!include ..\makefile.inc # Old decem had encrypted mnemonics which it # modified at startup so string pooling and read-only # strings had to be turned off. This is no longer # necessary. !if 0 NO_READONLY_STRINGS = 1 NO_STRING_POOLING = 1 !endif 386_STDCALL = 0 DISASM_INC = disem.h DECODER_INC = decem.h XVER_MAJOR = 9 XVER_MINOR = 60 ### 2 digits, 09 maybe a problem ?! API_MAJOR = 9 API_MINOR = 6 VFLAG = -DDISASM_NAME=\"$(DISASM_INC)\" \ -DDECODER_NAME=\"$(DECODER_INC)\" \ -DVER=$(VER) -DVER_STR=$(VER) -DAPI_MINOR=$(API_MINOR) \ -DAPI_MAJOR=$(API_MAJOR) -DXVER_MAJOR=$(XVER_MAJOR) \ -DXVER_MINOR=$(XVER_MINOR) INCLUDES = $(IA64_DIS_INC);..\iel USE_MSVCRT = 1 TARGETLIBS = \ ..\iel\$O\iel.lib\ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\kernel32.lib UMTYPE = console