[info] drivername=MSFTPSVC symbolfile=ftpctrs.h trusted= [languages] 009=English 000=Neutral [objects] FTPD_COUNTER_OBJECT_009_NAME=FTP Service [text] FTPD_COUNTER_OBJECT_009_NAME=FTP Service FTPD_COUNTER_OBJECT_009_HELP=The FTP Service object includes counters specific to the FTP Publishing Service. FTPD_BYTES_SENT_COUNTER_009_NAME=Bytes Sent/sec FTPD_BYTES_SENT_COUNTER_009_HELP=Bytes Sent/sec is the rate that data bytes are sent by the FTP service. FTPD_BYTES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_009_NAME=Bytes Received/sec FTPD_BYTES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_009_HELP=Bytes Received/sec is the rate that data bytes are received by the FTP service. FTPD_BYTES_TOTAL_COUNTER_009_NAME=Bytes Total/sec FTPD_BYTES_TOTAL_COUNTER_009_HELP=Bytes Total/sec is the sum of Bytes Sent/sec and Bytes Received/sec. This is the total rate of bytes transferred by the FTP service. FTPD_FILES_SENT_COUNTER_009_NAME=Total Files Sent FTPD_FILES_SENT_COUNTER_009_HELP=Total Files Sent is the total number of files sent by the FTP service since service startup. FTPD_FILES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_009_NAME=Total Files Received FTPD_FILES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_009_HELP=Total Files Received is the total number of files received by the FTP service since service startup. FTPD_FILES_TOTAL_COUNTER_009_NAME=Total Files Transferred FTPD_FILES_TOTAL_COUNTER_009_HELP=Total Files Transferred is the sum of Files Sent and Files Received. This is the total number of files transferred by the FTP service since service startup. FTPD_CURRENT_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_NAME=Current Anonymous Users FTPD_CURRENT_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Current Anonymous Users is the number of users who currently have an anonymous connection using the FTP service. FTPD_CURRENT_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_NAME=Current NonAnonymous Users FTPD_CURRENT_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Current NonAnonymous Users is the number of users who currently have a non-anonymous connection using the FTP service. FTPD_TOTAL_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_NAME=Total Anonymous Users FTPD_TOTAL_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Total Anonymous Users is the total number of users who established an anonymous connection with the FTP service (since service startup). FTPD_TOTAL_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_NAME=Total NonAnonymous Users FTPD_TOTAL_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Total NonAnonymous Users is the total number of users who established a non-anonymous connection with the FTP service (since service startup). FTPD_MAX_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_NAME=Maximum Anonymous Users FTPD_MAX_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Maximum Anonymous Users is the maximum number of users who established concurrent anonymous connections using the FTP service (since service startup). FTPD_MAX_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_NAME=Maximum NonAnonymous Users FTPD_MAX_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Maximum NonAnonymous Users is the maximum number of users who established concurrent non-anonymous connections using the FTP service (since service startup). FTPD_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS_COUNTER_009_NAME=Current Connections FTPD_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Current Connections is the current number of connections established with the FTP service. FTPD_MAX_CONNECTIONS_COUNTER_009_NAME=Maximum Connections FTPD_MAX_CONNECTIONS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Maximum Connections is the maximum number of simultaneous connections established with the FTP service. FTPD_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_COUNTER_009_NAME=Total Connection Attempts (all instances) FTPD_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Total Connection Attempts is the number of connections that have been attempted using the FTP service (since service startup). This counter is for all instances listed. FTPD_LOGON_ATTEMPTS_COUNTER_009_NAME=Total Logon Attempts FTPD_LOGON_ATTEMPTS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Total Logon Attempts is the number of logons that have been attempted using the FTP service (since service startup). FTPD_SERVICE_UPTIME_COUNTER_009_NAME=FTP Service Uptime FTPD_SERVICE_UPTIME_COUNTER_009_HELP=FTP Serive and FTP site uptime in seconds. FTPD_COUNTER_OBJECT_000_NAME=FTP Service FTPD_COUNTER_OBJECT_000_HELP=The FTP Service object includes counters specific to the FTP Publishing Service. FTPD_BYTES_SENT_COUNTER_000_NAME=Bytes Sent/sec FTPD_BYTES_SENT_COUNTER_000_HELP=Bytes Sent/sec is the rate that data bytes are sent by the FTP service. FTPD_BYTES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_000_NAME=Bytes Received/sec FTPD_BYTES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_000_HELP=Bytes Received/sec is the rate that data bytes are received by the FTP service. FTPD_BYTES_TOTAL_COUNTER_000_NAME=Bytes Total/sec FTPD_BYTES_TOTAL_COUNTER_000_HELP=Bytes Total/sec is the sum of Bytes Sent/sec and Bytes Received/sec. This is the total rate of bytes transferred by the FTP service. FTPD_FILES_SENT_COUNTER_000_NAME=Total Files Sent FTPD_FILES_SENT_COUNTER_000_HELP=Total Files Sent is the total number of files sent by the FTP service since service startup. FTPD_FILES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_000_NAME=Total Files Received FTPD_FILES_RECEIVED_COUNTER_000_HELP=Total Files Received is the total number of files received by the FTP service since service startup. FTPD_FILES_TOTAL_COUNTER_000_NAME=Total Files Transferred FTPD_FILES_TOTAL_COUNTER_000_HELP=Total Files Transferred is the sum of Files Sent and Files Received. This is the total number of files transferred by the FTP service since service startup. FTPD_CURRENT_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_NAME=Current Anonymous Users FTPD_CURRENT_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Current Anonymous Users is the number of users who currently have an anonymous connection using the FTP service. FTPD_CURRENT_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_NAME=Current NonAnonymous Users FTPD_CURRENT_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Current NonAnonymous Users is the number of users who currently have a non-anonymous connection using the FTP service. FTPD_TOTAL_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_NAME=Total Anonymous Users FTPD_TOTAL_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Total Anonymous Users is the total number of users who established an anonymous connection with the FTP service (since service startup). FTPD_TOTAL_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_NAME=Total NonAnonymous Users FTPD_TOTAL_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Total NonAnonymous Users is the total number of users who established a non-anonymous connection with the FTP service (since service startup). FTPD_MAX_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_NAME=Maximum Anonymous Users FTPD_MAX_ANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Maximum Anonymous Users is the maximum number of users who established concurrent anonymous connections using the FTP service (since service startup). FTPD_MAX_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_NAME=Maximum NonAnonymous Users FTPD_MAX_NONANONYMOUS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Maximum NonAnonymous Users is the maximum number of users who established concurrent non-anonymous connections using the FTP service (since service startup). FTPD_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS_COUNTER_000_NAME=Current Connections FTPD_CURRENT_CONNECTIONS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Current Connections is the current number of connections established with the FTP service. FTPD_MAX_CONNECTIONS_COUNTER_000_NAME=Maximum Connections FTPD_MAX_CONNECTIONS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Maximum Connections is the maximum number of simultaneous connections established with the FTP service. FTPD_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_COUNTER_000_NAME=Total Connection Attempts (all instances) FTPD_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Total Connection Attempts is the number of connections that have been attempted using the FTP service (since service startup). This counter is for all instances listed. FTPD_LOGON_ATTEMPTS_COUNTER_000_NAME=Total Logon Attempts FTPD_LOGON_ATTEMPTS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Total Logon Attempts is the number of logons that have been attempted using the FTP service (since service startup). FTPD_SERVICE_UPTIME_COUNTER_000_NAME=FTP Service Uptime FTPD_SERVICE_UPTIME_COUNTER_000_HELP=FTP Serive and FTP site uptime in seconds.