/*++ BUILD Version: 0001 // Increment this if a change has global effects ;both ;both Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ;both ;both Module Name: ;both ;both Winreg.h Winregp.h ;internal_NT ;both Abstract: ;both ;both This module contains the function prototypes and constant, type and ;both structure definitions for the Windows 32-Bit Registry API. ;both ;both --*/ ;both #ifndef _WINREG_ #define _WINREG_ #ifndef _WINREGP_ ;internal_NT #define _WINREGP_ ;internal_NT #ifdef _MAC #include #endif ;begin_both #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif ;end_both #ifndef WINVER ;public_win40 #define WINVER 0x0500 // version 5.0 ;public_win40 #endif /* !WINVER */ ;public_win40 // // Requested Key access mask type. // typedef ACCESS_MASK REGSAM; // // Reserved Key Handles. // #define HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000000) ) #define HKEY_CURRENT_USER (( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000001) ) #define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000002) ) #define HKEY_USERS (( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000003) ) #define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA (( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000004) ) #define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_TEXT (( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000050) ) #define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_NLSTEXT (( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000060) ) ;begin_winver_400 #define HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG (( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000005) ) #define HKEY_DYN_DATA (( HKEY ) (ULONG_PTR)((LONG)0x80000006) ) /*NOINC*/ #ifndef _PROVIDER_STRUCTS_DEFINED #define _PROVIDER_STRUCTS_DEFINED #define PROVIDER_KEEPS_VALUE_LENGTH 0x1 struct val_context { int valuelen; // the total length of this value LPVOID value_context; // provider's context LPVOID val_buff_ptr; // where in the ouput buffer the value is. }; typedef struct val_context FAR *PVALCONTEXT; typedef struct pvalue% { // Provider supplied value/context. LPTSTR% pv_valuename; // The value name pointer int pv_valuelen; LPVOID pv_value_context; DWORD pv_type; }PVALUE%, FAR *PPVALUE%; typedef DWORD _cdecl QUERYHANDLER (LPVOID keycontext, PVALCONTEXT val_list, DWORD num_vals, LPVOID outputbuffer, DWORD FAR *total_outlen, DWORD input_blen); typedef QUERYHANDLER FAR *PQUERYHANDLER; typedef struct provider_info { PQUERYHANDLER pi_R0_1val; PQUERYHANDLER pi_R0_allvals; PQUERYHANDLER pi_R3_1val; PQUERYHANDLER pi_R3_allvals; DWORD pi_flags; // capability flags (none defined yet). LPVOID pi_key_context; }REG_PROVIDER; typedef struct provider_info FAR *PPROVIDER; typedef struct value_ent% { LPTSTR% ve_valuename; DWORD ve_valuelen; DWORD_PTR ve_valueptr; DWORD ve_type; }VALENT%, FAR *PVALENT%; #endif // not(_PROVIDER_STRUCTS_DEFINED) /*INC*/ ;end_winver_400 // // Default values for parameters that do not exist in the Win 3.1 // compatible APIs. // #define WIN31_CLASS NULL // // API Prototypes. // WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegCloseKey ( IN HKEY hKey ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegOverridePredefKey ( IN HKEY hKey, IN HKEY hNewHKey ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegOpenUserClassesRoot( HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegOpenCurrentUser( REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegDisablePredefinedCache( ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegConnectRegistry% ( IN LPCTSTR% lpMachineName, IN HKEY hKey, OUT PHKEY phkResult ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegCreateKey% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpSubKey, OUT PHKEY phkResult ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegCreateKeyEx% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpSubKey, IN DWORD Reserved, IN LPTSTR% lpClass, IN DWORD dwOptions, IN REGSAM samDesired, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, OUT PHKEY phkResult, OUT LPDWORD lpdwDisposition ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegDeleteKey% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpSubKey ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegDeleteValue% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpValueName ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegEnumKey% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT LPTSTR% lpName, IN DWORD cbName ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegEnumKeyEx% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT LPTSTR% lpName, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbName, IN LPDWORD lpReserved, IN OUT LPTSTR% lpClass, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbClass, OUT PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegEnumValue% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT LPTSTR% lpValueName, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbValueName, IN LPDWORD lpReserved, OUT LPDWORD lpType, OUT LPBYTE lpData, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbData ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegFlushKey ( IN HKEY hKey ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegGetKeySecurity ( IN HKEY hKey, IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegLoadKey% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpSubKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpFile ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegNotifyChangeKeyValue ( IN HKEY hKey, IN BOOL bWatchSubtree, IN DWORD dwNotifyFilter, IN HANDLE hEvent, IN BOOL fAsynchronus ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegOpenKey% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpSubKey, OUT PHKEY phkResult ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegOpenKeyEx% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpSubKey, IN DWORD ulOptions, IN REGSAM samDesired, OUT PHKEY phkResult ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegQueryInfoKey% ( IN HKEY hKey, OUT LPTSTR% lpClass, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbClass, IN LPDWORD lpReserved, OUT LPDWORD lpcSubKeys, OUT LPDWORD lpcbMaxSubKeyLen, OUT LPDWORD lpcbMaxClassLen, OUT LPDWORD lpcValues, OUT LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueNameLen, OUT LPDWORD lpcbMaxValueLen, OUT LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor, OUT PFILETIME lpftLastWriteTime ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegQueryValue% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpSubKey, OUT LPTSTR% lpValue, IN OUT PLONG lpcbValue ); ;begin_winver_400 WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegQueryMultipleValues% ( IN HKEY hKey, OUT PVALENT% val_list, IN DWORD num_vals, OUT LPTSTR% lpValueBuf, IN OUT LPDWORD ldwTotsize ); ;end_winver_400 WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegQueryValueEx% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpValueName, IN LPDWORD lpReserved, OUT LPDWORD lpType, IN OUT LPBYTE lpData, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcbData ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegReplaceKey% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpSubKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpNewFile, IN LPCTSTR% lpOldFile ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegRestoreKey% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpFile, IN DWORD dwFlags ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegSaveKey% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpFile, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegSetKeySecurity ( IN HKEY hKey, IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegSetValue% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpSubKey, IN DWORD dwType, IN LPCTSTR% lpData, IN DWORD cbData ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegSetValueEx% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpValueName, IN DWORD Reserved, IN DWORD dwType, IN CONST BYTE* lpData, IN DWORD cbData ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegUnLoadKey% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpSubKey ); // // Remoteable System Shutdown APIs // WINADVAPI BOOL APIENTRY InitiateSystemShutdown%( IN LPTSTR% lpMachineName, IN LPTSTR% lpMessage, IN DWORD dwTimeout, IN BOOL bForceAppsClosed, IN BOOL bRebootAfterShutdown ); WINADVAPI BOOL APIENTRY AbortSystemShutdown%( IN LPTSTR% lpMachineName ); // // defines for InitiateSystemShutdownEx reason codes // #include // get the public reasons // // Then for Historical reasons support some old symbols, internal only #define REASON_SWINSTALL SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_SOFTWARE|SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_INSTALLATION #define REASON_HWINSTALL SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_HARDWARE|SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_INSTALLATION #define REASON_SERVICEHANG SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_SOFTWARE|SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_HUNG #define REASON_UNSTABLE SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_SYSTEM|SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_UNSTABLE #define REASON_SWHWRECONF SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_SOFTWARE|SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_RECONFIG #define REASON_OTHER SHTDN_REASON_MAJOR_OTHER|SHTDN_REASON_MINOR_OTHER #define REASON_UNKNOWN SHTDN_REASON_UNKNOWN #define REASON_PLANNED_FLAG SHTDN_REASON_FLAG_PLANNED WINADVAPI BOOL APIENTRY InitiateSystemShutdownEx%( IN LPTSTR% lpMachineName, IN LPTSTR% lpMessage, IN DWORD dwTimeout, IN BOOL bForceAppsClosed, IN BOOL bRebootAfterShutdown, IN DWORD dwReason ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY RegSaveKeyEx% ( IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCTSTR% lpFile, IN LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, IN DWORD Flags ); WINADVAPI LONG APIENTRY Wow64Win32ApiEntry ( DWORD dwFuncNumber, DWORD dwFlag, DWORD dwRes ); ;begin_both #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif ;end_both #endif // _WINREGP_ ;internal_NT #endif // _WINREG_