#include #include #include "qfecheck.h" #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Microsoft\256 QFE Checker Tool" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "qfecheck.exe" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "qfecheck.exe" #include STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE { STR_NO_SYSDIR , "Not able to retrieve system directory.\r\n" STR_INVALID_OS_VER , "This tool only runs on Windows 2000 and above.\r\n" STR_USAGE , "QFECHECK [/l[:location] /v /q /?]\r\n\t/l\t\tLog output to machinename.log in current directory\r\n\tlocation\tUse specified location to store the log file\r\n\t/v\t\tVerbose output\r\n\t/q\t\tQuiet mode\r\n\t/?\t\tThis help\r\n" STR_LOGFILE_INIT_FAILED , "Failed to initialize log file\r\n" STR_REINSTALL_HOTFIX , "This hotfix should be reinstalled." STR_FILES_MISSING , "\r\n\r\n\tThe following files are incorrect for this hotfix:\r\n" STR_HOTFIX_CURRENT , "Current on system." STR_GETCOMPUTERNAME_FAILED , "GetComputerName failed\r\n" STR_VALIDATION_REPORT_W2K , "\r\nWindows 2000 Hotfix Validation Report for \\\\" STR_VALIDATION_REPORT_XP , "\r\nWindows XP Hotfix Validation Report for \\\\" STR_REPORT_DATE , "\r\nReport Date: " STR_SP_LEVEL , "\r\n\r\nCurrent Service Pack Level: " STR_NO_SP_INSTALLED , "No Service Pack is installed." STR_HOTFIXES_ID , "\r\n\r\nHotfixes Identified:" STR_NO_HOTFIXES_FOUND , "\r\nNo Hotfixes found on system.\r\n" STR_NO_MATCHING_SIG , "\r\n\r\n\tThe following files are not valid in the system catalog:\r\n" }