// Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. #include "header.h" #include "hhctrl.h" #include "strtable.h" #include "resource.h" #include "hha_strtable.h" #include "onclick.h" #include "index.h" #include "toc.h" #include "wwheel.h" #include "web.h" #include <shellapi.h> #include <wininet.h> #include "sample.h" #include "subset.h" #include "secwin.h" //For extern CHHWinType** pahwnd; #undef WINUSERAPI #define WINUSERAPI #include "htmlhelp.h" #include "lasterr.h" // Support for reporting the last error. #define NOTEXT_BTN_HEIGHT 12 #define NOTEXT_BTN_WIDTH 12 #define CXBUTTONEXTRA 8 // spacing between text and button #define CYBUTTONEXTRA 8 static const char txtOpen[] = "open"; static const char txtCplOpen[] = "cplopen"; static const char txtRegSection[] = "Software\\Microsoft\\HtmlHelp\\"; static const char txtShortcut[] = "shortcut"; static DWORD GetTextDimensions(HWND hwnd, PCSTR psz, HFONT hfont = NULL); HRESULT OSLangMatchesChm(CExCollection *pCollection); HRESULT GetWordWheelHits( PSTR pszKeyword, CWordWheel* pWordWheel, CTable* ptblURLs, CWTable* ptblTitles, CWTable *ptblLocations, BOOL bTestMode, BOOL bSkipCurrent, BOOL bFullURL = FALSE ); HRESULT GetWordWheelHits( CExCollection* pCollection, CTable* ptblItems, CTable* ptblURLs, CWTable* ptblTitles, CWTable *ptblLocations, BOOL bKLink, BOOL bTestMode, BOOL bSkipCurrent ); HRESULT OnWordWheelLookup( CTable* ptblItems, CExCollection* pExCollection, PCSTR pszDefaultTopic = NULL, POINT* ppt = NULL, HWND hWndParent = NULL, BOOL bDialog = TRUE, BOOL bKLink = TRUE, BOOL bTestMode = FALSE, BOOL bSkipCurrent = FALSE, BOOL bAlwaysShowList = FALSE, BOOL bAlphaSortHits = TRUE, PCSTR pszWindow = NULL); BOOL g_HackForBug_HtmlHelpDB_1884 = 0; /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION: OnWordWheelLookup PURPOSE: Given a keyword, or semi-colon delimited list of keywords, find the hits. If no hits found display a "not found" message; if one hit found then just jump to the topic, otherwise display a list of topics for the user to choose from. PARAMETERS: pszKeywords - word(s) to lookup ... the rest the same as OnWordWheelLookup( CTable* ... ) RETURNS: TRUE if there is at least one match. FALSE otherwise. COMMENTS: No support for external titles with this API. MODIFICATION DATES: 09-Jan-1998 [paulti] ***************************************************************************/ HRESULT OnWordWheelLookup( PSTR pszKeywords, CExCollection* pExCollection, PCSTR pszDefaultTopic, POINT* ppt, HWND hWndParent, BOOL bDialog, BOOL bKLink, BOOL bTestMode, BOOL bSkipCurrent, BOOL bAlwaysShowList, BOOL bAlphaSortHits, PCSTR pszWindow) { // trim leading and trailing spaces char* pszKeywords2 = new char[strlen(pszKeywords)+1]; strcpy( pszKeywords2, pszKeywords ); SzTrimSz( pszKeywords2 ); // create our lists CTable tblItems; // initialize our item list tblItems.AddString( "" ); // set item1 to NULL -- no external titles PSTR pszKeyword = StrToken( pszKeywords2, ";" ); while( pszKeyword ) { CHAR szKeyword[HHWW_MAX_KEYWORD_LENGTH+1]; lstrcpyn( szKeyword, pszKeyword, sizeof(szKeyword)-1 ); SzTrimSz( szKeyword ); tblItems.AddString( szKeyword ); pszKeyword = StrToken(NULL, ";"); } delete [] pszKeywords2; return OnWordWheelLookup( &tblItems, pExCollection, pszDefaultTopic, ppt, hWndParent, bDialog, bKLink, bTestMode, bSkipCurrent, bAlwaysShowList, bAlphaSortHits, pszWindow ); } /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION: OnWordWheelLookup PURPOSE: Given a list of keywords find the hits. If no hits found display a "not found" message if one hit found then just jump to the topic, otherwise display a list of topics for the user to choose from. PARAMETERS: ptblItems - word(s) to lookup (first item is semi-colon delimited list of external titles to check). pCollection - collection pointer, needed to access word wheels. pszDefaultTopic - default topic to jump to. ppt - pointer to a point to center the window on. If NULL then we will use the current mouse pointer position. hWndParent - window to parent the "Topics Found" dialog/menu to. If NULL, then use the active window. bDialog - dialog based? If not, use a menu. bKLink - is this a keyword lookup? if not, use the ALink list. bTestMode - test existence only (dont' show a UI). bSkipCurrent - skip the current URL in the returned list. bAlwaysShowList - always show the hit list even if only one topic is found. bAlphaSortHits - alpha sort the title list or not. RETURNS: TRUE if there is at least one match. FALSE otherwise. COMMENTS: MODIFICATION DATES: 09-Jan-1998 [paulti] ***************************************************************************/ HRESULT OnWordWheelLookup( CTable* ptblItems, CExCollection* pCollection, PCSTR pszDefaultTopic, POINT* ppt, HWND hWndParent, BOOL bDialog, BOOL bKLink, BOOL bTestMode, BOOL bSkipCurrent, BOOL bAlwaysShowList, BOOL bAlphaSortHits, PCSTR pszWindow) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT CodePage = pCollection ? pCollection->GetMasterTitle()->GetInfo()->GetCodePage() : CP_ACP; // create our lists CWTable tblTitles( CodePage ); CWTable tblLocations( CodePage ); CTable tblURLs; if( pCollection ) { // get the active window if non specified if( !hWndParent ) hWndParent = GetActiveWindow(); // get current mouse pointer position if non-specified POINT pt; if( !ppt ) { GetCursorPos( &pt ); ppt = &pt; #if 1 // reverted bug fix #5516 HWND hwnd = GetFocus(); if ( hwnd ) { DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE ); if ( dwStyle & BS_NOTIFY ) { RECT rc; if( GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc) ) { pt.y = rc.top+(RECT_WIDTH(rc)/2); pt.x = rc.left + ((RECT_HEIGHT(rc)/3)*2); // two-thirds of the height of the button } } } #endif } hr = GetWordWheelHits( pCollection, ptblItems, &tblURLs, &tblTitles, &tblLocations, bKLink, bTestMode, bSkipCurrent ); } else { hr = HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_SUPPORTED; } // we are all done if we are just in test mode if( bTestMode ) return hr; int iIndex = 0; char szURL[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; // if we get no topics then display the default message // othewise an "error" message if( FAILED(hr) || tblURLs.CountStrings() < 1) { if( pCollection && pszDefaultTopic ) { if( pCollection && StrRChr( pszDefaultTopic, ':' ) == NULL ) { CStr szCurrentURL; GetCurrentURL( &szCurrentURL, hWndParent ); CStr szFileName; LPSTR pszColon = StrRChr( szCurrentURL.psz, ':' ); LPSTR pszSlash = StrRChr( szCurrentURL.psz, '/' ); LPSTR pszTail = max( pszColon, pszSlash ); lstrcpyn( szURL, szCurrentURL.psz, (int)(pszTail - szCurrentURL.psz +2) ); strcat( szURL, pszDefaultTopic ); } else strcpy( szURL, pszDefaultTopic ); hr = S_OK; // set to S_OK so the jump below will work } else { int iStr = 0; switch( hr ) { case HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND: iStr = IDS_HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_IS_PLACEHOLDER: iStr = IDS_HH_E_KEYWORD_IS_PLACEHOLDER; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_SUBSET: iStr = IDS_HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_SUBSET; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_INFOTYPE: iStr = IDS_HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_INFOTYPE; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED: iStr = IDS_HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_SUPPORTED: iStr = IDS_REQUIRES_HTMLHELP; break; default: iStr = IDS_IDH_MISSING_CONTEXT; break; } MsgBox(iStr, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } } else { // if only one topic then jump to it if( !bAlwaysShowList && tblURLs.CountStrings() == 1 ) { tblURLs.GetString( szURL, 1 ); } else { // we can sort the title table since it contains the index value // of the associated URL so just make sure to always fetch the // URL index from the selected title string and use that to get the URL if( bAlphaSortHits ) { tblTitles.SetSorting(GetSystemDefaultLCID()); tblTitles.SortTable(sizeof(HASH)); } if( !bDialog && tblURLs.CountStrings() < 20 ) { HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if( hMenu ) { for( int i = 1; i <= tblURLs.CountStrings(); i++ ) { LPSTR psz = tblTitles.GetHashStringPointer(i); // if title too long, truncate it (511 seems like a good max) if( psz && *psz ) { int iLen = (int)strlen(psz); #define MAX_LEN 511 char sz[MAX_LEN+1]; if( iLen >= MAX_LEN ) { strncpy( sz, psz, MAX_LEN-1 ); sz[MAX_LEN] = 0; psz = sz; } } HxAppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, IDM_RELATED_TOPIC + i, psz ); } int iCmd = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_TOPALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_NONOTIFY | TPM_RETURNCMD, ppt->x, ppt->y, 0, hWndParent, NULL); DestroyMenu( hMenu ); if( iCmd ) { iIndex = tblTitles.GetInt( iCmd - IDM_RELATED_TOPIC ); tblURLs.GetString( szURL, iIndex ); } else { hr = HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND; // Means we have nothing to jump to } } } else { HFONT hfont; if ( pCollection ) hfont = pCollection->m_phmData->GetContentFont(); else hfont = _Resource.GetUIFont(); // Not ideal but will have to do. UINT CodePage = pCollection ? pCollection->GetMasterTitle()->GetInfo()->GetCodePage() : CP_ACP; CTopicList TopicList( hWndParent, &tblTitles, hfont, &tblLocations ); if( TopicList.DoModal() ) { iIndex = tblTitles.GetInt( TopicList.m_pos ); tblURLs.GetString( szURL, iIndex ); } else { hr = HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND; // Means we have nothing to jump to } } } } // if we found something to jump to then jump to it if( !FAILED(hr) ) { if (pCollection && pszWindow && pszWindow[0]) { CStr cszPrefix = szURL; // Is the window we are attempting to open defined by the master CHM? CHHWinType* phh = FindWindowType(pszWindow, NULL, pCollection->GetPathName()); // Does this window actually exist? if (phh && IsWindow(phh->hwndHelp)) { doHHWindowJump(cszPrefix, phh->hwndHelp); return hr; } cszPrefix += ">"; cszPrefix += pszWindow; OnDisplayTopic(hWndParent, cszPrefix, 0); } else doHHWindowJump( szURL, hWndParent ); } return hr; } /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION: GetWordWheelHits PURPOSE: Given a single keyword, find the hits Return S_OK if there is at least one found hit PARAMETERS: pWordWheel - word wheel to look in ptblURLS - URL list ptblTitles - title list bTestMode - test existence only (replaces old TestAKLink code) bSkipCurrent - skip the current URL in the returned list bFullURL - return a URL with a full pathname to the title or (default) just return the URL with just the filename of the title RETURNS: S_OK - hits were found. HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND - no hits found. HH_E_KEYWORD_IS_PLACEHOLDER - keyword is a placeholder or a "runaway" see also. HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_SUBSET - no hits found due to subset exclusion. HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_INFOTYPE - no hits found due to infotype exclusion. HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED - no hits found due to infotype and subset exclusion. HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_SUPPORTED - keywords not supported in this mode. COMMENTS: HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED is returned only when no hits are found due to *both* removal by subsetting and infotype MODIFICATION DATES: 13-Apr-1998 [paulti] ***************************************************************************/ HRESULT GetWordWheelHits( PSTR pszKeyword, CWordWheel* pWordWheel, CTable* ptblURLs, CWTable* ptblTitles, CWTable *ptblLocations, BOOL bTestMode, BOOL bSkipCurrent, BOOL bFullURL ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bExcludedBySubset = FALSE; BOOL bExcludedByInfoType = FALSE; BOOL bPlaceHolder = FALSE; CStructuralSubset* pSubset; if( pszKeyword ) { DWORD dwIndexLast = HHWW_ERROR; DWORD dwIndexFirst = pWordWheel->GetIndex( pszKeyword, FALSE, &dwIndexLast ); if( dwIndexFirst == HHWW_ERROR ) return HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND; for( DWORD dwIndex = dwIndexFirst; dwIndex <= dwIndexLast; dwIndex++ ) { // skip over the placeholders if( pWordWheel->IsPlaceHolder( dwIndex ) ) { bPlaceHolder = TRUE; continue; } // follow the see also links CHAR szSeeAlso[HHWW_MAX_KEYWORD_LENGTH+1]; if( pWordWheel->GetSeeAlso( dwIndex, szSeeAlso, sizeof(szSeeAlso) ) ) { if( pWordWheel->AddRef() >= HHWW_MAX_LEVELS ) { pWordWheel->Release(); return HH_E_KEYWORD_IS_PLACEHOLDER; } hr = GetWordWheelHits( szSeeAlso, pWordWheel, ptblURLs, ptblTitles, ptblLocations, bTestMode, bSkipCurrent, bFullURL ); pWordWheel->Release(); switch( hr ) { case HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED: bExcludedBySubset = TRUE; bExcludedByInfoType = TRUE; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_SUBSET: bExcludedBySubset = TRUE; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_INFOTYPE: bExcludedByInfoType = TRUE; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_IS_PLACEHOLDER: bPlaceHolder = TRUE; break; } continue; } // fetch the hits CStr cszCurrentURL; GetCurrentURL( &cszCurrentURL ); DWORD dwHitCount = pWordWheel->GetHitCount(dwIndex); if (dwHitCount != HHWW_ERROR) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwHitCount; i++) { CExTitle* pTitle = NULL; DWORD dwURLId = pWordWheel->GetHit(dwIndex, i, &pTitle); if (pTitle && dwURLId != HHWW_ERROR) { #if 0 // we do not support infotypes currently CSubSet* pSS; const unsigned int *pdwITBits; // // Do we need to filter based on infotypes ? // if ( pTitle->m_pCollection && pTitle->m_pCollection->m_pSubSets && (pSS = pTitle->m_pCollection->m_pSubSets->GetIndexSubset()) && !pSS->m_bIsEntireCollection ) { // // Yep, do the filter thang. // pdwITBits = pTitle->GetTopicITBits(dwURLId); if (! pTitle->m_pCollection->m_pSubSets->fIndexFilter(pdwITBits) ) { bExcludedByInfoType = TRUE; continue; } } #endif // // Do we need to filter based on structural subsets? // if( pTitle->m_pCollection && pTitle->m_pCollection->m_pSSList && (pSubset = pTitle->m_pCollection->m_pSSList->GetF1()) && !pSubset->IsEntire() ) { // Yes, filter using the current structural subset for F1. // if (! pSubset->IsTitleInSubset(pTitle) ) { bExcludedBySubset = TRUE; continue; } } // if we make it this far and we are in test mode // we can bail out and return S_OK if( bTestMode ) return S_OK; char szTitle[1024]; szTitle[0] = 0; pTitle->GetTopicName( dwURLId, szTitle, sizeof(szTitle) ); if( !szTitle[0] ) strcpy( szTitle, GetStringResource( IDS_UNTITLED ) ); char szLocation[INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; // 2048 should be plenty szLocation[0] = 0; if( pTitle->GetTopicLocation(dwURLId, szLocation, INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH) != S_OK ) strcpy( szLocation, GetStringResource( IDS_UNKNOWN ) ); char szURL[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; szURL[0] = 0; pTitle->GetTopicURL( dwURLId, szURL, sizeof(szURL), bFullURL ); char szFullURL[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; szFullURL[0] = 0; pTitle->ConvertURL( szURL, szFullURL ); if( szURL[0] ) { if( !ptblURLs->IsStringInTable(szURL) ) { if( cszCurrentURL.IsEmpty() || !(bSkipCurrent && (lstrcmpi( cszCurrentURL, szURL ) == 0) ||(lstrcmpi( cszCurrentURL, szFullURL ) == 0 ) )) { int iIndex = ptblURLs->AddString(szURL); ptblTitles->AddIntAndString(iIndex, szTitle[0]?szTitle:""); ptblLocations->AddString( *szLocation?szLocation:"" ); } } } } } } } } // determine the proper return value if( ptblURLs->CountStrings() < 1 ) { if( bExcludedBySubset && bExcludedByInfoType ) hr = HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED; else if( bExcludedBySubset ) hr = HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_SUBSET; else if( bExcludedByInfoType ) hr = HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_INFOTYPE; else if( bPlaceHolder ) hr = HH_E_KEYWORD_IS_PLACEHOLDER; else hr = HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND; } else hr = S_OK; return hr; } /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION: GetWordWheelHits PURPOSE: Get all the links for the specified keywords Return TRUE if there is at least one match PARAMETERS: pCollection - point to the collection ptblItems - item table, item 1 is the list of external titles and items 2 thru N are the list of keywords ptblURLs - URL list ptblTitles - title list bKLink - is this a klink (defaults to alink) bTestMode - test existence only (replaces old TestAKLink code) bSkipCurrent - skip the current URL in the returned list RETURNS: COMMENTS: MODIFICATION DATES: 14-Nov-1997 [paulti] ***************************************************************************/ HRESULT GetWordWheelHits( CExCollection* pCollection, CTable* ptblItems, CTable* ptblURLs, CWTable* ptblTitles, CWTable *ptblLocations, BOOL bKLink, BOOL bTestMode, BOOL bSkipCurrent ) { int pos; CWordWheel* pWordWheel = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrReturn = HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_FOUND; // assume the worst if( pCollection ) { pWordWheel = (bKLink ? pCollection->m_pDatabase->GetKeywordLinks() : pCollection->m_pDatabase->GetAssociativeLinks()); } // if we did not get a word wheel pointer then skip the internal // word wheels and fall back to just the external ones if( pWordWheel ) { // add in the internal hits first for( pos = 2; pos <= ptblItems->CountStrings(); pos++ ) { CStr cszKeywords(ptblItems->GetPointer(pos)); // copy so StrToken can modify PSTR pszKeyword = StrToken(cszKeywords, ";"); while( pszKeyword ) { hr = GetWordWheelHits( pszKeyword, pWordWheel, ptblURLs, ptblTitles, ptblLocations, bTestMode, bSkipCurrent, TRUE ); if( bTestMode && !FAILED(hr) ) return hr; // if we failed again, then collate the resultant error if( FAILED( hrReturn ) && FAILED( hr ) ) { switch( hrReturn ) { case HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_INFOTYPE: if( hr == HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_SUBSET ) hrReturn = HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED; else hrReturn = hr; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_SUBSET: if( hr == HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_INFOTYPE ) hrReturn = HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED; else hrReturn = hr; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED: hrReturn = HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED; break; default: hrReturn = hr; break; } } else if( !FAILED( hr ) ) hrReturn = hr; pszKeyword = StrToken(NULL, ";"); if( pszKeyword ) pszKeyword = FirstNonSpace(pszKeyword); } } } // create a list of the external titles // skip those titles that are already in the collection CStr cszTitle(ptblItems->GetPointer(1)); if( !IsEmptyString(cszTitle) ) { PSTR pszTitle = StrToken(cszTitle, ";"); CWTable* ptblTitleFiles = new CWTable(ptblTitles->GetCodePage()); // REVIEW: external titles must have the same codepage! while( pszTitle ) { if( *pszTitle ) { TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH]; PSTR pszTitle2 = szTitle; strcpy( szTitle, pszTitle ); pszTitle2 = FirstNonSpace( szTitle ); RemoveTrailingSpaces( pszTitle2 ); CExTitle* pTitle = NULL; if( *pszTitle2 && pCollection && FAILED(pCollection->URL2ExTitle(pszTitle2,&pTitle ) ) ) { CStr Title; // check if the file lives where the master file lives if( pszTitle2 ) { char szPathName[_MAX_PATH]; char szFileName[_MAX_FNAME]; char szExtension[_MAX_EXT]; SplitPath((LPSTR)pszTitle2, NULL, NULL, szFileName, szExtension); char szMasterPath[_MAX_PATH]; char szMasterDrive[_MAX_DRIVE]; SplitPath((LPSTR)pCollection->m_csFile, szMasterDrive, szMasterPath, NULL, NULL); strcpy( szPathName, szMasterDrive ); CatPath( szPathName, szMasterPath ); CatPath( szPathName, szFileName ); strcat( szPathName, szExtension ); Title = szPathName; if( (GetFileAttributes(szPathName) != HFILE_ERROR) || FindThisFile( NULL, pszTitle2, &Title, FALSE ) ) { if( Title.IsNonEmpty() ) ptblTitleFiles->AddString( Title ); } } } } pszTitle = StrToken(NULL, ";"); } // add in the external hits last int iTitleCount = ptblTitleFiles->CountStrings(); for( int iTitle = 1; iTitle <= iTitleCount; iTitle++ ) { char szTitle[MAX_PATH]; ptblTitleFiles->GetString( szTitle, iTitle ); // get title objects CExTitle* pTitle = new CExTitle( szTitle, NULL ); CTitleDatabase* pDatabase = new CTitleDatabase( pTitle ); CWordWheel* pWordWheel = NULL; if( bKLink ) pWordWheel = pDatabase->GetKeywordLinks(); else pWordWheel = pDatabase->GetAssociativeLinks(); for (int pos = 2; pos <= ptblItems->CountStrings(); pos++) { CStr cszKeywords(ptblItems->GetPointer(pos)); // copy so StrToken can modify PSTR pszKeyword = StrToken(cszKeywords, ";"); while( pszKeyword ) { hr = GetWordWheelHits( pszKeyword, pWordWheel, ptblURLs, ptblTitles, ptblLocations, bTestMode, bSkipCurrent, TRUE ); if( bTestMode && !FAILED(hr) ) { hrReturn = hr; break; } // if we failed again, then collate the resultant error if( FAILED( hrReturn ) && FAILED( hr ) ) { switch( hrReturn ) { case HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_INFOTYPE: if( hr == HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_SUBSET ) hrReturn = HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED; else hrReturn = hr; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_SUBSET: if( hr == HH_E_KEYWORD_NOT_IN_INFOTYPE ) hrReturn = HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED; else hrReturn = hr; break; case HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED: hrReturn = HH_E_KEYWORD_EXCLUDED; break; default: hrReturn = hr; break; } } else if( !FAILED( hr ) ) hrReturn = hr; pszKeyword = StrToken(NULL, ";"); if( pszKeyword ) pszKeyword = FirstNonSpace(pszKeyword); } if( bTestMode && !FAILED(hr) ) { hrReturn = hr; break; } } // free title objects delete pDatabase; delete pTitle; if( bTestMode && !FAILED(hr) ) { hrReturn = hr; break; } } // free our title list delete ptblTitleFiles; } return hrReturn; } /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION: CHtmlHelpControl::OnAKLink PURPOSE: Return TRUE if there is at least one match PARAMETERS: fKLink - is this a klink? (defaults to alink) bTestMode - test for existence only RETURNS: COMMENTS: MODIFICATION DATES: 28-JAN-1998 [paulti] major rewrite ***************************************************************************/ BOOL CHtmlHelpControl::OnAKLink( BOOL fKLink, BOOL bTestMode ) { if( !m_ptblItems ) return FALSE; // get our cursor position first since the merge prompt // may change our current position // // BUGBUG: what if the use tabbed to this link and then pressed ENTER? // We should then anchor the menu to the bottom-left of the parent // window. Right? POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); HWND hwnd = GetFocus(); if ( hwnd ) { DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE ); if ( dwStyle & BS_NOTIFY ) { RECT rc; if( GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc) ) { pt.y = rc.top+((rc.bottom-rc.top)/2); pt.x = rc.left + ((RECT_HEIGHT(rc)/3)*2); // two-thirds of the height of the button } } } // get the parent window HWND hWndParent = NULL ; if( m_fButton && m_hwndDisplayButton ) hWndParent = m_hwndDisplayButton; else if( m_hwnd && IsWindow(m_hwnd) ) hWndParent = m_hwnd; else { // Tunnel through IE to get the HWND of HTML Help's frame window. hWndParent = GetHtmlHelpFrameWindow() ; } // If nothing else works, try the actice window. Eck! if( !hWndParent ) hWndParent = GetActiveWindow(); // Worse, try the desktop window! if( !hWndParent ) hWndParent = GetDesktopWindow(); // // <mc> Find a CExCollection pointer... // CExCollection* pExCollection = NULL; CStr cstr; if ( m_pWebBrowserApp ) { m_pWebBrowserApp->GetLocationURL(&cstr); pExCollection = GetCurrentCollection(NULL, (PCSTR)cstr); } // should we always display the jump list even on one hit? BOOL bAlwaysShowList = FALSE; if( m_flags[0] == 1 ) bAlwaysShowList = TRUE; // call our shared "Topics Found" handler BOOL fPopupMenu = m_fPopupMenu; if (fPopupMenu == TRUE && OSLangMatchesChm(pExCollection) != S_OK) fPopupMenu = FALSE; HRESULT hr = OnWordWheelLookup( m_ptblItems, pExCollection, m_pszDefaultTopic, &pt, hWndParent, !fPopupMenu, fKLink, bTestMode, TRUE, bAlwaysShowList, TRUE, m_pszWindow); if( FAILED( hr ) ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } LRESULT CHtmlHelpControl::StaticTextControlSubWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HDC hDC; RECT rc; CHtmlHelpControl* pThis = (CHtmlHelpControl*)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA); switch (msg) { case WM_KILLFOCUS: case WM_SETFOCUS: if ( pThis && pThis->m_imgType == IMG_TEXT ) { hDC = ::GetDC(hwnd); GetClientRect(hwnd, &rc); ::DrawFocusRect(hDC, &rc); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hDC); return 0; } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: if ( wParam == VK_RETURN || (wParam == VK_SPACE && (pThis->m_imgType == IMG_TEXT)) ) { PostMessage(GetParent(hwnd), WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(IDBTN_DISPLAY, BN_CLICKED), (LPARAM)hwnd); return 0; } break; } if ( pThis ) return CallWindowProc(pThis->m_lpfnlStaticTextControlWndProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); else return 0; } BOOL CHtmlHelpControl::CreateOnClickButton(void) { // First create the window, then size it to match text and/or bitmap PSTR pszClassName; char szWindowText[MAX_PATH]; if ( m_imgType == IMG_BUTTON ) { pszClassName = "button"; WideCharToMultiByte( m_CodePage, 0, m_pwszButtonText, -1, szWindowText, sizeof(szWindowText), NULL, NULL ); } else { pszClassName = "static"; *szWindowText = '\0'; } m_hwndDisplayButton = CreateWindowEx(0, pszClassName, szWindowText, WS_CHILD | m_flags[1] | WS_VISIBLE | BS_NOTIFY, 0, 0, NOTEXT_BTN_WIDTH, NOTEXT_BTN_WIDTH, m_hwnd, (HMENU) IDBTN_DISPLAY, _Module.GetModuleInstance(), NULL); if (!m_hwndDisplayButton) return FALSE; // // <mc> // I'm subclassing the static text controls only for the purpose of implementing proper // focus and UI activation. I have to do this because I don't have any other way to be notified // of loss and acquisition of focus. A much better way to do this would be to implement these // controls as window-less. // </mc> // // 4/27/98 - <mc> Changed to also subclass buttons so we can have enter key support. // m_lpfnlStaticTextControlWndProc = (WNDPROC)GetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndDisplayButton, GWLP_WNDPROC); SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndDisplayButton, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwndDisplayButton, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)StaticTextControlSubWndProc); if (m_pszBitmap) { char szBitmap[MAX_PATH]; BOOL m_fBuiltInImage = (IsSamePrefix(m_pszBitmap, txtShortcut, -2)); if (!m_fBuiltInImage) { if (!ConvertToCacheFile(m_pszBitmap, szBitmap)) { AuthorMsg(IDS_CANT_OPEN, m_pszBitmap); // REVIEW: better default? if (m_fIcon) goto NoImage; m_hImage = LoadBitmap(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), txtShortcut); goto GotImage; } } if (m_fBuiltInImage) m_hImage = LoadBitmap(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), m_pszBitmap); else m_hImage = LoadImage(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), szBitmap, (m_fIcon ? IMAGE_ICON : IMAGE_BITMAP), 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE); if (!m_hImage) { AuthorMsg(IDS_CANT_OPEN, m_pszBitmap); // REVIEW: we should use a default bitmap goto NoImage; } GotImage: if (m_fIcon) { // We use IMAGE_ICON for both cursors and icons. Internally, // the only significant difference is that a cursor could be // forced to monochrome if we used the IMAGE_CURSOR command. if (m_imgType == IMG_BUTTON) { // REVIEW: should check actual ICON/CURSOR size MoveWindow(m_hwndDisplayButton, 0, 0, 32 + CXBUTTONEXTRA, 32 + CYBUTTONEXTRA, FALSE); SendMessage(m_hwndDisplayButton, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM) m_hImage); } else SendMessage(m_hwndDisplayButton, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_CURSOR, (LPARAM) m_hImage); } else { if (m_imgType == IMG_BUTTON) { BITMAP bmp; GetObject(m_hImage, sizeof(bmp), &bmp); MoveWindow(m_hwndDisplayButton, 0, 0, bmp.bmWidth + CXBUTTONEXTRA, bmp.bmHeight + CYBUTTONEXTRA, FALSE); SendMessage(m_hwndDisplayButton, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM) m_hImage); } } } else SendMessage(m_hwndDisplayButton, WM_SETFONT, m_hfont ? (WPARAM) m_hfont : (WPARAM) _Resource.GetUIFont(), FALSE); NoImage: if ( m_pwszButtonText && *m_pwszButtonText ) { HDC hdc = GetDC(m_hwndDisplayButton); if (hdc == NULL) return FALSE; HFONT hfontOld = (HFONT) SelectObject(hdc, m_hfont ? m_hfont : _Resource.GetUIFont()); SIZE size; IntlGetTextExtentPoint32W(hdc, m_pwszButtonText, lstrlenW(m_pwszButtonText), &size); SelectObject(hdc, hfontOld); ReleaseDC(m_hwndDisplayButton, hdc); if (m_imgType == IMG_TEXT) MoveWindow(m_hwndDisplayButton, 0, 0, size.cx, size.cy, FALSE); else MoveWindow(m_hwndDisplayButton, 0, 0, size.cx + CXBUTTONEXTRA, size.cy + CYBUTTONEXTRA, FALSE); } GetWindowRect(m_hwndDisplayButton, &m_rcButton); // REVIEW: will this set ALL static windows to use this cursor? // change the cursor to the hand icon if (m_imgType == IMG_TEXT) { SetClassLongPtr(m_hwndDisplayButton, GCLP_HCURSOR, (LONG_PTR) LoadCursor(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDCUR_HAND))); } // set the text color -- default to visited link color if not specified if( m_imgType == IMG_TEXT ) { if( m_clrFont == CLR_INVALID ) m_clrFont = m_clrFontLink; } // enable/disable dynalinks if( (m_action == ACT_KLINK || m_action == ACT_ALINK) && m_flags[2] == 1 ) { if( !OnAKLink((m_action == ACT_KLINK),TRUE) ) { EnableWindow( m_hwndDisplayButton, FALSE ); // disable the window if( m_imgType == IMG_TEXT ) m_clrFont = m_clrFontDisabled; } } return TRUE; } /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION: GetTextDimensions PURPOSE: PARAMETERS: hwnd psz hfont -- may be NULL RETURNS: COMMENTS: If hfont is NULL, font in the window's DC will be used MODIFICATION DATES: 01-Sep-1997 [ralphw] ***************************************************************************/ static DWORD GetTextDimensions(HWND hwnd, PCSTR psz, HFONT hfont) { HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); if (hdc == NULL) return 0L; HFONT hfontOld; if (hfont) hfontOld = (HFONT) SelectObject(hdc, hfont); SIZE size; GetTextExtentPoint(hdc, psz, (int)strlen(psz), &size); DWORD dwRet = MAKELONG(size.cx, size.cy) + MAKELONG(CXBUTTONEXTRA, CYBUTTONEXTRA); if (hfont) SelectObject(hdc, hfontOld); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); return dwRet; } // undocumented WinHelp API commands #define HELP_HASH 0x095 // Jump to file and topic based on hash #define HELP_HASH_POPUP 0x096 // Put up glossary based on hash #define MAX_WINHELP 247 void STDCALL CHtmlHelpControl::OnClick(void) { switch (m_action) { case ACT_ABOUT_BOX: { CAboutBox aboutbox(this); aboutbox.DoModal(); } break; case ACT_HHCTRL_VERSION: ModalDialog(TRUE); MsgBox(IDS_VERSION); ModalDialog(FALSE); break; case ACT_RELATED_TOPICS: { if (m_pSiteMap->Count() == 0) // don't allow zero items break; CExCollection* pExCollection = NULL; CStr cstr; if ( m_pWebBrowserApp ) { m_pWebBrowserApp->GetLocationURL(&cstr); pExCollection = GetCurrentCollection(NULL, (PCSTR)cstr); } if (m_pSiteMap->Count() == 1 && !m_flags[0]) { SITEMAP_ENTRY *pSiteMapEntry = m_pSiteMap->GetSiteMapEntry(1); if(pSiteMapEntry) JumpToUrl(pSiteMapEntry, m_pSiteMap); } else if (m_fPopupMenu && OSLangMatchesChm(pExCollection) == S_OK) OnRelatedMenu(); else { UINT CodePage = GetCodePage(); CWTable tblTitles( CodePage ); TCHAR szURL[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; for (int i = 0; i < m_pSiteMap->Count(); i++) { strcpy(szURL, m_pSiteMap->GetSiteMapEntry(i+1)->pszText ); tblTitles.AddIntAndString(i+1, szURL); } CTopicList TopicList(this, &tblTitles, m_hfont); if (TopicList.DoModal() > 0) { int iIndex = tblTitles.GetInt( TopicList.m_pos ); JumpToUrl(m_pSiteMap->GetSiteMapEntry(iIndex), m_pSiteMap); } } } break; case ACT_WINHELP: if (!m_ptblItems || m_ptblItems->CountStrings() < 1) { AuthorMsg(IDS_ACT_WINHELP_NO_HELP); break; } if (m_ptblItems->CountStrings() < 2) { AuthorMsg(IDS_ACT_WINHELP_NO_ID); break; } // Note that we don't track this, and therefore don't force // the help file closed. { PSTR pc = m_ptblItems->GetPointer(1); PSTR pcMax = NULL; if ( strlen( pc ) > MAX_WINHELP ) { pcMax = new char[MAX_WINHELP]; strncpy( pcMax, pc, MAX_WINHELP-1 ); pcMax[MAX_WINHELP-1] = 0; } else pcMax = pc; ::WinHelp(m_hwnd, pcMax, IsDigit(*(m_ptblItems->GetPointer(2))) ? (m_fWinHelpPopup ? HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP : HELP_CONTEXT) : (m_fWinHelpPopup ? HELP_HASH_POPUP : HELP_HASH), IsDigit(*(m_ptblItems->GetPointer(2))) ? Atoi(m_ptblItems->GetPointer(2)) : WinHelpHashFromSz(m_ptblItems->GetPointer(2))); if ( pcMax != pc ) delete [] pcMax; } if ( m_fWinHelpPopup ) g_HackForBug_HtmlHelpDB_1884 = 1; break; case ACT_SHORTCUT: // don't allow if running in IE if( !GetCurrentCollection(NULL, (PCSTR)NULL) ) { HWND hWndParent; if (!IsValidWindow(m_hwnd)) // in case we are windowless hWndParent = FindTopLevelWindow(GetActiveWindow()); else hWndParent = FindTopLevelWindow(GetParent(m_hwnd)); char szMsg[1024]; strcpy( szMsg, GetStringResource( IDS_REQUIRES_HTMLHELP ) ); MessageBox( hWndParent, szMsg, _Resource.MsgBoxTitle(), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_SETFOREGROUND ); break; } if (m_ptblItems && m_ptblItems->CountStrings()) { ShortCut(this, m_ptblItems->GetPointer(1), (m_ptblItems->CountStrings() > 1 ? m_ptblItems->GetPointer(2) : ""), m_hwndParent); } else AuthorMsg(IDS_SHORTCUT_ARGULESS); break; case ACT_HHWIN_PRINT: case ACT_CLOSE: case ACT_MAXIMIZE: case ACT_MINIMIZE: { HWND hwndParent; if (!IsValidWindow(m_hwnd)) // in case we are windowless hwndParent = FindTopLevelWindow(GetActiveWindow()); else hwndParent = FindTopLevelWindow(GetParent(m_hwnd)); switch (m_action) { case ACT_CLOSE: PostMessage(hwndParent, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return; case ACT_MINIMIZE: ShowWindow(hwndParent, SW_MINIMIZE); return; case ACT_MAXIMIZE: ShowWindow(hwndParent, IsZoomed(hwndParent) ? SW_RESTORE : SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); return; case ACT_HHWIN_PRINT: { char szClass[256]; GetClassName(hwndParent, szClass, sizeof(szClass)); if (IsSamePrefix(szClass, txtHtmlHelpWindowClass, -2)) { PostMessage(hwndParent, WM_COMMAND, IDTB_PRINT, 0); } } break; } } break; case ACT_TCARD: { if (IsEmptyString(m_pszActionData)) break; // REVIEW: nag the help author WPARAM wParam = Atoi(m_pszActionData); LPARAM lParam = 0; PCSTR psz = StrChr(m_pszActionData, ','); if (psz) { psz = FirstNonSpace(psz + 1); if (IsDigit(*psz)) lParam = Atoi(psz); else lParam = (LPARAM) psz; } HWND hwndParent; if (!IsValidWindow(m_hwnd)) // in case we are windowless hwndParent = FindTopLevelWindow(GetActiveWindow()); else hwndParent = FindTopLevelWindow(GetParent(m_hwnd)); if (hwndParent) SendMessage(hwndParent, WM_TCARD, wParam, lParam); } break; case ACT_KLINK: OnAKLink(TRUE); break; case ACT_ALINK: OnAKLink(FALSE); break; case ACT_SAMPLE: if(!OnCopySample()) MsgBox(IDS_SAMPLE_ERROR); break; default: // REVIEW: nag the help author break; } } /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION: OSLangMatchesChm() PURPOSE: Checks lang of os verses the lang of this title PARAMETERS: RETURNS: S_OK, S_FALSE MODIFICATION DATES: 11-Nov-1998 ***************************************************************************/ HRESULT OSLangMatchesChm(CExCollection *pCollection) { if (pCollection == NULL) { return S_OK; } CTitleInformation *pInfo = pCollection->GetMasterTitle()->GetInfo(); LANGID MasterLangId; if (pInfo) MasterLangId = LANGIDFROMLCID(pInfo->GetLanguage()); else return S_FALSE; CLanguage cLang; if (cLang.GetUiLanguage() == MasterLangId) return S_OK; return S_FALSE; } /*************************************************************************** FUNCTION: HashFromSz PURPOSE: Convert a string into a WinHelp hash number PARAMETERS: pszKey -- string to convert RETURNS: WinHelp-compatible hash number COMMENTS: This is the same algorithm that WinHelp and Help Workshop uses. The result can be used to jump to a topic in a help file. MODIFICATION DATES: 14-Jun-1997 [ralphw] ***************************************************************************/ static const HASH MAX_CHARS = 43L; extern "C" HASH WinHelpHashFromSz(PCSTR pszKey) { HASH hash = 0; int cch = (int)strlen(pszKey); // REVIEW: 14-Oct-1993 [ralphw] -- Note lack of check for a hash collision. for (int ich = 0; ich < cch; ++ich) { if (pszKey[ich] == '!') hash = (hash * MAX_CHARS) + 11; else if (pszKey[ich] == '.') hash = (hash * MAX_CHARS) + 12; else if (pszKey[ich] == '_') hash = (hash * MAX_CHARS) + 13; else if (pszKey[ich] == '0') hash = (hash * MAX_CHARS) + 10; else if (pszKey[ich] <= 'Z') hash = (hash * MAX_CHARS) + (pszKey[ich] - '0'); else hash = (hash * MAX_CHARS) + (pszKey[ich] - '0' - ('a' - 'A')); } /* * Since the value 0 is reserved as a nil value, if any topic id * actually hashes to this value, we just move it. */ return (hash == 0 ? 0 + 1 : hash); } VOID (WINAPI* pSHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL)(HWND hwndStub, HINSTANCE hAppInstance, LPCSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow); static const char txtShellShortCut[] = "shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL"; static const char txtShell32Dll[] = "shell32.dll"; BOOL ShortCut(CHtmlHelpControl* phhctrl, LPCSTR pszString1, LPCSTR pszString2, HWND hwndMsgOwner) { HWND hwndApp; HINSTANCE hinstRet; CHourGlass hourglass; // Make a copy so we can modify it if (IsEmptyString(pszString1)) return FALSE; CStr csz(pszString1); PSTR pszComma = StrChr(csz.psz, ','); if (!pszComma) { AuthorMsg(IDS_INVALID_SHORTCUT_ITEM1, pszString1, hwndMsgOwner, phhctrl); return FALSE; } *pszComma = '\0'; RemoveTrailingSpaces(csz.psz); PCSTR pszClass = csz.psz; PSTR pszApplication = FirstNonSpace(pszComma + 1); pszComma = StrChr(pszApplication, ','); if (pszComma) *pszComma = '\0'; RemoveTrailingSpaces(pszApplication); PSTR pszParams = ""; if (pszComma) { pszParams = FirstNonSpace(pszComma + 1); RemoveTrailingSpaces(pszParams); } PSTR pszUrl; UINT msg; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; if (!IsEmptyString(pszString2)) { CStr cszArg; pszUrl = cszArg.GetArg(pszString2, TRUE); msg = Atoi(cszArg.psz); pszUrl = cszArg.GetArg(pszUrl, TRUE); wParam = Atoi(cszArg.psz); pszUrl = cszArg.GetArg(pszUrl, TRUE); lParam = Atoi(cszArg.psz); pszUrl = FirstNonSpace(pszUrl); } else { pszUrl = (PSTR) txtZeroLength; msg = 0; } CStr strUrl; ASSERT(phhctrl->m_pWebBrowserApp != NULL); phhctrl->m_pWebBrowserApp->GetLocationURL(&strUrl); // check for NULL pointer // if(strUrl.IsEmpty()) goto Fail; // Execute the shortcut only if we're in a local CHM file. // if(strstr(strUrl, "\\\\") || strstr(strUrl, "//")) goto Fail; if (IsEmptyString(pszClass) || !(hwndApp = FindWindow(pszClass, NULL))) { // 27-Sep-1997 [ralphw] We special-case shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL" // in order to run the shortcut without having to load rundll32. if (IsSamePrefix(pszParams, txtShellShortCut)) { if (!pSHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL) { HINSTANCE hmod = LoadLibrary(txtShell32Dll); if (hmod) { (FARPROC&) pSHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL = GetProcAddress(hmod, "SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL"); } } if (pSHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL) { pSHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL(NULL, _Module.GetModuleInstance(), FirstNonSpace(pszParams + sizeof(txtShellShortCut)), SW_SHOW); return TRUE; } } hinstRet = ShellExecute(hwndMsgOwner, ((strstr(pszApplication, ".cpl") || strstr(pszApplication, ".CPL")) ? txtCplOpen : txtOpen), pszApplication, pszParams, "", SW_SHOW); if ( hinstRet != (HANDLE)-1 && hinstRet <= (HANDLE)32) { AuthorMsg(IDS_CANNOT_RUN, pszApplication, hwndMsgOwner, phhctrl); Fail: if (phhctrl->m_pszWindow) { if (IsCompiledHtmlFile(phhctrl->m_pszWindow, NULL)) OnDisplayTopic(hwndMsgOwner, phhctrl->m_pszWindow, 0); else { CWStr cwJump(phhctrl->m_pszWindow); HlinkSimpleNavigateToString(cwJump, NULL, NULL, phhctrl->GetIUnknown(), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); } } return FALSE; } } else { if (IsIconic(hwndApp)) ShowWindow(hwndApp, SW_RESTORE); // Must restore minimized app SetForegroundWindow(hwndApp); } if (msg > 0) { int i; if (!hwndApp) { // Wait for up to 7 seconds for the process to initialize for (i = 0; i < 70; i++) { if ((hwndApp = FindWindow(pszClass, NULL))) break; Sleep(100); } } if (!hwndApp) { // Probably means the window class has changed. AuthorMsg(IDS_CLASS_NOT_FOUND, pszClass, hwndMsgOwner, phhctrl); if (phhctrl->m_pszWindow) { if (IsCompiledHtmlFile(phhctrl->m_pszWindow, NULL)) OnDisplayTopic(hwndMsgOwner, phhctrl->m_pszWindow, 0); else { CWStr cwJump(phhctrl->m_pszWindow); HlinkSimpleNavigateToString(cwJump, NULL, NULL, phhctrl->GetIUnknown(), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); } } return FALSE; } SetForegroundWindow(hwndApp); if (msg) PostMessage(hwndApp, msg, wParam, lParam); } return TRUE; } BOOL CAboutBox::OnBeginOrEnd(void) { if (m_fInitializing) { if (m_phhCtrl && m_phhCtrl->m_ptblItems && m_phhCtrl->m_ptblItems->CountStrings()) SetWindowText(m_phhCtrl->m_ptblItems->GetPointer(1)); for (int id = IDC_LINE1; id <= IDC_LINE3; id++) { // -2 because CTable is 1-based, and we skip over the title if (m_phhCtrl->m_ptblItems == NULL) break; if (id - IDC_LINE1 > m_phhCtrl->m_ptblItems->CountStrings() - 2) break; SetWindowText(id, m_phhCtrl->m_ptblItems->GetPointer((id - IDC_LINE1) + 2)); } // Hide any unused controls while (id <= IDC_LINE3) HideWindow(id++); } return TRUE; } void CHtmlHelpControl::OnDrawStaticText(DRAWITEMSTRUCT* pdis) { if (!m_pwszButtonText || !*m_pwszButtonText ) return; // REVIEW: since we are the only ones drawing into this DC, do we really // need to restore the previous background mode and foreground text color? int iBack = SetBkMode(pdis->hDC, TRANSPARENT); COLORREF clrLast = CLR_INVALID; if (m_clrFont != CLR_INVALID) clrLast = SetTextColor(pdis->hDC, m_clrFont); RECT rc; GetClientRect(pdis->hwndItem, &rc); IntlExtTextOutW(pdis->hDC, rc.left, rc.top, ETO_RTLREADING, &rc, m_pwszButtonText, lstrlenW(m_pwszButtonText), NULL); // DrawTextEx(pdis->hDC, (PSTR) m_pszButtonText, -1, &rc, DT_BOTTOM | DT_LEFT | DT_NOCLIP | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_RTLREADING, NULL); if ( pdis->hwndItem == ::GetFocus() ) ::DrawFocusRect(pdis->hDC, &rc); SetBkMode(pdis->hDC, iBack); if (clrLast != CLR_INVALID) SetTextColor(pdis->hDC, clrLast); } void CHtmlHelpControl::OnRelatedMenu() { POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); #if 1 // reverted bug fix #5516 HWND hwnd=GetFocus(); if ( hwnd ) { DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE ); if ( dwStyle & BS_NOTIFY ) { RECT rc; if( GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc) ) { pt.y = rc.top+((rc.bottom-rc.top)/2); pt.x = rc.left + ((RECT_HEIGHT(rc)/3)*2); // two-thirds of the height of the button } } } #endif HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); if (!hMenu) return; // BUGBUG: nag the help author for (int i = 1; i <= m_pSiteMap->Count(); i++) { HxAppendMenu(hMenu, MF_STRING, i, m_pSiteMap->GetSiteMapEntry(i)->pszText); } int iIndex = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_TOPALIGN | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_NONOTIFY | TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, 0, (m_hwnd == NULL ? hwnd : m_hwnd), NULL); if (iIndex) JumpToUrl(m_pSiteMap->GetSiteMapEntry(iIndex), m_pSiteMap); DestroyMenu(hMenu); } void CHtmlHelpControl::OnRelatedCommand(int idCommand) { if (idCommand <= IDM_RELATED_TOPIC) return; if (m_action != ACT_RELATED_TOPICS) { if (!m_ptblTitles) return; char szURL[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; int iIndex = m_ptblTitles->GetInt(idCommand - IDM_RELATED_TOPIC); m_ptblURLs->GetString( szURL, iIndex ); if (m_pszWindow) { CStr csz(">"); csz += m_pszWindow; OnDisplayTopic(m_hwnd, csz, (DWORD_PTR) szURL); return; } CWStr cwJump(szURL); CWStr cwFrame(m_pszFrame ? m_pszFrame : txtZeroLength); HlinkSimpleNavigateToString(cwJump, NULL, cwFrame, GetIUnknown(), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); delete m_ptblTitles; m_ptblTitles = NULL; delete m_ptblURLs; m_ptblURLs = NULL; delete m_ptblLocations; m_ptblLocations = NULL; return; } if (idCommand >= ID_VIEW_ENTRY) { DisplayAuthorInfo(m_pSiteMap, m_pSiteMap->GetSiteMapEntry(idCommand - ID_VIEW_ENTRY)); return; } #ifdef _DEBUG int pos = (idCommand - IDM_RELATED_TOPIC); SITEMAP_ENTRY* pSiteMapEntry = m_pSiteMap->GetSiteMapEntry(pos); #endif JumpToUrl(m_pSiteMap->GetSiteMapEntry(idCommand - IDM_RELATED_TOPIC), m_pSiteMap); } void CHtmlHelpControl::OnKeywordSearch(int idCommand) { CSiteMap* pWebMap; if (IsEmptyString(m_pszWebMap)) { // BUGBUG: nag the author return; } else { // use brace to enclose CHourGlass // REVIEW: should we capture the mouse? CHourGlass hourglass; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; if (!ConvertToCacheFile(m_pszWebMap, szPath)) { CStr cszMsg(IDS_CANT_FIND_FILE, m_pszWebMap); MsgBox(cszMsg); return; } if (m_pindex && isSameString(szPath, m_pindex->GetSiteMapFile())) pWebMap = m_pindex; else { UINT CodePage = 0; if( m_pindex && m_pindex->m_phh && m_pindex->m_phh->m_phmData ) { CodePage = m_pindex->m_phh->m_phmData->GetInfo()->GetCodePage(); } if (!m_pSiteMap->ReadFromFile(szPath, TRUE, this, CodePage)) return; // we assume author has already been notified pWebMap = m_pSiteMap; } } int end = m_ptblItems->CountStrings(); int endWebMap = pWebMap->CountStrings(); UINT CodePage = m_pSiteMap->GetCodePage(); CWTable tblTitles( CodePage ); for (int pos = 1; pos <= end; pos++) { PCSTR pszKeyword = m_ptblItems->GetPointer(pos); for (int posSite = 1; posSite <= endWebMap; posSite++) { SITEMAP_ENTRY* pWebMapEntry = pWebMap->GetSiteMapEntry(posSite); if (lstrcmpi(pszKeyword, pWebMapEntry->GetKeyword()) == 0) { SITE_ENTRY_URL* pUrl = (SITE_ENTRY_URL*) pWebMapEntry->pUrls; for (int url = 0; url < pWebMapEntry->cUrls; url++) { tblTitles.AddString(posSite, pWebMapEntry->GetTitle(pUrl)); pUrl = pWebMap->NextUrlEntry(pUrl); } } } } // we can sort the title table since it contains the index value // of the associated URL so just make sure to always fetch the // URL index from the selected title string and use that to get the URL if( /*bAlphaSortHits*/ TRUE ) { tblTitles.SetSorting(GetSystemDefaultLCID()); tblTitles.SortTable(sizeof(HASH)); } CTopicList TopicList(this, &tblTitles, m_hfont); if (TopicList.DoModal()) { PCSTR pszTitle = tblTitles.GetHashStringPointer(TopicList.m_pos); SITEMAP_ENTRY* pWebMapEntry = pWebMap->GetSiteMapEntry( tblTitles.GetInt(TopicList.m_pos)); // Now find the actual URL that matches the title // BUGBUG: fails with duplicate titles for (int url = 0; url < pWebMapEntry->cUrls; url++) { if (strcmp(pszTitle, pWebMap->GetUrlTitle(pWebMapEntry, url)) == 0) break; } ASSERT(url < pWebMapEntry->cUrls); JumpToUrl(pWebMapEntry, pWebMap, pWebMap->GetUrlEntry(pWebMapEntry, url)); } } // for bug #3681 -- don't use this new function for any other reason under any circumstances. HWND OnDisplayTopicWithRMS(HWND hwndCaller, LPCSTR pszFile, DWORD_PTR dwData) { BOOL bCollection = IsCollectionFile(pszFile); CExTitle* pTitle = NULL; CExCollection* pCollection = NULL; BOOL bCompiled; if( bCollection ) bCompiled = IsCompiledURL( (PCSTR) dwData ); else bCompiled = IsCompiledURL( pszFile ); if( bCompiled ) { CExCollection* pCollection = GetCurrentCollection(NULL, pszFile); if( pCollection ) if( (PCSTR) dwData ) HRESULT hr = pCollection->URL2ExTitle( (PCSTR) dwData, &pTitle ); } if( pCollection && bCompiled && (!pTitle || FAILED( EnsureStorageAvailability( pTitle, HHRMS_TYPE_TITLE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE )) ) ) { g_LastError.Set(HH_E_FILENOTFOUND) ; return NULL; } return OnDisplayTopic(hwndCaller, pszFile, dwData ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // OnKeywordSearch - Handles HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP Command // HWND OnKeywordSearch(HWND hwndCaller, PCSTR pszFile, HH_AKLINK* pakLink, BOOL fKLink) { CStr cszKeywords; // Use so StrToken can modify them. Declared here so JumpNotFound can use. CStr cszCompressed; BOOL bCollection = IsCollectionFile(pszFile); // We need the following in a bunch of locations in the code below. However, I have no // idea which of the following functions may cause side affects which affect this line. // Therefore, I can't with any assurance improve the performace of this code. // CHHWinType* phh = FindCurProccesWindow(idProcess); if (bCollection || IsCompiledHtmlFile(pszFile, &cszCompressed)) { if (bCollection) cszCompressed = pszFile; CHmData* phmData = FindCurFileData(cszCompressed); if (!phmData) goto JumpNotFound; UINT CodePage = phmData->m_pTitleCollection->GetMasterTitle()->GetInfo()->GetCodePage(); CTable tblItems; CWTable tblTitles( CodePage ); CWTable tblLocations( CodePage ); CTable tblURLs; if (IsEmptyString(pakLink->pszKeywords)) goto JumpNotFound; if (pakLink->fReserved) cszKeywords = (WCHAR*) pakLink->pszKeywords; else cszKeywords = pakLink->pszKeywords; tblItems.AddString( "" ); // set item1 to NULL -- no external titles tblItems.AddString( cszKeywords ); GetWordWheelHits( phmData->m_pTitleCollection, &tblItems, &tblURLs, &tblTitles, &tblLocations, fKLink, FALSE, FALSE ); if (tblURLs.CountStrings() < 1) { // No links found. goto JumpNotFound ; } // if only one topic then jump to it if( tblURLs.CountStrings() == 1 ) { char szURL[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; tblURLs.GetString( szURL, 1 ); //TODO: This code is repeated below. Share. if (pakLink->pszWindow) { strcat(szURL, ">"); strcat(szURL, (*pakLink->pszWindow == '>' ? pakLink->pszWindow + 1 : pakLink->pszWindow)); } else if (bCollection && phmData->GetDefaultWindow()) // Use the default window for the collection. HH 3428 { strcat(szURL, ">"); strcat(szURL, (*phmData->GetDefaultWindow() == '>' ? phmData->GetDefaultWindow() + 1 : phmData->GetDefaultWindow())); } else //REVIEW: Can we find other possible default windows? { // Pick a random window type. Its unlikely that this is the one you really want, since you get the first one for this process. CHHWinType* phh = FindCurWindow(); if (phh) { strcat(szURL, ">"); strcat(szURL, phh->pszType); } } if( bCollection ) return OnDisplayTopicWithRMS(hwndCaller, pszFile, (DWORD_PTR) szURL); return OnDisplayTopicWithRMS(hwndCaller, szURL, 0); } // Determine the dialogs parent. HWND hwndDlgParent = hwndCaller ; CHHWinType* phh = FindCurWindow(); if (phh) { // If there is an existing help window, use it for the dialog parent instead of // the hwnd passed from the caller. The reason is that the disambiguator will not be // modal with the help window, but with the calling app. HWND hwnd = phh->GetHwnd(); if (hwnd && ::IsValidWindow(hwnd)) { hwndDlgParent = hwnd ; if (hwnd != GetForegroundWindow()) { BOOL b = SetForegroundWindow(hwnd) ; ASSERT(b) ; } } } // we can sort the title table since it contains the index value // of the associated URL so just make sure to always fetch the // URL index from the selected title string and use that to get the URL if( /*bAlphaSortHits*/ TRUE ) { tblTitles.SetSorting(GetSystemDefaultLCID()); tblTitles.SortTable(sizeof(HASH)); } // Display a dialog containing the links to the user. CTopicList TopicList(hwndDlgParent, &tblTitles, phmData->GetContentFont(), &tblLocations); if (TopicList.DoModal()) { char szURL[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; int iIndex = tblTitles.GetInt(TopicList.m_pos); tblURLs.GetString( szURL, iIndex ); //TODO: This code is repeated above. Share. if (pakLink->pszWindow) { strcat(szURL, ">"); strcat(szURL, (*pakLink->pszWindow == '>' ? pakLink->pszWindow + 1 : pakLink->pszWindow)); } else if (bCollection && phmData->GetDefaultWindow()) // Use the default window for the collection. HH 3428 { strcat(szURL, ">"); strcat(szURL, (*phmData->GetDefaultWindow() == '>' ? phmData->GetDefaultWindow() + 1 : phmData->GetDefaultWindow())); } else { // Pick a random window type. Its unlikely that this is the one you really want, since you get the first one for this process. CHHWinType* phh = FindCurWindow(); if (phh) { strcat(szURL, ">"); strcat(szURL, phh->pszType); } } if( bCollection ) return OnDisplayTopicWithRMS(hwndCaller, pszFile, (DWORD_PTR) szURL); return OnDisplayTopicWithRMS(hwndCaller, szURL, 0); } else //REVIEW: Can we find other possible default windows? { // Signal that we succeeded, but didn't do anything. g_LastError.Set(S_FALSE) ; // User canceled dialog box. Don't go to JumpNotFound. return NULL ; } } // Error handling. JumpNotFound: if (pakLink->fIndexOnFail) // Display index if the keyword is not found. { // We only seed the edit control with the characters to the ';'. // The StrToken command happens to repalce the ';' with a \0. // So we can use cszKeywords, directly as the first keyword. // Also, note that cszKeywords.psz is set to NULL during initialization. return doDisplayIndex(hwndCaller, pszFile, cszKeywords); } else if (pakLink->pszUrl) // Display the page pointered to by pszUrl when keyword is not found. { if (pakLink->pszWindow) { cszCompressed += ">"; cszCompressed += (*pakLink->pszWindow == '>' ? pakLink->pszWindow + 1 : pakLink->pszWindow); } else { CHHWinType* phh = FindCurWindow(); if (phh) { cszCompressed += ">"; cszCompressed += phh->pszType; } } return OnDisplayTopicWithRMS(hwndCaller, cszCompressed, (DWORD_PTR) pakLink->pszUrl); } else if (pakLink->pszMsgText) // Display a message box with the callers messages. { MessageBox(hwndCaller, pakLink->pszMsgText, IsEmptyString(pakLink->pszMsgTitle) ? "" : pakLink->pszMsgTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } return NULL; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // OnSample - Handles HH_COPY_SAMPLE Command // BOOL CHtmlHelpControl::OnCopySample() { if (!m_ptblItems) return FALSE; // Get the SFL name from "item2" // CStr cszSFLFileName; if (!IsEmptyString(m_ptblItems->GetPointer(2))) cszSFLFileName = m_ptblItems->GetPointer(2); else return FALSE; // Compute the SFL base name // char szSFLBaseName[_MAX_FNAME]; strncpy(szSFLBaseName,cszSFLFileName, _MAX_FNAME-1); szSFLBaseName[_MAX_FNAME-1] = NULL; cszSFLFileName = szSFLBaseName; cszSFLFileName+=".SFL"; // Get the dialog title from "item1" // CStr cszDialogTitle; if (!IsEmptyString(m_ptblItems->GetPointer(1))) cszDialogTitle = m_ptblItems->GetPointer(1); else cszDialogTitle = "Sample Application"; // Get the current URL // CStr cszCurUrl; if (m_pWebBrowserApp != NULL) m_pWebBrowserApp->GetLocationURL(&cszCurUrl); else return FALSE; char szSflRelativeUrl[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; char szSflUrl[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; DWORD dwLength = sizeof(szSflUrl); // Create URL to SFL file // wsprintf(szSflRelativeUrl,"/samples/%s/%s",szSFLBaseName,cszSFLFileName); strcpy(szSflUrl,cszCurUrl); char *pszTemp = szSflUrl; // Locate the :: in the URL // while(*pszTemp && !(*pszTemp == ':' && *(pszTemp+1) == ':')) ++pszTemp; // return if no :: was found // if(!*pszTemp) return FALSE; pszTemp+=2; // place a null after :: // *pszTemp = 0; strcat(szSflUrl,szSflRelativeUrl); // download the SFL file // char szPath[MAX_PATH],szSFLFilePath[MAX_PATH]; GetTempPath(sizeof(szPath),szPath); GetTempFileName(szPath,"SFL",0, szSFLFilePath); HRESULT hr = URLDownloadToFile(NULL, szSflUrl, szSFLFilePath, 0, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) DeleteFile(szSFLFilePath); if(!FAILED(hr)) { // Process compressed sample // // Create URL to SFL file // // Null after the :: again in szSflUrl // *pszTemp = 0; char szSampleBaseUrl[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; dwLength = sizeof(szSampleBaseUrl); wsprintf(szSampleBaseUrl,"%s/samples/%s/",szSflUrl,szSFLBaseName); // call sample UI // return ProcessSample(szSFLFilePath, szSampleBaseUrl, cszDialogTitle, this, TRUE); // delete the copy of the SFL file DeleteFile(szSFLFilePath); } else { CStr cstr; PSTR psz = NULL; if ( m_pWebBrowserApp ) { m_pWebBrowserApp->GetLocationURL(&cstr); psz = (PSTR)cstr; } // Process uncompressed sample CExCollection *pCurCollection = GetCurrentCollection(NULL, (LPCSTR)psz); if(!pCurCollection) return FALSE; CExTitle *pExTitle = NULL; // Get the CExTitle object associated to this URL // pCurCollection->URL2ExTitle(cszCurUrl, &pExTitle); if(!pExTitle) return FALSE; // Make sure the title is open // BUGBUG: what do we do if this fails? pExTitle->Init(); TCHAR *pszSampleLocation = NULL; // Make sure the CTitle object is initialized // if(pExTitle->m_pTitle) { // Get the sample location from the CTitle object // if (pExTitle->GetUsedLocation()) pszSampleLocation = pExTitle->GetUsedLocation()->SampleLocation; } if(!pszSampleLocation) { // get sample location from CCollection if get from CTitle failed pszSampleLocation = pCurCollection->m_Collection.GetSampleLocation(); } // Make sure we got a sample location // if(!pszSampleLocation) return FALSE; CLocation *pLocation = pCurCollection->m_Collection.FindLocation(pszSampleLocation); if(!pLocation) return FALSE; char szSampleBasePath[MAX_PATH],szSFLFilePath[MAX_PATH]; // construct full path to uncompressed sample directory // strcpy(szSampleBasePath,pLocation->GetPath()); // CatPath(szSampleBasePath,szSFLBaseName); // strcat(szSampleBasePath,"\\"); // construct full path to SFL // strcpy(szSFLFilePath,szSampleBasePath); CatPath(szSFLFilePath,"\\SFL\\"); CatPath(szSFLFilePath,cszSFLFileName); // make sure the sample (CD) is available if( pExTitle ) { pExTitle->SetCurrentAttachmentName( szSFLFilePath ); if( FAILED(hr = EnsureStorageAvailability( pExTitle, HHRMS_TYPE_ATTACHMENT ) ) ) { if( hr == HHRMS_E_SKIP || hr == HHRMS_E_SKIP_ALWAYS ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } } // if the user updated the CD location then we need to update the SFL file location // before we process the sample if( hr == HHRMS_S_LOCATION_UPDATE ) { strcpy(szSampleBasePath,pLocation->GetPath()); strcpy(szSFLFilePath,szSampleBasePath); CatPath(szSFLFilePath,"\\SFL\\"); CatPath(szSFLFilePath,cszSFLFileName); } // call sample UI // return ProcessSample(szSFLFilePath, szSampleBasePath, cszDialogTitle, this, FALSE); } return TRUE; }