typedef enum // tokens: * . ? [ ] / help dt dg L number <identifier> { tokSTAR, // * tokDOT, // . tokQUESTION, // ? tokLBRAC, // [ tokRBRAC, // ] tokSLASH, // / tokKEYWORD, // alnum strings which match one of the known keys. tokNUMBER, // 0xcbde 129 tokIDENTIFIER // non-keyword and non-number alnum } eTOKTYPE; typedef struct { eTOKTYPE eTok; UINT uID; // Tok-specific ID: // IDENTIFIER: a unique number across all identifiers. // NUMBER: the number // KEYWORD: eKEYWORD // Other tokens: uID is unused. char *szStr; // String containg original chars that made up this token. // Note: a string of pure hex digits which is followed // by a non-alnum char is assumed to be a number -- // later if it turns out to be more likely that it is // an identifier, it is converted to an identifier. // Same deal with a keyword -- if it turns out based // on context to be most likely an identifier or part // of an identifier, it will be converted to an // identifier. } TOKEN; typedef enum { keywordNULL, // Invalid keyword, use for sentinels. keywordHELP, // help keywordDUMP_TYPE, // dt keywordDUMP_GLOBALS, // dg keywordL // L } eKEYWORD; // // Following is not used currently... // typedef enum { phraseCMD, phraseIDENTIFIER, // with optional wildcards phraseINDEX, // [2], [*], [1-3], etc. phraseDOT, // . phraseNUMBER, // 0x8908 abcd phraseOBJ_COUNT, // L 2 phraseFLAG // /xyz } ePHRASE; typedef enum { cmdDUMP_TYPE, cmdDUMP_GLOBALS, cmdHELP }ePRIMARY_COMMAND; struct _DBGCOMMAND; typedef void (*PFN_SPECIAL_COMMAND_HANDLER)(struct _DBGCOMMAND *pCmd); typedef struct _DBGCOMMAND { NAMESPACE *pNameSpace; // Name space applicable for this command. ePRIMARY_COMMAND ePrimaryCmd; // DumpGlobals, DumpType, help UINT uFlags; // One or more fCMDFLAG_* TOKEN *ptokObject; // eg <type> TOKEN *ptokSubObject; // eg <field> UINT uVectorIndexStart; // if[0] UINT uVectorIndexEnd; // if[0] UINT uObjectAddress; // <address> UINT uObjectCount; // L 10 void *pvContext; // private context. //PFN_SPECIAL_COMMAND_HANDLER pfnSpecialHandler; } DBGCOMMAND; #define fCMDFLAG_HAS_VECTOR_INDEX (0x1<<0) #define fCMDFLAG_HAS_SUBOBJECT (0x1<<1) #define fCMDFLAG_HAS_OBJECT_ADDRESS (0x1<<2) #define fCMDFLAG_HAS_OBJECT_COUNT (0x1<<3) #define fCMDFLAG_OBJECT_STAR_PREFIX (0x1<<4) #define fCMDFLAG_OBJECT_STAR_SUFFIX (0x1<<5) #define fCMDFLAG_SUBOBJECT_STAR_PREFIX (0x1<<6) #define fCMDFLAG_SUBOBJECT_STAR_SUFFIX (0x1<<7) #define CMD_SET_FLAG(_pCmd, _f) ((_pCmd)->uFlags |= (_f)) #define CMD_CLEAR_FLAG(_pCmd, _f) ((_pCmd)->uFlags &= ~(_f)) #define CMD_IS_FLAG_SET(_pCmd, _f) ((_pCmd)->uFlags & (_f)) DBGCOMMAND * Parse( IN const char *szInput, IN NAMESPACE * ); void FreeCommand( DBGCOMMAND *pCommand ); void DumpCommand( DBGCOMMAND *pCommand ); #if 0 //!aac dt <type> . <field> <address> L <count> <flags> //!aac dt <type> [index] . <field> L <count> <flags> //!aac dg <name> . <field> // //!aac dt if[*].*handle* 0x324890 L 5 0. Break up sentance into tokens: keywords: * . L dg dt ? help [ ] / identifier: contiguous non-keyword alnum number: interpreted as hex with optional 0x. 1st pass: combine "[*]", "*word*", "/xyz" into single entities 1. Parse primary command: literal text 2. Parse primary object: [*]literal_text[*] 3. Parse index "[...]" 4. Parse field "." 5. Parse address (hex number) 6. Parse object count L <count> #endif // 0 void DoCommand(DBGCOMMAND *pCmd, PFN_SPECIAL_COMMAND_HANDLER pfnHandler); void DoDumpType(DBGCOMMAND *pCmd); void DoDumpGlobals(DBGCOMMAND *pCmd); void DoHelp(DBGCOMMAND *pCmd);