#include //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // StaticEventCallbacks. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class StaticEventCallbacks : public DebugBaseEventCallbacks { public: // IUnknown. STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)( THIS ); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)( THIS ); }; STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) StaticEventCallbacks::AddRef( THIS ) { // This class is designed to be static so // there's no true refcount. return 1; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) StaticEventCallbacks::Release( THIS ) { // This class is designed to be static so // there's no true refcount. return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ExcepCallbacks. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ExcepCallbacks : public StaticEventCallbacks { public: ExcepCallbacks(void) { m_Client = NULL; m_Control = NULL; } // IDebugEventCallbacks. STDMETHOD(GetInterestMask)( THIS_ OUT PULONG Mask ); STDMETHOD(Exception)( THIS_ IN PEXCEPTION_RECORD64 Exception, IN ULONG FirstChance ); HRESULT Initialize(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client) { HRESULT Status; m_Client = Client; m_Client->AddRef(); if ((Status = m_Client->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugControl), (void**)&m_Control)) == S_OK) { // Turn off default breakin on breakpoint exceptions. Status = m_Control->Execute(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, "sxd bpe", DEBUG_EXECUTE_DEFAULT); } return Status; } void Uninitialize(void) { EXT_RELEASE(m_Control); EXT_RELEASE(m_Client); } private: PDEBUG_CLIENT m_Client; PDEBUG_CONTROL m_Control; }; STDMETHODIMP ExcepCallbacks::GetInterestMask( THIS_ OUT PULONG Mask ) { *Mask = DEBUG_EVENT_EXCEPTION; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP ExcepCallbacks::Exception( THIS_ IN PEXCEPTION_RECORD64 Exception, IN ULONG FirstChance ) { m_Control->Output(DEBUG_OUTPUT_NORMAL, "Exception %X at %p, chance %d\n", Exception->ExceptionCode, Exception->ExceptionAddress, FirstChance ? 1 : 2); return DEBUG_STATUS_GO_HANDLED; } ExcepCallbacks g_ExcepCallbacks; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FnProfCallbacks. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FnProfCallbacks : public StaticEventCallbacks { public: FnProfCallbacks(void) { m_Client = NULL; m_Control = NULL; } // IDebugEventCallbacks. STDMETHOD(GetInterestMask)( THIS_ OUT PULONG Mask ); STDMETHOD(Breakpoint)( THIS_ IN PDEBUG_BREAKPOINT Bp ); HRESULT Initialize(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PDEBUG_CONTROL Control) { m_Hits = 0; m_Client = Client; m_Client->AddRef(); m_Control = Control; m_Control->AddRef(); return S_OK; } void Uninitialize(void) { EXT_RELEASE(m_Control); EXT_RELEASE(m_Client); } ULONG GetHits(void) { return m_Hits; } PDEBUG_CONTROL GetControl(void) { return m_Control; } private: PDEBUG_CLIENT m_Client; PDEBUG_CONTROL m_Control; ULONG m_Hits; }; STDMETHODIMP FnProfCallbacks::GetInterestMask( THIS_ OUT PULONG Mask ) { *Mask = DEBUG_EVENT_BREAKPOINT; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP FnProfCallbacks::Breakpoint( THIS_ IN PDEBUG_BREAKPOINT Bp ) { PDEBUG_CLIENT Client; HRESULT Status = DEBUG_STATUS_NO_CHANGE; // If this is one of our profiling breakpoints // record the function hit and continue on. if (Bp->GetAdder(&Client) == S_OK) { if (Client == m_Client) { m_Hits++; Status = DEBUG_STATUS_GO; } Client->Release(); } Bp->Release(); return Status; } FnProfCallbacks g_FnProfCallbacks; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Extension entry points. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK DebugExtensionInitialize(PULONG Version, PULONG Flags) { *Version = DEBUG_EXTENSION_VERSION(1, 0); *Flags = 0; return S_OK; } extern "C" void CALLBACK DebugExtensionUninitialize(void) { g_ExcepCallbacks.Uninitialize(); g_FnProfCallbacks.Uninitialize(); } #if 0 extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK teb(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; ULONG64 DataOffset; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } if (*Args) { sscanf(Args, "%I64x", &DataOffset); } else { g_ExtSystem->GetCurrentThreadDataOffset(&DataOffset); } ExtOut("TEB at %I64x\n", DataOffset); TEB Teb; Status = g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(DataOffset, &Teb, sizeof(Teb), NULL); if (Status != S_OK) { ExtErr("* Unable to read TEB\n"); } else { ExtOut(" ExceptionList: %x\n", Teb.NtTib.ExceptionList); ExtOut(" Stack Base: %x\n", Teb.NtTib.StackBase); ExtOut(" Stack Limit: %x\n", Teb.NtTib.StackLimit); ExtOut(" SubSystemTib: %x\n", Teb.NtTib.SubSystemTib); ExtOut(" FiberData: %x\n", Teb.NtTib.FiberData); ExtOut(" ArbitraryUser: %x\n", Teb.NtTib.ArbitraryUserPointer); ExtOut(" Self: %x\n", Teb.NtTib.Self); ExtOut(" EnvironmentPtr: %x\n", Teb.EnvironmentPointer); ExtOut(" ClientId: %x.%x\n", Teb.ClientId.UniqueProcess, Teb.ClientId.UniqueThread); if (Teb.ClientId.UniqueProcess != Teb.RealClientId.UniqueProcess || Teb.ClientId.UniqueThread != Teb.RealClientId.UniqueThread) { ExtOut(" Real ClientId: %x.%x\n", Teb.RealClientId.UniqueProcess, Teb.RealClientId.UniqueThread); } ExtOut(" Real ClientId: %x.%x\n", Teb.RealClientId.UniqueProcess, Teb.RealClientId.UniqueThread); ExtOut(" RpcHandle: %x\n", Teb.ActiveRpcHandle); ExtOut(" Tls Storage: %x\n", Teb.ThreadLocalStoragePointer); ExtOut(" PEB Address: %x\n", Teb.ProcessEnvironmentBlock); ExtOut(" LastErrorValue: %u\n", Teb.LastErrorValue); ExtOut(" LastStatusValue: %x\n", Teb.LastStatusValue); ExtOut(" Count Owned Locks:%u\n", Teb.CountOfOwnedCriticalSections); ExtOut(" HardErrorsMode: %u\n", Teb.HardErrorsAreDisabled); Status = S_OK; } ExtRelease(); return Status; } #endif extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK outreg(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } g_ExtRegisters->OutputRegisters(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, DEBUG_REGISTERS_ALL); ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK enumreg(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG Num; g_ExtRegisters->GetNumberRegisters(&Num); ExtOut("%d registers\n", Num); ULONG i; char Name[64]; DEBUG_REGISTER_DESCRIPTION Desc; ULONG Reax, Rebx, Refl, Rsf, Rst0; ULONG RegFound = 0; for (i = 0; i < Num; i++) { g_ExtRegisters->GetDescription(i, Name, sizeof(Name), NULL, &Desc); ExtOut(" %2d: \"%s\", type %d, flags %X\n", i, Name, Desc.Type, Desc.Flags); if (Desc.Flags & DEBUG_REGISTER_SUB_REGISTER) { ExtOut(" sub to %d, len %d, mask %I64X, shift %d\n", Desc.SubregMaster, Desc.SubregLength, Desc.SubregMask, Desc.SubregShift); } // XXX drewb - Hack for testing purposes. if (!_strcmpi(Name, "eax")) { Reax = i; RegFound++; } else if (!_strcmpi(Name, "ebx")) { Rebx = i; RegFound++; } else if (!_strcmpi(Name, "efl")) { Refl = i; RegFound++; } else if (!_strcmpi(Name, "sf")) { Rsf = i; RegFound++; } else if (!_strcmpi(Name, "st0")) { Rst0 = i; RegFound++; } } ULONG ProcType; g_ExtControl->GetExecutingProcessorType(&ProcType); ExtOut("Processor type %d\n", ProcType); if (ProcType == IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) { DEBUG_VALUE Val; DEBUG_VALUE Coerce; if (RegFound != 5) { ExtErr("** Only found %d registers\n", RegFound); } Val.Type = DEBUG_VALUE_INT32; Val.I32 = 0x12345678; g_ExtRegisters->SetValue(Reax, &Val); Val.I32 = 12345678; g_ExtRegisters->SetValue(Rst0, &Val); g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, "r eax,st0", DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED); Val.Type = DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT32; Val.F32 = 1.2345f; g_ExtRegisters->SetValue(Rst0, &Val); g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, "r st0", DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED); g_ExtRegisters->GetValue(Rst0, &Val); ExtOut("st0 type is %d\n", Val.Type); g_ExtControl->CoerceValue(&Val, DEBUG_VALUE_FLOAT32, &Coerce); Coerce.F32 *= 2.0f; ExtOut("coerce type is %d, val*2 %hf\n", Coerce.Type, Coerce.F32); g_ExtRegisters->SetValue(Reax, &Val); g_ExtRegisters->SetValue(Rebx, &Coerce); g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, "r eax,ebx", DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED); g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, "r efl", DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED); g_ExtRegisters->GetValue(Rsf, &Val); ExtOut("sf type is %d, val %d\n", Val.Type, Val.I32); Val.I32 ^= 1; g_ExtRegisters->SetValue(Rsf, &Val); g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, "r efl", DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED); g_ExtRegisters->GetValue(Rsf, &Val); ExtOut("sf type is %d, val %d\n", Val.Type, Val.I32); Val.I32 ^= 1; g_ExtRegisters->SetValue(Rsf, &Val); g_ExtControl->Execute(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, "r efl", DEBUG_EXECUTE_NOT_LOGGED); } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK symnear(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } LONG Delta; Delta = 0; sscanf(Args, "%d", &Delta); ULONG64 Instr; char Name[128]; ULONG64 Disp; g_ExtRegisters->GetInstructionOffset(&Instr); if (g_ExtSymbols->GetNearNameByOffset(Instr, Delta, Name, sizeof(Name), NULL, &Disp) == S_OK) { ExtOut("Symbol %d away from %p is:\n %s + 0x%I64x\n", Delta, Instr, Name, Disp); if (g_ExtSymbols->GetOffsetByName(Name, &Instr) == S_OK) { ExtOut("Symbol %s has offset %p\n", Name, Instr); } else { ExtOut("Symbol %s has no offset\n", Name); } } else { ExtOut("No symbol %d away from %p\n", Delta, Instr); } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK symname(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG64 Offs; if (g_ExtSymbols->GetOffsetByName(Args, &Offs) == S_OK) { ExtOut("Symbol %s has offset %I64x\n", Args, Offs); } else { ExtOut("Symbol %s has no offset\n", Args); } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK line(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG64 Instr; ULONG Line; char File[128]; ULONG64 Disp; g_ExtRegisters->GetInstructionOffset(&Instr); if (g_ExtSymbols->GetLineByOffset(Instr, &Line, File, sizeof(File), NULL, &Disp) == S_OK) { ExtOut("Line at %p is:\n %s(%d) + 0x%I64x\n", Instr, File, Line, Disp); if (g_ExtSymbols->GetOffsetByLine(Line, File, &Instr) == S_OK) { ExtOut("Line %s(%d) has offset %p\n", File, Line, Instr); } else { ExtOut("Line %s(%d) has no offset\n", File, Line); } } else { ExtOut("No line information for %p\n", Instr); } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK sympat(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG64 Match; char Name[128]; ULONG64 Offset; PCSTR Pattern; while (*Args == ' ' || *Args == '\t') { Args++; } if (*Args) { Pattern = Args; } else { Pattern = "*"; } Status = g_ExtSymbols->StartSymbolMatch(Pattern, &Match); if (Status != S_OK) { ExtErr("Unable to match on '%s'\n", Pattern); } else { for (;;) { Status = g_ExtSymbols-> GetNextSymbolMatch(Match, Name, sizeof(Name), NULL, &Offset); if (Status != S_OK) { break; } ExtOut("%p - %s\n", Offset, Name); if (g_ExtControl->GetInterrupt() == S_OK) { ExtOut("** interrupt\n"); break; } } g_ExtSymbols->EndSymbolMatch(Match); } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK stack(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG Flags; while (*Args == ' ' || *Args == '\t') { Args++; } if (*Args) { sscanf(Args, "%d", &Flags); } else { Flags = 0; } DEBUG_STACK_FRAME Frames[4]; ULONG64 FrameOff, StackOff, InstrOff; ULONG Filled; g_ExtRegisters->GetFrameOffset(&FrameOff); g_ExtRegisters->GetStackOffset(&StackOff); g_ExtRegisters->GetInstructionOffset(&InstrOff); if (g_ExtControl->GetStackTrace(FrameOff, StackOff, InstrOff, Frames, sizeof(Frames) / sizeof(Frames[0]), &Filled) != S_OK) { ExtErr("Unable to get stack trace\n"); } else { ExtOut("Filled %d frames at %p\n", Filled, InstrOff); g_ExtControl->OutputStackTrace(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, Frames, Filled, Flags); } ExtOut("\nDirect:\n"); g_ExtControl->OutputStackTrace(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, NULL, 20, Flags); ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK tyid(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG TypeId; char Type[256]; ULONG TypeSize; ULONG64 Module; while (*Args == ' ' || *Args == '\t') { Args++; } if (*Args >= '0' && *Args <= '9') { DEBUG_VALUE IntVal; g_ExtControl->Evaluate(Args, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, &IntVal, NULL); Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetOffsetTypeId(IntVal.I64, &TypeId, &Module); } else { Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetSymbolTypeId(Args, &TypeId, &Module); } if (Status == S_OK) { ExtOut("Type ID of '%s' is %d\n", Args, TypeId); } else { ExtErr("Unable to get type ID, %X\n", Status); } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK typeof(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG TypeId; char Type[256]; ULONG TypeSize; ULONG64 Module; while (*Args == ' ' || *Args == '\t') { Args++; } if (*Args >= '0' && *Args <= '9') { DEBUG_VALUE IntVal; g_ExtControl->Evaluate(Args, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, &IntVal, NULL); Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetOffsetTypeId(IntVal.I64, &TypeId, &Module); } else { Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetSymbolTypeId(Args, &TypeId, &Module); } if (Status == S_OK) { Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetTypeName(Module, TypeId, Type, sizeof(Type), &TypeSize); } if (Status == S_OK) { ExtOut("Type of '%s' is '%s':%d (%d chars)\n", Args, Type, TypeId, TypeSize); } else { ExtErr("Unable to get type, %X\n", Status); } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK tsizeof(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } PCSTR TypeName; ULONG TypeId; ULONG TypeSize; while (*Args == ' ' || *Args == '\t') { Args++; } TypeName = strchr(Args, '!'); if (TypeName == NULL) { ExtErr("Must specify Module!Type\n"); Status = E_INVALIDARG; } else { ULONG64 Module; Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetSymbolModule(Args, &Module); if (Status == S_OK) { Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetTypeId(Module, TypeName, &TypeId); } if (Status == S_OK) { Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetTypeSize(Module, TypeId, &TypeSize); } if (Status == S_OK) { ExtOut("Type '%s':%d is %d bytes\n", Args, TypeId, TypeSize); } else { ExtErr("Unable to get type size, %X\n", Status); } } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK foff(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG TypeId; char Type[256]; PCSTR Bang, Dot; ULONG Offset; while (*Args == ' ' || *Args == '\t') { Args++; } Bang = strchr(Args, '!'); if (Bang != NULL) { Dot = strchr(Bang + 1, '.'); } if (Bang == NULL || Dot == NULL) { ExtErr("Syntax is Module!Type.Field\n"); Status = E_INVALIDARG; } else { ULONG64 Module; memcpy(Type, Bang + 1, Dot - (Bang + 1)); Type[Dot - (Bang + 1)] = 0; Dot++; Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetSymbolModule(Args, &Module); if (Status == S_OK) { Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetTypeId(Module, Type, &TypeId); } if (Status == S_OK) { Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetFieldOffset(Module, TypeId, Dot, &Offset); } if (Status == S_OK) { ExtOut("Offset of %s is %d bytes\n", Args, Offset); } else { ExtErr("Unable to get field offset, %X\n", Status); } } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK otype(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG TypeId; char Type[256]; PCSTR Bang, Space; while (*Args == ' ' || *Args == '\t') { Args++; } Bang = strchr(Args, '!'); if (Bang != NULL) { Space = strchr(Bang + 1, ' '); } if (Bang == NULL || Space == NULL) { ExtErr("Syntax is Module!Type Address\n"); Status = E_INVALIDARG; } else { memcpy(Type, Bang + 1, Space - (Bang + 1)); Type[Space - (Bang + 1)] = 0; Space++; ULONG64 Module; ULONG Flags = DEBUG_OUTTYPE_RECURSION_LEVEL(15); DEBUG_VALUE IntVal; g_ExtControl->Evaluate(Space, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, &IntVal, NULL); Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetSymbolModule(Args, &Module); if (Status == S_OK) { Status = g_ExtSymbols->GetTypeId(Module, Type, &TypeId); } if (Status == S_OK) { Status = g_ExtSymbols-> OutputTypedDataVirtual(DEBUG_OUTCTL_ALL_CLIENTS, IntVal.I64, Module, TypeId, Flags); if (Status != S_OK) { ExtErr("Unable to output data, %X\n", Status); } } else { ExtErr("Unable to get type ID, %X\n", Status); } } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK vsearch(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG Start = 0, Len = 0; ULONG Chars; sscanf(Args, "%x %x%n", &Start, &Len, &Chars); if (Start == 0 || Len == 0) { ExtErr("Syntax is Start Len Byte+\n"); Status = E_INVALIDARG; } else { UCHAR Pattern[32]; ULONG PatLen; Args += Chars; PatLen = 0; for (;;) { while (*Args == ' ' || *Args == '\t') { Args++; } if (*Args == 0) { break; } sscanf(Args, "%x", &Pattern[PatLen]); PatLen++; while (*Args != 0 && *Args != ' ' && *Args != '\t') { Args++; } } ULONG64 Match; Status = g_ExtData->SearchVirtual(Start, Len, Pattern, PatLen, 1, &Match); if (Status == S_OK) { ExtOut("Match at %p\n", Match); } else { ExtErr("Search failed, 0x%X\n", Status); } } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK vread(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } ULONG Start = 0, Len = 0; sscanf(Args, "%x %x", &Start, &Len); if (Start == 0 || Len == 0) { ExtErr("Syntax is Start Len\n"); Status = E_INVALIDARG; } else { UCHAR Buffer[16384]; ULONG Read; if (Len > sizeof(Buffer)) { ExtWarn("Buffer is only %X bytes, clamping\n", sizeof(Buffer)); Len = sizeof(Buffer); } Status = g_ExtData->ReadVirtual(Start, Buffer, Len, &Read); if (Status == S_OK) { ExtOut("Read %X bytes\n", Read); } else { ExtErr("Read failed, 0x%X\n", Status); } } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK watch(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; PDEBUG_CLIENT Watcher = NULL; if ((Status = Client->CreateClient(&Watcher)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } if ((Status = Watcher->SetEventCallbacks(&g_ExcepCallbacks)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } g_ExcepCallbacks.Uninitialize(); Status = g_ExcepCallbacks.Initialize(Watcher); Exit: EXT_RELEASE(Watcher); if (Status != S_OK) { ExtErr("Unable to watch, 0x%X\n", Status); g_ExcepCallbacks.Uninitialize(); } return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK fnprof(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; PDEBUG_CLIENT Profiler = NULL; PDEBUG_CONTROL ProfCtrl = NULL; PDEBUG_BREAKPOINT Bp = NULL; static ULONG s_BpId = DEBUG_ANY_ID; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } while (*Args == ' ' || *Args == '\t') { Args++; } if (!*Args) { goto Exit; } if (!_strcmpi(Args, "-end")) { ULONG64 Offset; char OffsetExpr[512]; if (s_BpId == DEBUG_ANY_ID) { Status = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Exit; } if ((Status = g_FnProfCallbacks.GetControl()-> GetBreakpointById(s_BpId, &Bp)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } if ((Status = Bp->GetOffset(&Offset)) != S_OK) { Offset = DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET; } if ((Status = Bp->GetOffsetExpression(OffsetExpr, sizeof(OffsetExpr), NULL)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } ExtOut("%s ", OffsetExpr); if (Offset != DEBUG_INVALID_OFFSET) { ExtOut("(%p) ", Offset); } ExtOut("was hit %d times\n", g_FnProfCallbacks.GetHits()); g_FnProfCallbacks.GetControl()->RemoveBreakpoint(Bp); Bp = NULL; s_BpId = DEBUG_ANY_ID; g_FnProfCallbacks.Uninitialize(); } else { if (s_BpId != DEBUG_ANY_ID) { Status = E_UNEXPECTED; goto Exit; } if ((Status = Client->CreateClient(&Profiler)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } if ((Status = Profiler->SetEventCallbacks(&g_FnProfCallbacks)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } if ((Status = Profiler->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IDebugControl), (void **)&ProfCtrl)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } if ((Status = ProfCtrl->AddBreakpoint(DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_CODE, DEBUG_ANY_ID, &Bp)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } if ((Status = Bp->SetOffsetExpression(Args)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } if ((Status = Bp->AddFlags(DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ADDER_ONLY | DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_ENABLED)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } if ((Status = Bp->GetId(&s_BpId)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } g_FnProfCallbacks.Uninitialize(); if ((Status = g_FnProfCallbacks.Initialize(Profiler, ProfCtrl)) != S_OK) { goto Exit; } ExtOut("Added breakpoint %d on %s\n", s_BpId, Args); Bp = NULL; } Exit: if (Bp != NULL) { if (ProfCtrl != NULL) { ProfCtrl->RemoveBreakpoint(Bp); } else { Bp->Release(); } } EXT_RELEASE(ProfCtrl); EXT_RELEASE(Profiler); if (Status != S_OK) { ExtErr("Unable to profile, 0x%X\n", Status); g_FnProfCallbacks.Uninitialize(); } ExtRelease(); return Status; } extern "C" HRESULT CALLBACK vtrans(PDEBUG_CLIENT Client, PCSTR Args) { HRESULT Status; if ((Status = ExtQuery(Client)) != S_OK) { return Status; } if (g_ExtData2 != NULL) { ULONG64 PhysOffs[8]; ULONG Levels; DEBUG_VALUE Virt; if ((Status = g_ExtControl-> Evaluate(Args, DEBUG_VALUE_INT64, &Virt, NULL)) == S_OK) { Status = g_ExtData2-> GetVirtualTranslationPhysicalOffsets(Virt.I64, PhysOffs, sizeof(PhysOffs) / sizeof(PhysOffs[0]), &Levels); if (SUCCEEDED(Status)) { ULONG i; ExtOut("%I64X translates in %d levels:\n", Virt.I64, Levels); for (i = 0; i < Levels; i++) { ExtOut(" %I64X\n", PhysOffs[i]); } } else { ExtErr("Unable to translate %I64X, 0x%X\n", Virt.I64, Status); } } else { ExtErr("Unable to evaluate '%s', 0x%X\n", Args, Status); } } else { ExtErr("Debugger does not support IDebugDataSpaces2\n"); } ExtRelease(); return Status; }