/* main.c A simple startup module so I can just call the win16 code with the least porting effort Revision history Sept 92 Lauriegr Remove try except - it just makes debugging harder. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <windows.h> // // globals in mmiotest.c // extern HANDLE ghInst; // // functions in mmiotest.c // extern void Test1(HWND hWnd); extern void Test2(HWND hWnd); extern void Test3(HWND hWnd); int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { FILE *fp; /* save instance handle for dialog boxes */ ghInst = GetModuleHandle(NULL); // create the local test file printf("\nCreating hello.txt"); fp = fopen("hello.txt", "wb"); if (!fp) { printf("\nUnable to create hello.txt"); exit(1); } fprintf(fp, "hello world\r\n"); fclose(fp); // try { // execute all the tests printf("\n--------------- Test1 ---------------\n"); Test1(NULL); printf("Done Test1.\n"); printf("\n--------------- Test2 ---------------\n"); Test2(NULL); printf("Done Test2.\n"); printf("\n--------------- Test3 ---------------\n"); Test3(NULL); printf("Done Test3.\n"); printf("Done All Tests.\n"); // } except (1) { // printf("\nException"); // } return 0; } void dDbgAssert(LPSTR exp, LPSTR file, int line) { printf("\nAssertion failure:"); printf("\n Exp: %s", exp); printf("\n File: %s, line %d\n", file, line); DebugBreak(); }