/*++ Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: imagedir.c Abstract: For backwards compatability on Win9x platforms, the imagehlp ImageNtHeader etc. functions have been physically compiled into minidump.dll. Author: Matthew D Hendel (math) 28-April-1999 Revision History: --*/ #include "pch.h" PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS xxxImageNtHeader ( IN PVOID Base ) /*++ Routine Description: This function returns the address of the NT Header. Arguments: Base - Supplies the base of the image. Return Value: Returns the address of the NT Header. --*/ { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders = NULL; if (Base != NULL && Base != (PVOID)-1) { if (((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)Base)->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { NtHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((PCHAR)Base + ((PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)Base)->e_lfanew); if (NtHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { NtHeaders = NULL; } } } return NtHeaders; } PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER xxxSectionTableFromVirtualAddress ( IN PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders, IN PVOID Base, IN ULONG Address ) /*++ Routine Description: This function locates a VirtualAddress within the image header of a file that is mapped as a file and returns a pointer to the section table entry for that virtual address Arguments: NtHeaders - Supplies the pointer to the image or data file. Base - Supplies the base of the image or data file. Address - Supplies the virtual address to locate. Return Value: NULL - The file does not contain data for the specified directory entry. NON-NULL - Returns the pointer of the section entry containing the data. --*/ { ULONG i; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER NtSection; NtSection = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION( NtHeaders ); for (i=0; iFileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) { if ((ULONG)Address >= NtSection->VirtualAddress && (ULONG)Address < NtSection->VirtualAddress + NtSection->SizeOfRawData ) { return NtSection; } ++NtSection; } return NULL; } PVOID xxxAddressInSectionTable ( IN PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders, IN PVOID Base, IN ULONG Address ) /*++ Routine Description: This function locates a VirtualAddress within the image header of a file that is mapped as a file and returns the seek address of the data the Directory describes. Arguments: NtHeaders - Supplies the pointer to the image or data file. Base - Supplies the base of the image or data file. Address - Supplies the virtual address to locate. Return Value: NULL - The file does not contain data for the specified directory entry. NON-NULL - Returns the address of the raw data the directory describes. --*/ { PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER NtSection; NtSection = xxxSectionTableFromVirtualAddress( NtHeaders, Base, Address ); if (NtSection != NULL) { return( ((PCHAR)Base + ((ULONG_PTR)Address - NtSection->VirtualAddress) + NtSection->PointerToRawData) ); } else { return( NULL ); } } PVOID xxxpImageDirectoryEntryToData32 ( IN PVOID Base, IN BOOLEAN MappedAsImage, IN USHORT DirectoryEntry, OUT PULONG Size, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32 NtHeaders ) { ULONG DirectoryAddress; if (DirectoryEntry >= NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes) { return( NULL ); } if (!(DirectoryAddress = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[ DirectoryEntry ].VirtualAddress)) { return( NULL ); } *Size = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[ DirectoryEntry ].Size; if (MappedAsImage || DirectoryAddress < NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders) { return( (PVOID)((PCHAR)Base + DirectoryAddress) ); } return( xxxAddressInSectionTable((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)NtHeaders, Base, DirectoryAddress )); } PVOID xxxpImageDirectoryEntryToData64 ( IN PVOID Base, IN BOOLEAN MappedAsImage, IN USHORT DirectoryEntry, OUT PULONG Size, PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 NtHeaders ) { ULONG DirectoryAddress; if (DirectoryEntry >= NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes) { return( NULL ); } if (!(DirectoryAddress = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[ DirectoryEntry ].VirtualAddress)) { return( NULL ); } *Size = NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[ DirectoryEntry ].Size; if (MappedAsImage || DirectoryAddress < NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders) { return( (PVOID)((PCHAR)Base + DirectoryAddress) ); } return( xxxAddressInSectionTable((PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)NtHeaders, Base, DirectoryAddress )); } PVOID xxxImageDirectoryEntryToData ( IN PVOID Base, IN BOOLEAN MappedAsImage, IN USHORT DirectoryEntry, OUT PULONG Size ) /*++ Routine Description: This function locates a Directory Entry within the image header and returns either the virtual address or seek address of the data the Directory describes. Arguments: Base - Supplies the base of the image or data file. MappedAsImage - FALSE if the file is mapped as a data file. - TRUE if the file is mapped as an image. DirectoryEntry - Supplies the directory entry to locate. Size - Return the size of the directory. Return Value: NULL - The file does not contain data for the specified directory entry. NON-NULL - Returns the address of the raw data the directory describes. --*/ { PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders; if ((ULONG_PTR)Base & 0x00000001) { Base = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)Base & ~0x00000001); MappedAsImage = FALSE; } NtHeaders = xxxImageNtHeader(Base); if (!NtHeaders) return NULL; if (NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.Magic == IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC) { return (xxxpImageDirectoryEntryToData32(Base, MappedAsImage, DirectoryEntry, Size, (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS32)NtHeaders)); } else if (NtHeaders->OptionalHeader.Magic == IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR64_MAGIC) { return (xxxpImageDirectoryEntryToData64(Base, MappedAsImage, DirectoryEntry, Size, (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS64)NtHeaders)); } else { return (NULL); } } #if 0 #if !defined(NTOS_KERNEL_RUNTIME) && !defined(BLDR_KERNEL_RUNTIME) PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER RtlImageRvaToSection( IN PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders, IN PVOID Base, IN ULONG Rva ) /*++ Routine Description: This function locates an RVA within the image header of a file that is mapped as a file and returns a pointer to the section table entry for that virtual address Arguments: NtHeaders - Supplies the pointer to the image or data file. Base - Supplies the base of the image or data file. The image was mapped as a data file. Rva - Supplies the relative virtual address (RVA) to locate. Return Value: NULL - The RVA was not found within any of the sections of the image. NON-NULL - Returns the pointer to the image section that contains the RVA --*/ { ULONG i; PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER NtSection; NtSection = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION( NtHeaders ); for (i=0; iFileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) { if (Rva >= NtSection->VirtualAddress && Rva < NtSection->VirtualAddress + NtSection->SizeOfRawData ) { return NtSection; } ++NtSection; } return NULL; } PVOID RtlImageRvaToVa( IN PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS NtHeaders, IN PVOID Base, IN ULONG Rva, IN OUT PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *LastRvaSection OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: This function locates an RVA within the image header of a file that is mapped as a file and returns the virtual addrees of the corresponding byte in the file. Arguments: NtHeaders - Supplies the pointer to the image or data file. Base - Supplies the base of the image or data file. The image was mapped as a data file. Rva - Supplies the relative virtual address (RVA) to locate. LastRvaSection - Optional parameter that if specified, points to a variable that contains the last section value used for the specified image to translate and RVA to a VA. Return Value: NULL - The file does not contain the specified RVA NON-NULL - Returns the virtual addrees in the mapped file. --*/ { PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER NtSection; if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( LastRvaSection ) || (NtSection = *LastRvaSection) == NULL || Rva < NtSection->VirtualAddress || Rva >= NtSection->VirtualAddress + NtSection->SizeOfRawData ) { NtSection = RtlImageRvaToSection( NtHeaders, Base, Rva ); } if (NtSection != NULL) { if (LastRvaSection != NULL) { *LastRvaSection = NtSection; } return (PVOID)((PCHAR)Base + (Rva - NtSection->VirtualAddress) + NtSection->PointerToRawData ); } else { return NULL; } } #endif #endif