= 0 then
i = Abs(ilen) + 2
i = 1
end if
If i > 200 Then
While i > 0
s = s & " "
i = i - 1
PadIt = s
PadIt = Left(" ", i)
End If
End Function
Function DispIt1(n)
Dim sT
If Len(sPXML) = 0 Then
sPXML = Me.ParentNode.xml
bFirst = True
If iResultCount > 1 then
sTs(iLens) = "Node"
sVs(iRow, iLens) = Me.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.Attributes(0).Value
iLens = iLens + 1
End If
End If
If Me.ParentNode.xml <> sPXML Then
sPXML = Me.ParentNode.xml
bFirst = False
iLensMax = iLens
iLens = 0
iRow = iRow + 1
If iResultCount > 1 then
sTs(iLens) = "Node"
sVs(iRow, iLens) = Me.ParentNode.ParentNode.ParentNode.Attributes(0).Value
iLens = iLens + 1
End If
End If
If Left(Me.Attributes(0).Value,1) = "_" Then
Exit Function
End If
If bFirst Then
'this is the first row - set up the headers
sTs(iLens) = Me.Attributes(0).Value
If sTs(iLens) <> Me.Attributes(0).Value Then
'This is going to be messy - Find it or add it on the end
End If
End If
if IsNumeric(Me.nodeTypedValue) then
if bN(iLens) < 2 then
bN(iLens) = 1
End If
sT = Me.FormatNumber(Me.nodeTypedValue, "###,###,###,###.####")
If Mid(sT, Len(sT),1) = "." then
sT = Me.FormatNumber(Me.nodeTypedValue, "###,###,###,###")
End If
sVs(iRow, iLens) = sT
sVs(iRow, iLens) = Me.nodeTypedValue
bN(iLens) = 2
End If
iLens = iLens + 1
End Function
Function DispIt2(n)
Dim sT
Dim sV
Dim i
Dim j
Dim k
'Determine the column widths
'look at the column headers first
iLensMax = iLens
iLens = 0
iRow = iRow + 1
While i < iLensMax
k = Len(sTs(i))
If k > lens(i) Then
lens(i) = k
End If
i = i + 1
'look at the values
i = 0
While i < iRow
j = 0
While j < iLensMax
k = Len(sVs(i, j))
If k > lens(j) Then
lens(j) = k
End If
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
'set up the column headers
i = 0
While i < iLensMax
j = lens(i)
j = j - Len(sTs(i))
If bN(i) = 1 then
sT = sT & PadIt(j-1) & sTs(i) & " "
sT = sT & sTs(i) & PadIt(j)
End If
i = i + 1
i = 0
While i < iRow
j = 0
While j < iLensMax
k = lens(j) - Len(sVs(i, j))
if bN(j)= 1 then
sV = sV & PadIt(k-1) & sVs(i, j) & " "
sV = sV & sVs(i, j) & PadIt(k)
End If
j = j + 1
sV = sV & vbCrLf
i = i + 1
DispIt2 = sT & vbCrLf & sV
End Function