#include <stdio.h> #include <direct.h> #include <windows.h> #include "patchapi.h" #include "const.h" BOOL IsUnicodeFile(IN HANDLE hFile); BOOL ReadLine(IN HANDLE hFile, IN WCHAR* strLine); BOOL CopyThisFile(IN WCHAR* strFrom, IN WCHAR* strTo); BOOL MoveThisFile(IN WCHAR* strFrom, IN WCHAR* strTo); BOOL PatchFile(IN WCHAR* strOldFile, IN WCHAR* strPatchFile, IN WCHAR* strNewFile); BOOL CreateZeroFile(IN WCHAR* strFile); BOOL CreateThisDirectory(IN WCHAR* strDirectory, IN WCHAR* strAttrib); BOOL DeleteThisDirectory(IN WCHAR* strDirectory); extern "C" VOID __cdecl wmain(VOID) { HANDLE hScriptFile = CreateFileW(APPLY_PATCH_SCRIPT, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if(hScriptFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if(IsUnicodeFile(hScriptFile)) { // local varibles BOOL blnReturn = TRUE; WCHAR strThisLine[SUPER_LENGTH / 2]; WCHAR* strAction = NULL; WCHAR strParam1[STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR strParam2[STRING_LENGTH]; WCHAR strParam3[STRING_LENGTH]; DWORD iError = 0; // get drive letter INT iDrive = _getdrive() - 1; if(iDrive >= 0) { strParam1[0] = strParam2[0] = strParam3[0] = (WCHAR)(L'A' + iDrive); strParam1[1] = strParam2[1] = strParam3[1] = L':'; while(ReadLine(hScriptFile, strThisLine)) { blnReturn = TRUE; strParam1[2] = strParam2[2] = strParam3[2] = 0; strAction = wcstok(strThisLine, SEPARATOR); if(strAction) { switch(strAction[0]) { case ACTION_C_NEW_DIRECTORY: wcscpy(strParam1 + 2, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); blnReturn = CreateThisDirectory(strParam1, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); break; case ACTION_C_PATCH_FILE: wcscpy(strParam1 + 2, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); wcscpy(strParam2 + 2, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); wcscpy(strParam3 + 2, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); blnReturn = PatchFile(strParam1, strParam2, strParam3); break; case ACTION_C_MOVE_FILE: case ACTION_C_EXCEPT_FILE: case ACTION_C_RENAME_FILE: case ACTION_C_NOT_PATCH_FILE: case ACTION_C_SAVED_FILE: wcscpy(strParam1 + 2, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); wcscpy(strParam2 + 2, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); blnReturn = MoveThisFile(strParam1, strParam2); break; case ACTION_C_COPY_FILE: wcscpy(strParam1 + 2, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); wcscpy(strParam2 + 2, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); blnReturn = CopyThisFile(strParam1, strParam2); break; case ACTION_C_NEW_ZERO_FILE: wcscpy(strParam1 + 2, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); blnReturn = CreateZeroFile(strParam1); break; case ACTION_C_DELETE_DIRECTORY: wcscpy(strParam1 + 2, wcstok(NULL, SEPARATOR)); blnReturn = DeleteThisDirectory(strParam1); break; default: blnReturn = FALSE; break; } } if(!blnReturn) { iError = GetLastError(); switch(iError) { case ERROR_PATCH_NOT_NECESSARY: CopyThisFile(strParam1, strParam3); break; default: // some thing went wrong printf("warning, A=%ls, 1=%ls, 2=%ls, 3=%ls, C=%d\n", strAction, strParam1, strParam2, strParam3, iError); break; } } } } } CloseHandle(hScriptFile); } } BOOL IsUnicodeFile(IN HANDLE hFile) { WCHAR cFirstChar = 0; ULONG iRead = 0; if(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && ReadFile(hFile, &cFirstChar, sizeof(WCHAR), &iRead, NULL) && iRead != 0 && cFirstChar == UNICODE_HEAD) { return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } BOOL ReadLine(IN HANDLE hFile, IN WCHAR* strLine) { static WCHAR strBuffer[SUPER_LENGTH + 1]; static LONG iLength = 0; static LONG iReadChar = 0; static ULONG iRead = 0; static LONG iOffset = 0; static LONG iThisLineLength = 0; static WCHAR* strThisLine = NULL; if(iLength > 0) { // char 0xA is set to 0 strThisLine = wcstok(strBuffer + iReadChar - iLength, CRETURN); iThisLineLength = wcslen(strThisLine); if(iThisLineLength + 1 <= iLength) { // char 0xD is set to 0 strThisLine[iThisLineLength - 1] = 0; wcscpy(strLine, strThisLine); iLength = iLength - iThisLineLength - 1; } else { wcsncpy(strLine, strThisLine, iLength); // set the last char + 1 to 0 for cat strLine[iLength] = 0; if(iLength <= 0 || strLine[iLength - 1] != ENDOFLINE[0]) { ReadFile(hFile, strBuffer, SUPER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR), &iRead, NULL); iReadChar = iRead / sizeof(WCHAR); // char 0xA is set to 0 strThisLine = wcstok(strBuffer, CRETURN); iThisLineLength = wcslen(strThisLine); iLength = iReadChar - iThisLineLength - 1; // char 0xD is set to 0 strThisLine[iThisLineLength - 1] = 0; wcscat(strLine, strThisLine); if(strBuffer[0] == CRETURN[0]) { iLength -= 1; } } else { strLine[iLength - 1] = 0; iLength = 0; } } } else { if(ReadFile(hFile, strBuffer, SUPER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR), &iRead, NULL) && iRead != 0) { iReadChar = iRead / sizeof(WCHAR); // char 0xA is set to 0 strThisLine = wcstok(strBuffer, CRETURN); iThisLineLength = wcslen(strThisLine); iLength = iReadChar - iThisLineLength - 1; // char 0xD is set to 0 strThisLine[iThisLineLength - 1] = 0; wcscpy(strLine, strThisLine); if(strBuffer[0] == CRETURN[0]) { iLength -= 1; } } else { return(FALSE); } } return(TRUE); } BOOL CopyThisFile(IN WCHAR* strFrom, IN WCHAR* strTo) { BOOL blnReturn = TRUE; blnReturn = CopyFileW(strFrom, strTo, TRUE); return(blnReturn); } BOOL MoveThisFile(IN WCHAR* strFrom, IN WCHAR* strTo) { BOOL blnReturn = FALSE; DWORD iAttrib = GetFileAttributesW(strFrom); if(iAttrib != 0xFFFFFFFF) { blnReturn = SetFileAttributesW(strFrom, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE); blnReturn &= MoveFileW(strFrom, strTo); blnReturn &= SetFileAttributesW(strTo, iAttrib); } return(blnReturn); } BOOL CreateZeroFile(IN WCHAR* strFile) { BOOL blnReturn = TRUE; HANDLE hFile = CreateFileW(strFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if((blnReturn = (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) == TRUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); } return(blnReturn); } BOOL PatchFile(IN WCHAR* strOldFile, IN WCHAR* strPatchFile, IN WCHAR* strNewFile) { BOOL blnReturn = TRUE; blnReturn = ApplyPatchToFileW(strPatchFile, strOldFile, strNewFile, 0); return(blnReturn); } BOOL CreateThisDirectory(IN WCHAR* strDirectory, IN WCHAR* strAttrib) { BOOL blnReturn = TRUE; blnReturn = (_wmkdir(strDirectory) == 0 || errno == 17 /*EEXIST*/); if(blnReturn && strAttrib) { DWORD iAttrib = 0; for(UINT i = 0; i < wcslen(strAttrib); i++) { switch(strAttrib[i]) { case DIR_C_READONLY: iAttrib |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; break; case DIR_C_SYSTEM: iAttrib |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM; break; case DIR_C_HIDDEN: iAttrib |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN; break; case DIR_C_COMPRESSED: iAttrib |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED; break; case DIR_C_ENCRYPTED: iAttrib |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED; break; default: break; } } SetFileAttributesW(strDirectory, iAttrib); } return(blnReturn); } BOOL DeleteThisDirectory(IN WCHAR* strDirectory) { INT length = 0; BOOL result = TRUE; HANDLE findHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATAW file; WCHAR path[MAXPATH + 7]; if((length = wcslen(strDirectory)) > MAXPATH) { result = FALSE; goto done; } wcscpy(path, strDirectory); if(length) { if((path[length - 1] != '\\') AND (path[length - 1] != ':')) { wcscpy(path + length, L"\\"); length++; } } wcscpy(path + length, L"*.*"); findHandle = FindFirstFileW(path, &file); if(findHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { result = FALSE; } path[length] = L'\0'; while(result) { if((file.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY && wcscmp(file.cFileName, L".") != 0 && wcscmp(file.cFileName, L"..") != 0) { /* recursively going into this directory */ wcscpy(path + length, file.cFileName); DeleteThisDirectory(path); } else { wcscpy(path + length, file.cFileName); if(!DeleteFileW(path)) { SetFileAttributesW(path, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE); DeleteFileW(path); } } path[length] = 0; if(!FindNextFileW(findHandle, &file)) { result = FALSE; } } /* All files are examed, close the findhandle */ if(findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(findHandle); findHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } done: /* finally remove the directory */ return(RemoveDirectoryW(path)); }