//*************************************************************************** // // VPGET.CPP // // Module: WBEM VIEW PROVIDER // // Purpose: Contains the GetObject implementation // // Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved // //*************************************************************************** #include "precomp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include GetObjectTaskObject::GetObjectTaskObject(CViewProvServ *a_Provider, wchar_t *a_ObjectPath, ULONG a_Flag, IWbemObjectSink *a_NotificationHandler , IWbemContext *pCtx, IWbemServices* a_Serv, CWbemServerWrap *a_ServerWrap) : WbemTaskObject (a_Provider, a_NotificationHandler, a_Flag, pCtx, a_Serv, a_ServerWrap), m_ObjectPath(NULL), m_ParsedObjectPath(NULL) { m_ObjectPath = UnicodeStringDuplicate(a_ObjectPath); } GetObjectTaskObject::~GetObjectTaskObject () { BOOL t_Status = TRUE; if (m_bIndicate) { IWbemClassObject *t_NotifyStatus = NULL ; if (WBEM_NO_ERROR != m_ErrorObject.GetWbemStatus ()) { t_Status = GetExtendedNotifyStatusObject ( &t_NotifyStatus ) ; } if ( t_Status ) { m_NotificationHandler->SetStatus ( 0 , m_ErrorObject.GetWbemStatus () , 0 , t_NotifyStatus ) ; if (t_NotifyStatus) { t_NotifyStatus->Release () ; } } else { m_NotificationHandler->SetStatus ( 0 , m_ErrorObject.GetWbemStatus () , 0 , NULL ) ; } } if (m_ObjectPath != NULL) { delete [] m_ObjectPath; } if (NULL != m_ParsedObjectPath) { delete m_ParsedObjectPath; } if (m_StatusHandle != NULL) { CloseHandle(m_StatusHandle); } } BOOL GetObjectTaskObject::PerformGet(WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, IWbemClassObject** pInst, const wchar_t* src, BOOL bAllprops) { m_StatusHandle = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (m_StatusHandle == NULL) { a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to create an Synchronization object" ) ; return FALSE; } BOOL retVal = PerformQueries(a_ErrorObject, bAllprops); BOOL bWait = TRUE; while (retVal && bWait) { DWORD dwWait = WbemWaitForSingleObject(m_StatusHandle, VP_QUERY_TIMEOUT); switch(dwWait) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: { retVal = ProcessResults(a_ErrorObject, pInst, src); bWait = FALSE; } break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: { BOOL bCleanup = TRUE; if (m_ArrayLock.Lock()) { if (m_ResultReceived) { m_ResultReceived = FALSE; bCleanup = FALSE; } m_ArrayLock.Unlock(); } if (bCleanup) { CleanUpObjSinks(TRUE); a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Wait on a sychronization object failed, or query timed out" ) ; retVal = FALSE; bWait = FALSE; } } break; default: { //Cancel outstanding requests and delete object sinks... //====================================================== CleanUpObjSinks(TRUE); a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Wait on a sychronization object failed" ) ; retVal = FALSE; bWait = FALSE; } } } return retVal; } BOOL GetObjectTaskObject::PerformQueries(WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, BOOL bAllprops) { //need enough tokens to handle association work-around serverpath or dotpath or relpath SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN* tokArray = new SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN[(m_ParsedObjectPath->m_dwNumKeys) * 6]; m_iQueriesAsked++; m_ObjSinkArray.SetSize(0, m_NSpaceArray.GetSize()); //m_NSpaceArray size is 1 for associations for (int x = 0; x < m_NSpaceArray.GetSize(); x++) { BOOL bContinue = TRUE; DWORD dwToks = 0; BOOL bFirst = TRUE; for (int i = 0; i < m_ParsedObjectPath->m_dwNumKeys; i++) { CPropertyQualifierItem* propItem; BOOL bFoundKey = FALSE; if (m_ParsedObjectPath->m_paKeys[i]->m_pName != NULL) { bFoundKey = m_PropertyMap.Lookup(m_ParsedObjectPath->m_paKeys[i]->m_pName, propItem); } else if (m_ParsedObjectPath->m_dwNumKeys == 1) { POSITION pos = m_PropertyMap.GetStartPosition(); while (pos) { CStringW itmName; m_PropertyMap.GetNextAssoc(pos, itmName, propItem); if (propItem->IsKey()) { bFoundKey = TRUE; break; } } } if (bFoundKey) { if (!propItem->m_SrcPropertyNames[x].IsEmpty()) { tokArray[dwToks].nTokenType = SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EXPRESSION; tokArray[dwToks].nOperator = SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EQUAL; tokArray[dwToks].pPropertyName = propItem->m_SrcPropertyNames[x].AllocSysString(); if (m_bAssoc && (propItem->GetCimType() == CIM_REFERENCE)) { bContinue = TransposeReference(propItem, m_ParsedObjectPath->m_paKeys[i]->m_vValue, &(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue), FALSE, NULL); if (!bContinue) { break; } else { //add the extra tokens if neccessary //for the association work-around wchar_t *t_pChar = tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.bstrVal; //must be \\server\namespace and not \\.\namespace or relpath if ( (*t_pChar == L'\\') && (*(t_pChar+1) == L'\\') && (*(t_pChar+2) != L'.') ) { //add the dotted version tokArray[dwToks + 1] = tokArray[dwToks]; dwToks++; t_pChar = tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.bstrVal + 2; while (*t_pChar != L'\\') { t_pChar++; } --t_pChar; *t_pChar = L'.'; --t_pChar; *t_pChar = L'\\'; --t_pChar; *t_pChar = L'\\'; BSTR t_strtmp = SysAllocString(t_pChar); VariantClear(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue)); VariantInit(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue)); tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.vt = VT_BSTR; tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.bstrVal = t_strtmp; dwToks++; tokArray[dwToks].nTokenType = SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::TOKEN_OR; //add the relpath version tokArray[dwToks + 1] = tokArray[dwToks - 1]; dwToks++; t_pChar = tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.bstrVal + 4; while (*t_pChar != L':') { t_pChar++; } //exclude the ':' t_pChar++; t_strtmp = SysAllocString(t_pChar); VariantClear(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue)); VariantInit(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue)); tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.vt = VT_BSTR; tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue.bstrVal = t_strtmp; dwToks++; tokArray[dwToks].nTokenType = SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::TOKEN_OR; } } } else { VariantInit(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue)); if (FAILED(VariantCopy(&(tokArray[dwToks].vConstValue), &(m_ParsedObjectPath->m_paKeys[i]->m_vValue)))) { throw Heap_Exception(Heap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } } //after every key add an AND //except if this is the first key && there is no where clause dwToks++; if ((!bFirst) || (m_SourceArray[x]->GetRPNExpression()->nNumTokens != 0)) { tokArray[dwToks++].nTokenType = SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::TOKEN_AND; } bFirst = FALSE; } } } if (bContinue) { CStringW queryStr = GetStringFromRPN(m_SourceArray[x]->GetRPNExpression(), dwToks, tokArray, bAllprops); CObjectSinkResults * objSnk = new CObjectSinkResults(this, x); objSnk->AddRef(); m_ObjSinkArray.SetAtGrow(x, objSnk); CWbemServerWrap** nsPtrs = m_NSpaceArray[x]->GetServerPtrs(); for (int m = 0; m < m_NSpaceArray[x]->GetCount(); m++) { if (nsPtrs[m] != NULL) { CViewProvObjectSink* pSnk = new CViewProvObjectSink(objSnk, nsPtrs[m], m); pSnk->AddRef(); BSTR queryBStr = queryStr.AllocSysString(); BSTR queryLBStr = SysAllocString(WBEM_QUERY_LANGUAGE_SQL1); IWbemObjectSink* pQuerySink = pSnk; IWbemContext * t_pCtx = m_Ctx; if (nsPtrs[m]->IsRemote()) { pQuerySink = pSnk->Associate(); t_pCtx = NULL; //don't use context for remote calls } IWbemServices *ptmpServ = nsPtrs[m]->GetServerOrProxy(); if (ptmpServ) { if ( pQuerySink ) { HRESULT t_hr = ptmpServ->ExecQueryAsync(queryLBStr, queryBStr, 0, t_pCtx, pQuerySink); if ( FAILED(t_hr) && (HRESULT_FACILITY(t_hr) != FACILITY_ITF) && nsPtrs[m]->IsRemote()) { if ( SUCCEEDED(UpdateConnection(&(nsPtrs[m]), &ptmpServ)) ) { if (ptmpServ) { t_hr = ptmpServ->ExecQueryAsync(queryLBStr, queryBStr, 0, t_pCtx, pQuerySink); } } } if (SUCCEEDED(t_hr)) { if (m_ArrayLock.Lock()) { m_iQueriesAsked++; m_ArrayLock.Unlock(); } else { pSnk->DisAssociate(); } } else { pSnk->DisAssociate(); } } else { pSnk->DisAssociate(); } if (ptmpServ) { nsPtrs[m]->ReturnServerOrProxy(ptmpServ); } } else { pSnk->DisAssociate(); } pSnk->Release(); SysFreeString(queryBStr); SysFreeString(queryLBStr); } } } //clean up token array for next pass... for (int n = 0; n < dwToks; n++) { if (tokArray[n].nTokenType == SQL_LEVEL_1_TOKEN::OP_EXPRESSION) { VariantClear(&(tokArray[n].vConstValue)); SysFreeString(tokArray[n].pPropertyName); tokArray[n].pPropertyName = NULL; } } } delete [] tokArray; if (m_ArrayLock.Lock()) { m_iQueriesAsked--; if (m_iQueriesAsked != m_iQueriesAnswered) { //just in case this was triggerred while we had yet to ask some queries ResetEvent(m_StatusHandle); } else { //just in case this wasn't triggerred while we were asking queries SetEvent(m_StatusHandle); } m_ArrayLock.Unlock(); } if (m_iQueriesAsked == 0) { for (int x = 0; x < m_ObjSinkArray.GetSize(); x++) { if (m_ObjSinkArray[x] != NULL) { m_ObjSinkArray[x]->Release(); } } m_ObjSinkArray.RemoveAll(); a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_INVALID_CLASS ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to send any queries, invalid namespaces" ) ; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL GetObjectTaskObject::ProcessResults(WbemProvErrorObject &a_ErrorObject, IWbemClassObject** pInst, const wchar_t* src) { BOOL retVal = TRUE; int arrayIndex; int indexCnt = 0; for (int x = 0; retVal && (x < m_ObjSinkArray.GetSize()); x++) { if ((m_ObjSinkArray[x] != NULL) && m_ObjSinkArray[x]->IsSet()) { if (SUCCEEDED(m_ObjSinkArray[x]->GetResult())) { DWORD dwCount = m_ObjSinkArray[x]->m_ObjArray.GetSize(); if (0 < dwCount) { arrayIndex = x; indexCnt++; } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_INVALID_CLASS ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Object path and Class qualifiers resulted in a failed query." ) ; } } else { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_INVALID_CLASS ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Invalid source namespace path OR object path and Class qualifiers resulted in a failed query." ) ; } } if (retVal) { if (0 == indexCnt) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_NOT_FOUND ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"No source objects found to support view object path." ) ; CleanUpObjSinks(); } else { if ((src != NULL) && (pInst != NULL)) { DWORD *pdwIndices = NULL; DWORD dwIndxCount = GetIndexList(src, &pdwIndices); for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwIndxCount; i++) { if ((m_ObjSinkArray[pdwIndices[i]] != NULL) && SUCCEEDED(m_ObjSinkArray[pdwIndices[i]]->GetResult()) && m_ObjSinkArray[pdwIndices[i]]->m_ObjArray.GetSize() == 1) { if (*pInst == NULL) { m_ObjSinkArray[pdwIndices[i]]->m_ObjArray[0]->GetWrappedObject()->AddRef(); *pInst = m_ObjSinkArray[pdwIndices[i]]->m_ObjArray[0]->GetWrappedObject(); } else { (*pInst)->Release(); *pInst = NULL; } } } if (dwIndxCount) { delete [] pdwIndices; } } if (m_JoinOnArray.IsValid()) { #ifdef VP_PERFORMANT_JOINS retVal = CreateAndIndicateJoinsPerf(a_ErrorObject, TRUE); #else retVal = CreateAndIndicateJoins(a_ErrorObject, TRUE); #endif if (!retVal && (a_ErrorObject.GetWbemStatus() == WBEM_NO_ERROR)) { a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_NOT_FOUND ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to map source instance(s) to view instance." ) ; } } else //union { if ( (1 < indexCnt) || (m_ObjSinkArray[arrayIndex]->m_ObjArray.GetSize() > 1) ) { retVal = FALSE; a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_TOOMANYRESULTSRETURNED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Ambiguous object path. Too many source instances returned." ) ; CleanUpObjSinks(); } else { if ((src == NULL) && (pInst != NULL)) { if ((m_ObjSinkArray[arrayIndex] != NULL) && SUCCEEDED(m_ObjSinkArray[arrayIndex]->GetResult()) && m_ObjSinkArray[arrayIndex]->m_ObjArray.GetSize()) { m_ObjSinkArray[arrayIndex]->m_ObjArray[0]->GetWrappedObject()->AddRef(); *pInst = m_ObjSinkArray[arrayIndex]->m_ObjArray[0]->GetWrappedObject(); } } retVal = CreateAndIndicateUnions(a_ErrorObject, arrayIndex); if (!retVal && (a_ErrorObject.GetWbemStatus() == WBEM_NO_ERROR)) { a_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_NOT_FOUND ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ) ; a_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Failed to map source instance(s) to view instance." ) ; } } } if (!retVal && (pInst != NULL) && (*pInst != NULL)) { (*pInst)->Release(); *pInst = NULL; } } } else { CleanUpObjSinks(); } return retVal; } BOOL GetObjectTaskObject::GetSourceObject(const wchar_t* src, IWbemClassObject** pInst, BOOL bAllprops) { //Have to test that object path is real and return //the IWbemClassObject for the source requested.... //================================================== m_bIndicate = FALSE; CObjectPathParser objectPathParser; BOOL t_Status = ! objectPathParser.Parse ( m_ObjectPath , &m_ParsedObjectPath ) ; if ( t_Status ) { t_Status = SetClass(m_ParsedObjectPath->m_pClass) ; if ( t_Status ) { t_Status = ParseAndProcessClassQualifiers(m_ErrorObject, m_ParsedObjectPath); if (t_Status) { if (m_bAssoc) { t_Status = FALSE; } else { t_Status = PerformGet(m_ErrorObject, pInst, src, bAllprops); } } } } else { t_Status = FALSE ; } return t_Status ; } BOOL GetObjectTaskObject :: GetObject () { DebugOut2( CViewProvServ::sm_debugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _T(__FILE__),__LINE__, _T("GetObjectTaskObject :: GetObject\r\n") ) ; ) CObjectPathParser objectPathParser; BOOL t_Status = ! objectPathParser.Parse ( m_ObjectPath , &m_ParsedObjectPath ) ; if ( t_Status ) { t_Status = SetClass(m_ParsedObjectPath->m_pClass) ; if ( t_Status ) { t_Status = ParseAndProcessClassQualifiers(m_ErrorObject, m_ParsedObjectPath); if (t_Status) { t_Status = PerformGet(m_ErrorObject); } } else { m_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_INVALID_CLASS ) ; m_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_FAILED ) ; m_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Class definition not found" ) ; DebugOut2( CViewProvServ::sm_debugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _T(__FILE__),__LINE__, _T("GetObjectTaskObject :: GetObject:Class definition not found\r\n") ) ; ) } } else { t_Status = FALSE ; m_ErrorObject.SetStatus ( WBEM_PROV_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ) ; m_ErrorObject.SetWbemStatus ( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ) ; m_ErrorObject.SetMessage ( L"Unable to parse object path" ) ; DebugOut2( CViewProvServ::sm_debugLog->WriteW ( L"GetObjectTaskObject :: GetObject:Unable to parse object path %s\r\n", m_ObjectPath ) ; ) } DebugOut2( CViewProvServ::sm_debugLog->WriteFileAndLine ( _T(__FILE__),__LINE__, _T("leaving GetObjectTaskObject :: GetObject with %lx\r\n"), t_Status ) ; ) return t_Status ; }