<% 'Localizable strings for iicomp.asp Const L_ENTERINTEGER_ERRORMESSAGE="Please enter an integer" Const L_UNSAVEDCHANGES_ERRORMESSAGE="You have unsaved changes. Save now?" Const L_IIS_TEXT="Internet Information Services" Const L_ENABLETHROTTLE_TEXT="Enable Bandwith Throttling" Const L_LIMIT_TEXT="Limit network bandwidth available for all Web and FTP sites on this computer." Const L_MAXUSAGE_TEXT="Maximum network use:" Const L_MASTER_TEXT="Master Properties" Const L_EDITPROPERTIES_TEXT="Edit the properties inherited by all sites created on this computer." Const L_WWWSERVICE_TEXT="WWW Service" Const L_FTPSERVICE_TEXT="FTPSERVICE" Const L_EDIT_TEXT="Edit..." Const L_ACCESSDENIED_TEXT="Access Denied" Const L_ENABLEBANDWIDTH_TEXT="Enable Bandwidth Throttling" Const L_LIMITNET_TEXT="Limit network use by all Internet Information Services on this computer." Const L_KBS_TEXT="KB/S" Const L_MAXNETUSAGE_TEXT="Maximum network use:" Const L_MIMEMAP_TEXT = "MIME Map" Const L_CONFIGUREMIME_TEXT = "Configure the MIME types for all Web sites on this computer." Const L_FILETYPES_TEXT="File Types..." %>