//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996 // // File: cuser.cxx // // Contents: Host user object code // // History: Feb-14-96 t-ptam Created. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "NWCOMPAT.hxx" #pragma hdrstop // // Macro-ized implementation. // DEFINE_IDispatch_Implementation(CNWCOMPATUser) DEFINE_IADs_TempImplementation(CNWCOMPATUser) DEFINE_IADs_PutGetImplementation(CNWCOMPATUser, UserClass, gdwUserTableSize) DEFINE_IADsPropertyList_Implementation(CNWCOMPATUser, UserClass, gdwUserTableSize) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::CNWCOMPATUser() // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNWCOMPATUser::CNWCOMPATUser(): _pDispMgr(NULL), _pPropertyCache(NULL), _ParentType(0), _ServerName(NULL), _szHostServerName(NULL), _hConn(NULL) { ENLIST_TRACKING(CNWCOMPATUser); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::CreateUser // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::CreateUser( BSTR Parent, ULONG ParentType, BSTR ServerName, BSTR UserName, CCredentials &Credentials, DWORD dwObjectState, REFIID riid, void **ppvObj ) { CNWCOMPATUser FAR * pUser = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = AllocateUserObject(&pUser); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = pUser->InitializeCoreObject( Parent, UserName, USER_CLASS_NAME, USER_SCHEMA_NAME, CLSID_NWCOMPATUser, dwObjectState ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = ADsAllocString( ServerName , &pUser->_ServerName); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = ADsAllocString( ServerName, &pUser->_szHostServerName); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); pUser->_Credentials = Credentials; // // Get a handle to the bindery this object resides on. // hr = NWApiGetBinderyHandle( &pUser->_hConn, pUser->_ServerName, pUser->_Credentials ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = pUser->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); pUser->Release(); RRETURN(hr); error: delete pUser; NW_RRETURN_EXP_IF_ERR(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::~CNWCOMPATUser // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CNWCOMPATUser::~CNWCOMPATUser( ) { ADsFreeString(_ServerName); ADsFreeString(_szHostServerName); delete _pDispMgr; delete _pPropertyCache; if (_hConn) NWApiReleaseBinderyHandle(_hConn); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::QueryInterface // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CNWCOMPATUser::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, LPVOID FAR* ppv ) { if (ppv == NULL) { RRETURN(E_POINTER); } if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppv = (IADsUser FAR *) this; } else if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IADsUser)) { *ppv = (IADsUser FAR *) this; } else if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IADs)) { *ppv = (IADsUser FAR *) this; } else if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IDispatch)) { *ppv = (IADsUser FAR *) this; } else if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_ISupportErrorInfo)) { *ppv = (ISupportErrorInfo FAR *) this; } else if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IADsPropertyList)) { *ppv = (IADsPropertyList FAR *) this; } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } AddRef(); return NOERROR; } /* ISupportErrorInfo method */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CNWCOMPATUser::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo( THIS_ REFIID riid ) { if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADs) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADsUser) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IADsPropertyList)) { RRETURN(S_OK); } else { RRETURN(S_FALSE); } } /* IADs methods */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::SetInfo // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CNWCOMPATUser::SetInfo(THIS) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; POBJECTINFO pObjectInfo = NULL; NW_USER_INFO NwUserInfo = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; // // Bind an object to a real tangible resource if it is not bounded already. // if (GetObjectState() == ADS_OBJECT_UNBOUND) { hr = BuildObjectInfo( _Parent, _Name, &pObjectInfo ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = NWApiMakeUserInfo( pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[0], pObjectInfo->ComponentArray[1], L"", // empty password initially, _Credentials, &NwUserInfo ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = NWApiCreateUser( &NwUserInfo ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); SetObjectState(ADS_OBJECT_BOUND); } // // Persist changes. // hr = SetInfo(USER_WILD_CARD_ID); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); error: if (pObjectInfo) { FreeObjectInfo(pObjectInfo); } (void) NWApiFreeUserInfo(&NwUserInfo) ; NW_RRETURN_EXP_IF_ERR(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetInfo // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CNWCOMPATUser::GetInfo(THIS) { _pPropertyCache->flushpropcache(); RRETURN(GetInfo( TRUE, USER_WILD_CARD_ID )); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::AllocateUserObject // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::AllocateUserObject( CNWCOMPATUser ** ppUser ) { CNWCOMPATUser FAR * pUser = NULL; CDispatchMgr FAR * pDispMgr = NULL; CPropertyCache FAR * pPropertyCache = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // Allocate memory for a User object. // pUser = new CNWCOMPATUser(); if (pUser == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // // Create dispatch manager. // pDispMgr = new CDispatchMgr; if (pDispMgr == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // // Load type info. // hr = LoadTypeInfoEntry( pDispMgr, LIBID_ADs, IID_IADsUser, (IADsUser *)pUser, DISPID_REGULAR ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = LoadTypeInfoEntry( pDispMgr, LIBID_ADs, IID_IADsPropertyList, (IADsPropertyList *)pUser, DISPID_VALUE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = CPropertyCache::createpropertycache( UserClass, gdwUserTableSize, (CCoreADsObject *)pUser, &pPropertyCache ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // // Return. // pUser->_pPropertyCache = pPropertyCache; pUser->_pDispMgr = pDispMgr; *ppUser = pUser; RRETURN(hr); error: delete pDispMgr; delete pPropertyCache; delete pUser; RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::SetInfo // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CNWCOMPATUser::SetInfo(THIS_ DWORD dwPropertyID) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // Persist changes in cache. // hr = SetBusinessInfo(_hConn); if (hr == E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND) { // not a real failure, but a missing attrib // BUGBUG: should create if missing hr = S_OK; } BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = SetAccountRestrictions(_hConn); if (hr == E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND) { // not a real failure, but a missing attrib // BUGBUG: should create if missing hr = S_OK; } BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); error: NW_RRETURN_EXP_IF_ERR(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::SetBusinessInfo // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::SetBusinessInfo( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn ) { LPWSTR lpszRightSize = NULL; LPWSTR pszFullName = NULL; CHAR szData[MAX_FULLNAME_LEN + 1]; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // Set FullName. // hr = GetLPTSTRPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("FullName"), &pszFullName ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // Cut the FullName down to no more than MAX_FULLNAME_LEN of characters. // lpszRightSize = (LPWSTR) AllocADsMem( sizeof(WCHAR) * (MAX_FULLNAME_LEN + 1) ); if (!lpszRightSize) { NW_RRETURN_EXP_IF_ERR(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } lpszRightSize[MAX_FULLNAME_LEN] = 0; wcsncpy( lpszRightSize, pszFullName, MAX_FULLNAME_LEN ); // // Convert bstr in ANSI string. // UnicodeToAnsiString( lpszRightSize, szData, 0 ); // // Commit change. // hr = NWApiWriteProperty( hConn, _Name, OT_USER, NW_PROP_IDENTIFICATION, (LPBYTE) szData ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); FreeADsMem(lpszRightSize); } error: if (pszFullName) { FreeADsStr(pszFullName); } RRETURN(S_OK); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::SetAccountRestrictions // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::SetAccountRestrictions( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn ) { BOOL fModified = FALSE; DATE daDate = 0; DWORD dwNumSegment; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrl; LONG lData = 0; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpReplySegment = NULL; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpTemp = NULL; SYSTEMTIME SysTime; USER_DEFAULT UserDefault; BOOL fBool; WORD wDay = 0; WORD wMonth = 0; WORD wYear = 0; WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; BYTE byDateTime[6]; BOOL fAccntLckModified; hr = NWApiGetLOGIN_CONTROL( hConn, _Name, &LoginCtrl ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // // SET AccountDisabled. // hr = GetBOOLPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("AccountDisabled"), &fBool ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LoginCtrl.byAccountDisabled = (BYTE) fBool; fModified = TRUE; } // // SET AccountExpirationDate. // memset(byDateTime, 0, 6); hr = GetNw312DATEPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("AccountExpirationDate"), byDateTime ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LoginCtrl.byAccountExpires[0] = (BYTE) byDateTime[0]; LoginCtrl.byAccountExpires[1] = (BYTE) byDateTime[1]; LoginCtrl.byAccountExpires[2] = (BYTE) byDateTime[2]; fModified = TRUE; } // // SET AccountCanExpire. // hr = GetBOOLPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("AccountCanExpire"), &fBool ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (fBool == FALSE) { LoginCtrl.byAccountExpires[0] = 0; LoginCtrl.byAccountExpires[1] = 0; LoginCtrl.byAccountExpires[2] = 0; fModified = TRUE; } } // // SET GraceLoginsAllowed. // hr = GetDWORDPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("GraceLoginsAllowed"), (PDWORD)&lData ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LoginCtrl.byGraceLoginReset = (BYTE) lData; fModified = TRUE; } // // SET GraceLoginsRemaining. // hr = GetDWORDPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("GraceLoginsRemaining"), (PDWORD)&lData ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LoginCtrl.byGraceLogins = (BYTE) lData; fModified = TRUE; } // // SET IsAccountLocked. // // // if this property not modified in cache, no need to set on svr // hr = _pPropertyCache->propertyismodified( TEXT("IsAccountLocked"), &fAccntLckModified ); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && fAccntLckModified==TRUE ) { hr = GetBOOLPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("IsAccountLocked"), &fBool ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // If fBool is changed from TRUE to FALSE, set wBadLogins // back to 0 -> this will unlock account on nw svr // if (fBool == FALSE) { LoginCtrl.wBadLogins = 0; fModified = TRUE; }else { // // Reset it to FALSE if it is changed to TRUE. // -> cannot lock an account on nwsvr thru' adsi // fBool = FALSE; hr = SetBOOLPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("IsAccountLocked"), fBool, TRUE ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } } } // // SET IsAdmin. // hr = GetBOOLPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("IsAdmin"), &fBool ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = NWApiUserAsSupervisor( hConn, _Name, fBool ); // // For beta, disabling the bail. It does not work in the user not // supervisor mode. // // BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } // // SET MaxLogins. // hr = GetDWORDPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("MaxLogins"), (PDWORD)&lData ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LoginCtrl.wMaxConnections = NWApiReverseWORD( (WORD) lData ); fModified = TRUE; } // // SET PasswordExpirationDate. // memset(byDateTime, 0, 6); hr = GetNw312DATEPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PasswordExpirationDate"), byDateTime ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LoginCtrl.byPasswordExpires[0] = (BYTE) byDateTime[0]; LoginCtrl.byPasswordExpires[1] = (BYTE) byDateTime[1]; LoginCtrl.byPasswordExpires[2] = (BYTE) byDateTime[2]; fModified = TRUE; } // // SET PasswordCanExpire. // hr = GetBOOLPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PasswordCanExpire"), &fBool ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (fBool == FALSE) { // // If passowrd cannot expire, set password expiration date to zero. // This is what SysCon does. // LoginCtrl.byPasswordExpires[0] = 0; LoginCtrl.byPasswordExpires[1] = 0; LoginCtrl.byPasswordExpires[2] = 0; fModified = TRUE; } } // // SET PasswordMinimumLength. // hr = GetDWORDPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PasswordMinimumLength"), (PDWORD)&lData ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LoginCtrl.byMinPasswordLength = (BYTE) lData; fModified = TRUE; } // // SET PasswordRequired. The section below must goes before "Set // PasswordMinimumLength" for it to make sense. // hr = GetBOOLPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PasswordRequired"), &fBool ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // If Password is required, set PasswordMinimumLength to default value. // // // If Password is not required, set PasswordMinimumLength to 0. Again, // this is what SysCon does. // if (fBool) { if (!LoginCtrl.byMinPasswordLength) { LoginCtrl.byMinPasswordLength = DEFAULT_MIN_PSWD_LEN; } }else{ LoginCtrl.byMinPasswordLength = 0; } fModified = TRUE; } // // Set LoginHours // OctetString octString; hr = GetOctetPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("LoginHours"), &octString ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { memcpy(LoginCtrl.byLoginTimes, octString.pByte, octString.dwSize); FreeADsMem(octString.pByte); fModified = TRUE; } // // Set RequireUniquePassword. // hr = GetBOOLPropertyFromCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("RequireUniquePassword"), &fBool ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LoginCtrl.byRestrictions = fBool ? REQUIRE_UNIQUE_PSWD : 0; fModified = TRUE; } // // Commit changes of the properties associated with LOGIN_CONTROL. // if (fModified == TRUE) { hr = NWApiWriteProperty( hConn, _Name, OT_USER, NW_PROP_LOGIN_CONTROL, (LPBYTE) &LoginCtrl ); } else { hr = S_OK; } error: if (lpReplySegment) { DELETE_LIST(lpReplySegment); } NW_RRETURN_EXP_IF_ERR(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetInfo // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CNWCOMPATUser::GetInfo( BOOL fExplicit, DWORD dwPropertyID ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (GetObjectState() == ADS_OBJECT_UNBOUND) { NW_RRETURN_EXP_IF_ERR(E_ADS_OBJECT_UNBOUND); } // // Fill in all property caches with values - explicit, or return the // indicated property - implicit. // if (fExplicit) { hr = ExplicitGetInfo(_hConn, fExplicit); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } else { hr = ImplicitGetInfo(_hConn, dwPropertyID, fExplicit); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } error: // // Release handle. // NW_RRETURN_EXP_IF_ERR(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::ExplicitGetInfo // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::ExplicitGetInfo( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct; // // Get BusinessInfo functional set. // hr = GetProperty_FullName( hConn, fExplicit ); if (hr == E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND) { // not a real failure, we ignore it and treat it as a missing attrib hr = S_OK; } BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // Is it an admin? This is part of the AccountRestriction functional set, but is // independent of LOGIN_CONTROL, so it needs to go here. hr = GetProperty_IsAdmin( hConn, fExplicit ); if (hr == E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND) { // not a real failure, we ignore it and treat it as a missing attrib hr = S_OK; } BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // // Get LOGIN_CONTROL, which is used in AccountRestriction functional set & // AccountStatistics functional set. // hr = NWApiGetLOGIN_CONTROL( hConn, _Name, &LoginCtrlStruct ); if (hr == E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND) { // not a real failure, we ignore it and treat it as a missing attrib, // and skip the LOGIN_CONTROL-dependent code hr = S_OK; } else { BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // // Get AccountRestriction functional set. // hr = GetProperty_LoginHours( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_AccountDisabled( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_AccountExpirationDate( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_CanAccountExpire( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_GraceLoginsAllowed( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_GraceLoginsRemaining( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_IsAccountLocked( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_MaxLogins( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_CanPasswordExpire( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_PasswordExpirationDate( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_PasswordMinimumLength( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_PasswordRequired( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_RequireUniquePassword( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // // Get AccountStatistics functional set. // hr = GetProperty_BadLoginAddress( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); hr = GetProperty_LastLogin( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } error: RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::ImplicitGetInfo // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::ImplicitGetInfo( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, DWORD dwPropertyID, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (dwPropertyID < 100) { hr = GetBusinessInfo( hConn, dwPropertyID, fExplicit ); } else if (dwPropertyID < 200) { hr = GetAccountRestrictions( hConn, dwPropertyID, fExplicit ); } else if (dwPropertyID < 300) { hr = GetAccountStatistics( hConn, dwPropertyID, fExplicit ); } RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetBusinessInfo // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetBusinessInfo( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, DWORD dwPropertyID, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; switch (dwPropertyID) { case USER_FULLNAME_ID: hr = GetProperty_FullName( hConn, fExplicit ); break; } RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetAccountRestrictions // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetAccountRestrictions( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, DWORD dwPropertyID, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct; // // Get LOGIN_CONTROL. // hr = NWApiGetLOGIN_CONTROL( hConn, _Name, &LoginCtrlStruct ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // // Get property. // switch (dwPropertyID) { case USER_ACCOUNTDISABLED_ID: hr = GetProperty_AccountDisabled( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_ACCOUNTEXPIRATIONDATE_ID: hr = GetProperty_AccountExpirationDate( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_CANACCOUNTEXPIRE_ID: hr = GetProperty_CanAccountExpire( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_GRACELOGINSALLOWED_ID: hr = GetProperty_GraceLoginsAllowed( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_GRACELOGINSREMAINING_ID: hr = GetProperty_GraceLoginsRemaining( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_ISACCOUNTLOCKED_ID: hr = GetProperty_IsAccountLocked( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_ISADMIN_ID: hr = GetProperty_IsAdmin( hConn, fExplicit ); break; case USER_MAXLOGINS_ID: hr = GetProperty_MaxLogins( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_CANPASSWORDEXPIRE_ID: hr = GetProperty_CanPasswordExpire( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_PASSWORDEXPIRATIONDATE_ID: hr = GetProperty_PasswordExpirationDate( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_PASSWORDMINIMUMLENGTH_ID: hr = GetProperty_PasswordMinimumLength( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_PASSWORDREQUIRED_ID: hr = GetProperty_PasswordRequired( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_REQUIREUNIQUEPASSWORD_ID: hr = GetProperty_RequireUniquePassword( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_LOGINHOURS_ID: hr = GetProperty_LoginHours( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; } error: NW_RRETURN_EXP_IF_ERR(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetAccountStatistics // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetAccountStatistics( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, DWORD dwPropertyID, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct; // // Get LOGIN_CONTROL. // hr = NWApiGetLOGIN_CONTROL( hConn, _Name, &LoginCtrlStruct ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // // Get property. // switch (dwPropertyID) { case USER_BADLOGINADDRESS_ID: hr = GetProperty_BadLoginAddress( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; case USER_LASTLOGIN_ID: hr = GetProperty_LastLogin( hConn, LoginCtrlStruct, fExplicit ); break; } error: RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_FullName // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_FullName( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, BOOL fExplicit ) { LPWSTR lpszFullName = NULL; CHAR szFullName[MAX_FULLNAME_LEN + 1]; DWORD dwNumSegment = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpReplySegment = NULL; LP_RPLY_SGMT_LST lpTemp = NULL; // Used by DELETE_LIST macro below // // Get IDENTIFICATIOIN. This property contains the full name of an object. // hr = NWApiGetProperty( _Name, NW_PROP_IDENTIFICATION, OT_USER, hConn, &lpReplySegment, &dwNumSegment ); // // There was a bug marked on this code because NWApiGetProperty would fail with // an error if the property didn't exist (raid #34833), and the temp patch was // simply to hide all errors and always return S_OK when GetProperty_FullName // returned. Now NWApiGetProperty will return E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND. // BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); // // Convert result into a UNICODE string. // strcpy(szFullName, lpReplySegment->Segment); lpszFullName = (LPWSTR) AllocADsMem( (strlen(szFullName)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); AnsiToUnicodeString( szFullName, lpszFullName, 0 ); // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetLPTSTRPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("FullName"), (LPWSTR)lpszFullName, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); error: if (lpszFullName) { FreeADsMem(lpszFullName); } if (lpReplySegment) { DELETE_LIST(lpReplySegment); } RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_AccountDisabled // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_AccountDisabled( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { BOOL dwBool = TRUE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // Put value into a variant. // dwBool = (BOOL) LoginCtrlStruct.byAccountDisabled; // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetBOOLPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("AccountDisabled"), dwBool, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_AccountExpirationDate // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_AccountExpirationDate( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BYTE byDateTime[6]; BYTE byNoDateTime[6]; memset(byNoDateTime, 0, 6); memset(byDateTime, 0, 6); memcpy(byDateTime, LoginCtrlStruct.byAccountExpires, 3); // // LoginCtrlSturct.byAccountExpires == 000 indicates no expired date // if (memcmp(byDateTime, byNoDateTime, 3)!=0) { hr = SetNw312DATEPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("AccountExpirationDate"), byDateTime, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); } error: RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_CanAccountExpire // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_CanAccountExpire( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { BOOL dwBool = TRUE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // Account cannot expire if there is no expiration date. // if ((LoginCtrlStruct.byAccountExpires[0] == 0) && (LoginCtrlStruct.byAccountExpires[1] == 0) && (LoginCtrlStruct.byAccountExpires[2] == 0)) { dwBool = FALSE; } // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetBOOLPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("AccountCanExpire"), dwBool, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_GraceLoginsAllowed // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_GraceLoginsAllowed( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lGraceLoginsAllowed = 0; // // Get "byGraceLoginReset". The property is not meaningful when it equals // to 0xff. // if (LoginCtrlStruct.byGraceLoginReset != 0xff) { lGraceLoginsAllowed = (LONG) LoginCtrlStruct.byGraceLoginReset; } // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("GraceLoginsAllowed"), (DWORD)lGraceLoginsAllowed, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_GraceLoginsRemaining // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_GraceLoginsRemaining( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lGraceLoginsRemaining = 0; // // Get "byGraceLogins". The property is not meaningful when it equals to // 0xff. // if (LoginCtrlStruct.byGraceLogins != 0xff) { lGraceLoginsRemaining = (LONG) LoginCtrlStruct.byGraceLogins; } // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("GraceLoginsRemaining"), (DWORD)lGraceLoginsRemaining, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_IsAccountLocked // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_IsAccountLocked( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { BOOL dwBool = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // Account is locked when wBadLogins = 0xffff. // if (LoginCtrlStruct.wBadLogins == 0xffff) { dwBool = TRUE; } // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetBOOLPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("IsAccountLocked"), dwBool, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_IsAdmin // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_IsAdmin( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, BOOL fExplicit ) { BOOL dwBool = TRUE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // Check if this user has the same security as the supervisor. If it does, // then it is an admin. // hr = NWApiIsObjectInSet( hConn, _Name, OT_USER, NW_PROP_SECURITY_EQUALS, NW_PROP_SUPERVISOR, OT_USER ); // // BUGBUG - for now, any failure is assumed to be "No such object.". Fix // this after bug #33322 is fixed. // if (FAILED(hr)) { dwBool = FALSE; } // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetBOOLPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("IsAdmin"), dwBool, fExplicit ); // // BUGBUG - replace S_OK with hr (see above). // RRETURN(S_OK); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_MaxLogins // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_MaxLogins( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lMaxLogins = 0; // // Get "wMaxConnections". // lMaxLogins = (LONG) NWApiReverseWORD( LoginCtrlStruct.wMaxConnections ); // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("MaxLogins"), (DWORD)lMaxLogins, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_CanPasswordExpire // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_CanPasswordExpire( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { BOOL dwBool = TRUE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // Password cannot expire if there is no expiration date. // if ((LoginCtrlStruct.byPasswordExpires[0] == 0) && (LoginCtrlStruct.byPasswordExpires[1] == 0) && (LoginCtrlStruct.byPasswordExpires[2] == 0)) { dwBool = FALSE; } // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetBOOLPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PasswordCanExpire"), dwBool, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_PasswordExpirationDate // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_PasswordExpirationDate( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BYTE byDateTime[6]; memset(byDateTime, 0, 6); memcpy(byDateTime, LoginCtrlStruct.byPasswordExpires, 3); hr = SetNw312DATEPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PasswordExpirationDate"), byDateTime, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_PasswordMinimumLength // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_PasswordMinimumLength( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lMinimumLength = 0; // // Get "byMinPasswordLength". // lMinimumLength = (LONG) LoginCtrlStruct.byMinPasswordLength; // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetDWORDPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PasswordMinimumLength"), (DWORD)lMinimumLength, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_PasswordRequired // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_PasswordRequired( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { BOOL dwBool = TRUE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // Password is not required if "byMinPasswordLength" is 0. // if (LoginCtrlStruct.byMinPasswordLength == 0) { dwBool = FALSE; } // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetBOOLPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("PasswordRequired"), dwBool, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_RequireUniquePassword // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_RequireUniquePassword( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { BOOL dwBool = TRUE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // If byRestrictions = 0, "RequireUniquePassword" = FALSE. // if (LoginCtrlStruct.byRestrictions == 0) { dwBool = FALSE; } // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetBOOLPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("RequireUniquePassword"), dwBool, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_LoginHours( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { BOOL dwBool = TRUE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetOctetPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("LoginHours"), (BYTE*)LoginCtrlStruct.byLoginTimes, 42, fExplicit ); RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_BadLoginAddress // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_BadLoginAddress( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR lpszTemp = NULL; // // Put address together in the format described in spec. // lpszTemp = (LPWSTR) AllocADsMem((NET_ADDRESS_NUM_CHAR+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!lpszTemp) { RRETURN(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } wsprintf( lpszTemp, L"%s:%02X%02X%02X%02X.%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X.%02X%02X", bstrAddressTypeString, LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[10], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[11], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[0], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[1], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[2], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[3], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[4], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[5], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[6], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[7], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[8], LoginCtrlStruct.byBadLoginAddr[9] ); // // Unmarshall. // hr = SetLPTSTRPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("BadLoginAddress"), (LPWSTR)lpszTemp, fExplicit ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); error: if (lpszTemp) { FreeADsMem(lpszTemp); } RRETURN(hr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_LastLogin // // Synopsis: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CNWCOMPATUser::GetProperty_LastLogin( NWCONN_HANDLE hConn, LC_STRUCTURE LoginCtrlStruct, BOOL fExplicit ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BYTE byNoDateTime[6]; memset(byNoDateTime, 0, 6); // // LastLogin==000000 indicates no or unknown LastLogin // if (memcmp(LoginCtrlStruct.byLastLogin, byNoDateTime, 6) != 0) { hr = SetNw312DATEPropertyInCache( _pPropertyCache, TEXT("LastLogin"), LoginCtrlStruct.byLastLogin, fExplicit ); } RRETURN(hr); } HRESULT ConvertNW312DateToVariant( BYTE byDateTime[], PDATE pDate ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WORD wYear; // // Subtract 80 from wYear for NWApiMakeVariantTime. // wYear = (WORD)byDateTime[0]; if (wYear != 0) { wYear -= 80; } // // Convert into Variant Time. // hr = NWApiMakeVariantTime( pDate, (WORD)byDateTime[2], (WORD)byDateTime[1], wYear, 0,0,0 ); RRETURN(hr); } HRESULT ConvertVariantToNW312Date( DATE daDate, BYTE byDateTime[] ) { WORD wDay; WORD wYear; WORD wMonth; HRESULT hr = S_OK; hr = NWApiBreakVariantTime( daDate, &wDay, &wMonth, &wYear ); BAIL_ON_FAILURE(hr); byDateTime[0] = (BYTE)wYear; byDateTime[1] = (BYTE)wMonth; byDateTime[2] = (BYTE)wDay; byDateTime[3] = 0; byDateTime[4] = 0; byDateTime[5] = 0; error: RRETURN(hr); }