// File: VideoAcc.idl
// Desc: An interface exposed by the overlay mixer to help decode samples
//       using hardware video acceleration.
// Copyright (c) 1992 - 2000, Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

import "unknwn.idl";

cpp_quote("//   The following declarations within the 'if 0' block are dummy typedefs used to make")
cpp_quote("//   the motncomp.idl file build.  The actual definitions are contained in ddraw.h and amva.h")
cpp_quote("#if 0")

typedef void*       LPVOID;
typedef void*       LPGUID;
typedef void*       LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE;
typedef void*       LPDDPIXELFORMAT;
typedef void*       LPAMVAInternalMemInfo;
typedef void        AMVAUncompDataInfo;
typedef void*       LPAMVACompBufferInfo;
typedef void        AMVABUFFERINFO;
typedef void        AMVAEndFrameInfo;
typedef void*       LPAMVAUncompBufferInfo;
typedef void        AMVABeginFrameInfo;
typedef IUnknown*   IMediaSample;

cpp_quote("#include <ddraw.h>")
cpp_quote("#include <amva.h>")

    helpstring("IAMVideoAcceleratorNotify Interface"),

// IAMVideoAcceleratorNotify
interface IAMVideoAcceleratorNotify : IUnknown
    // get information necessary to allocate uncompressed data buffers
    // which is not part of the mediatype format (like how many buffers to allocate etc)
    HRESULT GetUncompSurfacesInfo([in] const GUID *pGuid, [in] [out] LPAMVAUncompBufferInfo pUncompBufferInfo);

    // set information regarding allocated uncompressed data buffers
    HRESULT SetUncompSurfacesInfo([in] DWORD dwActualUncompSurfacesAllocated);

    // get information necessary to create video accelerator object. It is the caller's responsibility
    // to call CoTaskMemFree() on *ppMiscData
    HRESULT GetCreateVideoAcceleratorData([in] const GUID *pGuid, [out] LPDWORD pdwSizeMiscData, [out] LPVOID *ppMiscData);

    helpstring("IAMVideoAccelerator Interface"),

// IAMVideoAccelerator
interface IAMVideoAccelerator : IUnknown
    // pdwNumGuidsSupported is an IN OUT paramter
    // pGuidsSupported is an IN OUT paramter
    // if pGuidsSupported is NULL,  pdwNumGuidsSupported should return back with the
    // number of uncompressed pixel formats supported
    // Otherwise pGuidsSupported is an array of *pdwNumGuidsSupported structures
    HRESULT GetVideoAcceleratorGUIDs([in] [out] LPDWORD pdwNumGuidsSupported, [in] [out] LPGUID pGuidsSupported);

    // pGuid is an IN parameter
    // pdwNumFormatsSupported is an IN OUT paramter
    // pFormatsSupported is an IN OUT paramter (caller should make sure to set the size of EACH struct)
    // if pFormatsSupported is NULL,  pdwNumFormatsSupported should return back with
    // the number of uncompressed pixel formats supported
    // Otherwise pFormatsSupported is an array of *pdwNumFormatsSupported structures
    HRESULT GetUncompFormatsSupported( [in] const GUID *pGuid, [in] [out] LPDWORD pdwNumFormatsSupported,
        [in] [out] LPDDPIXELFORMAT pFormatsSupported);

    // pGuid is an IN parameter
    // pamvaUncompDataInfo is an IN parameter
    // pamvaInternalMemInfo is an IN OUT parameter (caller should make sure to set the size of struct)
    // currently only gets info about how much scratch memory will the hal allocate for its private use
    HRESULT GetInternalMemInfo([in] const GUID *pGuid, [in] const AMVAUncompDataInfo *pamvaUncompDataInfo,
        [in] [out] LPAMVAInternalMemInfo pamvaInternalMemInfo);

    // pGuid is an IN parameter
    // pamvaUncompDataInfo is an IN parameter
    // pdwNumTypesCompBuffers is an IN OUT paramter
    // pamvaCompBufferInfo is an IN OUT paramter (caller should make sure to set the size of EACH struct)
    // if pamvaCompBufferInfo is NULL,  pdwNumTypesCompBuffers should return back with the number of types of
    // compressed buffers
    // Otherwise pamvaCompBufferInfo is an array of *pdwNumTypesCompBuffers structures
    HRESULT GetCompBufferInfo([in] const GUID *pGuid, [in] const AMVAUncompDataInfo *pamvaUncompDataInfo,
        [in] [out] LPDWORD pdwNumTypesCompBuffers, [out] LPAMVACompBufferInfo pamvaCompBufferInfo);

    // pdwNumTypesCompBuffers is an IN OUT paramter
    // pamvaCompBufferInfo is an IN OUT paramter (caller should make sure to set the size of EACH struct)
    // if pamvaCompBufferInfo is NULL,  pdwNumTypesCompBuffers should return back with the number of types of
    // compressed buffers
    // Otherwise pamvaCompBufferInfo is an array of *pdwNumTypesCompBuffers structures
    // only valid to call this after the pins are connected
    HRESULT GetInternalCompBufferInfo([in] [out] LPDWORD pdwNumTypesCompBuffers, [out] LPAMVACompBufferInfo pamvaCompBufferInfo);

    // begin a frame, the pMiscData is passed directly to the hal
    // only valid to call this after the pins are connected
    // Tells the ovmixer which frame is the destination
    // frame. Use indices (valid vales are [0 .. pdwNumSurfacesAllocated-1]) to specify frames
    HRESULT BeginFrame([in] const AMVABeginFrameInfo *amvaBeginFrameInfo);

    // end a frame, the pMiscData is passed directly to the hal
    // only valid to call this after the pins are connected
    HRESULT EndFrame([in] const AMVAEndFrameInfo *pEndFrameInfo);

    // lock and obtain access to a single buffer
    // only valid to call this after the pins are connected
    // Buffers are identified by type and index within that type
    // Specifiying read-only will allow access to busy reference
    // frames
    // Output (uncompressed) frames use a type index of 0xFFFFFFFF
    HRESULT GetBuffer(
        [in] DWORD dwTypeIndex,
        [in] DWORD dwBufferIndex,
        [in] BOOL bReadOnly,
        [out] LPVOID *ppBuffer,
        [out] LONG *lpStride);

    // unlock a single buffer
    // Buffers are identified by type and index within that type
    // only valid to call this after the pins are connected
    HRESULT ReleaseBuffer([in] DWORD dwTypeIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufferIndex);

    // Perform a decompression operation
    // Private data can be passed to and from a driver
    // identifiers for the corresponding members of pamvaMacroBlockInfo
    // pamvaMacroBlockInfo is an IN parameter which is array (of length dwNumBlocks) of structures
    // only valid to call this after the pins are connected
    HRESULT Execute(
        [in] DWORD dwFunction,
        [in] LPVOID lpPrivateInputData,
        [in] DWORD cbPrivateInputData,
        [in] LPVOID lpPrivateOutputDat,
        [in] DWORD cbPrivateOutputData,
        [in] DWORD dwNumBuffers,
        [in] const AMVABUFFERINFO *pamvaBufferInfo);

    // query the decode status of a particular decompression operation
    // dwTypeIndex and dwBufferIndex define the buffer whose status is
    // being queried
    HRESULT QueryRenderStatus([in] DWORD dwTypeIndex,
                              [in] DWORD dwBufferIndex,
                              [in] DWORD dwFlags);

    // display a frame. The mediasample contains the timestamps etc for the frame to be displayed
    // this call is a non-blocking call
    // only valid to call this after the pins are connected
    HRESULT DisplayFrame([in] DWORD dwFlipToIndex, [in] IMediaSample *pMediaSample);