#include <windows.h> #include <lzexpand.h> #include <fcntl.h> /************************************************************************\ * * NOTE!!!! * * While the 'Diamond' interfaced functions defined in this file are * multi thread safe, EACH THREAD MUST ONLY HAVE ONE DIAMOND FILE * OPEN AT A TIME! (ie. You can not nest InitDiamond()/TermDiamond() * pairs in one thread of execution.) * \************************************************************************/ // // diamond headers // #include <diamondd.h> #include "mydiam.h" HINSTANCE hCabinet; DWORD cCabinetLoad; typedef HFDI (DIAMONDAPI * tFDICreate) (PFNALLOC pfnalloc, PFNFREE pfnfree, PFNOPEN pfnopen, PFNREAD pfnread, PFNWRITE pfnwrite, PFNCLOSE pfnclose, PFNSEEK pfnseek, int cpuType, PERF perf); typedef BOOL (DIAMONDAPI * tFDIIsCabinet)(HFDI hfdi, INT_PTR hf, PFDICABINETINFO pfdici); typedef BOOL (DIAMONDAPI * tFDICopy)(HFDI hfdi, char FAR *pszCabinet, char FAR *pszCabPath, int flags, PFNFDINOTIFY pfnfdin, PFNFDIDECRYPT pfnfdid, void FAR *pvUser); typedef BOOL (DIAMONDAPI * tFDIDestroy)(HFDI hfdi); tFDICreate pFDICreate; tFDIIsCabinet pFDIIsCabinet; tFDICopy pFDICopy; tFDIDestroy pFDIDestroy; // this function is the same as CharNextA, available locally extern LPSTR WINAPI VerCharNextA(LPCSTR lpCurrentChar); INT CopyDateTimeStamp(INT_PTR doshFrom, INT_PTR doshTo) { FILETIME lpCreationTime, lpLastAccessTime, lpLastWriteTime; if (!GetFileTime((HANDLE) doshFrom, &lpCreationTime, &lpLastAccessTime, &lpLastWriteTime)) { return ((INT)LZERROR_BADINHANDLE); } if (!SetFileTime((HANDLE) doshTo, &lpCreationTime, &lpLastAccessTime, &lpLastWriteTime)) { return ((INT)LZERROR_BADINHANDLE); } return (TRUE); } INT_PTR DIAMONDAPI SpdFdiOpen( IN PSTR FileName, IN int oflag, IN int pmode ); int DIAMONDAPI SpdFdiClose( IN INT_PTR Handle ); typedef struct _DIAMOND_INFO { // // A read handle to the source file. // INT_PTR SourceFileHandle; // // File names. // PSTR SourceFileName; PSTR TargetFileName; // // Flag indicating whether to rename the target file. // BOOL RenameTargetFile; // // Pointer to LZ information structure. // We'll fill in some of the fields to fool expand. // PLZINFO pLZI; } DIAMOND_INFO, *PDIAMOND_INFO; PSTR StringRevChar( IN PSTR String, IN CHAR Char ) { // // Although not the most efficient possible algoeithm in each case, // this algorithm is correct for unicode, sbcs, or dbcs. // PCHAR Occurrence,Next; // // Check each character in the string and remember // the most recently encountered occurrence of the desired char. // for (Occurrence=NULL,Next=VerCharNextA(String); *String; ) { if (!memcmp(String,&Char,(int)((PUCHAR)Next-(PUCHAR)String))) { Occurrence = String; } String = Next; Next = VerCharNextA(Next); } // // Return address of final occurrence of the character // (will be NULL if not found at all). // return (Occurrence); } INT_PTR DIAMONDAPI DiamondNotifyFunction( IN FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE Operation, IN PFDINOTIFICATION Parameters ) { switch (Operation) { case fdintCABINET_INFO: case fdintNEXT_CABINET: case fdintPARTIAL_FILE: case fdintENUMERATE: // // Cabinet management functions which we don't use. // Return success. // return (0); case fdintCOPY_FILE: // // Diamond is asking us whether we want to copy the file. // { PDIAMOND_INFO Info = (PDIAMOND_INFO)Parameters->pv; HFILE h; // // If we need to rename the target file, do that here. // The name stored in the cabinet file will be used as // the uncompressed name. // if (Info->RenameTargetFile) { PSTR p,q; // // Find the start of the filename part of the target. // if (p = StringRevChar(Info->TargetFileName,'\\')) { p++; } else { p = Info->TargetFileName; } // // Find the start of the filename part of the name in the cabinet. // if (q = StringRevChar(Parameters->psz1,'\\')) { q++; } else { q = Parameters->psz1; } // // Copy the filename part of the name in the cabinet over // the filename part of the name in the target spec. // lstrcpyA(p,q); } { // Check they're not the same file CHAR Source[MAX_PATH]; CHAR Target[MAX_PATH]; PSTR FileName; DWORD PathLenSource; DWORD PathLenTarget; PathLenSource = GetFullPathNameA(Info->SourceFileName, MAX_PATH, Source, &FileName); PathLenTarget = GetFullPathNameA(Info->TargetFileName, MAX_PATH, Target, &FileName); if (PathLenSource == 0 || PathLenSource >= MAX_PATH || PathLenTarget == 0 || PathLenTarget >= MAX_PATH || lstrcmpiA(Source, Target) == 0) { return 0; } } // // Remember the uncompressed size and open the file. // Returns -1 if an error occurs opening the file. // Info->pLZI->cblOutSize = Parameters->cb; h = _lcreat(Info->TargetFileName,0); if (h == HFILE_ERROR) { DiamondLastIoError = LZERROR_BADOUTHANDLE; return (-1); } return (h); } case fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO: // // Diamond is done with the target file and wants us to close it. // (ie, this is the counterpart to fdint_COPY_FILE). // { PDIAMOND_INFO Info = (PDIAMOND_INFO)Parameters->pv; CopyDateTimeStamp(Info->SourceFileHandle,Parameters->hf); _lclose((HFILE)Parameters->hf); } return (TRUE); default: // // invalid operation // return(-1); } } PVOID DIAMONDAPI SpdFdiAlloc( IN ULONG NumberOfBytes ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback used by FDICopy to allocate memory. Arguments: NumberOfBytes - supplies desired size of block. Return Value: Returns pointer to a block of memory or NULL if memory cannot be allocated. --*/ { return ((PVOID)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED,NumberOfBytes)); } VOID DIAMONDAPI SpdFdiFree( IN PVOID Block ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback used by FDICopy to free a memory block. The block must have been allocated with SpdFdiAlloc(). Arguments: Block - supplies pointer to block of memory to be freed. Return Value: None. --*/ { LocalFree((HLOCAL)Block); } INT_PTR DIAMONDAPI SpdFdiOpen( IN PSTR FileName, IN int oflag, IN int pmode ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback used by FDICopy to open files. Arguments: FileName - supplies name of file to be opened. oflag - supplies flags for open. pmode - supplies additional flags for open. Return Value: Handle to open file or -1 if error occurs. --*/ { HFILE h; int OpenMode; if (oflag & _O_WRONLY) { OpenMode = OF_WRITE; } else { if (oflag & _O_RDWR) { OpenMode = OF_READWRITE; } else { OpenMode = OF_READ; } } h = _lopen(FileName,OpenMode | OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE); if (h == HFILE_ERROR) { DiamondLastIoError = LZERROR_BADINHANDLE; return (-1); } return ((INT_PTR)h); } UINT DIAMONDAPI SpdFdiRead( IN INT_PTR Handle, OUT PVOID pv, IN UINT ByteCount ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback used by FDICopy to read from a file. Arguments: Handle - supplies handle to open file to be read from. pv - supplies pointer to buffer to receive bytes we read. ByteCount - supplies number of bytes to read. Return Value: Number of bytes read (ByteCount) or -1 if an error occurs. --*/ { UINT rc; rc = _lread((HFILE)Handle,pv,ByteCount); if (rc == HFILE_ERROR) { rc = (UINT)(-1); DiamondLastIoError = LZERROR_READ; } return (rc); } UINT DIAMONDAPI SpdFdiWrite( IN INT_PTR Handle, IN PVOID pv, IN UINT ByteCount ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback used by FDICopy to write to a file. Arguments: Handle - supplies handle to open file to be written to. pv - supplies pointer to buffer containing bytes to write. ByteCount - supplies number of bytes to write. Return Value: Number of bytes written (ByteCount) or -1 if an error occurs. --*/ { UINT rc; rc = _lwrite((HFILE)Handle,pv,ByteCount); if (rc == HFILE_ERROR) { DiamondLastIoError = (GetLastError() == ERROR_DISK_FULL) ? LZERROR_WRITE : LZERROR_BADOUTHANDLE; } else { if (rc != ByteCount) { // // let caller interpret return value but record last error just in case // DiamondLastIoError = LZERROR_WRITE; } } return (rc); } int DIAMONDAPI SpdFdiClose( IN INT_PTR Handle ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback used by FDICopy to close files. Arguments: Handle - handle of file to close. Return Value: 0 (success). --*/ { _lclose((HFILE)Handle); return (0); } LONG DIAMONDAPI SpdFdiSeek( IN INT_PTR Handle, IN long Distance, IN int SeekType ) /*++ Routine Description: Callback used by FDICopy to seek files. Arguments: Handle - handle of file to close. Distance - supplies distance to seek. Interpretation of this parameter depends on the value of SeekType. SeekType - supplies a value indicating how Distance is to be interpreted; one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END. Return Value: New file offset or -1 if an error occurs. --*/ { LONG rc; rc = _llseek((HFILE)Handle,Distance,SeekType); if (rc == HFILE_ERROR) { DiamondLastIoError = LZERROR_BADINHANDLE; rc = -1L; } return (rc); } // // this function is linked in from ntdll // extern int sprintf(LPSTR, LPCSTR, ...); INT ExpandDiamondFile( IN PSTR SourceFileName, // Note ASCII IN PTSTR TargetFileNameT, IN BOOL RenameTarget, OUT PLZINFO pLZI ) { BOOL b; INT rc; INT_PTR h; DIAMOND_INFO DiamondInfo; CHAR TargetFileName[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(TargetFileName, "%ls", TargetFileNameT); if (!FdiContext) { return (LZERROR_BADVALUE); } DiamondLastIoError = TRUE; // // Get a handle to the source to use to // copy the date and time stamp. // h = SpdFdiOpen(SourceFileName,_O_RDONLY,0); if (h == -1) { return (LZERROR_BADINHANDLE); } pLZI->cblInSize = GetFileSize((HANDLE)h,NULL); if (pLZI->cblInSize == -1) { SpdFdiClose(h); return (LZERROR_BADINHANDLE); } DiamondInfo.SourceFileHandle = h; DiamondInfo.SourceFileName = SourceFileName; DiamondInfo.TargetFileName = TargetFileName; DiamondInfo.RenameTargetFile = RenameTarget; DiamondInfo.pLZI = pLZI; b = pFDICopy( FdiContext, SourceFileName, // pass the whole path as the name "", // don't bother with the path part 0, // flags DiamondNotifyFunction, NULL, // no decryption &DiamondInfo ); if (b) { rc = TRUE; } else { switch (FdiError.erfOper) { case FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET: case FDIERROR_UNKNOWN_CABINET_VERSION: case FDIERROR_BAD_COMPR_TYPE: rc = LZERROR_READ; // causes SID_FORMAT_ERROR message break; case FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL: rc = LZERROR_GLOBALLOC; break; case FDIERROR_TARGET_FILE: case FDIERROR_USER_ABORT: rc = DiamondLastIoError; break; default: // // The rest of the errors are not handled specially. // rc = LZERROR_BADVALUE; break; } // // Remove the partial target file. // DeleteFileA(TargetFileName); } SpdFdiClose(h); return (rc); } BOOL IsDiamondFile( IN PSTR FileName ) { FDICABINETINFO CabinetInfo; BOOL b; INT_PTR h; if (!FdiContext) { return (FALSE); } // // Open the file such that the handle is valid for use // in the diamond context (ie, seek, read routines above). // h = SpdFdiOpen(FileName,_O_RDONLY,0); if (h == -1) { return (FALSE); } b = pFDIIsCabinet(FdiContext,h,&CabinetInfo); SpdFdiClose(h); return (b); } DWORD InitDiamond( VOID ) { PDIAMOND_CONTEXT pdcx; if (!GotDmdTlsSlot()) return VIF_OUTOFMEMORY; if (GotDmdContext()) return VIF_OUTOFMEMORY; pdcx = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(DIAMOND_CONTEXT)); if (pdcx == NULL || !TlsSetValue(itlsDiamondContext, pdcx)) { /* * For some unknown reason, we can't associate * our thread storage with the slot, so free * it and say we never got one. */ if (pdcx) { LocalFree(pdcx); } return VIF_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (!cCabinetLoad) { hCabinet = LoadLibraryW(L"CABINET.DLL"); if (!hCabinet) { return (VIF_CANNOTLOADCABINET); } pFDICreate = (tFDICreate) GetProcAddress(hCabinet, "FDICreate"); pFDIDestroy = (tFDIDestroy) GetProcAddress(hCabinet, "FDIDestroy"); pFDIIsCabinet = (tFDIIsCabinet) GetProcAddress(hCabinet, "FDIIsCabinet"); pFDICopy = (tFDICopy) GetProcAddress(hCabinet, "FDICopy"); if (!(pFDICreate && pFDIDestroy && pFDIIsCabinet && pFDICopy)) { FreeLibrary(hCabinet); return (VIF_CANNOTLOADCABINET); } if (InterlockedExchangeAdd(&cCabinetLoad, 1) != 0) { // Multiple threads are attempting to LoadLib // Free one here. FreeLibrary(hCabinet); } } SetFdiContext( pFDICreate( SpdFdiAlloc, SpdFdiFree, SpdFdiOpen, SpdFdiRead, SpdFdiWrite, SpdFdiClose, SpdFdiSeek, cpuUNKNOWN, &FdiError )); return ((FdiContext == NULL) ? VIF_CANNOTLOADCABINET : 0); } VOID TermDiamond( VOID ) { if (!GotDmdTlsSlot() || !GotDmdContext()) return; if (FdiContext) { pFDIDestroy(FdiContext); SetFdiContext( NULL ); } LocalFree( TlsGetValue(itlsDiamondContext) ); TlsSetValue(itlsDiamondContext, NULL); }