/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/ /* scopewiz.cpp DHCP scope creation dialog FILE HISTORY: */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "server.h" #include "scopewiz.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define MASK_MIN 1 #define MASK_MAX 31 #define SCOPE_WARNING_COUNT 20 int CScopeWizLeaseTime::m_nDaysDefault = SCOPE_DFAULT_LEASE_DAYS; int CScopeWizLeaseTime::m_nHoursDefault = SCOPE_DFAULT_LEASE_HOURS; int CScopeWizLeaseTime::m_nMinutesDefault = SCOPE_DFAULT_LEASE_MINUTES; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWiz holder // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CScopeWiz::CScopeWiz ( ITFSNode * pNode, IComponentData * pComponentData, ITFSComponentData * pTFSCompData, LPCTSTR pSuperscopeName, LPCTSTR pszSheetName ) : CPropertyPageHolderBase(pNode, pComponentData, pszSheetName) { //ASSERT(pFolderNode == GetContainerNode()); m_bAutoDeletePages = FALSE; // we have the pages as embedded members AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageWelcome); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageName); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageInvalidName); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageSetRange); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageSetExclusions); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageLeaseTime); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageCreateSuperscope); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageConfigOptions); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageRouter); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageDNS); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageWINS); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageActivate); AddPageToList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageFinished); Assert(pTFSCompData != NULL); m_spTFSCompData.Set(pTFSCompData); m_strSuperscopeName = pSuperscopeName; m_fCreateSuperscope = FALSE; m_fOptionsConfigured = FALSE; m_fActivateScope = FALSE; m_pDefaultOptions = NULL; m_poptDomainName = NULL; m_poptDNSServers = NULL; m_poptRouters = NULL; m_poptWINSNodeType = NULL; m_poptWINSServers = NULL; m_bWiz97 = TRUE; m_spTFSCompData->SetWatermarkInfo(&g_WatermarkInfoScope); } CScopeWiz::~CScopeWiz() { RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageName, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageInvalidName, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageSetRange, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageSetExclusions, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageLeaseTime, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageCreateSuperscope, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageConfigOptions, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageRouter, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageDNS, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageWINS, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageActivate, FALSE); RemovePageFromList((CPropertyPageBase*) &m_pageFinished, FALSE); } // // Called from the OnWizardFinish to add the DHCP Server to the list // DWORD CScopeWiz::OnFinish() { if (m_fCreateSuperscope) { return CreateSuperscope(); } else { return CreateScope(); } } BOOL CScopeWiz::GetScopeRange(CDhcpIpRange * pdhcpIpRange) { return m_pageSetRange.GetScopeRange(pdhcpIpRange); } DWORD CScopeWiz::CreateSuperscope() { LONG err = 0; LONG dwErrReturn = 0; BOOL fScopeCreated = FALSE; BOOL fFinished = FALSE; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpSubnetId ; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpSubnetMask ; CDhcpScope * pobScope = NULL ; CDhcpIpRange dhcpIpRange; CDhcpServer * pServer; SPITFSNode spServerNode, spSuperscopeNode; CString strSuperscopeTemplate = _T("Superscope %d"); CString strSuperscopeName; CString strFinishText; int nSuperscopeSuffix = 0; int nScopesCreated = 0; int nScopesTotal = 0; SPITFSComponentData spTFSCompData; SPITFSNodeMgr spNodeMgr; AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // Get the server node depending upon how we were called if (m_strSuperscopeName.IsEmpty()) { spServerNode = GetNode(); } else { SPITFSNode spSscopeNode; spSscopeNode = GetNode(); spSscopeNode->GetParent(&spServerNode); } spServerNode->GetNodeMgr(&spNodeMgr); spTFSCompData = GetTFSCompData(); // setup some necessary things for the superscope object for the UI CDhcpSuperscope * pSuperscope = new CDhcpSuperscope(spTFSCompData); pSuperscope->SetServer(spServerNode); // find a superscope name that doesn't already exist strSuperscopeName.Format(strSuperscopeTemplate, nSuperscopeSuffix); while (pSuperscope->DoesSuperscopeExist(strSuperscopeName)) { nSuperscopeSuffix++; strSuperscopeName.Format(strSuperscopeTemplate, nSuperscopeSuffix); } // Set the new name in the superscope object pSuperscope->SetName(strSuperscopeName); CreateContainerTFSNode(&spSuperscopeNode, &GUID_DhcpSuperscopeNodeType, pSuperscope, pSuperscope, spNodeMgr); // Tell the handler to initialize any specific data if (m_fOptionsConfigured && m_fActivateScope) pSuperscope->SetState(DhcpSubnetEnabled); pSuperscope->InitializeNode((ITFSNode *) spSuperscopeNode); pServer = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, spServerNode); // Ok, now the fun begins... CDhcpIpRange ipRangeTotal, ipRangeCurrent; m_pageSetRange.GetScopeRange(&ipRangeTotal); dhcpSubnetMask = m_pageSetRange.GetSubnetMask(); // Set the start address for the first scope ipRangeCurrent.SetAddr(ipRangeTotal.QueryAddr(TRUE), TRUE); while (!fFinished) { SPITFSNode spNode; nScopesTotal++; // Calculate the subnet ID dhcpSubnetId = ipRangeCurrent.QueryAddr(TRUE) & dhcpSubnetMask; // 0 is an invalid start address for a range. Check to make sure // that the starting address of the range isn't 0, if it is, then add 1 DWORD startAddr = ipRangeCurrent.QueryAddr(TRUE); if ((startAddr & ~dhcpSubnetMask) == 0) { ipRangeCurrent.SetAddr(startAddr+1, TRUE); } // set the ending address of the (subnetId + ~subnetmask) - 1. Just adding the subnet // mask gives us the broadcast address for that subnet. We don't want that! ipRangeCurrent.SetAddr((dhcpSubnetId + ~dhcpSubnetMask) - 1, FALSE); // check to see if we are at the last scope, if so make sure we don't // go over what the range the user specified and set the flag so we'll quit if (ipRangeCurrent.QueryAddr(FALSE) >= ipRangeTotal.QueryAddr(FALSE)) { // set the ending address to what the user specified ipRangeCurrent.SetAddr(ipRangeTotal.QueryAddr(FALSE), FALSE); fFinished = TRUE; } // Create the scope on the server and then we can // create our internal object. err = pServer->CreateScope(dhcpSubnetId, dhcpSubnetMask, m_pageName.m_strName, m_pageName.m_strComment); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace1("CScopeWiz::CreateScope() - Couldn't create scope! Error = %d\n", err); dwErrReturn = err; // increment the scope address by 2. +1 gets us the network broadcast address, // the next +1 gets us to the next subnet. ipRangeCurrent.SetAddr(ipRangeCurrent.QueryAddr(FALSE) + 2, TRUE); continue; } // now create our object that represents the scope for the UI pobScope = new CDhcpScope(spTFSCompData, dhcpSubnetId, dhcpSubnetMask, m_pageName.m_strName, m_pageName.m_strComment); if ( pobScope == NULL ) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; break ; } // Store the server object in the holder CreateContainerTFSNode(&spNode, &GUID_DhcpScopeNodeType, pobScope, pobScope, spNodeMgr); // Tell the handler to initialize any specific data pobScope->SetServer(spServerNode); pobScope->InitializeNode((ITFSNode *) spNode); pobScope->Release(); // Finish creating the scope. First, the IP address range // from which to allocate addresses. if ( err = pobScope->SetIpRange( ipRangeCurrent, TRUE ) ) { Trace2("SetIpRange on scope %lx failed!! %d\n", dhcpSubnetId, err); dwErrReturn = err; pServer->DeleteSubnet(pobScope->GetAddress()); goto Cleanup; } // set the lease time DWORD dwLeaseTime; dwLeaseTime = m_pageLeaseTime.GetLeaseTime(); err = pobScope->SetLeaseTime(dwLeaseTime); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace2("SetLeaseTime on Scope %lx failed!! %d\n", dhcpSubnetId, err); dwErrReturn = err; pServer->DeleteSubnet(pobScope->GetAddress()); goto Cleanup; } // Set this scope as part of the superscope err = pobScope->SetSuperscope(strSuperscopeName, FALSE); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace2("SetSuperscope on scope %lx failed!! %d\n", dhcpSubnetId, err); dwErrReturn = err; pServer->DeleteSubnet(pobScope->GetAddress()); goto Cleanup; } pobScope->SetInSuperscope(TRUE); // now set any optional options the user may want if (m_fOptionsConfigured) { err = SetScopeOptions(pobScope); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace1("SetScopeOptions failed!! %d\n", err); break; } } // increment our counter nScopesCreated++; // cleanup this node and handler... they were only temporary Cleanup: // we add two to the ending address to get the next starting address. This // is because the ending adddress is one less than the maximum address for the // subnet. The maximum address is reserved as the broadcast address. So to get // the starting address of the next subnet we add one to get us to the broadcast // address, and one more to get us to the beginning of the next subnet. // This gives us a total of 2. ipRangeCurrent.SetAddr(ipRangeCurrent.QueryAddr(FALSE) + 2, TRUE); spNode->DeleteAllChildren(FALSE); spNode->Destroy(); } pSuperscope->Release(); // let the user know how many scopes were created and if there was an error; CString strTemp; if (nScopesCreated == 0) { strFinishText.LoadString(IDS_SUPERSCOPE_CREATE_FAILED); } else if (nScopesCreated < nScopesTotal) { strTemp.LoadString(IDS_SUPERSCOPE_CREATE_STATUS); strFinishText.Format(strTemp, strSuperscopeName, nScopesCreated, nScopesTotal); } if (dwErrReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPTSTR pBuf; strFinishText += _T("\n\n"); strTemp.LoadString(IDS_POSSIBLE_ERROR); strFinishText += strTemp; pBuf = strTemp.GetBuffer(4000); ::LoadMessage(dwErrReturn, pBuf, 4000); strTemp.ReleaseBuffer(); strFinishText += strTemp; } if (nScopesCreated) { // add the superscope to the UI pServer->AddSuperscopeSorted(spServerNode, spSuperscopeNode); } if (!strFinishText.IsEmpty()) AfxMessageBox(strFinishText); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } DWORD CScopeWiz::CreateScope() { LONG err = 0, err2 ; BOOL fScopeCreated = FALSE; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpSubnetId ; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpSubnetMask ; CDhcpScope * pobScope = NULL ; CDhcpIpRange dhcpIpRange; CDhcpServer * pServer; SPITFSNode spNode, spServerNode, spSuperscopeNode; // Get the correct node depending up how the wizard was launched // ie. either from the Server node or the superscope node. if (m_strSuperscopeName.IsEmpty()) { spServerNode = GetNode(); } else { spSuperscopeNode = GetNode(); spSuperscopeNode->GetParent(&spServerNode); } do { pServer = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, spServerNode); // // Create the scope on the server and then we can // create our internal object. // dhcpSubnetId = m_pageSetRange.DetermineSubnetId(TRUE); dhcpSubnetMask = m_pageSetRange.GetSubnetMask(); err = pServer->CreateScope(dhcpSubnetId, dhcpSubnetMask, m_pageName.m_strName, m_pageName.m_strComment); if (err != 0) { Trace1("CScopeWiz::CreateScope() - Couldn't create scope! Error = %d\n", err); break; } SPITFSComponentData spTFSCompData; spTFSCompData = GetTFSCompData(); pobScope = new CDhcpScope(spTFSCompData, dhcpSubnetId, dhcpSubnetMask, m_pageName.m_strName, m_pageName.m_strComment); if ( pobScope == NULL ) { err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; break ; } SPITFSNodeMgr spNodeMgr; spServerNode->GetNodeMgr(&spNodeMgr); // // Store the server object in the holder // CreateContainerTFSNode(&spNode, &GUID_DhcpServerNodeType, pobScope, pobScope, spNodeMgr); // Tell the handler to initialize any specific data pobScope->SetServer(spServerNode); pobScope->InitializeNode((ITFSNode *) spNode); if (m_strSuperscopeName.IsEmpty()) { CDhcpServer * pServer1 = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, spServerNode); pServer1->AddScopeSorted(spServerNode, spNode); } else { CDhcpSuperscope * pSuperscope = GETHANDLER(CDhcpSuperscope, spSuperscopeNode); pSuperscope->AddScopeSorted(spSuperscopeNode, spNode); } pobScope->Release(); fScopeCreated = TRUE; // // Finish updating the scope. First, the IP address range // from which to allocate addresses. // m_pageSetRange.GetScopeRange(&dhcpIpRange); if ( err = pobScope->SetIpRange( dhcpIpRange, TRUE ) ) { Trace1("SetIpRange failed!! %d\n", err); break ; } // // Next, see if any exclusions were specified. // err = pobScope->StoreExceptionList( m_pageSetExclusions.GetExclusionList() ) ; if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace1("StoreExceptionList failed!! %d\n", err); break; } // // set the lease time // DWORD dwLeaseTime; dwLeaseTime = m_pageLeaseTime.GetLeaseTime(); err = pobScope->SetLeaseTime(dwLeaseTime); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace1("SetLeaseTime failed!! %d\n", err); break; } if (!m_strSuperscopeName.IsEmpty()) { // Set this scope as part of the superscope err = pobScope->SetSuperscope(m_strSuperscopeName, FALSE); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace1("SetSuperscope failed!! %d\n", err); break; } } // now set any optional options the user may want if (m_fOptionsConfigured) { err = SetScopeOptions(pobScope); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace1("SetScopeOptions failed!! %d\n", err); break; } if (m_fActivateScope) { // update the icon spNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_IMAGEINDEX, pobScope->GetImageIndex(FALSE)); spNode->SetData(TFS_DATA_OPENIMAGEINDEX, pobScope->GetImageIndex(TRUE)); spNode->ChangeNode(SCOPE_PANE_CHANGE_ITEM_ICON); } } } while ( FALSE ) ; if ( err ) { // // CODEWORK:: The scope should never have been added // to the remote registry in the first place. // if (pobScope != NULL) { if (fScopeCreated) { Trace0("Bad scope nevertheless was created\n"); err2 = pServer->DeleteSubnet(pobScope->GetAddress()); if (err2 != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Trace1("Couldn't remove the bad scope! Error = %d\n", err2); } } if (m_strSuperscopeName.IsEmpty()) { spServerNode->RemoveChild(spNode); } else { spSuperscopeNode->RemoveChild(spNode); } } } return err; } DWORD CScopeWiz::SetScopeOptions(CDhcpScope * pScope) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (m_poptRouters) { dwErr = pScope->SetOptionValue(m_poptRouters, DhcpSubnetOptions); if (dwErr) return dwErr; } if (m_poptDomainName) { dwErr = pScope->SetOptionValue(m_poptDomainName, DhcpSubnetOptions); if (dwErr) return dwErr; } if (m_poptDNSServers) { dwErr = pScope->SetOptionValue(m_poptDNSServers, DhcpSubnetOptions); if (dwErr) return dwErr; } if (m_poptWINSServers) { dwErr = pScope->SetOptionValue(m_poptWINSServers, DhcpSubnetOptions); if (dwErr) return dwErr; } if (m_poptWINSNodeType) { dwErr = pScope->SetOptionValue(m_poptWINSNodeType, DhcpSubnetOptions); if (dwErr) return dwErr; } if (m_fActivateScope) { pScope->SetState(DhcpSubnetEnabled); dwErr = pScope->SetInfo(); } return dwErr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizName property page // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizName, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizName::CScopeWizName() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizName::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizName) m_strName = _T(""); m_strComment = _T(""); //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_NAME_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_NAME_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizName::~CScopeWizName() { } void CScopeWizName::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizName) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SCOPE_NAME, m_editScopeName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SCOPE_COMMENT, m_editScopeComment); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SCOPE_NAME, m_strName); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SCOPE_COMMENT, m_strComment); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizName, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizName) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_SCOPE_NAME, OnChangeEditScopeName) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizName message handlers // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CScopeWizName::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } LRESULT CScopeWizName::OnWizardNext() { UpdateData(); return IDW_SCOPE_SET_SCOPE; } BOOL CScopeWizName::OnSetActive() { UpdateButtons(); return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } void CScopeWizName::OnChangeEditScopeName() { UpdateButtons(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizName implementation specific // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CScopeWizName::UpdateButtons() { BOOL bValid = FALSE; UpdateData(); if (m_strName.GetLength() > 0) bValid = TRUE; GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(bValid); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizInvalidName property page // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizInvalidName, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizInvalidName::CScopeWizInvalidName() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizInvalidName::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizInvalidName) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_INVALID_NAME_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_INVALID_NAME_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizInvalidName::~CScopeWizInvalidName() { } void CScopeWizInvalidName::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizInvalidName) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizInvalidName, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizInvalidName) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizInvalidName message handlers // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CScopeWizInvalidName::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } LRESULT CScopeWizInvalidName::OnWizardBack() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class return IDW_SCOPE_NAME; } BOOL CScopeWizInvalidName::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsLast(FALSE); return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizSetRange property page // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizSetRange, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizSetRange::CScopeWizSetRange() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizSetRange::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizSetRange) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT m_bAutoUpdateMask = FALSE; InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_SCOPE_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_SCOPE_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizSetRange::~CScopeWizSetRange() { } void CScopeWizSetRange::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizSetRange) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN_MASK_LENGTH, m_spinMaskLength); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_MASK_LENGTH, m_editMaskLength); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADDR_POOL_START, m_ipaStart); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADDR_POOL_STOP, m_ipaEnd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADDR_SUBNET_MASK, m_ipaSubnetMask); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizSetRange, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizSetRange) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_IPADDR_POOL_START, OnKillfocusPoolStart) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_IPADDR_POOL_STOP, OnKillfocusPoolStop) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_MASK_LENGTH, OnChangeEditMaskLength) ON_EN_KILLFOCUS(IDC_IPADDR_SUBNET_MASK, OnKillfocusSubnetMask) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_IPADDR_POOL_START, OnChangePoolStart) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_IPADDR_POOL_STOP, OnChangePoolStop) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizSetRange message handlers // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CScopeWizSetRange::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); m_spinMaskLength.SetRange(MASK_MIN, MASK_MAX); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } LRESULT CScopeWizSetRange::OnWizardNext() { // check to make sure the address range is not in the multicast area CDhcpIpRange rangeScope, rangeMulticast; DWORD dwSubnetMask; GetScopeRange(&rangeScope); rangeMulticast.SetAddr(MCAST_ADDRESS_MIN, TRUE); rangeMulticast.SetAddr(MCAST_ADDRESS_MAX, FALSE); dwSubnetMask = GetSubnetMask(); // make sure the starting < ending if (rangeScope.QueryAddr(TRUE) > rangeScope.QueryAddr(FALSE)) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_IP_RANGE_INV_START); m_ipaStart.SetFocus(); return -1; } if (rangeScope.IsOverlap(rangeMulticast)) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_SCOPE_CONTAINS_MULTICAST); m_ipaStart.SetFocus(); return -1; } // make sure that the starting address != subnet address if ((rangeScope.QueryAddr(TRUE) & ~dwSubnetMask) == (DWORD) 0) { Trace0("CScopeWizSetRange::OnWizardNext() - starting range is 0 for subnet\n"); AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_IP_RANGE_INV_START); m_ipaStart.SetFocus(); return -1; } // make sure that the subnet broadcast address is not the ending address if ((rangeScope.QueryAddr(FALSE) & ~dwSubnetMask) == ~dwSubnetMask) { Trace0("CScopeWizSetRange::OnWizardNext() - ending range is subnet broadcast addr\n"); AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_IP_RANGE_INV_END); m_ipaEnd.SetFocus(); return -1; } if (FScopeExists(rangeScope, dwSubnetMask)) { // tell the user this scope exists Trace0("CScopeWizSetRange::OnWizardNext() - scope already exists\n"); AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_SCOPE_EXISTS); m_ipaStart.SetFocus(); return -1; } // now figure out where to go... if (DetermineSubnetId(TRUE) != DetermineSubnetId(FALSE)) { // // The subnet range that was entered spans more than // one subnet. Query the user to create a superscope. // return IDW_SCOPE_CREATE_SUPERSCOPE; } else { // // The range is only one subnet. Proceed as normal. // CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); pScopeWiz->SetCreateSuperscope(FALSE); return IDW_SCOPE_SET_EXCLUSIONS; } } BOOL CScopeWizSetRange::FScopeExists(CDhcpIpRange & rangeScope, DWORD dwMask) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; DWORD dwScopeId = rangeScope.QueryAddr(TRUE) & dwMask; CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); SPITFSNode spServerNode, spSuperscopeNode; // Get the correct node depending up how the wizard was launched // ie. either from the Server node or the superscope node. if (pScopeWiz->m_strSuperscopeName.IsEmpty()) { spServerNode = pScopeWiz->GetNode(); } else { spSuperscopeNode = pScopeWiz->GetNode(); spSuperscopeNode->GetParent(&spServerNode); } CDhcpServer * pServer = GETHANDLER(CDhcpServer, spServerNode); CSubnetInfo subnetInfo; if (pServer->m_pSubnetInfoCache->Lookup(dwScopeId, subnetInfo)) { fFound = TRUE; } return fFound; } LRESULT CScopeWizSetRange::OnWizardBack() { return IDW_SCOPE_NAME; } BOOL CScopeWizSetRange::OnSetActive() { m_fPageActive = TRUE; UpdateButtons(); return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } BOOL CScopeWizSetRange::OnKillActive() { m_fPageActive = FALSE; UpdateButtons(); return CPropertyPageBase::OnKillActive(); } void CScopeWizSetRange::OnKillfocusPoolStart() { if (m_fPageActive) { SuggestSubnetMask(); } } void CScopeWizSetRange::OnKillfocusPoolStop() { if (m_fPageActive) { SuggestSubnetMask(); } } void CScopeWizSetRange::OnChangeEditMaskLength() { if (m_bAutoUpdateMask) { CString strText; m_editMaskLength.GetWindowText(strText); int nLength = _ttoi(strText); if (nLength < MASK_MIN) { LPTSTR pBuf = strText.GetBuffer(5); _itot(MASK_MIN, pBuf, 10); strText.ReleaseBuffer(); m_editMaskLength.SetWindowText(strText); m_spinMaskLength.SetPos(MASK_MIN); MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else if (nLength > MASK_MAX) { LPTSTR pBuf = strText.GetBuffer(5); _itot(MASK_MAX, pBuf, 10); strText.ReleaseBuffer(); m_editMaskLength.SetWindowText(strText); m_spinMaskLength.SetPos(MASK_MAX); MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } UpdateMask(TRUE); UpdateButtons(); } } void CScopeWizSetRange::OnKillfocusSubnetMask() { if (m_bAutoUpdateMask) { UpdateMask(FALSE); } } void CScopeWizSetRange::OnChangePoolStop() { UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizSetRange::OnChangePoolStart() { UpdateButtons(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizSetRange implementation specific // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CScopeWizSetRange::GetScopeRange(CDhcpIpRange * pdhcpIpRange) { DHCP_IP_RANGE dhcpIpRange; if ( !m_ipaStart.GetAddress( & dhcpIpRange.StartAddress ) ) { return FALSE ; } if ( !m_ipaEnd.GetAddress( & dhcpIpRange.EndAddress ) ) { return FALSE; } *pdhcpIpRange = dhcpIpRange; return TRUE; } DHCP_IP_ADDRESS CScopeWizSetRange::GetSubnetMask() { DWORD dwAddress; m_ipaSubnetMask.GetAddress(&dwAddress); return dwAddress; } void CScopeWizSetRange::UpdateButtons() { DWORD lStart, lEnd, lMask; m_ipaStart.GetAddress(&lStart); m_ipaEnd.GetAddress(&lEnd); m_ipaSubnetMask.GetAddress(&lMask); if (lStart && lEnd) GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); else GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(FALSE); } // // Update the subnet mask field using either the length identifier or // the acutal address as the base // void CScopeWizSetRange::UpdateMask(BOOL bUseLength) { if (bUseLength) { DWORD dwAddress = 0xFFFFFFFF; int nLength = m_spinMaskLength.GetPos(); if (nLength) dwAddress = dwAddress << (32 - (DWORD) nLength); else dwAddress = 0; m_ipaSubnetMask.SetAddress(dwAddress); } else { DWORD dwAddress, dwTestMask = 0x80000000; int nLength = 0; m_ipaSubnetMask.GetAddress(&dwAddress); while (TRUE) { if (dwAddress & dwTestMask) { nLength++; dwTestMask = dwTestMask >> 1; } else { break; } } m_spinMaskLength.SetPos(nLength); } } // // Given the start and end IP addresses, suggest a good subnet mask // (unless the latter has been filled in already, of course) // void CScopeWizSetRange::SuggestSubnetMask() { DWORD lStart, lEnd, lMask, lMask2; m_ipaSubnetMask.GetAddress(&lMask); if (lMask != 0L) { // // Already has an address, do nothing // return; } m_ipaStart.GetAddress(&lStart); m_ipaEnd.GetAddress(&lEnd); lMask = DefaultNetMaskForIpAddress( lStart ); lMask2 = DefaultNetMaskForIpAddress( lEnd ); /* if (lMask != lMask2) { // // Forget about suggesting a subnet mask // lMask = 0; } */ m_bAutoUpdateMask = TRUE; if (lMask != 0) { m_ipaSubnetMask.SetAddress(lMask); UpdateMask(FALSE); } } DWORD CScopeWizSetRange::DefaultNetMaskForIpAddress ( DWORD dwAddress ) { DWORD dwMask = 0L; if (!(dwAddress & 0x80000000)) { // // Class A - mask // dwMask = 0xFF000000; } else if (!(dwAddress & 0x40000000)) { // // Class B - mask // dwMask = 0xFFFF0000; } else if (!(dwAddress & 0x20000000)) { // // Class C - mask // dwMask = 0xFFFFFF00; } return dwMask; } // // Returns the Subnet IP identifier of either the // scope's starting or ending IP Address. // DWORD CScopeWizSetRange::DetermineSubnetId ( BOOL bStartIpAddress ) { DWORD lAddress, lMask; m_ipaSubnetMask.GetAddress(&lMask); if (bStartIpAddress) m_ipaStart.GetAddress(&lAddress); else m_ipaEnd.GetAddress(&lAddress); return (lAddress & lMask); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizSetExclusions property page // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizSetExclusions, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizSetExclusions::CScopeWizSetExclusions() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizSetExclusions::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizSetExclusions) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_EXCLUSIONS_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_EXCLUSIONS_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizSetExclusions::~CScopeWizSetExclusions() { while (m_listExclusions.GetCount()) delete m_listExclusions.RemoveHead(); } void CScopeWizSetExclusions::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizSetExclusions) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_EXCLUSION_RANGES, m_listboxExclusions); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_EXCLUSION_DELETE, m_buttonExclusionDelete); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_EXCLUSION_ADD, m_buttonExclusionAdd); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP // // IP Address custom controls // DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADDR_EXCLUSION_START, m_ipaStart); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADDR_EXCLUSION_END, m_ipaEnd); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizSetExclusions, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizSetExclusions) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_EXCLUSION_ADD, OnButtonExclusionAdd) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_EXCLUSION_DELETE, OnButtonExclusionDelete) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_IPADDR_EXCLUSION_START, OnChangeExclusionStart) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_IPADDR_EXCLUSION_END, OnChangeExclusionEnd) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizSetExclusions message handlers // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CScopeWizSetExclusions::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } LRESULT CScopeWizSetExclusions::OnWizardNext() { return IDW_SCOPE_LEASE_TIME; } LRESULT CScopeWizSetExclusions::OnWizardBack() { return IDW_SCOPE_SET_SCOPE; } BOOL CScopeWizSetExclusions::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); UpdateButtons(); return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } void CScopeWizSetExclusions::OnChangeExclusionStart() { UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizSetExclusions::OnChangeExclusionEnd() { UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizSetExclusions::OnButtonExclusionAdd() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); DWORD err = 0; CDhcpIpRange dhcpExclusionRange; CDhcpIpRange dhcpScopeRange; ((CScopeWiz *)GetHolder())->GetScopeRange(&dhcpScopeRange); // // Get the data into a range object. // if ( !GetExclusionRange(dhcpExclusionRange) ) { err = IDS_ERR_IP_RANGE_INVALID ; } else if ( IsOverlappingRange( dhcpExclusionRange ) ) { // // Walk the current list, determining if the new range is valid. // Then, if OK, verify that it's really a sub-range of the current range. // err = IDS_ERR_IP_RANGE_OVERLAP ; m_ipaStart.SetFocus(); } else if ( ! dhcpExclusionRange.IsSubset( dhcpScopeRange ) ) { // // Guarantee that the new range is an (improper) subset of the scope's range // err = IDS_ERR_IP_RANGE_NOT_SUBSET ; m_ipaStart.SetFocus(); } if ( err == 0 ) { //TRY { // // Create a new IP range object and add it to the current list // CDhcpIpRange * pIpRange = new CDhcpIpRange( dhcpExclusionRange ) ; m_listExclusions.AddTail(pIpRange); // // Refill the exclusions listbox including the new item. // Fill( (int) (m_listExclusions.GetCount() - 1) ) ; } //CATCH_ALL(e) //{ // err = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ; //} //END_CATCH_ALL } if ( err ) { ::DhcpMessageBox( err ) ; } else { // // Succesfully added the exlusion range, now blank out the // ip controls // m_ipaStart.ClearAddress(); m_ipaEnd.ClearAddress(); m_ipaStart.SetFocus(); } } void CScopeWizSetExclusions::OnButtonExclusionDelete() { // // Index into the listbox, delete the item from the active list // and move its data into the edit controls // int index = m_listboxExclusions.GetCurSel() ; ASSERT( index >= 0 ) ; // Button should not be enabled if no selection. if ( index < 0 ) { return ; } POSITION pos = m_listExclusions.FindIndex(index); CDhcpIpRange * pdhcRange = (CDhcpIpRange *) m_listExclusions.GetAt(pos); m_listExclusions.RemoveAt(pos); ASSERT( pdhcRange != NULL ) ; // // Put the deleted range into the exclusions controls // FillExcl( pdhcRange ) ; // // Refill the list box and call HandleActivation() // if ( index >= m_listboxExclusions.GetCount() ) { index-- ; } Fill( index ) ; m_ipaStart.SetFocus(); UpdateButtons(); } // // Format the IP range pair into the exclusion edit controls // void CScopeWizSetExclusions::FillExcl ( CDhcpIpRange * pdhcIpRange ) { LONG lStart = pdhcIpRange->QueryAddr( TRUE ); LONG lEnd = pdhcIpRange->QueryAddr( FALSE ); m_ipaStart.SetAddress( lStart ) ; m_ipaStart.SetModify( TRUE ) ; m_ipaStart.Invalidate() ; // // If the ending address is the same as the starting address, // do not fill in the ending address. // if (lStart != lEnd) { m_ipaEnd.SetAddress( lEnd ) ; } else { m_ipaEnd.ClearAddress(); } m_ipaEnd.SetModify( TRUE ) ; m_ipaEnd.Invalidate() ; } // // Convert the IP address range controls to a range. // BOOL CScopeWizSetExclusions::GetExclusionRange ( CDhcpIpRange & dhcIpRange ) { DHCP_IP_RANGE dhipr ; if ( !m_ipaStart.GetAddress( & dhipr.StartAddress ) ) { m_ipaStart.SetFocus(); return FALSE ; } if ( !m_ipaEnd.GetAddress( & dhipr.EndAddress ) ) { // // If no ending range was specified, assume a singular exlusion // (the starting address) was requested. // m_ipaEnd.SetFocus(); dhipr.EndAddress = dhipr.StartAddress; } dhcIpRange = dhipr ; return (BOOL) dhcIpRange ; } BOOL CScopeWizSetExclusions::IsOverlappingRange ( CDhcpIpRange & dhcpIpRange ) { POSITION pos; CDhcpIpRange * pdhcpRange ; BOOL bOverlap = FALSE ; pos = m_listExclusions.GetHeadPosition(); while ( pos ) { pdhcpRange = m_listExclusions.GetNext(pos); if ( bOverlap = pdhcpRange->IsOverlap( dhcpIpRange ) ) { break ; } } return bOverlap ; } // // Fill the exclusions listbox from the current list // void CScopeWizSetExclusions::Fill ( int nCurSel, BOOL bToggleRedraw ) { POSITION pos; CDhcpIpRange * pIpRange ; CString strIp1 ; CString strIp2 ; CString strFormatPair ; CString strFormatSingleton ; TCHAR chBuff [STRING_LENGTH_MAX] ; if ( ! strFormatPair.LoadString( IDS_INFO_FORMAT_IP_RANGE ) ) { return ; } if ( ! strFormatSingleton.LoadString( IDS_INFO_FORMAT_IP_UNITARY ) ) { return ; } if ( bToggleRedraw ) { m_listboxExclusions.SetRedraw( FALSE ) ; } m_listboxExclusions.ResetContent() ; pos = m_listExclusions.GetHeadPosition(); while ( pos ) { pIpRange = m_listExclusions.GetNext(pos); DHCP_IP_RANGE dhipr = *pIpRange ; CString & strFmt = dhipr.StartAddress == dhipr.EndAddress ? strFormatSingleton : strFormatPair ; // // Format the IP addresses // UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr( dhipr.StartAddress, &strIp1 ) ; UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr( dhipr.EndAddress, &strIp2 ) ; // // Construct the display line // ::wsprintf( chBuff, (LPCTSTR) strFmt, (LPCTSTR) strIp1, (LPCTSTR) strIp2 ) ; // // Add it to the list box. // if ( m_listboxExclusions.AddString( chBuff ) < 0 ) { break ; } } // // Check that we loaded the list box successfully. // if ( pos != NULL ) { AfxMessageBox( IDS_ERR_DLG_UPDATE ) ; } if ( bToggleRedraw ) { m_listboxExclusions.SetRedraw( TRUE ) ; m_listboxExclusions.Invalidate() ; } if ( nCurSel >= 0 ) { m_listboxExclusions.SetCurSel( nCurSel ) ; } } void CScopeWizSetExclusions::UpdateButtons() { DWORD dwAddress; BOOL bEnable; m_ipaStart.GetAddress(&dwAddress); if (dwAddress) { bEnable = TRUE; } else { bEnable = FALSE; if (m_buttonExclusionAdd.GetButtonStyle() & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) { m_buttonExclusionAdd.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); } } m_buttonExclusionAdd.EnableWindow(bEnable); if (m_listboxExclusions.GetCurSel() != LB_ERR) { bEnable = TRUE; } else { bEnable = FALSE; if (m_buttonExclusionDelete.GetButtonStyle() & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) { m_buttonExclusionDelete.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); } } m_buttonExclusionDelete.EnableWindow(bEnable); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizLeaseTime property page // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizLeaseTime, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizLeaseTime::CScopeWizLeaseTime() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizLeaseTime::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizLeaseTime) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_LEASE_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_LEASE_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizLeaseTime::~CScopeWizLeaseTime() { } void CScopeWizLeaseTime::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizLeaseTime) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN_LEASE_MINUTES, m_spinMinutes); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN_LEASE_HOURS, m_spinHours); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SPIN_LEASE_DAYS, m_spinDays); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_LEASE_MINUTES, m_editMinutes); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_LEASE_HOURS, m_editHours); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_LEASE_DAYS, m_editDays); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizLeaseTime, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizLeaseTime) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_LEASE_HOURS, OnChangeEditLeaseHours) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_LEASE_MINUTES, OnChangeEditLeaseMinutes) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizLeaseTime message handlers // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CScopeWizLeaseTime::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); m_spinMinutes.SetRange(0, MINUTES_MAX); m_spinHours.SetRange(0, HOURS_MAX); m_spinDays.SetRange(0, 999); m_editMinutes.LimitText(2); m_editHours.LimitText(2); m_editDays.LimitText(3); m_spinMinutes.SetPos(CScopeWizLeaseTime::m_nMinutesDefault); m_spinHours.SetPos(CScopeWizLeaseTime::m_nHoursDefault); m_spinDays.SetPos(CScopeWizLeaseTime::m_nDaysDefault); ActivateDuration(TRUE); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } LRESULT CScopeWizLeaseTime::OnWizardNext() { DWORD dwLeaseTime = GetLeaseTime(); if (dwLeaseTime == 0) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_NO_DURATION_SPECIFIED); return -1; } else { return IDW_SCOPE_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS; } } LRESULT CScopeWizLeaseTime::OnWizardBack() { CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); if (pScopeWiz->GetCreateSuperscope()) { return IDW_SCOPE_CREATE_SUPERSCOPE; } else { return IDW_SCOPE_SET_EXCLUSIONS; } } BOOL CScopeWizLeaseTime::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } void CScopeWizLeaseTime::OnChangeEditLeaseHours() { if (IsWindow(m_editHours.GetSafeHwnd())) { CString strText; m_editHours.GetWindowText(strText); // check to see if the value is greater than the max if (_ttoi(strText) > HOURS_MAX) { LPTSTR pBuf = strText.GetBuffer(5); _itot(HOURS_MAX, pBuf, 10); strText.ReleaseBuffer(); m_editHours.SetWindowText(strText); m_spinHours.SetPos(HOURS_MAX); MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } } void CScopeWizLeaseTime::OnChangeEditLeaseMinutes() { if (IsWindow(m_editMinutes.GetSafeHwnd())) { CString strText; m_editMinutes.GetWindowText(strText); // check to see if the value is greater than the max if (_ttoi(strText) > MINUTES_MAX) { LPTSTR pBuf = strText.GetBuffer(5); _itot(MINUTES_MAX, pBuf, 10); strText.ReleaseBuffer(); m_editMinutes.SetWindowText(strText); m_spinMinutes.SetPos(MINUTES_MAX); MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } } DWORD CScopeWizLeaseTime::GetLeaseTime() { DWORD dwLeaseTime = 0; int nDays, nHours, nMinutes; nDays = m_spinDays.GetPos(); nHours = m_spinHours.GetPos(); nMinutes = m_spinMinutes.GetPos(); // // Lease time is in minutes so convert // dwLeaseTime = UtilConvertLeaseTime(nDays, nHours, nMinutes); return dwLeaseTime; } void CScopeWizLeaseTime::ActivateDuration ( BOOL fActive ) { m_spinMinutes.EnableWindow(fActive); m_spinHours.EnableWindow(fActive); m_spinDays.EnableWindow(fActive); m_editMinutes.EnableWindow(fActive); m_editHours.EnableWindow(fActive); m_editDays.EnableWindow(fActive); GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_DAYS)->EnableWindow(fActive); GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_HOURS)->EnableWindow(fActive); GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_MINUTES)->EnableWindow(fActive); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizCreateSuperscope property page // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizCreateSuperscope, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::CScopeWizCreateSuperscope() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizCreateSuperscope) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_SUPERSCOPE_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_SUPERSCOPE_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::~CScopeWizCreateSuperscope() { } void CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizCreateSuperscope) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_SUPERSCOPE_INFO, m_staticInfo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_WARNING_TEXT, m_staticWarning); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_ICON_WARNING, m_staticIcon); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_SUPERSCOPE_NO, m_radioNo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO_SUPERSCOPE_YES, m_radioYes); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizCreateSuperscope, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizCreateSuperscope) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO_SUPERSCOPE_NO, OnRadioSuperscopeNo) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO_SUPERSCOPE_YES, OnRadioSuperscopeYes) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizCreateSuperscope message handlers // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); m_radioNo.SetCheck(1); m_radioYes.SetCheck(0); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } LRESULT CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::OnWizardNext() { CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); pScopeWiz->SetCreateSuperscope(TRUE); return IDW_SCOPE_LEASE_TIME; } LRESULT CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::OnWizardBack() { return IDW_SCOPE_SET_SCOPE; } BOOL CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::OnSetActive() { UpdateButtons(); UpdateWarning(); return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } void CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::OnRadioSuperscopeNo() { m_radioNo.SetCheck(1); m_radioYes.SetCheck(0); UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::OnRadioSuperscopeYes() { m_radioNo.SetCheck(0); m_radioYes.SetCheck(1); UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::UpdateButtons() { if (m_radioYes.GetCheck()) { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); } else { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(FALSE); } } void CScopeWizCreateSuperscope::UpdateWarning() { CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); CString strText; CDhcpIpRange ipRange; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhcpSubnetMask; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS startAddr, endAddr; // get the range and mask the user entered pScopeWiz->m_pageSetRange.GetScopeRange(&ipRange); dhcpSubnetMask = pScopeWiz->m_pageSetRange.GetSubnetMask(); startAddr = ipRange.QueryAddr(TRUE); endAddr = ipRange.QueryAddr(FALSE); // now calculate how many addresses per scope int nLength = pScopeWiz->m_pageSetRange.m_spinMaskLength.GetPos(); int nCount = 32 - nLength; DWORD dwAddrCount = 1; int nAddrCount = (int) (dwAddrCount << (nCount)); // calculate how many scopes are there int nScopeCount = ((endAddr & dhcpSubnetMask) - (startAddr & dhcpSubnetMask)) >> nCount; nScopeCount ++; // put up the informative text strText.Format(IDS_CREATE_SUPERSCOPE_INFO, nScopeCount, nAddrCount); m_staticInfo.SetWindowText(strText); // check to seee if we need to warn the user BOOL fShowWarning = FALSE; if (nScopeCount > SCOPE_WARNING_COUNT) { fShowWarning = TRUE; HICON hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardIcon(IDI_EXCLAMATION); if (hIcon) { m_staticIcon.ShowWindow(TRUE); m_staticIcon.SetIcon(hIcon); } strText.Format(IDS_CREATE_SUPERSCOPE_WARNING, SCOPE_WARNING_COUNT); m_staticWarning.SetWindowText(strText); } m_staticIcon.ShowWindow(fShowWarning); m_staticWarning.ShowWindow(fShowWarning); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizFinished property page // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizFinished, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizFinished::CScopeWizFinished() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizFinished::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizFinished) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(TRUE, 0, 0); } CScopeWizFinished::~CScopeWizFinished() { } void CScopeWizFinished::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizFinished) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_FINISHED_TITLE, m_staticTitle); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizFinished, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizFinished) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add message map macros here //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CScopeWizFinished message handlers // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CScopeWizFinished::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); CString strFontName; CString strFontSize; strFontName.LoadString(IDS_BIG_BOLD_FONT_NAME); strFontSize.LoadString(IDS_BIG_BOLD_FONT_SIZE); CClientDC dc(this); int nFontSize = _ttoi(strFontSize) * 10; if (m_fontBig.CreatePointFont(nFontSize, strFontName, &dc)) m_staticTitle.SetFont(&m_fontBig); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } LRESULT CScopeWizFinished::OnWizardBack() { CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); if (pScopeWiz->m_fOptionsConfigured) { return IDW_SCOPE_CONFIGURE_ACTIVATE; } else { return IDW_SCOPE_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS; } } BOOL CScopeWizFinished::OnWizardFinish() { DWORD err; BEGIN_WAIT_CURSOR; err = GetHolder()->OnFinish(); END_WAIT_CURSOR; if (err) { ::DhcpMessageBox(err); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } BOOL CScopeWizFinished::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsLast(TRUE); CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_FINISHED_MORE)->ShowWindow(!pScopeWiz->m_fOptionsConfigured); GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_FINISHED_MORE2)->ShowWindow(!pScopeWiz->m_fOptionsConfigured); GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_FINISHED_MORE3)->ShowWindow(!pScopeWiz->m_fOptionsConfigured); return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizWelcome property page IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizWelcome, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizWelcome::CScopeWizWelcome() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizWelcome::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizWelcome) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(TRUE, 0, 0); } CScopeWizWelcome::~CScopeWizWelcome() { } void CScopeWizWelcome::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizWelcome) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_STATIC_WELCOME_TITLE, m_staticTitle); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizWelcome, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizWelcome) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizWelcome message handlers BOOL CScopeWizWelcome::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); CString strFontName; CString strFontSize; strFontName.LoadString(IDS_BIG_BOLD_FONT_NAME); strFontSize.LoadString(IDS_BIG_BOLD_FONT_SIZE); CClientDC dc(this); int nFontSize = _ttoi(strFontSize) * 10; if (m_fontBig.CreatePointFont(nFontSize, strFontName, &dc)) m_staticTitle.SetFont(&m_fontBig); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } BOOL CScopeWizWelcome::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsFirst(TRUE); return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizConfigOptions property page IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizConfigOptions, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizConfigOptions::CScopeWizConfigOptions() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizConfigOptions::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizConfigOptions) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_CONFIG_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_CONFIG_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizConfigOptions::~CScopeWizConfigOptions() { } void CScopeWizConfigOptions::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizConfigOptions) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizConfigOptions, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizConfigOptions) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizConfigOptions message handlers BOOL CScopeWizConfigOptions::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); ((CButton *) GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO_YES))->SetCheck(TRUE); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } LRESULT CScopeWizConfigOptions::OnWizardNext() { CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); LRESULT lNextPage = IDW_SCOPE_FINISHED; BOOL fConfigureOptionsNow = FALSE; if (((CButton *) GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO_YES))->GetCheck()) { fConfigureOptionsNow = TRUE; lNextPage = IDW_SCOPE_CONFIGURE_ROUTER; } pScopeWiz->m_fOptionsConfigured = fConfigureOptionsNow; return lNextPage; } LRESULT CScopeWizConfigOptions::OnWizardBack() { return IDW_SCOPE_LEASE_TIME; } BOOL CScopeWizConfigOptions::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizRouter property page IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizRouter, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizRouter::CScopeWizRouter() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizRouter::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizRouter) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_ROUTER_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_ROUTER_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizRouter::~CScopeWizRouter() { } void CScopeWizRouter::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizRouter) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_DEFAULT_GW_LIST, m_listboxRouters); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_DEFAULT_GW_DELETE, m_buttonDelete); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_DEFAULT_GW_ADD, m_buttonAdd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_UP, m_buttonIpAddrUp); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_DOWN, m_buttonIpAddrDown); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADDR_DEFAULT_GW, m_ipaRouter); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizRouter, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizRouter) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_DEFAULT_GW_ADD, OnButtonDefaultGwAdd) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_DEFAULT_GW_DELETE, OnButtonDefaultGwDelete) ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_LIST_DEFAULT_GW_LIST, OnSelchangeListDefaultGwList) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_IPADDR_DEFAULT_GW, OnChangeRouter) ON_WM_DESTROY() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_UP, OnButtonIpAddrUp) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_DOWN, OnButtonIpAddrDown) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizRouter message handlers BOOL CScopeWizRouter::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); m_buttonDelete.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(FALSE); UpdateButtons(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } void CScopeWizRouter::OnDestroy() { CPropertyPageBase::OnDestroy(); } LRESULT CScopeWizRouter::OnWizardNext() { CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); // now build the option info for the routers if (m_listboxRouters.GetCount() == 0) { if (pScopeWiz->m_poptRouters) { delete pScopeWiz->m_poptRouters; pScopeWiz->m_poptRouters = NULL; } } else { // we have some DNS servers, get the option info from the master list and build an // option info struct we can use later CDhcpOption * pRoutersOption = pScopeWiz->m_pDefaultOptions->Find(DHCP_OPTION_ID_ROUTERS, NULL); if (pRoutersOption) { CDhcpOption * pNewRouters; if (pScopeWiz->m_poptRouters) pNewRouters = pScopeWiz->m_poptRouters; else pNewRouters = new CDhcpOption(*pRoutersOption); if (pNewRouters) { CDhcpOptionValue optValue = pNewRouters->QueryValue(); optValue.SetUpperBound(m_listboxRouters.GetCount()); // grab stuff from the listbox and store it in the option value for (int i = 0; i < m_listboxRouters.GetCount(); i++) { DWORD dwIp = (DWORD) m_listboxRouters.GetItemData(i); optValue.SetIpAddr(dwIp, i); } pNewRouters->Update(optValue); pScopeWiz->m_poptRouters = pNewRouters; } } } return CPropertyPageBase::OnWizardNext(); } LRESULT CScopeWizRouter::OnWizardBack() { return CPropertyPageBase::OnWizardBack(); } BOOL CScopeWizRouter::OnSetActive() { return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } void CScopeWizRouter::OnButtonDefaultGwAdd() { DWORD dwIp; m_ipaRouter.GetAddress(&dwIp); if (dwIp) { CString strText; UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr(dwIp, &strText); int nIndex = m_listboxRouters.AddString(strText); m_listboxRouters.SetItemData(nIndex, dwIp); } m_ipaRouter.ClearAddress(); m_ipaRouter.SetFocus(); } void CScopeWizRouter::OnButtonDefaultGwDelete() { int nSel = m_listboxRouters.GetCurSel(); if (nSel != LB_ERR) { m_ipaRouter.SetAddress((DWORD)m_listboxRouters.GetItemData(nSel)); m_listboxRouters.DeleteString(nSel); m_ipaRouter.SetFocus(); } UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizRouter::OnSelchangeListDefaultGwList() { UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizRouter::OnChangeRouter() { UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizRouter::UpdateButtons() { DWORD dwAddress; BOOL bEnable; m_ipaRouter.GetAddress(&dwAddress); if (dwAddress) { bEnable = TRUE; } else { bEnable = FALSE; if (m_buttonAdd.GetButtonStyle() & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) { m_buttonAdd.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); } } m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(bEnable); if (m_listboxRouters.GetCurSel() != LB_ERR) { bEnable = TRUE; } else { bEnable = FALSE; if (m_buttonDelete.GetButtonStyle() & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) { m_buttonDelete.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); } } m_buttonDelete.EnableWindow(bEnable); // up and down buttons BOOL bEnableUp = (m_listboxRouters.GetCurSel() >= 0) && (m_listboxRouters.GetCurSel() != 0); m_buttonIpAddrUp.EnableWindow(bEnableUp); BOOL bEnableDown = (m_listboxRouters.GetCurSel() >= 0) && (m_listboxRouters.GetCurSel() < m_listboxRouters.GetCount() - 1); m_buttonIpAddrDown.EnableWindow(bEnableDown); } void CScopeWizRouter::OnButtonIpAddrDown() { MoveValue(FALSE); if (m_buttonIpAddrDown.IsWindowEnabled()) m_buttonIpAddrDown.SetFocus(); else m_buttonIpAddrUp.SetFocus(); } void CScopeWizRouter::OnButtonIpAddrUp() { MoveValue(TRUE); if (m_buttonIpAddrUp.IsWindowEnabled()) m_buttonIpAddrUp.SetFocus(); else m_buttonIpAddrDown.SetFocus(); } void CScopeWizRouter::MoveValue(BOOL bUp) { // now get which item is selected in the listbox int cFocus = m_listboxRouters.GetCurSel(); int cNewFocus; DWORD err; // make sure it's valid for this operation if ( (bUp && cFocus <= 0) || (!bUp && cFocus >= m_listboxRouters.GetCount()) ) { return; } // move the value up/down CATCH_MEM_EXCEPTION { if (bUp) { cNewFocus = cFocus - 1; } else { cNewFocus = cFocus + 1; } // remove the old one DWORD dwIp = (DWORD) m_listboxRouters.GetItemData(cFocus); m_listboxRouters.DeleteString(cFocus); // re-add it in it's new home CString strText; UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr(dwIp, &strText); m_listboxRouters.InsertString(cNewFocus, strText); m_listboxRouters.SetItemData(cNewFocus, dwIp); m_listboxRouters.SetCurSel(cNewFocus); } END_MEM_EXCEPTION(err) UpdateButtons(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizDNS property page IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizDNS, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizDNS::CScopeWizDNS() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizDNS::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizDNS) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_DNS_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_DNS_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizDNS::~CScopeWizDNS() { } void CScopeWizDNS::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizDNS) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SERVER_NAME, m_editServerName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_RESOLVE, m_buttonResolve); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_DNS_DELETE, m_buttonDelete); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_DNS_ADD, m_buttonAdd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_DOMAIN_NAME, m_editDomainName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_DNS_LIST, m_listboxDNSServers); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_UP, m_buttonIpAddrUp); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_DOWN, m_buttonIpAddrDown); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADDR_DNS_SERVER, m_ipaDNS); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizDNS, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizDNS) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_DNS_ADD, OnButtonDnsAdd) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_DNS_DELETE, OnButtonDnsDelete) ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_LIST_DNS_LIST, OnSelchangeListDnsList) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_IPADDR_DNS_SERVER, OnChangeDnsServer) ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_SERVER_NAME, OnChangeEditServerName) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_RESOLVE, OnButtonResolve) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_UP, OnButtonIpAddrUp) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_DOWN, OnButtonIpAddrDown) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizDNS message handlers BOOL CScopeWizDNS::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); m_buttonDelete.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(FALSE); UpdateButtons(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } void CScopeWizDNS::OnDestroy() { CPropertyPageBase::OnDestroy(); } LRESULT CScopeWizDNS::OnWizardNext() { // build the option stuff for the domain name CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); CString strText; m_editDomainName.GetWindowText(strText); if (strText.IsEmpty()) { if (pScopeWiz->m_poptDomainName) { delete pScopeWiz->m_poptDomainName; pScopeWiz->m_poptDomainName = NULL; } } else { // we have a domain name, get the option info from the master list and build an // option info struct we can use later CDhcpOption * pDomainNameOption = pScopeWiz->m_pDefaultOptions->Find(DHCP_OPTION_ID_DOMAIN_NAME, NULL); if (pDomainNameOption) { CDhcpOption * pNewDomainName; if (pScopeWiz->m_poptDomainName) pNewDomainName = pScopeWiz->m_poptDomainName; else pNewDomainName = new CDhcpOption(*pDomainNameOption); if (pNewDomainName) { CDhcpOptionValue optValue = pNewDomainName->QueryValue(); optValue.SetString(strText); pNewDomainName->Update(optValue); pScopeWiz->m_poptDomainName = pNewDomainName; } } } // now build the option info for the DNS servers if (m_listboxDNSServers.GetCount() == 0) { if (pScopeWiz->m_poptDNSServers) { delete pScopeWiz->m_poptDNSServers; pScopeWiz->m_poptDNSServers = NULL; } } else { // we have some DNS servers, get the option info from the master list and build an // option info struct we can use later CDhcpOption * pDNSServersOption = pScopeWiz->m_pDefaultOptions->Find(DHCP_OPTION_ID_DNS_SERVERS, NULL); if (pDNSServersOption) { CDhcpOption * pNewDNS; if (pScopeWiz->m_poptDNSServers) pNewDNS = pScopeWiz->m_poptDNSServers; else pNewDNS = new CDhcpOption(*pDNSServersOption); if (pNewDNS) { CDhcpOptionValue optValue = pNewDNS->QueryValue(); optValue.SetUpperBound(m_listboxDNSServers.GetCount()); // grab stuff from the listbox and store it in the option value for (int i = 0; i < m_listboxDNSServers.GetCount(); i++) { DWORD dwIp = (DWORD)m_listboxDNSServers.GetItemData(i); optValue.SetIpAddr(dwIp, i); } pNewDNS->Update(optValue); pScopeWiz->m_poptDNSServers = pNewDNS; } } } return CPropertyPageBase::OnWizardNext(); } LRESULT CScopeWizDNS::OnWizardBack() { return CPropertyPageBase::OnWizardBack(); } BOOL CScopeWizDNS::OnSetActive() { return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } void CScopeWizDNS::OnButtonDnsAdd() { DWORD dwIp; m_ipaDNS.GetAddress(&dwIp); if (dwIp) { CString strText; UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr(dwIp, &strText); int nIndex = m_listboxDNSServers.AddString(strText); m_listboxDNSServers.SetItemData(nIndex, dwIp); } m_ipaDNS.ClearAddress(); m_ipaDNS.SetFocus(); } void CScopeWizDNS::OnButtonDnsDelete() { int nSel = m_listboxDNSServers.GetCurSel(); if (nSel != LB_ERR) { m_ipaDNS.SetAddress((DWORD)m_listboxDNSServers.GetItemData(nSel)); m_listboxDNSServers.DeleteString(nSel); m_ipaDNS.SetFocus(); } UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizDNS::OnSelchangeListDnsList() { UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizDNS::OnChangeDnsServer() { UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizDNS::UpdateButtons() { DWORD dwAddress; BOOL bEnable; CString strServerName; // update the resolve button m_editServerName.GetWindowText(strServerName); m_buttonResolve.EnableWindow(strServerName.GetLength() > 0); m_ipaDNS.GetAddress(&dwAddress); if (dwAddress) { bEnable = TRUE; } else { bEnable = FALSE; if (m_buttonAdd.GetButtonStyle() & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) { m_buttonAdd.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); } } m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(bEnable); if (m_listboxDNSServers.GetCurSel() != LB_ERR) { bEnable = TRUE; } else { bEnable = FALSE; if (m_buttonDelete.GetButtonStyle() & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) { m_buttonDelete.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); } } m_buttonDelete.EnableWindow(bEnable); // up and down buttons BOOL bEnableUp = (m_listboxDNSServers.GetCurSel() >= 0) && (m_listboxDNSServers.GetCurSel() != 0); m_buttonIpAddrUp.EnableWindow(bEnableUp); BOOL bEnableDown = (m_listboxDNSServers.GetCurSel() >= 0) && (m_listboxDNSServers.GetCurSel() < m_listboxDNSServers.GetCount() - 1); m_buttonIpAddrDown.EnableWindow(bEnableDown); } void CScopeWizDNS::OnButtonIpAddrDown() { MoveValue(FALSE); if (m_buttonIpAddrDown.IsWindowEnabled()) m_buttonIpAddrDown.SetFocus(); else m_buttonIpAddrUp.SetFocus(); } void CScopeWizDNS::OnButtonIpAddrUp() { MoveValue(TRUE); if (m_buttonIpAddrUp.IsWindowEnabled()) m_buttonIpAddrUp.SetFocus(); else m_buttonIpAddrDown.SetFocus(); } void CScopeWizDNS::MoveValue(BOOL bUp) { // now get which item is selected in the listbox int cFocus = m_listboxDNSServers.GetCurSel(); int cNewFocus; DWORD err; // make sure it's valid for this operation if ( (bUp && cFocus <= 0) || (!bUp && cFocus >= m_listboxDNSServers.GetCount()) ) { return; } // move the value up/down CATCH_MEM_EXCEPTION { if (bUp) { cNewFocus = cFocus - 1; } else { cNewFocus = cFocus + 1; } // remove the old one DWORD dwIp = (DWORD) m_listboxDNSServers.GetItemData(cFocus); m_listboxDNSServers.DeleteString(cFocus); // re-add it in it's new home CString strText; UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr(dwIp, &strText); m_listboxDNSServers.InsertString(cNewFocus, strText); m_listboxDNSServers.SetItemData(cNewFocus, dwIp); m_listboxDNSServers.SetCurSel(cNewFocus); } END_MEM_EXCEPTION(err) UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizDNS::OnChangeEditServerName() { UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizDNS::OnButtonResolve() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString strServer; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhipa = 0; DWORD err = 0; m_editServerName.GetWindowText(strServer); // // See what type of name it is. // BEGIN_WAIT_CURSOR switch (UtilCategorizeName(strServer)) { case HNM_TYPE_IP: dhipa = ::UtilCvtWstrToIpAddr( strServer ) ; break ; case HNM_TYPE_NB: case HNM_TYPE_DNS: err = ::UtilGetHostAddress( strServer, & dhipa ) ; if (!err) UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr(dhipa, &strServer); break ; default: err = IDS_ERR_BAD_HOST_NAME ; break ; } END_WAIT_CURSOR if (err) { ::DhcpMessageBox(err); } else { m_ipaDNS.SetAddress(dhipa); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizWINS property page IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizWINS, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizWINS::CScopeWizWINS() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizWINS::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizWINS) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_WINS_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_WINS_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizWINS::~CScopeWizWINS() { } void CScopeWizWINS::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizWINS) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_RESOLVE, m_buttonResolve); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_SERVER_NAME, m_editServerName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_WINS_LIST, m_listboxWINSServers); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_WINS_DELETE, m_buttonDelete); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_WINS_ADD, m_buttonAdd); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_UP, m_buttonIpAddrUp); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_DOWN, m_buttonIpAddrDown); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_IPADDR_WINS_SERVER, m_ipaWINS); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizWINS, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizWINS) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_WINS_ADD, OnButtonWinsAdd) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_WINS_DELETE, OnButtonWinsDelete) ON_LBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_LIST_WINS_LIST, OnSelchangeListWinsList) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_IPADDR_WINS_SERVER, OnChangeWinsServer) ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_RESOLVE, OnButtonResolve) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_SERVER_NAME, OnChangeEditServerName) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_UP, OnButtonIpAddrUp) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_IPADDR_DOWN, OnButtonIpAddrDown) END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizWINS message handlers BOOL CScopeWizWINS::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_buttonDelete.EnableWindow(FALSE); UpdateButtons(); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } void CScopeWizWINS::OnDestroy() { CPropertyPageBase::OnDestroy(); } LRESULT CScopeWizWINS::OnWizardNext() { CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); // now build the option info for the routers if (m_listboxWINSServers.GetCount() == 0) { // get rid of the servers option if it is there if (pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSServers) { delete pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSServers; pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSServers = NULL; } // get rid of the node type option as well if (pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSNodeType) { delete pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSNodeType; pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSNodeType = NULL; } } else { // we have some DNS servers, get the option info from the master list and build an // option info struct we can use later CDhcpOption * pWINSServersOption = pScopeWiz->m_pDefaultOptions->Find(DHCP_OPTION_ID_WINS_SERVERS, NULL); if (pWINSServersOption) { CDhcpOption * pNewWINS; if (pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSServers) pNewWINS = pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSServers; else pNewWINS = new CDhcpOption(*pWINSServersOption); if (pNewWINS) { CDhcpOptionValue optValue = pNewWINS->QueryValue(); optValue.SetUpperBound(m_listboxWINSServers.GetCount()); // grab stuff from the listbox and store it in the option value for (int i = 0; i < m_listboxWINSServers.GetCount(); i++) { DWORD dwIp = (DWORD)m_listboxWINSServers.GetItemData(i); optValue.SetIpAddr(dwIp, i); } pNewWINS->Update(optValue); pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSServers = pNewWINS; } } // if we are configuring WINS, then we also need to set the node type option. // we don't ask the user what type they want, the default should cover 95% of the cases CDhcpOption * pNodeTypeOption = pScopeWiz->m_pDefaultOptions->Find(DHCP_OPTION_ID_WINS_NODE_TYPE, NULL); if (pNodeTypeOption) { CDhcpOption * pNewNodeType; if (pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSNodeType) pNewNodeType = pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSNodeType; else pNewNodeType = new CDhcpOption(*pNodeTypeOption); if (pNewNodeType) { CDhcpOptionValue optValue = pNewNodeType->QueryValue(); optValue.SetNumber(WINS_DEFAULT_NODE_TYPE); pNewNodeType->Update(optValue); pScopeWiz->m_poptWINSNodeType = pNewNodeType; } } } return CPropertyPageBase::OnWizardNext(); } LRESULT CScopeWizWINS::OnWizardBack() { return CPropertyPageBase::OnWizardBack(); } BOOL CScopeWizWINS::OnSetActive() { return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); } void CScopeWizWINS::OnButtonWinsAdd() { DWORD dwIp; m_ipaWINS.GetAddress(&dwIp); if (dwIp) { CString strText; UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr(dwIp, &strText); int nIndex = m_listboxWINSServers.AddString(strText); m_listboxWINSServers.SetItemData(nIndex, dwIp); } m_ipaWINS.ClearAddress(); m_ipaWINS.SetFocus(); } void CScopeWizWINS::OnButtonWinsDelete() { int nSel = m_listboxWINSServers.GetCurSel(); if (nSel != LB_ERR) { m_ipaWINS.SetAddress((DWORD)m_listboxWINSServers.GetItemData(nSel)); m_listboxWINSServers.DeleteString(nSel); m_ipaWINS.SetFocus(); } UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizWINS::OnSelchangeListWinsList() { UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizWINS::OnChangeWinsServer() { UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizWINS::UpdateButtons() { DWORD dwAddress; BOOL bEnable; CString strServerName; // update the resolve button m_editServerName.GetWindowText(strServerName); m_buttonResolve.EnableWindow(strServerName.GetLength() > 0); m_ipaWINS.GetAddress(&dwAddress); if (dwAddress) { bEnable = TRUE; } else { bEnable = FALSE; if (m_buttonAdd.GetButtonStyle() & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) { m_buttonAdd.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); } } m_buttonAdd.EnableWindow(bEnable); if (m_listboxWINSServers.GetCurSel() != LB_ERR) { bEnable = TRUE; } else { bEnable = FALSE; if (m_buttonDelete.GetButtonStyle() & BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) { m_buttonDelete.SetButtonStyle(BS_PUSHBUTTON); } } m_buttonDelete.EnableWindow(bEnable); // up and down buttons BOOL bEnableUp = (m_listboxWINSServers.GetCurSel() >= 0) && (m_listboxWINSServers.GetCurSel() != 0); m_buttonIpAddrUp.EnableWindow(bEnableUp); BOOL bEnableDown = (m_listboxWINSServers.GetCurSel() >= 0) && (m_listboxWINSServers.GetCurSel() < m_listboxWINSServers.GetCount() - 1); m_buttonIpAddrDown.EnableWindow(bEnableDown); } void CScopeWizWINS::OnButtonIpAddrDown() { MoveValue(FALSE); if (m_buttonIpAddrDown.IsWindowEnabled()) m_buttonIpAddrDown.SetFocus(); else m_buttonIpAddrUp.SetFocus(); } void CScopeWizWINS::OnButtonIpAddrUp() { MoveValue(TRUE); if (m_buttonIpAddrUp.IsWindowEnabled()) m_buttonIpAddrUp.SetFocus(); else m_buttonIpAddrDown.SetFocus(); } void CScopeWizWINS::MoveValue(BOOL bUp) { // now get which item is selected in the listbox int cFocus = m_listboxWINSServers.GetCurSel(); int cNewFocus; DWORD err; // make sure it's valid for this operation if ( (bUp && cFocus <= 0) || (!bUp && cFocus >= m_listboxWINSServers.GetCount()) ) { return; } // move the value up/down CATCH_MEM_EXCEPTION { if (bUp) { cNewFocus = cFocus - 1; } else { cNewFocus = cFocus + 1; } // remove the old one DWORD dwIp = (DWORD) m_listboxWINSServers.GetItemData(cFocus); m_listboxWINSServers.DeleteString(cFocus); // re-add it in it's new home CString strText; UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr(dwIp, &strText); m_listboxWINSServers.InsertString(cNewFocus, strText); m_listboxWINSServers.SetItemData(cNewFocus, dwIp); m_listboxWINSServers.SetCurSel(cNewFocus); } END_MEM_EXCEPTION(err) UpdateButtons(); } void CScopeWizWINS::OnButtonResolve() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString strServer; DHCP_IP_ADDRESS dhipa = 0; DWORD err = 0; m_editServerName.GetWindowText(strServer); // // See what type of name it is. // BEGIN_WAIT_CURSOR switch (UtilCategorizeName(strServer)) { case HNM_TYPE_IP: dhipa = ::UtilCvtWstrToIpAddr( strServer ) ; break ; case HNM_TYPE_NB: case HNM_TYPE_DNS: err = ::UtilGetHostAddress( strServer, & dhipa ) ; if (!err) UtilCvtIpAddrToWstr(dhipa, &strServer); break ; default: err = IDS_ERR_BAD_HOST_NAME ; break ; } END_WAIT_CURSOR if (err) { ::DhcpMessageBox(err); } else { m_ipaWINS.SetAddress(dhipa); } } void CScopeWizWINS::OnChangeEditServerName() { UpdateButtons(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizActivate property page IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CScopeWizActivate, CPropertyPageBase) CScopeWizActivate::CScopeWizActivate() : CPropertyPageBase(CScopeWizActivate::IDD) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScopeWizActivate) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InitWiz97(FALSE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_ACTIVATE_TITLE, IDS_SCOPE_WIZ_ACTIVATE_SUBTITLE); } CScopeWizActivate::~CScopeWizActivate() { } void CScopeWizActivate::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CPropertyPageBase::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScopeWizActivate) // NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScopeWizActivate, CPropertyPageBase) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScopeWizActivate) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScopeWizActivate message handlers BOOL CScopeWizActivate::OnInitDialog() { CPropertyPageBase::OnInitDialog(); ((CButton *) GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO_YES))->SetCheck(TRUE); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE } LRESULT CScopeWizActivate::OnWizardNext() { CScopeWiz * pScopeWiz = reinterpret_cast(GetHolder()); pScopeWiz->m_fActivateScope = (((CButton *) GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIO_YES))->GetCheck()) ? TRUE : FALSE; return CPropertyPageBase::OnWizardNext(); } LRESULT CScopeWizActivate::OnWizardBack() { // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class return CPropertyPageBase::OnWizardBack(); } BOOL CScopeWizActivate::OnSetActive() { GetHolder()->SetWizardButtonsMiddle(TRUE); return CPropertyPageBase::OnSetActive(); }