//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is part of the Microsoft Tablet PC Platform SDK // Copyright (C) 2002 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // // Module: // RecApis.h // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __HRECOALT__ #define __HRECOALT__ DECLARE_HANDLE(HRECOALT); // definition of a handle for the alternate #endif #ifndef __HRECOCONTEXT__ #define __HRECOCONTEXT__ DECLARE_HANDLE(HRECOCONTEXT); // definition of a handle for the reco context #endif #ifndef __HRECOGNIZER__ #define __HRECOGNIZER__ DECLARE_HANDLE(HRECOGNIZER); // definition of a handle for the recognizer #endif #ifndef __HRECOLATTICE__ #define __HRECOLATTICE__ DECLARE_HANDLE(HRECOLATTICE); // definition of a handle for the lattice #endif #ifndef __HRECOWORDLIST__ #define __HRECOWORDLIST__ DECLARE_HANDLE(HRECOWORDLIST); // definition of a handle for the lattice #endif typedef HRESULT (*PfnRecoCallback)(DWORD, LPBYTE, HRECOCONTEXT); #ifndef __IID_DEFINED__ #define __IID_DEFINED__ typedef struct _IID { unsigned long x; unsigned short s1; unsigned short s2; unsigned char c[8]; } IID; #endif // __IID_DEFINED__ #ifndef CLSID_DEFINED #define CLSID_DEFINED typedef IID CLSID; #endif // CLSID_DEFINED #include "tpcshrd.h" #include "RecTypes.h" //////////////////////// // IRecognizer //////////////////////// HRESULT WINAPI CreateRecognizer(CLSID *pCLSID, HRECOGNIZER *phrec); HRESULT WINAPI DestroyRecognizer(HRECOGNIZER hrec); HRESULT WINAPI GetRecoAttributes(HRECOGNIZER hrec, RECO_ATTRS* pRecoAttrs); HRESULT WINAPI CreateContext(HRECOGNIZER hrec, HRECOCONTEXT *phrc); HRESULT WINAPI DestroyContext(HRECOCONTEXT hrc); HRESULT WINAPI GetResultPropertyList(HRECOGNIZER hrec, ULONG* pPropertyCount, GUID*pPropertyGuid); HRESULT WINAPI GetPreferredPacketDescription(HRECOGNIZER hrec, PACKET_DESCRIPTION* pPacketDescription); HRESULT WINAPI GetUnicodeRanges(HRECOGNIZER hrec, ULONG *pcRanges, CHARACTER_RANGE *pcr); //////////////////////// // IRecoContext //////////////////////// HRESULT WINAPI AddStroke(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, const PACKET_DESCRIPTION* pPacketDesc, ULONG cbPacket, const BYTE *pPacket, const XFORM *pXForm); HRESULT WINAPI GetBestResultString(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, ULONG *pcSize, WCHAR* pwcBestResult); HRESULT WINAPI GetBestAlternate(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, HRECOALT* pHrcAlt); HRESULT WINAPI DestroyAlternate(HRECOALT hrcalt); HRESULT WINAPI SetGuide(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, const RECO_GUIDE* pGuide, ULONG iIndex); HRESULT WINAPI GetGuide(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, RECO_GUIDE* pGuide, ULONG *piIndex); HRESULT WINAPI AdviseInkChange(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, BOOL bNewStroke); HRESULT WINAPI SetCACMode(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, int iMode); HRESULT WINAPI EndInkInput(HRECOCONTEXT hrc); HRESULT WINAPI CloneContext(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, HRECOCONTEXT* pCloneHrc); HRESULT WINAPI ResetContext(HRECOCONTEXT hrc); HRESULT WINAPI GetAlternateList(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, RECO_RANGE* pRecoRange, ULONG*pcAlt, HRECOALT*phrcalt, ALT_BREAKS iBreak); HRESULT WINAPI Process(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, BOOL *pbPartialProcessing); HRESULT WINAPI SetFactoid(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, ULONG cwcFactoid, const WCHAR *pwcFactoid); HRESULT WINAPI SetFlags(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, DWORD dwFlags); HRESULT WINAPI GetLatticePtr(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, RECO_LATTICE **ppLattice); HRESULT WINAPI SetTextContext(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, ULONG cwcBefore, const WCHAR *pwcBefore, ULONG cwcAfter, const WCHAR *pwcAfter); HRESULT WINAPI GetEnabledUnicodeRanges(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, ULONG *pcRanges, CHARACTER_RANGE *pcr); HRESULT WINAPI SetEnabledUnicodeRanges(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, ULONG cRanges, CHARACTER_RANGE *pcr); HRESULT WINAPI GetContextPropertyList(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, ULONG *pcProperties, GUID *pPropertyGUIDS); HRESULT WINAPI GetContextPropertyValue(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, GUID *pGuid, ULONG *pcbSize, BYTE *pProperty); HRESULT WINAPI SetContextPropertyValue(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, GUID *pGuid, ULONG cbSize, BYTE *pProperty); HRESULT WINAPI IsStringSupported(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, ULONG wcString, const WCHAR *pwcString); HRESULT WINAPI SetWordList(HRECOCONTEXT hrc, HRECOWORDLIST hwl); //////////////////////// // IAlternate //////////////////////// HRESULT WINAPI GetString(HRECOALT hrcalt, RECO_RANGE *pRecoRange, ULONG* pcSize, WCHAR* pwcString); HRESULT WINAPI GetStrokeRanges(HRECOALT hrcalt, RECO_RANGE* pRecoRange, ULONG* pcRanges, STROKE_RANGE* pStrokeRange); HRESULT WINAPI GetSegmentAlternateList(HRECOALT hrcalt, RECO_RANGE* pRecoRange, ULONG *pcAlts, HRECOALT* pAlts); HRESULT WINAPI GetMetrics(HRECOALT hrcalt, RECO_RANGE* pRecoRange, LINE_METRICS lm, LINE_SEGMENT* pls); HRESULT WINAPI GetGuideIndex(HRECOALT hrcalt, RECO_RANGE* pRecoRange, ULONG *piIndex); HRESULT WINAPI GetConfidenceLevel(HRECOALT hrcalt, RECO_RANGE* pRecoRange, CONFIDENCE_LEVEL* pcl); HRESULT WINAPI GetPropertyRanges(HRECOALT hrcalt, const GUID *pPropertyGuid, ULONG* pcRanges, RECO_RANGE* pRecoRange); HRESULT WINAPI GetRangePropertyValue(HRECOALT hrcalt, const GUID *pPropertyGuid, RECO_RANGE* pRecoRange, ULONG*cbSize, BYTE* pProperty); //////////////////////// // IRecoWordList //////////////////////// HRESULT WINAPI DestroyWordList(HRECOWORDLIST hwl); HRESULT WINAPI AddWordsToWordList(HRECOWORDLIST hwl, WCHAR *pwcWords); HRESULT WINAPI MakeWordList(HRECOGNIZER hrec, WCHAR *pBuffer, HRECOWORDLIST *phwl);