//#include //#include #include #include "setedit.h" #include "fileutil.h" #include "utils.h" #include // for strncpy #ifdef UNICODE #define _tcsrchr wcsrchr #else #define _tcsrchr strrchr #endif #define DRIVE_DELIMITER TEXT(':') #define DIRECTORY_DELIMITER TEXT('\\') #define EXTENSION_DELIMITER TEXT('.') #if 0 VOID FileErrorMessageBox(HWND hWnd, LPTSTR lpszFileName, DWORD ErrorCode) { TCHAR szErrorMessage[FILE_ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE] ; TCHAR szErrorMessageTemplate[FILE_ERROR_MESSAGE_SIZE] ; StringLoad (IDS_FILE_ERROR, szErrorMessageTemplate) ; TSPRINTF((LPTSTR)szErrorMessage, (LPTSTR)szErrorMessageTemplate, lpszFileName, ErrorCode) ; MessageBox (hWnd, (LPTSTR)szErrorMessage, NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP | MB_TASKMODAL); return ; } #endif BOOL FileRead (HANDLE hFile, LPMEMORY lpMemory, DWORD nAmtToRead) { // FileRead BOOL bSuccess ; DWORD nAmtRead ; bSuccess = ReadFile (hFile, lpMemory, nAmtToRead, &nAmtRead, NULL) ; return (bSuccess && (nAmtRead == nAmtToRead)) ; } // FileRead BOOL FileWrite (HANDLE hFile, LPMEMORY lpMemory, DWORD nAmtToWrite) { // FileWrite BOOL bSuccess ; DWORD nAmtWritten ; bSuccess = WriteFile (hFile, lpMemory, nAmtToWrite, &nAmtWritten, NULL) ; return (bSuccess && (nAmtWritten == nAmtToWrite)) ; } // FileWrite #if 0 HANDLE FileHandleOpen (LPTSTR lpszFilePath) { // FileHandleOpen return ((HANDLE) CreateFile (lpszFilePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL)) ; } // FileHandleOpen HANDLE FileHandleCreate (LPTSTR lpszFilePath) { // FileHandleCreate return ((HANDLE) CreateFile (lpszFilePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) ; } // FileHandleCreate long FileSeekEnd (HANDLE hFile, long lAmtToMove) { // FileSeekEnd return (SetFilePointer (hFile, lAmtToMove, NULL, FILE_END)) ; } // FileSeekEnd long FileSeekBegin (HANDLE hFile, long lAmtToMove) { // FileSeekBegin return (SetFilePointer (hFile, lAmtToMove, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)) ; } // FileSeekBegin long FileSeekCurrent (HANDLE hFile, long lAmtToMove) { // FileSeekCurrent return (SetFilePointer (hFile, lAmtToMove, NULL, FILE_CURRENT)) ; } // FileSeekCurrent long FileTell (HANDLE hFile) { // FileTell return (SetFilePointer (hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT)) ; } // FileTell #endif LPMEMORY FileMap (HANDLE hFile, HANDLE *phMapHandle) /* To Do: Error reporting!! */ { // FileMap HANDLE hMapping ; *phMapHandle = 0 ; hMapping = CreateFileMapping (hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL) ; if (!hMapping) return (NULL) ; *phMapHandle = hMapping ; return (MapViewOfFile (hMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0)) ; } // FileMap BOOL FileUnMap (LPVOID pBase, HANDLE hMapping) /* To Do: Error reporting!! */ { // FileUnMap UnmapViewOfFile(pBase) ; CloseHandle (hMapping) ; return (TRUE) ; } // FileUnMap void FileNameExtension (LPTSTR lpszSpec, LPTSTR lpszFileNameExtension) /* Effect: Return the name and extension portion only of lpszSpec int lpszFileNameExtension. Assert: lpszFileNameExtension is large enough to hold a name, delimiter, extension, and terminating null character. */ { // FileNameExtension LPTSTR lpszDelimiter ; lpszDelimiter = _tcsrchr ((LPCTSTR)lpszSpec, (TCHAR)DIRECTORY_DELIMITER) ; if (!lpszDelimiter) lpszDelimiter = _tcsrchr ((LPCTSTR)lpszSpec, (TCHAR)DRIVE_DELIMITER) ; lstrcpy (lpszFileNameExtension, lpszDelimiter ? ++lpszDelimiter : lpszSpec) ; } // FileNameExtension void FileDriveDirectory (LPTSTR lpszFileSpec, LPTSTR lpszDirectory) /* Effect: Extract the drive and directory from the file specification lpszFileSpec, and return the it in lpszDirectory. Internals: Copy the the whole spec to lpszDirectory. Use lstrrchr to find the *last* directory delimiter ('\') and truncate the string right after that. Note: This function assumes that the specification lpszFileSpec is fairly complete, in that it contains both a directory and a file name. */ { // FileDriveDirectory LPTSTR lpszDelimiter ; lstrcpy (lpszDirectory, lpszFileSpec) ; lpszDelimiter = _tcsrchr ((LPCTSTR)lpszDirectory, (TCHAR)DIRECTORY_DELIMITER) ; if (lpszDelimiter) *(++lpszDelimiter) = TEXT('\0') ; } // FileDriveDirectory