/* Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corporation                                */
/*                              *************                                   */
/*                              *  Y 2 . H  *                                   */
/*                              *************                                   */
/*                                                                              */
/*  This file contains the external declarations needed to hook Yacc modules    */
/* which were originally in Y2.C to their impure data in Y2IMP.2C. Also does    */
/* the include of the original data/external file DTXTRN.H.                     */
/*                                                                              */

# include "dtxtrn.h" 

# define IDENTIFIER 257
# define MARK 258
# define TERM 259
# define LEFT 260
# define RIGHT 261
# define BINARY 262
# define PREC 263
# define LCURLY 264
# define C_IDENTIFIER 265  /* name followed by colon */
# define NUMBER 266
# define START 267
# define TYPEDEF 268
# define TYPENAME 269
# define UNION 270
# define ENDFILE 0

/* communication variables between various I/O routines */

extern char *infile;            /* input file name */
extern SSIZE_T numbval;             /* value of an input number */
extern char tokname[ ];         /* input token name */

/* storage of names */

extern char cnames[ ];          /* place where token and nonterminal names are stored */
extern int cnamsz;              /* size of cnames */
extern char * cnamp;            /* place where next name is to be put in */
extern int ndefout;             /* number of defined symbols output */

/* storage of types */
extern int ntypes;              /* number of types defined */
extern char * typeset[ ];       /* pointers to type tags */

/* symbol tables for tokens and nonterminals */

extern int start;               /* start symbol */

/* assigned token type values */
extern int extval;