/******************************************************************************* * * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 1998 * * TITLE: UICOMMON.H * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: ShaunIv * * DATE: 4/19/1999 * * DESCRIPTION: Common include file for the UI library * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __UICOMMON_H_INCLUDED #define __UICOMMON_H_INCLUDED // Global new, delete handlers. Use LocalAlloc. #include "wianew.h" // Various macros and helper functions that are in the WiaUiUtil namespace #include "miscutil.h" // Quick and dirty way to get a single string or long property from an IUnknown * #include "pshelper.h" // Function to create a scaled DIB (good for thumbnails) #include "rescale.h" // A handy class for passing around resource ids that can be either numeric or string #include "resid.h" // Dynamically sized array class #include "simarray.h" // BSTR wrapper #include "simbstr.h" // Simple critical section wrapper with extremely handy auto critical sections #include "simcrit.h" // Dynamic singly linked list template class, and derivatives: queue and stack #include "simlist.h" // A class for setting and getting registry variables #include "simreg.h" // String classes #include "simstr.h" // String tokenizer #include "simtok.h" #include "waitcurs.h" #include "errors.h" // Delimited string tokenizer class #include "delimstr.h" #endif // __UICOMMON_H_INCLUDED