/*++ Copyright (c) 2001, Microsoft Corporation Module Name: eluiuser.h Abstract: User interaction module definitions Revision History: sachins, April 25, 2001, Created --*/ #ifndef _ELUIUSER_H #define _ELUIUSER_H #define BID_Dialer 100 #define DID_DR_DialerUD 117 #define CID_DR_EB_User 1104 #define CID_DR_EB_Password 1103 #define CID_DR_PB_DialConnect 1590 #define CID_DR_PB_Cancel 1591 #define CID_DR_BM_Useless 1100 #define CID_DR_ST_User 1413 #define CID_DR_ST_Password 1112 #define CID_DR_ST_Domain 1110 #define CID_DR_EB_Domain 1102 #define IDC_STATIC -1 #define MAX_BALLOON_MSG_LEN 255 #define cszModuleName TEXT("wzcdlg.dll") // // MD5 dialog info // typedef struct _EAPOLMD5UI { // Authentication identity using RasGetUserIdentity or other means CHAR *pszIdentity; // User Password for EAP MD5 CHAP WCHAR *pwszPassword; // User Password for EAP MD5 CHAP DATA_BLOB PasswordBlob; // Friendly name of the interface on which this port is opened WCHAR *pwszFriendlyName; } EAPOLMD5UI, *PEAPOLMD5UI; // // MD5 dialog argument block // typedef struct _USERDLGARGS { EAPOLMD5UI *pEapolMD5UI; } USERDLGARGS; // // MD5 dialog context block // typedef struct _USERDLGINFO { // Common dial context information including the RAS API arguments. USERDLGARGS* pArgs; // Handle of the dialog and some of it's controls. HWND hwndDlg; HWND hwndEbUser; HWND hwndEbPw; HWND hwndEbDomain; } USERDLGINFO; DWORD ElGetUserIdentityDlgWorker ( IN WCHAR *pwszConnectionName, IN VOID *pvContext ); DWORD ElGetUserNamePasswordDlgWorker ( IN WCHAR *pwszConnectionName, IN VOID *pvContext ); VOID ElUserDlgSave ( IN USERDLGINFO *pInfo ); BOOL ElUserDlgCommand ( IN USERDLGINFO *pInfo, IN WORD wNotification, IN WORD wId, IN HWND hwndCtrl ); VOID ElContextHelp( IN const DWORD* padwMap, IN HWND hWndDlg, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ); DWORD ElUserDlg ( IN HWND hwndOwner, IN EAPOLMD5UI *pEapolMD5UI ); BOOL ElUserDlgInit ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN USERDLGARGS *pArgs ); VOID ElUserDlgTerm ( IN HWND hwndDlg, IN USERDLGINFO *pInfo ); INT_PTR ElUserDlgProc ( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT unMsg, IN WPARAM wparam, IN LPARAM lparam ); DWORD ElInvokeInteractiveUIDlgWorker ( IN WCHAR *pwszConnectionName, IN VOID *pvContext ); DWORD ElDialogCleanup ( IN WCHAR *pwszConnectionName, IN VOID *pvContext ); #endif // _ELUIUSER_H