# # This is the MKTYBLIB compile phase of the build process. # # Builds Type Library for the WinNT provider # # !INCLUDE $(NTMAKEENV)\makefile.plt # # TARGET specific defines (do not use extensions!) # TARGET_TLB = adsnt TARGET_H = iwinnt SOURCE_ODL = winnt O = $(_OBJ_DIR)\$(TARGET_DIRECTORY) !IF "$(ADSI_NT40_BUILD)" == "1" DEPENDENCIES = \ ..\types\$(O)\activeds.tlb \ winnt2.h !ELSE DEPENDENCIES = \ ..\types\$(O)\activeds.tlb \ $(SDK_LIB_DEST)\$(TARGET_DIRECTORY)\stdole2.tlb \ winnt2.h !ENDIF # # Common defines # !if !exist($(O)) !if [mkdir $(O)] !endif !endif TARGETS = $(O)\$(TARGET_TLB).tlb $(O)\$(TARGET_H).h IMPORT = UNICODE = 1 SDKINC = $(SDK_INC_PATH) OAKINC = $(OAK_INC_PATH) SDKCRTINC = $(CRT_INC_PATH) INCLUDE = $(SDKINC) MIDLODL = midl /I $(INCLUDE) /ms_ext /client none /server none /newtlb /out .\$(O) CPP = -cpp_cmd "$(MIDL_CPP)" -cpp_opt "-E -nologo -DNO_STRICT $(MIDL_FLAGS) -I. -I$(SDKINC) -I$(SDKCRTINC) -I$(OAKINC)" # # Define Products and Dependencies # all: $(TARGETS) !IF "$(BUILDMSG)" != "" @ech ; $(BUILDMSG) ; !ENDIF clean: clean_source all clean_source: erase $(TARGETS) # # MIDL COMPILE # $(TARGETS): $(DEPENDENCIES) $(SOURCE_ODL).odl $(MIDLODL) $(TLB_SWITCHES) $(TARGET_TLB).tlb /h $(TARGET_H).h $(SOURCE_ODL).odl