierAuthority, '\0', sizeof(SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY)); DWORD duhWord; WCHAR* p = NULL; WCHAR wstrLocal[_MAX_PATH]; wcscpy(wstrLocal, str); // per KB article Q13132, if identifier authority is greater than 2**32, it's in hex if ((wstrLocal[0] == '0') && ((wstrLocal[1] == 'x') || (wstrLocal[1] == 'X'))) // if it looks hexidecimalish... { // going to parse this out backwards, chpping two chars off the end at a time // first, whack off the 0x WCHAR wstrTmp[_MAX_PATH]; wcscpy(wstrTmp, wstrLocal+2); wcscpy(wstrLocal, wstrTmp); WCHAR wstrToken[_MAX_PATH]; int nValue =5; bRet = true; while (bRet && (wcslen(wstrLocal) > 0) && (nValue > 0)) { wcscpy(wstrToken, wstrLocal+2); wcscpy(wstrTmp, wstrLocal); wstrTmp[wcslen(wstrLocal) - 2] = NULL; wcscpy(wstrLocal, wstrTmp); duhWord = wcstoul(wstrToken, &p, 16); // if strtoul succeeds, the pointer is moved if (p != wstrToken) identifierAuthority.Value[nValue--] = (BYTE)duhWord; else bRet = false; } } else // it looks decimalish { duhWord = wcstoul(wstrLocal, &p, 10); if (p != wstrLocal) // conversion succeeded { bRet = true; identifierAuthority.Value[5] = LOBYTE(LOWORD(duhWord)); identifierAuthority.Value[4] = HIBYTE(LOWORD(duhWord)); identifierAuthority.Value[3] = LOBYTE(HIWORD(duhWord)); identifierAuthority.Value[2] = HIBYTE(HIWORD(duhWord)); } } return bRet; } // for input of the form AAA-BBB-CCC // will return AAA in token // and BBB-CCC in str bool WINAPI WhackToken(LPWSTR str, LPWSTR token) { bool bRet = false; if (wcslen(str) > 0) { //int index; //index = str.Find('-'); WCHAR* pwc = NULL; pwc = wcschr(str, L'-'); if (pwc == NULL) { // all that's left is the token, we're done wcscpy(token, str); *str = NULL; } else { *pwc = NULL; wcscpy(token, str); wcscpy(str, pwc+1); } bRet = true; } return bRet; } void StringFromSid(PSID psid, _bstr_t& strSID) { // Initialize m_strSid - human readable form of our SID SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY *psia = NULL; psia = ::GetSidIdentifierAuthority(psid); WCHAR wstrTmp[_MAX_PATH]; // We assume that only last byte is used // (authorities between 0 and 15). // Correct this if needed. ASSERT( psia->Value[0] == psia->Value[1] == psia->Value[2] == psia->Value[3] == psia->Value[4] == 0 ); DWORD dwTopAuthority = psia->Value[5]; wsprintf(wstrTmp, L"S-1-%u", dwTopAuthority); WCHAR wstrSubAuthority[_MAX_PATH]; int iSubAuthorityCount = *(GetSidSubAuthorityCount(psid)); for ( int i = 0; i < iSubAuthorityCount; i++ ) { DWORD dwSubAuthority = *(GetSidSubAuthority(psid, i)); wsprintf(wstrSubAuthority, L"%u", dwSubAuthority); wcscat(wstrTmp, L"-"); wcscat(wstrTmp, wstrSubAuthority); } strSID = wstrTmp; } void RemoveQuotes(LPWSTR wstrObjInstKeyVal) { WCHAR wstrTmp[MAX_PATH] = { L'\0' }; WCHAR* pwchr = NULL; // Get rid of the first quote... if((pwchr = wcschr(wstrObjInstKeyVal, L'"')) != NULL) { wcscpy(wstrTmp, pwchr+1); } // now the last... if((pwchr = wcsrchr(wstrTmp, L'"')) != NULL) { *pwchr = L'\0'; } wcscpy(wstrObjInstKeyVal, wstrTmp); } HRESULT CheckImpersonationLevel() { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; OSVERSIONINFOW OsVersionInfoW; OsVersionInfoW.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (OSVERSIONINFOW); GetVersionExW(&OsVersionInfoW); if (OsVersionInfoW.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { HRESULT hRes = WbemCoImpersonateClient(); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) // From cominit.cpp - needed for nt3.51 { // Now, let's check the impersonation level. First, get the thread token SmartCloseHANDLE hThreadTok; DWORD dwImp, dwBytesReturned; if (!OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hThreadTok )) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); if (dwLastError == ERROR_NO_TOKEN) { // If the CoImpersonate works, but the OpenThreadToken fails due to ERROR_NO_TOKEN, we // are running under the process token (either local system, or if we are running // with /exe, the rights of the logged in user). In either case, impersonation rights // don't apply. We have the full rights of that user. hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else { // If we failed to get the thread token for any other reason, an error. hr = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; } } else { // We really do have a thread token, so let's retrieve its level if (GetTokenInformation( hThreadTok, TokenImpersonationLevel, &dwImp, sizeof(DWORD), &dwBytesReturned )) { // Is the impersonation level Impersonate? if ((dwImp == SecurityImpersonation) || (dwImp == SecurityDelegation)) { hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } else { hr = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; } } else { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } } if (FAILED(hr)) { WbemCoRevertToSelf(); } } else if (hRes == E_NOTIMPL) { // On 3.51 or vanilla 95, this call is not implemented, we should work anyway hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } } else { // let win9X in... hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } return hr; } HRESULT SetStatusObject( IWbemContext* pCtx, IWbemServices* pSvcs, DWORD dwError, LPCWSTR wstrErrorDescription, LPCWSTR wstrOperation, LPCWSTR wstrNamespace, IWbemClassObject** ppStatusObjOut) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; IWbemClassObject* pStatusObj = NULL; ASSERT_BREAK(pCtx != NULL); ASSERT_BREAK(pSvcs != NULL); if(pSvcs && ppStatusObjOut && pCtx) { pStatusObj = GetStatusObject( pCtx, pSvcs); if(pStatusObj != NULL) { CVARIANT v; // Set the error code: v.SetLONG(dwError); pStatusObj->Put( IDS_WIN32_ERROR_CODE, 0, &v, NULL); v.Clear(); // Set the error description if(wstrErrorDescription != NULL && *wstrErrorDescription != L'\0') { v.SetStr(wstrErrorDescription); pStatusObj->Put( IDS_ADDITIONAL_DESCRIPTION, 0, &v, NULL); v.Clear(); } if(wstrOperation != NULL && *wstrOperation != L'\0') { v.SetStr(wstrOperation); pStatusObj->Put( IDS_OPERATION, 0, &v, NULL); v.Clear(); } } if(pStatusObj) { if(*ppStatusObjOut != NULL) { (*ppStatusObjOut)->Release(); *ppStatusObjOut = NULL; } *ppStatusObjOut = pStatusObj; } else { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } } else { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } return hr; } IWbemClassObject* GetStatusObject( IWbemContext* pContext, IWbemServices* pSrvc) { ASSERT_BREAK(pContext != NULL); ASSERT_BREAK(pSrvc != NULL); IWbemClassObjectPtr pStatusObjClass; IWbemClassObject* pStatusObjectInstance = NULL; if(pContext && pSrvc) { if(pSrvc) { // not checking return code, error object should be NULL on error pSrvc->GetObject( _bstr_t(JOB_OBJECT_STATUS_OBJECT), 0, pContext, &pStatusObjClass, NULL); if(pStatusObjClass) { pStatusObjClass->SpawnInstance( 0, &pStatusObjectInstance); } } } ASSERT_BREAK(pStatusObjectInstance); return pStatusObjectInstance; } void UndecorateNamesInNamedJONameList( std::vector<_bstr_t>& rgNamedJOs) { std::vector<_bstr_t> rgUndecoratedNames; CHString chstrTemp; for(long m = 0L; m < rgNamedJOs.size(); m++) { UndecorateJOName( rgNamedJOs[m], chstrTemp); _bstr_t bstrtTemp((LPCWSTR)chstrTemp); rgUndecoratedNames.push_back( bstrtTemp); } // Wipe out the original vector... rgNamedJOs.clear(); // Push in new vector's contents... for(m = 0L; m < rgUndecoratedNames.size(); m++) { rgNamedJOs.push_back( rgUndecoratedNames[m]); } } // Takes a decorated job object name and // undecorates it. Decorated job object names // have a backslash preceeding any character // that should be uppercase once undecorated. // // Due to the way CIMOM handles backslashes, // we will get capital letters preceeded by // two, not just one, backslashes. Hence, we // must strip them both. // // According to the decoration scheme, the // following are both lower case: 'A' and 'a', // while the following are both upper case: // '\a' and '\A'. // void UndecorateJOName( LPCWSTR wstrDecoratedName, CHString& chstrUndecoratedJOName) { if(wstrDecoratedName != NULL && *wstrDecoratedName != L'\0') { LPWSTR wstrDecoratedNameLower = NULL; try { wstrDecoratedNameLower = new WCHAR[wcslen(wstrDecoratedName)+1]; if(wstrDecoratedNameLower) { wcscpy(wstrDecoratedNameLower, wstrDecoratedName); _wcslwr(wstrDecoratedNameLower); WCHAR* p3 = chstrUndecoratedJOName.GetBuffer( wcslen(wstrDecoratedNameLower) + 1); const WCHAR* p1 = wstrDecoratedNameLower; const WCHAR* p2 = p1 + 1; while(*p1 != L'\0') { if(*p1 == L'\\') { if(*p2 != NULL) { // Might have any number of // backslashes back to back, // which we will treat as // being the same as one // backslash - i.e., we will // skip over the backslash(s) // and copy over the following // letter. while(*p2 == L'\\') { p2++; }; *p3 = towupper(*p2); p3++; p1 = p2 + 1; if(*p1 != L'\0') { p2 = p1 + 1; } } else { p1++; } } else { *p3 = *p1; p3++; p1 = p2; if(*p1 != L'\0') { p2 = p1 + 1; } } } *p3 = NULL; chstrUndecoratedJOName.ReleaseBuffer(); delete wstrDecoratedNameLower; wstrDecoratedNameLower = NULL; } } catch(...) { if(wstrDecoratedNameLower) { delete wstrDecoratedNameLower; wstrDecoratedNameLower = NULL; } throw; } } } // Does the inverse of the above function. // However, here, we only need to put in one // backslash before each uppercase letter. // CIMOM will add the second backslash. void DecorateJOName( LPCWSTR wstrUndecoratedName, CHString& chstrDecoratedJOName) { if(wstrUndecoratedName != NULL && *wstrUndecoratedName != L'\0') { // Worst case is that we will have // a decorated string twice as long // as the undecorated string (happens // is every character in the undecorated // string is a capital letter). WCHAR* p3 = chstrDecoratedJOName.GetBuffer( 2 * (wcslen(wstrUndecoratedName) + 1)); const WCHAR* p1 = wstrUndecoratedName; while(*p1 != L'\0') { if(iswupper(*p1)) { // Add in a backslash... *p3 = L'\\'; p3++; // Add in the character... *p3 = *p1; p3++; p1++; } else { // Add in the character... *p3 = *p1; p3++; p1++; } } *p3 = NULL; chstrDecoratedJOName.ReleaseBuffer(); // What if we had a job called Job, // and someone specified it in the // object path as "Job" instead of // "\Job"? We DON'T want to find it // in such a case, because this would // appear to not be adhering to our // own convention. Hence, we // lowercase the incoming string. chstrDecoratedJOName.MakeLower(); } } // map standard API return values (defined WinError.h) // to WBEMish hresults (defined in WbemCli.h) HRESULT WinErrorToWBEMhResult(LONG error) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; switch (error) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; break; case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: hr = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; break; case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: case ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; break; case ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: hr = WBEM_E_ALREADY_EXISTS; break; case ERROR_BAD_NETPATH: case ERROR_INVALID_DATA: case ERROR_BAD_PATHNAME: case REGDB_E_INVALIDVALUE: case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME: case ERROR_BAD_USERNAME: case ERROR_NOT_READY: case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: hr = WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND; break; default: hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } return hr; } // Copied from sid.h bool GetNameAndDomainFromPSID( PSID pSid, CHString& chstrName, CHString& chstrDomain) { bool fRet = false; // pSid should be valid... _ASSERT( (pSid != NULL) && ::IsValidSid( pSid ) ); if ( (pSid != NULL) && ::IsValidSid( pSid ) ) { // Initialize account name and domain name LPTSTR pszAccountName = NULL; LPTSTR pszDomainName = NULL; DWORD dwAccountNameSize = 0; DWORD dwDomainNameSize = 0; DWORD dwLastError = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bResult = TRUE; try { // This call should fail SID_NAME_USE snuAccountType; bResult = ::LookupAccountSid( NULL, pSid, pszAccountName, &dwAccountNameSize, pszDomainName, &dwDomainNameSize, &snuAccountType ); dwLastError = ::GetLastError(); if ( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == dwLastError ) { // Allocate buffers if ( dwAccountNameSize != 0 ) { pszAccountName = (LPTSTR) new TCHAR[ dwAccountNameSize * sizeof(TCHAR) ]; } if ( dwDomainNameSize != 0 ) { pszDomainName = (LPTSTR) new TCHAR[ dwDomainNameSize * sizeof(TCHAR) ]; } // Make second call bResult = ::LookupAccountSid( NULL, pSid, pszAccountName, &dwAccountNameSize, pszDomainName, &dwDomainNameSize, &snuAccountType ); if ( bResult == TRUE ) { chstrName = pszAccountName; chstrDomain = pszDomainName; } else { // There are some accounts that do not have names, such as Logon Ids, // for example S-1-5-X-Y. So this is still legal chstrName = _T("Unknown Account"); chstrDomain = _T("Unknown Domain"); } if ( NULL != pszAccountName ) { delete pszAccountName; pszAccountName = NULL; } if ( NULL != pszDomainName ) { delete pszDomainName; pszDomainName = NULL; } fRet = true; } // If ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER } // try catch(...) { if ( NULL != pszAccountName ) { delete pszAccountName; pszAccountName = NULL; } if ( NULL != pszDomainName ) { delete pszDomainName; pszDomainName = NULL; } throw; } } // IF IsValidSid return fRet; }