/* Copyright (C) Boris Nikolaus, Germany, 1996-1997. All rights reserved. */ /* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-1998. All rights reserved. */ #include "precomp.h" #include "optcase.h" // encode #define LEN_OFFSET_STR2 "nExplTagLenOff" #define LEN_OFFSET_STR "nLenOff" // decode #define DECODER_NAME "dd" #define STREAM_END_NAME "di" #define DECODER_NAME2 "pExplTagDec" #define STREAM_END_NAME2 "pbExplTagDataEnd" void GenBERFuncSimpleType(AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref, TypeFunc_e et, char *encref, char *tagref); void GenBERStringTableSimpleType(AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref); void GenBEREncSimpleType(AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref, char *encref, char *tagref); void GenBEREncGenericUnextended( AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref, char *lenref, char *encref, char *tagref); void GenBERFuncComponents(AssignmentList_t ass, char *module, uint32_t optindex, ComponentList_t components, char *valref, char *encref, char *oref, TypeFunc_e et, BERTypeInfo_t *, int *); void GenBERFuncSequenceSetType(AssignmentList_t ass, char *module, Assignment_t *at, char *valref, char *encref, TypeFunc_e et, char *tagref); void GenBERFuncChoiceType(AssignmentList_t ass, char *module, Assignment_t *at, char *valref, char *encref, TypeFunc_e et, char *tagref); void GenBERDecSimpleType(AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref, char *encref, char *tagref); void GenBERDecGenericUnextended( AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref, char *lenref, char *encref, char *tagref); extern int g_fDecZeroMemory; extern int g_nDbgModuleName; extern int g_fCaseBasedOptimizer; extern int g_fNoAssert; extern unsigned g_cPDUs; int IsComponentOpenType(Component_t *com) { if (eType_Open == com->U.NOD.NamedType->Type->Type) { return 1; } if (eType_Reference == com->U.NOD.NamedType->Type->Type) { if (eBERSTIData_Open == com->U.NOD.NamedType->Type->BERTypeInfo.Data) { return 1; } } return 0; } Component_t * FindOpenTypeComponent(ComponentList_t components) { Component_t *com = NULL; for (com = components; com; com = com->Next) { if (IsComponentOpenType(com)) { break; } } return com; } /* write header needed for BER encodings */ void GenBERHeader() { // output("#include \"berfnlib.h\"\n"); } /* set prototypes and function args of BER functions */ void GetBERPrototype(Arguments_t *args) { args->enccast = "ASN1encoding_t, ASN1uint32_t, void *"; args->encfunc = "ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, %s *val"; args->Pencfunc = "ASN1encoding_t enc, ASN1uint32_t tag, P%s *val"; args->deccast = "ASN1decoding_t, ASN1uint32_t, void *"; args->decfunc = "ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, %s *val"; args->Pdecfunc = "ASN1decoding_t dec, ASN1uint32_t tag, P%s *val"; args->freecast = "void *"; args->freefunc = "%s *val"; args->Pfreefunc = "P%s *val"; args->cmpcast = "void *, void *"; args->cmpfunc = "%s *val1, %s *val2"; args->Pcmpfunc = "P%s *val1, P%s *val2"; } /* write initialization function needed for BER encodings */ void GenBERInit(AssignmentList_t ass, char *module) { char *pszRule; switch (g_eSubEncodingRule) { default: case eSubEncoding_Basic: pszRule = "ASN1_BER_RULE_BER"; break; case eSubEncoding_Canonical: pszRule = "ASN1_BER_RULE_CER"; break; case eSubEncoding_Distinguished: pszRule = "ASN1_BER_RULE_DER"; break; } output("%s = ASN1_CreateModule(0x%x, %s, %s, %d, (const ASN1GenericFun_t *) encfntab, (const ASN1GenericFun_t *) decfntab, freefntab, sizetab, 0x%lx);\n", module, ASN1_THIS_VERSION, pszRule, g_fNoAssert ? "ASN1FLAGS_NOASSERT" : "ASN1FLAGS_NONE", g_cPDUs, g_nDbgModuleName); } /* convert a tag to an uint32_t: */ /* bits 0..29: tag value */ /* bits 30..31: tag class */ uint32_t Tag2uint32(AssignmentList_t ass, Tag_t *tag) { uint32_t tagvalue; uint32_t tagclass; tagvalue = intx2uint32(&GetValue(ass, tag->Tag)->U.Integer.Value); tagclass = tag->Class; /* multiple of 0x40 */ return (tagclass << 24) | tagvalue; } /* generate encoding of a tag */ uint32_t GenBEREncTag(char *pszLenOffName, AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *encref, char **tagref) { Tag_t *tag; uint32_t tagvalue; uint32_t neoc; char tagbuf[64]; int first; neoc = 0; first = 1; if (*tagref) strcpy(tagbuf, *tagref); else strcpy(tagbuf, "0"); /* we have to examine all tags */ for (tag = info->Tags; tag; tag = tag ? tag->Next : NULL) { /* get value of tag */ tagvalue = Tag2uint32(ass, tag); while (tag && tag->Type == eTagType_Implicit) tag = tag->Next; /* get tag */ if (first && *tagref) { sprintf(tagbuf, "%s ? %s : 0x%x", *tagref, *tagref, tagvalue); } else { sprintf(tagbuf, "0x%x", tagvalue); } /* encode explicit tag */ if (tag) { char szLenOff[24]; sprintf(&szLenOff[0], "%s%u", pszLenOffName, neoc); outputvar("ASN1uint32_t %s;\n", &szLenOff[0]); output("if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(%s, %s, &%s))\n", encref, tagbuf, &szLenOff[0]); output("return 0;\n"); neoc++; strcpy(tagbuf, "0"); } first = 0; } /* return last implicit tag */ *tagref = strdup(tagbuf); return neoc; } /* generate encoding of end of tag */ void GenBEREncTagEnd(char *pszLenOffName, uint32_t neoc, char *encref) { while (neoc--) { char szLenOff[24]; sprintf(&szLenOff[0], "%s%u", pszLenOffName, neoc); outputvar("ASN1uint32_t %s;\n", &szLenOff[0]); output("if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(%s, %s))\n", encref, &szLenOff[0]); output("return 0;\n"); } } /* generate decoding of a tag */ uint32_t GenBERDecTag(char *pszDecoderName, char *pszOctetPtrName, AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char **encref, char **tagref) { Tag_t *tag; uint32_t tagvalue; uint32_t depth; char encbuf[16]; char tagbuf[64]; int first; depth = 0; first = 1; if (*tagref) strcpy(tagbuf, *tagref); else strcpy(tagbuf, "0"); /* we have to examine all tags */ for (tag = info->Tags; tag; tag = tag ? tag->Next : NULL) { /* get value of tag */ tagvalue = Tag2uint32(ass, tag); while (tag && tag->Type == eTagType_Implicit) tag = tag->Next; /* get tag */ if (first && *tagref) { sprintf(tagbuf, "%s ? %s : 0x%x", *tagref, *tagref, tagvalue); } else { sprintf(tagbuf, "0x%x", tagvalue); } /* decode explicit tag */ if (tag) { char szDecName[24]; char szPtrName[24]; sprintf(&szDecName[0], "%s%u", pszDecoderName, depth); sprintf(&szPtrName[0], "%s%u", pszOctetPtrName, depth); outputvar("ASN1decoding_t %s;\n",&szDecName[0]); outputvar("ASN1octet_t *%s;\n", &szPtrName[0]); output("if (!ASN1BERDecExplicitTag(%s, %s, &%s, &%s))\n", *encref, tagbuf, &szDecName[0], &szPtrName[0]); output("return 0;\n"); *encref = strdup(&szDecName[0]); depth++; strcpy(tagbuf, "0"); } first = 0; } /* return last implicit tag */ *tagref = strdup(tagbuf); return depth; } /* generate decoding of end of tag */ void GenBERDecTagEnd(char *pszDecoderName, char *pszOctetPtrName, uint32_t depth, char *encref) { char szDecName[24]; char szPtrName[24]; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) { sprintf(&szDecName[0], "%s%u", pszDecoderName, depth - i - 1); sprintf(&szPtrName[0], "%s%u", pszOctetPtrName, depth - i - 1); if (i != depth - 1) { output("if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(%s%u, %s, %s))\n", pszDecoderName, depth - i - 2, &szDecName[0], &szPtrName[0]); } else { output("if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, &szDecName[0], &szPtrName[0]); } output("return 0;\n"); } } /* generate function body for a type */ void GenBERFuncType(AssignmentList_t ass, char *module, Assignment_t *at, TypeFunc_e et) { Type_t *type; char *encref; char *valref; /* get some informations */ type = at->U.Type.Type; switch (et) { case eStringTable: valref = encref = ""; break; case eEncode: encref = "enc"; valref = "val"; break; case eDecode: encref = "dec"; valref = "val"; break; } /* function body */ switch (type->Type) { case eType_Boolean: case eType_Integer: case eType_Enumerated: case eType_Real: case eType_BitString: case eType_OctetString: case eType_UTF8String: case eType_Null: case eType_EmbeddedPdv: case eType_External: case eType_ObjectIdentifier: case eType_BMPString: case eType_GeneralString: case eType_GraphicString: case eType_IA5String: case eType_ISO646String: case eType_NumericString: case eType_PrintableString: case eType_TeletexString: case eType_T61String: case eType_UniversalString: case eType_VideotexString: case eType_VisibleString: case eType_CharacterString: case eType_GeneralizedTime: case eType_UTCTime: case eType_ObjectDescriptor: case eType_RestrictedString: case eType_Open: case eType_Reference: case eType_SequenceOf: case eType_SetOf: GenBERFuncSimpleType(ass, &type->BERTypeInfo, Dereference(valref), et, encref, "tag"); break; case eType_Sequence: case eType_Set: case eType_InstanceOf: GenBERFuncSequenceSetType(ass, module, at, valref, encref, et, "tag"); break; case eType_Choice: GenBERFuncChoiceType(ass, module, at, valref, encref, et, "tag"); break; case eType_Selection: case eType_Undefined: MyAbort(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } } /* generate function body for components */ void GenBERFuncComponents(AssignmentList_t ass, char *module, uint32_t optindex, ComponentList_t components, char *valref, char *encref, char *oref, TypeFunc_e et, BERTypeInfo_t *info, int *pfContainOpenTypeComWithDefTags) { BERSTIData_e data = info->Data; Component_t *com; NamedType_t *namedType; char *ide; int conditional, inextension; uint32_t flg; Tag_t *tags; unsigned int first_tag, last_tag; int fDefTags; int fOpenTypeComponent; char valbuf[256]; char typebuf[256]; *pfContainOpenTypeComWithDefTags = 0; /* emit components */ inextension = 0; for (com = components; com; com = com->Next) { fDefTags = 0; // safety net fOpenTypeComponent = 0; // safety net /* check for extension marker */ if (com->Type == eComponent_ExtensionMarker) { inextension = 1; /* update index into optional field for sequence/set */ if (data != eBERSTIData_Choice) optindex = (optindex + 7) & ~7; continue; } /* get some information */ namedType = com->U.NOD.NamedType; ide = Identifier2C(namedType->Identifier); /* check if optional/default component is present or choice is */ /* selected*/ conditional = 0; switch (et) { case eStringTable: break; case eEncode: if (data == eBERSTIData_Choice) { output("case %d:\n", optindex); conditional = 1; optindex++; } else { if (com->Type == eComponent_Optional || com->Type == eComponent_Default || inextension) { output("if (%s[%u] & 0x%x) {\n", oref, optindex / 8, 0x80 >> (optindex & 7)); conditional = 1; optindex++; } } break; case eDecode: if (data == eBERSTIData_Sequence && com->Type != eComponent_Optional && com->Type != eComponent_Default && !inextension) break; fOpenTypeComponent = IsComponentOpenType(com); if (fOpenTypeComponent) { const unsigned int c_nDefFirstTag = 0x80000001; const unsigned int c_nDefLastTag = 0x8000001f; unsigned int nTag = c_nDefFirstTag; tags = com->U.NOD.NamedType->Type->FirstTags; first_tag = Tag2uint32(ass, com->U.NOD.NamedType->Type->FirstTags); fDefTags = 1; // initial value while (tags->Next) { fDefTags = fDefTags && (Tag2uint32(ass, tags) == nTag++); tags = tags->Next; } last_tag = Tag2uint32(ass, tags); fDefTags = fDefTags && (c_nDefFirstTag == first_tag) && (c_nDefLastTag == last_tag); *pfContainOpenTypeComWithDefTags = *pfContainOpenTypeComWithDefTags || fDefTags; } if (data == eBERSTIData_Sequence) { if (fOpenTypeComponent) { outputvar("ASN1uint32_t t;\n"); output("if (ASN1BERDecPeekTag(%s, &t)) {\n", encref); } else { outputvar("ASN1uint32_t t;\n"); output("ASN1BERDecPeekTag(%s, &t);\n", encref); } if (! fDefTags) { output("if ("); } flg = 0; } if (eBERSTIData_Sequence == data && fDefTags && fOpenTypeComponent) { #if 0 if (first_tag == last_tag) { output("0x%x == t", first_tag); } else { output("0x%x <= t && t <= 0x%x", first_tag, last_tag); } #endif conditional = 1; } else if (eBERSTIData_Set == data && fDefTags && fOpenTypeComponent) { output("default:\n"); #if 1 if (info->Flags & eTypeFlags_ExtensionMarker) { output("#error \"Untagged open type cannot be in the SET construct with an extension mark.\nPlease manually fix the source code.\""); output("ASSERT(0); /* Untagged open type cannot be in the SET construct with an extension mark */\n"); output("if (1) {\n"); } #else if (first_tag == last_tag) { output("if (0x%x == t) {\n", first_tag); } else { output("if (0x%x <= t && t <= 0x%x) {\n", first_tag, last_tag); } #endif conditional = 1; } else if (eBERSTIData_Choice == data && fDefTags && fOpenTypeComponent) { output("default:\n"); #if 1 if (info->Flags & eTypeFlags_ExtensionMarker) { output("#error \"Untagged open type cannot be in the CHOICE construct with an extension mark.\nPlease manually fix the source code.\""); output("ASSERT(0); /* Untagged open type cannot be in the CHOICE construct with an extension mark */\n"); output("if (1) {\n"); } #else if (first_tag == last_tag) { output("if (0x%x == t) {\n", first_tag); } else { output("if (0x%x <= t && t <= 0x%x) {\n", first_tag, last_tag); } #endif conditional = 1; } else { for (tags = com->U.NOD.NamedType->Type->FirstTags; tags; tags = tags->Next) { switch (data) { case eBERSTIData_Choice: output("case 0x%x:\n", Tag2uint32(ass, tags)); break; case eBERSTIData_Set: output("case 0x%x:\n", Tag2uint32(ass, tags)); break; case eBERSTIData_Sequence: if (flg) output(" || "); output("t == 0x%x", Tag2uint32(ass, tags)); flg = 1; break; default: if (flg) output(" || "); output("t == 0x%x", Tag2uint32(ass, tags)); flg = 1; break; } } } if (data == eBERSTIData_Choice) { output("(%s)->choice = %d;\n", valref, optindex); conditional = 1; optindex++; break; } else { if (data == eBERSTIData_Sequence) { if (! fDefTags) { output(") {\n"); } } if (com->Type == eComponent_Optional || com->Type == eComponent_Default || inextension) { output("%s[%u] |= 0x%x;\n", oref, optindex / 8, 0x80 >> (optindex & 7)); optindex++; } conditional = 1; } break; } /* dereference pointer if pointer directive used */ if (data == eBERSTIData_Choice) { if (GetTypeRules(ass, namedType->Type) & eTypeRules_Pointer) sprintf(valbuf, "*(%s)->u.%s", valref, ide); else sprintf(valbuf, "(%s)->u.%s", valref, ide); } else { if (GetTypeRules(ass, namedType->Type) & eTypeRules_Pointer) sprintf(valbuf, "*(%s)->%s", valref, ide); else sprintf(valbuf, "(%s)->%s", valref, ide); } /* allocate memory if decoding and pointer directive used */ if (et == eDecode && (GetTypeRules(ass, namedType->Type) & eTypeRules_Pointer) && !(GetType(ass, namedType->Type)->Flags & eTypeFlags_Null)) { sprintf(typebuf, "%s *", GetTypeName(ass, namedType->Type)); output("if (!(%s = (%s)ASN1DecAlloc(%s, sizeof(%s))))\n", Reference(valbuf), typebuf, encref, valbuf); output("return 0;\n"); } /* handle subtype value */ GenBERFuncSimpleType(ass, &namedType->Type->BERTypeInfo, valbuf, et, encref, NULL); if (eDecode == et && fOpenTypeComponent) { if (eBERSTIData_Set == data && fDefTags) { if (info->Flags & eTypeFlags_ExtensionMarker) { output("} else {\n"); output("if (!ASN1BERDecSkip(%s))\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); output("}\n"); } } else if (eBERSTIData_Sequence == data) { if (! fDefTags) { output("}\n"); } } } /* end of check for presence of optional/default component */ if (data == eBERSTIData_Set && et == eDecode || data == eBERSTIData_Choice) { if (conditional) output("break;\n"); } else { if (conditional) output("}\n"); } } } /* generate function body for sequence/set type */ void GenBERFuncSequenceSetType(AssignmentList_t ass, char *module, Assignment_t *at, char *valref, char *encref, TypeFunc_e et, char *tagref) { Type_t *type = at->U.Type.Type; BERTypeInfo_t *info = &type->BERTypeInfo; uint32_t optionals, extensions; ComponentList_t components; char *oldencref; char *oldencref2; uint32_t neoc, depth; int fContainOpenTypeComWithDefTags = 0; char obuf[256]; optionals = type->U.SSC.Optionals; extensions = type->U.SSC.Extensions; components = type->U.SSC.Components; /* handle tag and length */ switch (et) { case eEncode: neoc = GenBEREncTag(LEN_OFFSET_STR2, ass, info, encref, &tagref); outputvar("ASN1uint32_t %s;\n", LEN_OFFSET_STR); output("if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(%s, %s, &%s))\n", encref, tagref, LEN_OFFSET_STR); output("return 0;\n"); // neoc++; break; case eDecode: outputvar("ASN1decoding_t dd;\n"); outputvar("ASN1octet_t *di;\n"); oldencref = encref; depth = GenBERDecTag(DECODER_NAME2, STREAM_END_NAME2, ass, info, &encref, &tagref); oldencref2 = encref; output("if (!ASN1BERDecExplicitTag(%s, %s, &dd, &di))\n", encref, tagref); output("return 0;\n"); encref = "dd"; if (optionals || extensions) output("ZeroMemory((%s)->o, %d);\n", valref, (optionals + 7) / 8 + (extensions + 7) / 8); break; } /* set/clear missing bits in optional/default bit field */ GenFuncSequenceSetOptionals(ass, valref, components, optionals, extensions, obuf, et); /* create switch statement */ if (et == eDecode) { switch (info->Data) { case eBERSTIData_Set: outputvar("ASN1uint32_t t;\n"); output("while (ASN1BERDecNotEndOfContents(%s, di)) {\n", encref); output("if (!ASN1BERDecPeekTag(%s, &t))\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); output("switch (t) {\n"); break; } } /* emit components */ GenBERFuncComponents(ass, module, 0, components, valref, encref, obuf, et, info, &fContainOpenTypeComWithDefTags); /* end of switch statement */ if (et == eDecode) { switch (info->Data) { case eBERSTIData_Set: // if (NULL == FindOpenTypeComponent(components)) if (! fContainOpenTypeComWithDefTags) { output("default:\n"); if (info->Flags & eTypeFlags_ExtensionMarker) { output("if (!ASN1BERDecSkip(%s))\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); output("break;\n"); } else { output("ASN1DecSetError(%s, ASN1_ERR_CORRUPT);\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); } } output("}\n"); output("}\n"); break; } } /* some user-friendly assignments for non-present optional/default */ /* components */ GenFuncSequenceSetDefaults(ass, valref, components, obuf, et); /* generate end of contents */ switch (et) { case eEncode: /* encode the end-of-contents octets */ output("if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(%s, %s))\n", encref, LEN_OFFSET_STR); output("return 0;\n"); GenBEREncTagEnd(LEN_OFFSET_STR2, neoc, encref); break; case eDecode: if ((info->Flags & eTypeFlags_ExtensionMarker) && info->Data != eBERSTIData_Set) { output("while (ASN1BERDecNotEndOfContents(%s, di)) {\n", encref); output("if (!ASN1BERDecSkip(%s))\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); output("}\n"); } output("if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(%s, dd, di))\n", oldencref2); output("return 0;\n"); GenBERDecTagEnd(DECODER_NAME2, STREAM_END_NAME2, depth, oldencref); break; } } /* generate function body for choice type */ // lonchanc: we should re-visit the work about ASN1_CHOICE_BASE. // the change for BER is not complete!!! BUGBUG void GenBERFuncChoiceType(AssignmentList_t ass, char *module, Assignment_t *at, char *valref, char *encref, TypeFunc_e et, char *tagref) { Type_t *type; BERTypeInfo_t *info; Component_t *components, *c; uint32_t neoc, depth; char *oldencref; uint32_t ncomponents; int fContainOpenTypeComWithDefTags = 0; /* get some informations */ type = at->U.Type.Type; info = &type->BERTypeInfo; components = type->U.SSC.Components; for (c = components, ncomponents = 0; c; c = c->Next) { switch (c->Type) { case eComponent_Normal: ncomponents++; break; } } /* encode explicit tags */ switch (et) { case eEncode: neoc = GenBEREncTag(LEN_OFFSET_STR2, ass, info, encref, &tagref); break; case eDecode: oldencref = encref; depth = GenBERDecTag(DECODER_NAME2, STREAM_END_NAME2, ass, info, &encref, &tagref); break; } /* create switch statement */ switch (et) { case eStringTable: break; case eEncode: output("switch ((%s)->choice) {\n", valref); break; case eDecode: outputvar("ASN1uint32_t t;\n"); output("if (!ASN1BERDecPeekTag(%s, &t))\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); output("switch (t) {\n"); break; } /* generate components */ GenBERFuncComponents(ass, module, ASN1_CHOICE_BASE, components, valref, encref, NULL, et, info, &fContainOpenTypeComWithDefTags); /* end of switch statement */ switch (et) { case eStringTable: break; case eEncode: output("}\n"); break; case eDecode: if (fContainOpenTypeComWithDefTags) { if (info->Flags & eTypeFlags_ExtensionMarker) { output("} else {\n"); output("(%s)->choice = %d;\n", valref, ASN1_CHOICE_BASE + ncomponents); /* unknown extens.*/ output("if (!ASN1BERDecSkip(%s))\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); output("}\n"); output("break;\n"); } } else { output("default:\n"); if (info->Flags & eTypeFlags_ExtensionMarker) { output("(%s)->choice = %d;\n", valref, ASN1_CHOICE_BASE + ncomponents); /* unknown extens.*/ output("if (!ASN1BERDecSkip(%s))\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); output("break;\n"); } else { output("ASN1DecSetError(%s, ASN1_ERR_CORRUPT);\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); } } output("}\n"); break; } /* generate end of contents */ switch (et) { case eEncode: GenBEREncTagEnd(LEN_OFFSET_STR2, neoc, encref); break; case eDecode: GenBERDecTagEnd(DECODER_NAME2, STREAM_END_NAME2, depth, oldencref); } } /* generate function body for simple type */ void GenBERFuncSimpleType(AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref, TypeFunc_e et, char *encref, char *tagref) { switch (et) { case eStringTable: break; case eEncode: GenBEREncSimpleType(ass, info, valref, encref, tagref); break; case eDecode: GenBERDecSimpleType(ass, info, valref, encref, tagref); break; } } /* generate encoding statements for a simple value */ void GenBEREncSimpleType(AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref, char *encref, char *tagref) { char *lenref; char lenbuf[256], valbuf[256]; BERTypeInfo_t inf; inf = *info; /* examine type for special handling */ switch (inf.Data) { case eBERSTIData_BitString: case eBERSTIData_RZBBitString: case eBERSTIData_OctetString: case eBERSTIData_UTF8String: case eBERSTIData_String: /* length and value of bit string, octet string and string */ if (*valref != '*') { sprintf(lenbuf, "(%s).length", valref); sprintf(valbuf, "(%s).value", valref); } else { sprintf(lenbuf, "(%s)->length", Reference(valref)); sprintf(valbuf, "(%s)->value", Reference(valref)); } lenref = lenbuf; valref = valbuf; /* check for remove-zero-bits bit string */ if (inf.Data == eBERSTIData_RZBBitString) { outputvar("ASN1uint32_t r;\n"); output("r = %s;\n", lenref); output("ASN1BEREncRemoveZeroBits(&r, %s);\n", valref); lenref = "r"; } break; case eBERSTIData_SequenceOf: case eBERSTIData_SetOf: if (inf.Rules & eTypeRules_PointerArrayMask) { /* length and value of sequence of/set of value with */ /* length-pointer representation */ sprintf(lenbuf, "(%s)->count", Reference(valref)); sprintf(valbuf, "(%s)->value", Reference(valref)); lenref = lenbuf; valref = valbuf; } else if (inf.Rules & eTypeRules_LinkedListMask) { lenref = "t"; } else { MyAbort(); } break; case eBERSTIData_ZeroString: /* length of a zero-terminated string value */ outputvar("ASN1uint32_t t;\n"); output("t = lstrlenA(%s);\n", valref); lenref = "t"; break; case eBERSTIData_Boolean: if (g_fCaseBasedOptimizer) { if (BerOptCase_IsBoolean(&inf)) { break; } } /* value of a boolean value */ sprintf(valbuf, "(%s) ? 255 : 0", valref); valref = valbuf; inf.Data = eBERSTIData_Unsigned; break; default: /* other values have no additional length */ lenref = NULL; break; } /* generate the encoding of the value */ GenBEREncGenericUnextended(ass, &inf, valref, lenref, encref, tagref); } /* generate encoding statements for a simple value (after some special */ /* handling has been done) */ void GenBEREncGenericUnextended(AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref, char *lenref, char *encref, char *tagref) { uint32_t neoc; char *p; char valbuf[256]; /* encode tags */ neoc = GenBEREncTag(LEN_OFFSET_STR, ass, info, encref, &tagref); /* encode length and value */ switch (info->Data) { case eBERSTIData_Null: /* encode null value */ output("if (!ASN1BEREncNull(%s, %s))\n", encref, tagref); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_Unsigned: case eBERSTIData_Integer: /* encode integer value; check for intx_t representation */ if (info->NOctets) { if (info->Data == eBERSTIData_Unsigned) { output("if (!ASN1BEREncU32(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, valref); } else { output("if (!ASN1BEREncS32(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, valref); } output("return 0;\n"); } else { output("if (!ASN1BEREncSX(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); } break; case eBERSTIData_Real: /* encode real value; check for real_t representation */ if (info->NOctets) output("if (!ASN1BEREncDouble(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, valref); else output("if (!ASN1BEREncReal(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_BitString: case eBERSTIData_RZBBitString: /* encode bit string value */ output("if (!ASN1%cEREncBitString(%s, %s, %s, %s))\n", g_eSubEncodingRule, encref, tagref, lenref, valref); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_OctetString: /* encode octet string value */ output("if (!ASN1%cEREncOctetString(%s, %s, %s, %s))\n", g_eSubEncodingRule, encref, tagref, lenref, valref); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_UTF8String: /* encode octet string value */ output("if (!ASN1%cEREncUTF8String(%s, %s, %s, %s))\n", g_eSubEncodingRule, encref, tagref, lenref, valref); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_SetOf: /* encoding of a set of value */ if (eSubEncoding_Canonical == g_eSubEncodingRule || eSubEncoding_Distinguished == g_eSubEncodingRule) { /* encoding of a set of value for DER/CER */ /* lists will require an additional iterator */ if (info->Rules & (eTypeRules_SinglyLinkedList | eTypeRules_DoublyLinkedList)) { outputvar("P%s f;\n", info->Identifier); } /* encode the tag and infinite-length first */ outputvar("ASN1uint32_t %s;\n", LEN_OFFSET_STR); output("if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(%s, %s, &%s))\n", encref, tagref, LEN_OFFSET_STR); output("return 0;\n"); /* create the SetOf block */ outputvar("void *pBlk;\n"); output("if (!ASN1DEREncBeginBlk(%s, ASN1_DER_SET_OF_BLOCK, &pBlk))\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); /* encode all elements */ /* get the name of the elements */ /* advance the iterator for lists */ if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_PointerArrayMask) { outputvar("ASN1uint32_t i;\n"); output("for (i = 0; i < %s; i++) {\n", lenref); sprintf(valbuf, "(%s)[i]", valref); } else if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_LinkedListMask) { output("for (f = %s; f; f = f->next) {\n", valref); sprintf(valbuf, "f->value"); } else { MyAbort(); } /* create the secondary encoder structure */ outputvar("ASN1encoding_t enc2;\n"); output("if (!ASN1DEREncNewBlkElement(pBlk, &enc2))\n"); output("return 0;\n"); /* encode the element */ GenBERFuncSimpleType(ass, &info->SubType->BERTypeInfo, valbuf, eEncode, "enc2", NULL); /* create the secondary encoder structure */ output("if (!ASN1DEREncFlushBlkElement(pBlk))\n"); output("return 0;\n"); /* end of loop */ output("}\n"); /* create the secondary encoder structure */ output("if (!ASN1DEREncEndBlk(pBlk))\n"); output("return 0;\n"); /* encode the end-of-contents octets */ output("if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(%s, %s))\n", encref, LEN_OFFSET_STR); output("return 0;\n"); break; } /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case eBERSTIData_SequenceOf: /* encoding of a sequence of value */ /* lists will require an additional iterator */ if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_LinkedListMask) { outputvar("P%s f;\n", info->Identifier); } /* encode the tag and infinite-length first */ outputvar("ASN1uint32_t %s;\n", LEN_OFFSET_STR); output("if (!ASN1BEREncExplicitTag(%s, %s, &%s))\n", encref, tagref, LEN_OFFSET_STR); output("return 0;\n"); /* encode all elements */ /* get the name of the elements */ /* advance the iterator for lists */ if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_PointerArrayMask) { outputvar("ASN1uint32_t i;\n"); output("for (i = 0; i < %s; i++) {\n", lenref); sprintf(valbuf, "(%s)[i]", valref); } else if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_LinkedListMask) { output("for (f = %s; f; f = f->next) {\n", valref); sprintf(valbuf, "f->value"); } else { MyAbort(); } /* encode the element */ GenBERFuncSimpleType(ass, &info->SubType->BERTypeInfo, valbuf, eEncode, encref, NULL); /* end of loop */ output("}\n"); /* encode the end-of-contents octets */ output("if (!ASN1BEREncEndOfContents(%s, %s))\n", encref, LEN_OFFSET_STR); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_ObjectIdentifier: /* encode an object identifier value */ if (info->pPrivateDirectives->fOidArray || g_fOidArray) { output("if (!ASN1BEREncObjectIdentifier2(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); } else { output("if (!ASN1BEREncObjectIdentifier(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); } output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_ObjectIdEncoded: /* encode an encoded object identifier value */ output("if (!ASN1BEREncEoid(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_String: case eBERSTIData_ZeroString: /* encode a string value */ if (info->NOctets == 1) { p = "Char"; } else if (info->NOctets == 2) { p = "Char16"; } else if (info->NOctets == 4) { p = "Char32"; } else MyAbort(); output("if (!ASN1%cEREnc%sString(%s, %s, %s, %s))\n", g_eSubEncodingRule, p, encref, tagref, lenref, valref); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_External: /* encode an external value */ output("if (!ASN1BEREncExternal(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_EmbeddedPdv: /* encode an embedded pdv value */ output("if (!ASN1BEREncEmbeddedPdv(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_MultibyteString: /* encode a multibyte string value */ if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_LengthPointer) { output("if (!ASN1%cEREncMultibyteString(%s, %s, %s))\n", g_eSubEncodingRule, encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); } else { output("if (!ASN1%cEREncZeroMultibyteString(%s, %s, %s))\n", g_eSubEncodingRule, encref, tagref, valref); } output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_UnrestrictedString: /* encode an character string value */ output("if (!ASN1BEREncCharacterString(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_GeneralizedTime: /* encode a generalized time value */ output("if (!ASN1%cEREncGeneralizedTime(%s, %s, %s))\n", g_eSubEncodingRule, encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_UTCTime: /* encode a utc time value */ output("if (!ASN1%cEREncUTCTime(%s, %s, %s))\n", g_eSubEncodingRule, encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_Open: /* encode an open type value */ output("if (!ASN1BEREncOpenType(%s, %s))\n", encref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_Reference: /* call other encoding function for reference types */ output("if (!ASN1Enc_%s(%s, %s, %s))\n", Identifier2C(info->SubIdentifier), encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_Boolean: if (g_fCaseBasedOptimizer) { output("if (!ASN1BEREncBool(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, valref); output("return 0;\n"); } break; } /* encode the end of tag octets */ GenBEREncTagEnd(LEN_OFFSET_STR, neoc, encref); } /* generate decoding statements for a simple value */ void GenBERDecSimpleType(AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref, char *encref, char *tagref) { char valbuf[256], lenbuf[256]; char *lenref; BERTypeInfo_t inf; inf = *info; /* examine type for special handling */ switch (inf.Data) { case eBERSTIData_SequenceOf: case eBERSTIData_SetOf: if (inf.Rules & eTypeRules_PointerArrayMask) { /* length and value of sequence of/set of value with */ /* length-pointer representation */ sprintf(lenbuf, "(%s)->count", Reference(valref)); sprintf(valbuf, "(%s)->value", Reference(valref)); lenref = lenbuf; valref = valbuf; } else if (inf.Rules & eTypeRules_LinkedListMask) { /* use a loop for sequence of/set of value with */ /* list representation */ outputvar("P%s *f;\n", inf.Identifier); lenref = NULL; } else { MyAbort(); } break; case eBERSTIData_Boolean: if (g_fCaseBasedOptimizer) { if (BerOptCase_IsBoolean(&inf)) { break; } } /* boolean value */ inf.Data = eBERSTIData_Unsigned; lenref = NULL; break; default: /* other values have no additional length */ lenref = NULL; break; } /* generate the decoding of the value */ GenBERDecGenericUnextended(ass, &inf, valref, lenref, encref, tagref); } /* generate decoding statements for a simple value (after some special */ /* handling has been done) */ void GenBERDecGenericUnextended(AssignmentList_t ass, BERTypeInfo_t *info, char *valref, char *lenref, char *encref, char *tagref) { uint32_t depth; char *p; char *oldencref; char *oldencref2; char valbuf[256]; /* decode tags */ oldencref = encref; depth = GenBERDecTag(DECODER_NAME, STREAM_END_NAME, ass, info, &encref, &tagref); /* decode length and value */ switch (info->Data) { case eBERSTIData_Null: /* decode null value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecNull(%s, %s))\n", encref, tagref); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_Integer: /* decode integer value; check for intx_t representation */ if (!info->NOctets) { output("if (!ASN1BERDecSXVal(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); } else { output("if (!ASN1BERDecS%dVal(%s, %s, %s))\n", info->NOctets * 8, encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); } break; case eBERSTIData_Unsigned: if (!info->NOctets) { output("if (!ASN1BERDecSXVal(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); } else { unsigned long cBits = info->NOctets * 8; if (32 == cBits) { output("if (!ASN1BERDecU32Val(%s, %s, (ASN1uint32_t *) %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); } else { output("if (!ASN1BERDecU%uVal(%s, %s, %s))\n", cBits, encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); } output("return 0;\n"); } break; case eBERSTIData_Real: /* decode real value; check for real_t representation */ if (info->NOctets) output("if (!ASN1BERDecDouble(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); else output("if (!ASN1BERDecReal(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_BitString: case eBERSTIData_RZBBitString: /* decode bit string value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecBitString%s(%s, %s, %s))\n", info->pPrivateDirectives->fNoMemCopy ? "2" : "", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_OctetString: /* decode octet string value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecOctetString%s(%s, %s, %s))\n", info->pPrivateDirectives->fNoMemCopy ? "2" : "", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_UTF8String: /* decode octet string value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecUTF8String(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_SetOf: case eBERSTIData_SequenceOf: /* encoding of a set of/sequence of value */ outputvar("ASN1decoding_t dd;\n"); outputvar("ASN1octet_t *di;\n"); /* decode the tag and length first */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecExplicitTag(%s, %s, &dd, &di))\n", encref, tagref); output("return 0;\n"); oldencref2 = encref; encref = "dd"; outputvar("ASN1uint32_t t;\n"); if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_LengthPointer) { /* get length and value of sequence of/set of value with */ /* length-pointer representation */ outputvar("ASN1uint32_t n;\n"); output("%s = n = 0;\n", lenref); output("%s = NULL;\n", valref); } else if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_FixedArray) { /* get length and value of sequence of/set of value with */ /* fixed-array representation*/ output("%s = 0;\n", lenref); } else if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_SinglyLinkedList) { /* use additional iterator for sequence of/set of value with */ /* singly-linked-list representation */ outputvar("P%s *f;\n", info->Identifier); output("f = %s;\n", Reference(valref)); } else if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_DoublyLinkedList) { /* use additional iterator and iterator pointer for sequence of/ */ /* set of value with doubly-linked-list representation */ outputvar("P%s *f;\n", info->Identifier); outputvar("%s b;\n", info->Identifier); output("f = %s;\n", Reference(valref)); output("b = NULL;\n"); } /* decode while not constructed is not empty */ output("while (ASN1BERDecNotEndOfContents(%s, di)) {\n", encref); /* get next tag */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecPeekTag(%s, &t))\n", encref); output("return 0;\n"); if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_PointerArrayMask) { if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_LengthPointer) { /* resize allocated array if it is too small */ output("if (%s >= n) {\n", lenref); output("n = n ? (n << 1) : 16;\n"); output("if (!(%s = (%s *)ASN1DecRealloc(%s, %s, n * sizeof(%s))))\n", valref, GetTypeName(ass, info->SubType), encref, valref, Dereference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); output("}\n"); } /* get the name of the value */ sprintf(valbuf, "(%s)[%s]", valref, lenref); } else if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_LinkedListMask) { /* allocate one element */ output("if (!(*f = (P%s)ASN1DecAlloc(%s, sizeof(**f))))\n", info->Identifier, encref); output("return 0;\n"); /* get the name of the value */ sprintf(valbuf, "(*f)->value"); } /* decode the element */ GenBERFuncSimpleType(ass, &info->SubType->BERTypeInfo, valbuf, eDecode, encref, NULL); if (info->Rules & (eTypeRules_LengthPointer | eTypeRules_FixedArray)) { /* advance the length of the array contents */ output("(%s)++;\n", lenref); } else if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_SinglyLinkedList) { /* adjust the pointer for the next element */ output("f = &(*f)->next;\n"); } else if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_DoublyLinkedList) { /* adjust the pointer for the next element and */ /* update the back pointer */ output("(*f)->prev = b;\n"); output("b = *f;\n"); output("f = &b->next;\n"); } /* end of loop */ output("}\n"); if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_LengthPointer) { #if 0 // lonchanc: no need to shrink the memory thru realloc // lonchanc: no need to allocate memory for eTypeRules_FixedArray /* resize allocated array to real size */ output("if (n != %s) {\n", lenref); output("if (!(%s = (%s *)ASN1DecRealloc(%s, %s, %s * sizeof(%s))))\n", valref, GetTypeName(ass, info->SubType), encref, valref, lenref, Dereference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); output("}\n"); #endif // 0 } else if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_LinkedListMask) { /* terminate the list */ output("*f = NULL;\n"); } /* decode end-of-contents */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecEndOfContents(%s, dd, di))\n", oldencref2); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_ObjectIdentifier: if (info->pPrivateDirectives->fOidArray || g_fOidArray) { /* decode an object identifier value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecObjectIdentifier2(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); } else { /* decode an object identifier value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecObjectIdentifier(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); } output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_ObjectIdEncoded: /* decode an encoded object identifier value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecEoid(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_String: /* decode a string value */ if (info->NOctets == 1) { p = "Char"; } else if (info->NOctets == 2) { p = "Char16"; } else if (info->NOctets == 4) { p = "Char32"; } else MyAbort(); output("if (!ASN1BERDec%sString(%s, %s, %s))\n", p, encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_ZeroString: /* decode a zero-termianted string value */ if (info->NOctets == 1) { p = "Char"; } else if (info->NOctets == 2) { p = "Char16"; } else if (info->NOctets == 4) { p = "Char32"; } else MyAbort(); output("if (!ASN1BERDecZero%sString(%s, %s, %s))\n", p, encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_External: /* decode an external value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecExternal(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_EmbeddedPdv: /* decode an embedded pdv value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecEmbeddedPdv(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_MultibyteString: /* decode a multibyte string value */ if (info->Rules & eTypeRules_LengthPointer) { output("if (!ASN1BERDecMultibyteString(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); } else { output("if (!ASN1BERDecZeroMultibyteString(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); } output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_UnrestrictedString: /* decode an character string value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecCharacterString(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_GeneralizedTime: /* decode a generalized time value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecGeneralizedTime(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_UTCTime: /* decode a utc time value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecUTCTime(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_Reference: /* call other encoding function for reference types */ output("if (!ASN1Dec_%s(%s, %s, %s))\n", Identifier2C(info->SubIdentifier), encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_Open: /* decode an open type value */ output("if (!ASN1BERDecOpenType%s(%s, %s))\n", info->pPrivateDirectives->fNoMemCopy ? "2" : "", encref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); break; case eBERSTIData_Boolean: if (g_fCaseBasedOptimizer) { output("if (!ASN1BERDecBool(%s, %s, %s))\n", encref, tagref, Reference(valref)); output("return 0;\n"); } break; } /* check length/get eoc for explicit tags */ GenBERDecTagEnd(DECODER_NAME, STREAM_END_NAME, depth, oldencref); }