// // Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation. // // All rights reserved. // #include #include #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_DLL #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "WMI ICMP Echo Provider" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "wmipicmp.dll" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "wmipicmp.dll" #include "common.ver" #include "res_str.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // String Table // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CALLBACK_PREMATURE "Callback object deleted prematurely." IDS_IMPERSONATE_RECEIVE "Failed to impersonate client when receiving response." IDS_ICMPCREATEFILE_FAIL "Failed to send echo, IcmpCreateFile failed." IDS_RR_MAX "Send option setting failure, exceeded max option size - RecordRoute." IDS_RR_MAX_INDEX "Send option setting failure, exceeded max option index - RecordRoute." IDS_TS_MAX "Send option setting failure, exceeded max option size - TimestampRoute." IDS_TS_MAX_INDEX "Send option setting failure, exceeded max option index - TimestampRoute." IDS_SR_MAX "Send option setting failure, exceeded max option size - SourceRoute." IDS_SR_MAX_INDEX "Send option setting failure, exceeded max option index - SourceRoute." IDS_SR_PARSE "Send option setting failure, failed to parse SourceRoute." IDS_ICMPSENDECHO2 "Failed to send echo, IcmpSendEcho2 failed." IDS_IMPERSONATE_SEND "Failed to impersonate client when sending echo." IDS_DUP_THRDTOKEN "Failed to duplicate client thread token." IDS_ICMPECHO "Failed to send ICMP Echo." IDS_CLASS_DEFN "Class definition not found." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_INVALID_CLASS "Ping Provider does not support this class." IDS_OBJ_PATH "Unable to parse object path." IDS_OBJ_PATH_KEYS "Object path has incorrect number of keys." IDS_OBJ_PATH_DUP_KEYS "Same key name specified multiply in object path." IDS_OBJ_PATH_ADDR "Address given in object path was found to be invalid." IDS_ADDR_TYPE "Address given in object path has invalid type." IDS_TO_TYPE "Timeout given in object path has invalid type." IDS_TTL_TYPE "TimeToLive given in object path has invalid type." IDS_BUFF_TYPE "BufferSize given in object path has invalid type." IDS_NOFRAG_TYPE "NoFragmentation given in object path has invalid type." IDS_TOS_TYPE "TypeofService given in object path has invalid type." IDS_RR_TYPE "RecordRoute given in object path has invalid type." IDS_TS_TYPE "TimestampRoute given in object path has invalid type." IDS_SRT_TYPE "SourceRouteType given in object path has invalid type." IDS_SR_TYPE "SourceRoute given in object path has invalid type." IDS_RA_TYPE "ResolveAddressNames given in object path has invalid type." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_UNK_PROP "Unknown property in object path." IDS_UNK_KEY "Unknown key property name specified in object path." IDS_NO_KEYS "Failed to get all key values." IDS_DECODE_GET "Decoding response failed." IDS_QUERY_ADDR "Address must be uniquely specified per query partition." IDS_QUERY_ADDR_INVALID "Failed to resolve hostname specified, network failure." IDS_QUERY_TO "Timeout must be uniquely specified per query partition." IDS_QUERY_TTL "TimeToLive must be uniquely specified per query partition." IDS_QUERY_BUF "BufferSize must be uniquely specified per query partition." IDS_QUERY_NOFRAG "NoFragmentation must be uniquely specified per query partition." IDS_QUERY_TOS "TypeOfService must be uniquely specified per query partition." IDS_QUERY_RR "RecordRoute must be uniquely specified per query partition." IDS_QUERY_TS "TimestampRoute must be uniquely specified per query partition." IDS_QUERY_SRT "SourceRouteType must be uniquely specified per query partition." IDS_QUERY_SR "SourceRoute must be uniquely specified per query partition." IDS_QUERY_RA "ResolveAddressNames must be uniquely specified per query partition." END STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_QUERY_BROAD "The provider failed to analyze the query into usable partitions - too broad." IDS_QUERY_NARROW "The provider failed to analyze the query into usable partitions - too narrow." IDS_QUERY_UNUSABLE "The provider failed to analyze the query into usable partitions." IDS_QUERY_ANALYZE "The provider failed to analyze the query." IDS_QUERY_PARSE "The provider failed to parse the query." IDS_DECODE_QUERY "Decoding response failed." END