//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-1999. // // File: certmap.h // // Contents: Prototypes and structure definitions for the schannel // certificate mapper. // // Functions: // // History: 5/29/96 Created // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __CERTMAP_H__ #define __CERTMAP_H__ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif #define CERT_FAR #define CERT_API __stdcall #ifdef __cplusplus__ extern "C" { #endif //__cplusplus__ // Schannel call package functions #define SSL_LOOKUP_CERT_MESSAGE 2 #define SSL_PURGE_CACHE_MESSAGE 3 #define SSL_CACHE_INFO_MESSAGE 4 #define SSL_PERFMON_INFO_MESSAGE 5 #define SSL_LOOKUP_EXTERNAL_CERT_MESSAGE 6 #define MAPPER_INTERFACE_VER 0x00000003 // Flags for use with the m_dwFlags field. #define SCH_FLAG_DEFAULT_MAPPER 0x00000001 #define SCH_FLAG_REVCHECK_END_CERT 0x01000000 // for schannel use only #define SCH_FLAG_REVCHECK_CHAIN 0x02000000 // for schannel use only #define SCH_FLAG_REVCHECK_CHAIN_EXCLUDE_ROOT 0x04000000 // for schannel use only #define SCH_FLAG_IGNORE_NO_REVOCATION_CHECK 0x08000000 // for schannel use only #define SCH_FLAG_IGNORE_REVOCATION_OFFLINE 0x10000000 // for schannel use only #define SCH_FLAG_MAPPER_CALLED 0x40000000 // for schannel use only #define SCH_FLAG_SYSTEM_MAPPER 0x80000000 // for schannel use only // pCredential and pAuthority are both CAPI2 Cert Contexts. #define X509_ASN_CHAIN 0x00000001 struct _MAPPER_VTABLE; typedef struct _HMAPPER { struct _MAPPER_VTABLE * m_vtable; DWORD m_dwMapperVersion; DWORD m_dwFlags; PVOID m_Reserved1; // For schannel use only } HMAPPER, *PHMAPPER; typedef DWORD_PTR HLOCATOR, *PHLOCATOR; typedef LONG (WINAPI FAR *REF_MAPPER_FN)( HMAPPER *phMapper // in ); typedef LONG (WINAPI FAR *DEREF_MAPPER_FN)( HMAPPER *phMapper // in ); typedef DWORD (WINAPI FAR * GET_ISSUER_LIST_FN)( HMAPPER *phMapper , // in VOID * Reserved, // in BYTE * pIssuerList, // out DWORD * pcbIssuerList // out ); typedef DWORD (WINAPI FAR * GET_CHALLENGE_FN)( HMAPPER *phMapper , // in BYTE * pAuthenticatorId, // in DWORD cbAuthenticatorId, // in BYTE * pChallenge, // out DWORD * pcbChallenge // out ); typedef DWORD (WINAPI FAR * MAP_CREDENTIAL_FN)( HMAPPER *phMapper, // in DWORD dwCredentialType, // in VOID const *pCredential, // in VOID const *pAuthority, // in HLOCATOR * phLocator // out ); typedef DWORD (WINAPI FAR * CLOSE_LOCATOR_FN)( HMAPPER *phMapper, HLOCATOR hLocator //in ); typedef DWORD (WINAPI FAR * GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_FN)( HMAPPER *phMapper, HLOCATOR hLocator, // in HANDLE * phToken // out ); typedef DWORD (WINAPI FAR * QUERY_MAPPED_CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTES_FN) ( HMAPPER * phMapper, HLOCATOR hLocator, ULONG ulAttribute, PVOID pBuffer, DWORD * pcbBuffer); typedef struct _MAPPER_VTABLE { REF_MAPPER_FN ReferenceMapper; DEREF_MAPPER_FN DeReferenceMapper; GET_ISSUER_LIST_FN GetIssuerList; GET_CHALLENGE_FN GetChallenge; MAP_CREDENTIAL_FN MapCredential; GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_FN GetAccessToken; CLOSE_LOCATOR_FN CloseLocator; QUERY_MAPPED_CREDENTIAL_ATTRIBUTES_FN QueryMappedCredentialAttributes; } MAPPER_VTABLE, *PMAPPER_VTABLE; // // SSL_LOOKUP_EXTERNAL_CERT_MESSAGE call package structures. // typedef struct _SSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_REQ { ULONG MessageType ; ULONG Length ; ULONG CredentialType ; PVOID Credential ; ULONG Flags; } SSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_REQ, * PSSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_REQ ; typedef struct _SSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_RESP { ULONG MessageType ; ULONG Length ; HANDLE UserToken ; ULONG Flags ; } SSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_RESP, * PSSL_EXTERNAL_CERT_LOGON_RESP ; #ifdef __cplusplus__ } #endif //__cplusplus__ #endif // __CERTMAP_H__