/**************************************************************************\ * Module Name: settings.cpp * * Contains Implementation of the CDisplaySettings class who is in charge of * the settings of a single display. This is the data base class who does the * real change display settings work * * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp. 1992-1998 All Rights Reserved * \**************************************************************************/ #include "priv.h" #include "DisplaySettings.h" #include "ntreg.hxx" extern int AskDynaCDS(HWND hDlg); INT_PTR CALLBACK KeepNewDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT message , WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); UINT g_cfDisplayDevice = 0; UINT g_cfDisplayName = 0; UINT g_cfDisplayDeviceID = 0; UINT g_cfMonitorDevice = 0; UINT g_cfMonitorName = 0; UINT g_cfMonitorDeviceID = 0; UINT g_cfExtensionInterface = 0; UINT g_cfDisplayDeviceKey = 0; UINT g_cfDisplayStateFlags = 0; UINT g_cfDisplayPruningMode = 0; #define TF_DISPLAYSETTINGS 0 /*****************************************************************\ * * helper routine * \*****************************************************************/ int CDisplaySettings::_InsertSortedDwords( int val1, int val2, int cval, int **ppval) { int *oldpval = *ppval; int *tmppval; int i; for (i=0; i<cval; i++) { tmppval = (*ppval) + (i * 2); if (*tmppval == val1) { if (*(tmppval + 1) == val2) { return cval; } else if (*(tmppval + 1) > val2) { break; } } else if (*tmppval > val1) { break; } } TraceMsg(TF_FUNC,"_InsertSortedDword, vals = %d %d, cval = %d, index = %d", val1, val2, cval, i); *ppval = (int *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cval + 1) * 2 * sizeof(DWORD)); if (*ppval) { // // Insert the items at the right location in the array // if (oldpval) { CopyMemory(*ppval, oldpval, i * 2 * sizeof(DWORD)); } *(*ppval + (i * 2)) = val1; *(*ppval + (i * 2) + 1) = val2; if (oldpval) { CopyMemory((*ppval) + 2 * (i + 1), oldpval+ (i * 2), (cval-i) * 2 * sizeof(DWORD)); LocalFree(oldpval); } return (cval + 1); } return 0; } /*****************************************************************\ * * debug routine * \*****************************************************************/ void CDisplaySettings::_Dump_CDisplaySettings(BOOL bAll) { TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"Dump of CDisplaySettings structure"); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _DisplayDevice = %s", _pDisplayDevice->DeviceName); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _cpdm = %d", _cpdm ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _apdm = %08lx", _apdm ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t OrgResolution = %d, %d", _ORGXRES, _ORGYRES ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _ptOrgPos = %d, %d", _ptOrgPos.x ,_ptOrgPos.y); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t OrgColor = %d", _ORGCOLOR ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t OrgFrequency = %d", _ORGFREQ ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _pOrgDevmode = %08lx", _pOrgDevmode ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _fOrgAttached = %d", _fOrgAttached ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t CurResolution = %d, %d", _CURXRES, _CURYRES ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _ptCurPos = %d, %d", _ptCurPos.x ,_ptCurPos.y); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t CurColor = %d", _CURCOLOR ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t CurFrequency = %d", _CURFREQ ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _pCurDevmode = %08lx", _pCurDevmode ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _fCurAttached = %d", _fCurAttached ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _fUsingDefault = %d", _fUsingDefault ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _fPrimary = %d", _fPrimary ); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t _cRef = %d", _cRef ); if (bAll) { _Dump_CDevmodeList(); } } void CDisplaySettings::_Dump_CDevmodeList(VOID) { ULONG i; for (i=0; _apdm && (i<_cpdm); i++) { LPDEVMODE lpdm = (_apdm + i)->lpdm; TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t\t mode %d, %08lx, Flags %08lx, X=%d Y=%d C=%d F=%d O=%d FO=%d", i, lpdm, (_apdm + i)->dwFlags, lpdm->dmPelsWidth, lpdm->dmPelsHeight, lpdm->dmBitsPerPel, lpdm->dmDisplayFrequency, lpdm->dmDisplayOrientation, lpdm->dmDisplayFixedOutput); } } void CDisplaySettings::_Dump_CDevmode(LPDEVMODE pdm) { TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," Size = %d", pdm->dmSize); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," Fields = %08lx", pdm->dmFields); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," XPosition = %d", pdm->dmPosition.x); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," YPosition = %d", pdm->dmPosition.y); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," XResolution = %d", pdm->dmPelsWidth); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," YResolution = %d", pdm->dmPelsHeight); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," Bpp = %d", pdm->dmBitsPerPel); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," Frequency = %d", pdm->dmDisplayFrequency); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," Flags = %d", pdm->dmDisplayFlags); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," XPanning = %d", pdm->dmPanningWidth); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," YPanning = %d", pdm->dmPanningHeight); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," DPI = %d", pdm->dmLogPixels); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," DriverExtra = %d", pdm->dmDriverExtra); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," Orientation = %d", pdm->dmDisplayOrientation); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_DEVMODE," FixedOutput = %d", pdm->dmDisplayFixedOutput); if (pdm->dmDriverExtra) { TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"\t - %08lx %08lx", *(PULONG)(((PUCHAR)pdm)+pdm->dmSize), *(PULONG)(((PUCHAR)pdm)+pdm->dmSize + 4)); } } // // Lets perform the following operations on the list // // (1) Remove identical modes // (2) Remove 16 color modes for which there is a 256 // color equivalent. // (3) Remove modes with any dimension less than 640x480 // void CDisplaySettings::_FilterModes() { DWORD i, j; LPDEVMODE pdm, pdm2; PMODEARRAY pMode, pMode2; for (i = 0; _apdm && i < _cpdm; i++) { pMode = _apdm + i; pdm = pMode->lpdm; // Skip any invalid modes if (pMode->dwFlags & MODE_INVALID) { continue; } // // If any of the following conditions are true, then we want to // remove the current mode. // // Remove any modes that are too small if (pdm->dmPelsHeight < 480 || pdm->dmPelsWidth < 640) { TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"_FilterModes: Mode %d - resolution too small", i); pMode->dwFlags |= MODE_INVALID; continue; } // Remove any modes that would change the orientation if (_bFilterOrientation) { if (pdm->dmFields & DM_DISPLAYORIENTATION && pdm->dmDisplayOrientation != _dwOrientation) { pMode->dwFlags |= MODE_INVALID; TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"_FilterModes: Mode %d - Wrong Orientation", i); continue; } } // Remove any modes that would change fixed output unless our current mode is // native resolution if (_bFilterFixedOutput && _dwFixedOutput != DMDFO_DEFAULT) { if (pdm->dmFields & DM_DISPLAYFIXEDOUTPUT && pdm->dmDisplayFixedOutput != _dwFixedOutput) { pMode->dwFlags |= MODE_INVALID; TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"_FilterModes: Mode %d - Wrong FixedOutput", i); continue; } } // Remove any duplicate modes for (j = i + 1; j < _cpdm; j++) { pMode2 = _apdm + j; pdm2 = pMode2->lpdm; if (!(pMode2->dwFlags & MODE_INVALID) && pdm2->dmBitsPerPel == pdm->dmBitsPerPel && pdm2->dmPelsWidth == pdm->dmPelsWidth && pdm2->dmPelsHeight == pdm->dmPelsHeight && pdm2->dmDisplayFrequency == pdm->dmDisplayFrequency) { TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"_FilterModes: Mode %d - Duplicate Mode", i); pMode2->dwFlags |= MODE_INVALID; } } } } // // _AddDevMode method // // This method builds the index lists for the matrix. There is one // index list for each axes of the three dimemsional matrix of device // modes. // // The entry is also automatically added to the linked list of modes if // it is not alreay present in the list. // BOOL CDisplaySettings::_AddDevMode(LPDEVMODE lpdm) { if (lpdm) { PMODEARRAY newapdm, tempapdm; // // Set the height for the test of the 1152 mode // if (lpdm->dmPelsWidth == 1152) { // Set1152Mode(lpdm->dmPelsHeight); } newapdm = (PMODEARRAY) LocalAlloc(LPTR, (_cpdm + 1) * sizeof(MODEARRAY)); if (newapdm) { CopyMemory(newapdm, _apdm, _cpdm * sizeof(MODEARRAY)); (newapdm + _cpdm)->dwFlags &= ~MODE_INVALID; (newapdm + _cpdm)->dwFlags |= MODE_RAW; (newapdm + _cpdm)->lpdm = lpdm; } tempapdm = _apdm; _apdm = newapdm; _cpdm++; if (tempapdm) { LocalFree(tempapdm); } } return TRUE; } // // Return a list of Resolutions supported, given a color depth // int CDisplaySettings::GetResolutionList( int Color, PPOINT *ppRes) { DWORD i; int cRes = 0; int *pResTmp = NULL; LPDEVMODE pdm; *ppRes = NULL; for (i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { if(!_IsModeVisible(i)) { continue; } if(!_IsModePreferred(i)) { continue; } pdm = (_apdm + i)->lpdm; if ((Color == -1) || (Color == (int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel)) { cRes = _InsertSortedDwords(pdm->dmPelsWidth, pdm->dmPelsHeight, cRes, &pResTmp); } } *ppRes = (PPOINT) pResTmp; return cRes; } // // // Return a list of color depths supported // int CDisplaySettings::GetColorList( LPPOINT Res, PLONGLONG *ppColor) { DWORD i; int cColor = 0; int *pColorTmp = NULL; LPDEVMODE pdm; for (i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { if(!_IsModeVisible(i)) { continue; } if(!_IsModePreferred(i)) { continue; } pdm = (_apdm + i)->lpdm; if ((Res == NULL) || (Res->x == -1) || (Res->y == -1) || (Res->x == (int)pdm->dmPelsWidth) || (Res->y == (int)pdm->dmPelsHeight)) { cColor = _InsertSortedDwords(pdm->dmBitsPerPel, 0, cColor, &pColorTmp); } } *ppColor = (PLONGLONG) pColorTmp; return cColor; } int CDisplaySettings::GetFrequencyList(int Color, LPPOINT Res, PLONGLONG *ppFreq) { DWORD i; int cFreq = 0; int *pFreqTmp = NULL; LPDEVMODE pdm; POINT res; if (Color == -1) { Color = _CURCOLOR; } if (Res == NULL) { MAKEXYRES(&res, _CURXRES, _CURYRES); } else { res = *Res; } for (i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { if(!_IsModeVisible(i)) { continue; } pdm = (_apdm + i)->lpdm; if (res.x == (int)pdm->dmPelsWidth && res.y == (int)pdm->dmPelsHeight && Color == (int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel) { cFreq = _InsertSortedDwords(pdm->dmDisplayFrequency, 0, cFreq, &pFreqTmp); } } *ppFreq = (PLONGLONG) pFreqTmp; return cFreq; } void CDisplaySettings::SetCurFrequency(int Frequency) { LPDEVMODE pdm; LPDEVMODE pdmMatch = NULL; ULONG i; for (i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { if(!_IsModeVisible(i)) { continue; } pdm = (_apdm + i)->lpdm; // // Find the exact match. // if (_CURCOLOR == (int) pdm->dmBitsPerPel && _CURXRES == (int) pdm->dmPelsWidth && _CURYRES == (int) pdm->dmPelsHeight && Frequency == (int) pdm->dmDisplayFrequency) { pdmMatch = pdm; break; } } // // We should always make a match because the list of frequencies shown to // the user is only for the current color & resolution // ASSERT(pdmMatch); if (pdmMatch) { _SetCurrentValues(pdmMatch); } } LPDEVMODE CDisplaySettings::GetCurrentDevMode(void) { ULONG dmSize = _pCurDevmode->dmSize + _pCurDevmode->dmDriverExtra; PDEVMODE pdevmode = (LPDEVMODE) LocalAlloc(LPTR, dmSize); if (pdevmode) { CopyMemory(pdevmode, _pCurDevmode, dmSize); } return pdevmode; } void CDisplaySettings::_SetCurrentValues(LPDEVMODE lpdm) { _pCurDevmode = lpdm; // // Don't save the other fields (like position) as they are programmed by // the UI separately. // // This should only save hardware specific fields. // TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,""); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS,"_SetCurrentValues complete"); _Dump_CDisplaySettings(FALSE); } BOOL CDisplaySettings::_PerfectMatch(LPDEVMODE lpdm) { for (DWORD i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { if(!_IsModeVisible(i)) { continue; } if ((_apdm + i)->lpdm == lpdm) { _SetCurrentValues((_apdm + i)->lpdm); TraceMsg(TF_DISPLAYSETTINGS, "_PerfectMatch -- return TRUE"); return TRUE; } } TraceMsg(TF_DISPLAYSETTINGS, "_PerfectMatch -- return FALSE"); return FALSE; } BOOL CDisplaySettings::_ExactMatch(LPDEVMODE lpdm, BOOL bForceVisible) { LPDEVMODE pdm; ULONG i; for (i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { pdm = (_apdm + i)->lpdm; if ( ((lpdm->dmFields & DM_BITSPERPEL) && (pdm->dmBitsPerPel != lpdm->dmBitsPerPel)) || ((lpdm->dmFields & DM_PELSWIDTH) && (pdm->dmPelsWidth != lpdm->dmPelsWidth)) || ((lpdm->dmFields & DM_PELSHEIGHT) && (pdm->dmPelsHeight != lpdm->dmPelsHeight)) || ((lpdm->dmFields & DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY) && (pdm->dmDisplayFrequency != lpdm->dmDisplayFrequency)) ) { continue; } if (!_IsModeVisible(i)) { if (bForceVisible && ((((_apdm + i)->dwFlags) & MODE_INVALID) == 0) && _bIsPruningOn && ((((_apdm + i)->dwFlags) & MODE_RAW) == MODE_RAW)) { (_apdm + i)->dwFlags &= ~MODE_RAW; } else { continue; } } _SetCurrentValues(pdm); TraceMsg(TF_DISPLAYSETTINGS, "_ExactMatch -- return TRUE"); return TRUE; } TraceMsg(TF_DISPLAYSETTINGS, "_ExactMatch -- return FALSE"); return FALSE; } // JoelGros defined a feature where we prefer to give the user // a color depth of at least 32-bit, or as close to that as the // display supports. Bryan Starbuck (BryanSt) 3/9/2000 #define MAX_PREFERED_COLOR_DEPTH 32 void CDisplaySettings::_BestMatch(LPPOINT Res, int Color, IN BOOL fAutoSetColorDepth) { // -1 means match loosely, based on current _xxx value LPDEVMODE pdm; LPDEVMODE pdmMatch = NULL; ULONG i; for (i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { if(!_IsModeVisible(i)) { continue; } pdm = (_apdm + i)->lpdm; // Take care of exact matches if ((Color != -1) && (Color != (int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel)) { continue; } if ((Res != NULL) && (Res->x != -1) && ( (Res->x != (int)pdm->dmPelsWidth) || (Res->y != (int)pdm->dmPelsHeight)) ) { continue; } // Find Best Match if (pdmMatch == NULL) { pdmMatch = pdm; } // Find best Color. if (Color == -1) // Do they want best color matching? { if (fAutoSetColorDepth) { // This will use the "auto-set a good color depth" feature. // The best match color depth will not equal the current color depth if // we are going to need to work closer and closer to our desired color depth. // (We may never reach it because the user may just have increased the resolution // so the current color depth isn't supported) // We prefer keep increasing the color depth to at least the current color depth. // That may not be possible if that depth isn't supported at this resolution. // We also would like to keep increasing it until we hit MAX_PREFERED_COLOR_DEPTH // because colors of at least that deep benefit users. // Do we need to decrease the color depth? Yes if if (((int)pdmMatch->dmBitsPerPel > _CURCOLOR) && // the match is more than the current, and ((int)pdmMatch->dmBitsPerPel > MAX_PREFERED_COLOR_DEPTH)) // the match is more than the prefered max { // We will want to decrease it if this entry is smaller than our match. if ((int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel < (int)pdmMatch->dmBitsPerPel) { pdmMatch = pdm; } } else { // We want to increase it if: if (((int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel > (int)pdmMatch->dmBitsPerPel) && // this entry is larger than our match, and ((int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel <= max(_CURCOLOR, MAX_PREFERED_COLOR_DEPTH))) // this doesn't take us over our prefered max or current depth (which ever is higher). { pdmMatch = pdm; } } } else { // This falls back to the old behavior. if ((int)pdmMatch->dmBitsPerPel > _CURCOLOR) { if ((int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel < (int)pdmMatch->dmBitsPerPel) { pdmMatch = pdm; } } else { if (((int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel > (int)pdmMatch->dmBitsPerPel) && ((int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel <= _CURCOLOR)) { pdmMatch = pdm; } } } } // Find best Resolution. if (((Res == NULL) || (Res->x == -1)) && (((int)pdmMatch->dmPelsWidth != _CURXRES) || ((int)pdmMatch->dmPelsHeight != _CURYRES))) { if (((int)pdmMatch->dmPelsWidth > _CURXRES) || (((int)pdmMatch->dmPelsWidth == _CURXRES) && ((int)pdmMatch->dmPelsHeight > _CURYRES))) { if (((int)pdm->dmPelsWidth < (int)pdmMatch->dmPelsWidth) || (((int)pdm->dmPelsWidth == (int)pdmMatch->dmPelsWidth) && ((int)pdm->dmPelsHeight < (int)pdmMatch->dmPelsHeight))) { pdmMatch = pdm; } } else { if (((int)pdm->dmPelsWidth > (int)pdmMatch->dmPelsWidth) || (((int)pdm->dmPelsWidth == (int)pdmMatch->dmPelsWidth) && ((int)pdm->dmPelsHeight > (int)pdmMatch->dmPelsHeight))) { if (((int)pdm->dmPelsWidth <= _CURXRES) || (((int)pdm->dmPelsWidth == _CURXRES) && ((int)pdm->dmPelsHeight <= _CURYRES))) { pdmMatch = pdm; } } } } // Find best Frequency. if (((int)pdmMatch->dmDisplayFrequency != _CURFREQ) && (!((Res == NULL) && ((int)pdmMatch->dmPelsWidth == _CURXRES) && ((int)pdmMatch->dmPelsHeight == _CURYRES) && (((int)pdm->dmPelsWidth != _CURXRES) || ((int)pdm->dmPelsHeight != _CURYRES)))) && (!((Color == -1) && ((int)pdmMatch->dmBitsPerPel == _CURCOLOR) && ((int)pdm->dmBitsPerPel != _CURCOLOR)))) { if ((int)pdmMatch->dmDisplayFrequency > _CURFREQ) { if ((int)pdm->dmDisplayFrequency < (int)pdmMatch->dmDisplayFrequency) { pdmMatch = pdm; } } else { if (((int)pdm->dmDisplayFrequency > (int)pdmMatch->dmDisplayFrequency) && ((int)pdm->dmDisplayFrequency <= _CURFREQ)) { pdmMatch = pdm; } } } } _SetCurrentValues(pdmMatch); } BOOL CDisplaySettings::GetMonitorName(LPTSTR pszName, DWORD cchSize) { DISPLAY_DEVICE ddTmp; DWORD cAttachedMonitors = 0, nMonitor = 0; ZeroMemory(&ddTmp, sizeof(ddTmp)); ddTmp.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); while (EnumDisplayDevices(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, nMonitor, &ddTmp, 0)) { if (ddTmp.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_ATTACHED) { ++cAttachedMonitors; if (cAttachedMonitors > 1) break; // Single monitor StrCpyN(pszName, (LPTSTR)ddTmp.DeviceString, cchSize); } ++nMonitor; ZeroMemory(&ddTmp, sizeof(ddTmp)); ddTmp.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); } if (cAttachedMonitors == 0) { // No monitors LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_UNKNOWNMONITOR, pszName, cchSize); } else if (cAttachedMonitors > 1) { // Multiple monitors LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_MULTIPLEMONITORS, pszName, cchSize); } return (cAttachedMonitors != 0); } BOOL CDisplaySettings::GetMonitorDevice(LPTSTR pszDevice) { DISPLAY_DEVICE ddTmp; ZeroMemory(&ddTmp, sizeof(ddTmp)); ddTmp.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); if (EnumDisplayDevices(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, 0, &ddTmp, 0)) { lstrcpy(pszDevice, (LPTSTR)ddTmp.DeviceName); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } STDMETHODIMP CDisplaySettings::GetData(FORMATETC *pfmtetc, STGMEDIUM *pstgmed) { HRESULT hr; ASSERT(this); ASSERT(pfmtetc); ASSERT(pstgmed); // Ignore pfmtetc.ptd. All supported data formats are device-independent. ZeroMemory(pstgmed, SIZEOF(*pstgmed)); if ((hr = QueryGetData(pfmtetc)) == S_OK) { LPTSTR pszOut = NULL; TCHAR szMonitorName[130]; TCHAR szMonitorDevice[40]; if (pfmtetc->cfFormat == g_cfExtensionInterface) { // // Get the array of information back to the device // // Allocate a buffer large enough to store all of the information // PDESK_EXTENSION_INTERFACE pInterface; pInterface = (PDESK_EXTENSION_INTERFACE) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(DESK_EXTENSION_INTERFACE)); if (pInterface) { CRegistrySettings * RegSettings = new CRegistrySettings(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceKey); if (RegSettings) { pInterface->cbSize = sizeof(DESK_EXTENSION_INTERFACE); pInterface->pContext = this; pInterface->lpfnEnumAllModes = CDisplaySettings::_lpfnEnumAllModes; pInterface->lpfnSetSelectedMode = CDisplaySettings::_lpfnSetSelectedMode; pInterface->lpfnGetSelectedMode = CDisplaySettings::_lpfnGetSelectedMode; pInterface->lpfnSetPruningMode = CDisplaySettings::_lpfnSetPruningMode; pInterface->lpfnGetPruningMode = CDisplaySettings::_lpfnGetPruningMode; RegSettings->GetHardwareInformation(&pInterface->Info); pstgmed->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pstgmed->hGlobal = pInterface; pstgmed->pUnkForRelease = NULL; hr = S_OK; delete RegSettings; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else if (pfmtetc->cfFormat == g_cfMonitorDeviceID) { // //! This code is broken. It must be removed. // /* DISPLAY_DEVICE ddTmp; BOOL fKnownMonitor; ZeroMemory(&ddTmp, sizeof(ddTmp)); ddTmp.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); fKnownMonitor = EnumDisplayDevices(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, 0, &ddTmp, 0); hr = GetDevInstID((LPTSTR)(fKnownMonitor ? ddTmp.DeviceKey : TEXT("")), pstgmed); */ hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } else if (pfmtetc->cfFormat == g_cfDisplayStateFlags) { DWORD* pdwStateFlags = (DWORD*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(DWORD)); if (pdwStateFlags) { *pdwStateFlags = _pDisplayDevice->StateFlags; pstgmed->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pstgmed->hGlobal = pdwStateFlags; pstgmed->pUnkForRelease = NULL; hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else if (pfmtetc->cfFormat == g_cfDisplayPruningMode) { BYTE* pPruningMode = (BYTE*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(BYTE)); if (pPruningMode) { *pPruningMode = (BYTE)(_bCanBePruned && _bIsPruningOn ? 1 : 0); pstgmed->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pstgmed->hGlobal = pPruningMode; pstgmed->pUnkForRelease = NULL; hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else if (pfmtetc->cfFormat == g_cfDisplayDeviceID) { { CRegistrySettings *pRegSettings = new CRegistrySettings(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceKey); if (pRegSettings) { pszOut = pRegSettings->GetDeviceInstanceId(); hr = CopyDataToStorage(pstgmed, pszOut); delete pRegSettings; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } else { if (pfmtetc->cfFormat == g_cfMonitorName) { GetMonitorName(szMonitorName, ARRAYSIZE(szMonitorName)); pszOut = szMonitorName; } else if (pfmtetc->cfFormat == g_cfMonitorDevice) { GetMonitorDevice(szMonitorDevice); pszOut = szMonitorDevice; } else if (pfmtetc->cfFormat == g_cfDisplayDevice) { pszOut = (LPTSTR)_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName; } else if (pfmtetc->cfFormat == g_cfDisplayDeviceKey) { pszOut = (LPTSTR)_pDisplayDevice->DeviceKey; } else { ASSERT(pfmtetc->cfFormat == g_cfDisplayName); pszOut = (LPTSTR)_pDisplayDevice->DeviceString; } hr = CopyDataToStorage(pstgmed, pszOut); } } return(hr); } STDMETHODIMP CDisplaySettings::CopyDataToStorage(STGMEDIUM *pstgmed, LPTSTR pszOut) { HRESULT hr = E_UNEXPECTED; int cch; if (NULL != pszOut) { cch = lstrlen(pszOut) + 1; LPWSTR pwszDevice = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cch * SIZEOF(WCHAR)); if (pwszDevice) { // // We always return UNICODE string // #ifdef UNICODE lstrcpy(pwszDevice, pszOut); #else int cchConverted = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszOut , -1, pwszDevice, cch); ASSERT(cchConverted == cch); #endif pstgmed->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pstgmed->hGlobal = pwszDevice; pstgmed->pUnkForRelease = NULL; hr = S_OK; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CDisplaySettings::GetDataHere(FORMATETC *pfmtetc, STGMEDIUM *pstgpmed) { ZeroMemory(pfmtetc, SIZEOF(pfmtetc)); return E_NOTIMPL; } // // Check that all the parameters to the interface are appropriately // STDMETHODIMP CDisplaySettings::QueryGetData(FORMATETC *pfmtetc) { CLIPFORMAT cfFormat; if (pfmtetc->dwAspect != DVASPECT_CONTENT) { return DV_E_DVASPECT; } if ((pfmtetc->tymed & TYMED_HGLOBAL) == 0) { return DV_E_TYMED; } cfFormat = pfmtetc->cfFormat; if ((cfFormat != g_cfDisplayDevice) && (cfFormat != g_cfDisplayName) && (cfFormat != g_cfDisplayDeviceID) && (cfFormat != g_cfMonitorDevice) && (cfFormat != g_cfMonitorName) && (cfFormat != g_cfMonitorDeviceID) && (cfFormat != g_cfExtensionInterface) && (cfFormat != g_cfDisplayDeviceKey) && (cfFormat != g_cfDisplayStateFlags) && (cfFormat != g_cfDisplayPruningMode)) { return DV_E_FORMATETC; } if (pfmtetc->lindex != -1) { return DV_E_LINDEX; } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CDisplaySettings::GetCanonicalFormatEtc(FORMATETC *pfmtetcIn, FORMATETC *pfmtetcOut) { HRESULT hr; ASSERT(pfmtetcIn); ASSERT(pfmtetcOut); hr = QueryGetData(pfmtetcIn); if (hr == S_OK) { *pfmtetcOut = *pfmtetcIn; if (pfmtetcIn->ptd == NULL) hr = DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC; else { pfmtetcIn->ptd = NULL; ASSERT(hr == S_OK); } } else ZeroMemory(pfmtetcOut, SIZEOF(*pfmtetcOut)); return(hr); } STDMETHODIMP CDisplaySettings::SetData(FORMATETC *pfmtetc, STGMEDIUM *pstgmed, BOOL bRelease) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP CDisplaySettings::EnumFormatEtc(DWORD dwDirFlags, IEnumFORMATETC ** ppiefe) { HRESULT hr; ASSERT(ppiefe); *ppiefe = NULL; if (dwDirFlags == DATADIR_GET) { FORMATETC rgfmtetc[] = { { (CLIPFORMAT)g_cfDisplayDevice, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }, { (CLIPFORMAT)g_cfDisplayName, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }, { (CLIPFORMAT)g_cfMonitorDevice, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }, { (CLIPFORMAT)g_cfMonitorName, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }, { (CLIPFORMAT)g_cfExtensionInterface, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }, { (CLIPFORMAT)g_cfDisplayDeviceID, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }, { (CLIPFORMAT)g_cfMonitorDeviceID, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }, { (CLIPFORMAT)g_cfDisplayDeviceKey, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }, { (CLIPFORMAT)g_cfDisplayStateFlags, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }, { (CLIPFORMAT)g_cfDisplayPruningMode, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL }, }; hr = SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc(ARRAYSIZE(rgfmtetc), rgfmtetc, ppiefe); } else hr = E_NOTIMPL; return(hr); } STDMETHODIMP CDisplaySettings::DAdvise(FORMATETC *pfmtetc, DWORD dwAdviseFlags, IAdviseSink * piadvsink, DWORD * pdwConnection) { ASSERT(pfmtetc); ASSERT(pdwConnection); *pdwConnection = 0; return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } STDMETHODIMP CDisplaySettings::DUnadvise(DWORD dwConnection) { return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } STDMETHODIMP CDisplaySettings::EnumDAdvise(IEnumSTATDATA ** ppiesd) { ASSERT(ppiesd); *ppiesd = NULL; return OLE_E_ADVISENOTSUPPORTED; } void CDisplaySettings::_InitClipboardFormats() { if (g_cfDisplayDevice == 0) g_cfDisplayDevice = RegisterClipboardFormat(DESKCPLEXT_DISPLAY_DEVICE); if (g_cfDisplayDeviceID == 0) g_cfDisplayDeviceID = RegisterClipboardFormat(DESKCPLEXT_DISPLAY_ID); if (g_cfDisplayName == 0) g_cfDisplayName = RegisterClipboardFormat(DESKCPLEXT_DISPLAY_NAME); if (g_cfMonitorDevice == 0) g_cfMonitorDevice = RegisterClipboardFormat(DESKCPLEXT_MONITOR_DEVICE); if (g_cfMonitorDeviceID == 0) g_cfMonitorDeviceID = RegisterClipboardFormat(DESKCPLEXT_MONITOR_ID); if (g_cfMonitorName == 0) g_cfMonitorName = RegisterClipboardFormat(DESKCPLEXT_MONITOR_NAME); if (g_cfExtensionInterface == 0) g_cfExtensionInterface = RegisterClipboardFormat(DESKCPLEXT_INTERFACE); if (g_cfDisplayDeviceKey == 0) g_cfDisplayDeviceKey = RegisterClipboardFormat(DESKCPLEXT_DISPLAY_DEVICE_KEY); if (g_cfDisplayStateFlags == 0) g_cfDisplayStateFlags = RegisterClipboardFormat(DESKCPLEXT_DISPLAY_STATE_FLAGS); if (g_cfDisplayPruningMode == 0) g_cfDisplayPruningMode = RegisterClipboardFormat(DESKCPLEXT_PRUNING_MODE); } HRESULT CDisplaySettings::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(CDisplaySettings, IDataObject), QITABENT(CDisplaySettings, IDisplaySettings), { 0 }, }; return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppvObj); } ULONG CDisplaySettings::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement(&_cRef); } ULONG CDisplaySettings::Release() { if (InterlockedDecrement(&_cRef)) return _cRef; delete this; return 0; } STDMETHODIMP_(LPDEVMODEW) CDisplaySettings::_lpfnEnumAllModes( LPVOID pContext, DWORD iMode) { DWORD cCount = 0; DWORD i; CDisplaySettings *pSettings = (CDisplaySettings *) pContext; for (i = 0; pSettings->_apdm && (i < pSettings->_cpdm); i++) { // Don't show invalid modes or raw modes if pruning is on; if(!_IsModeVisible(pSettings, i)) { continue; } if (cCount == iMode) { return (pSettings->_apdm + i)->lpdm; } cCount++; } return NULL; } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CDisplaySettings::_lpfnSetSelectedMode( LPVOID pContext, LPDEVMODEW lpdm) { CDisplaySettings *pSettings = (CDisplaySettings *) pContext; return pSettings->_PerfectMatch(lpdm); } STDMETHODIMP_(LPDEVMODEW) CDisplaySettings::_lpfnGetSelectedMode( LPVOID pContext ) { CDisplaySettings *pSettings = (CDisplaySettings *) pContext; return pSettings->_pCurDevmode; } STDMETHODIMP_(VOID) CDisplaySettings::_lpfnSetPruningMode( LPVOID pContext, BOOL bIsPruningOn) { CDisplaySettings *pSettings = (CDisplaySettings *) pContext; pSettings->SetPruningMode(bIsPruningOn); } STDMETHODIMP_(VOID) CDisplaySettings::_lpfnGetPruningMode( LPVOID pContext, BOOL* pbCanBePruned, BOOL* pbIsPruningReadOnly, BOOL* pbIsPruningOn) { CDisplaySettings *pSettings = (CDisplaySettings *) pContext; pSettings->GetPruningMode(pbCanBePruned, pbIsPruningReadOnly, pbIsPruningOn); } // If any attached device is at 640x480, we want to force small font BOOL CDisplaySettings::IsSmallFontNecessary() { if (_fOrgAttached || _fCurAttached) { // // Force Small fonts at 640x480 // if (_CURXRES < 800 || _CURYRES < 600) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // Constructor for CDisplaySettings // // (gets called when ever a CDisplaySettings object is created) // CDisplaySettings::CDisplaySettings() : _cRef(1) , _cpdm(0) , _apdm(0) , _hPruningRegKey(NULL) , _bCanBePruned(FALSE) , _bIsPruningReadOnly(TRUE) , _bIsPruningOn(FALSE) , _pOrgDevmode(NULL) , _pCurDevmode(NULL) , _fOrgAttached(FALSE) , _fCurAttached(FALSE) , _bFilterOrientation(FALSE) , _bFilterFixedOutput(FALSE) { SetRectEmpty(&_rcPreview); } // // Destructor // CDisplaySettings::~CDisplaySettings() { TraceMsg(TF_DISPLAYSETTINGS, "**** Destructing %s", _pDisplayDevice->DeviceName); if (_apdm) { while(_cpdm--) { LocalFree((_apdm + _cpdm)->lpdm); } LocalFree(_apdm); _apdm = NULL; } _cpdm = 0; if(NULL != _hPruningRegKey) RegCloseKey(_hPruningRegKey); } // // _SetFilterOptions -- determine if display modes should be filtered // by orientation and/or fixed output (centered/stretched) // void CDisplaySettings::_SetFilterOptions(LPCTSTR pszDeviceName, LPDEVMODEW pdevmode) { BOOL bCurrent = FALSE; BOOL bRegistry = FALSE; // See if we need to filter modes by orientation and/or stretched/centered ZeroMemory(pdevmode, sizeof(DEVMODE)); pdevmode->dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); bCurrent = EnumDisplaySettingsExWrap(pszDeviceName, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, pdevmode, 0); if (!bCurrent) { TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS, "_SetFilterOptions -- No Current Mode. Try to use registry settings."); bRegistry = EnumDisplaySettingsExWrap(pszDeviceName, ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS, pdevmode, 0); } if (bCurrent || bRegistry) { if (pdevmode->dmFields & DM_DISPLAYORIENTATION) { _bFilterOrientation = TRUE; _dwOrientation = pdevmode->dmDisplayOrientation; TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS, "Filtering modes on orientation %d", _dwOrientation); } if (pdevmode->dmFields & DM_DISPLAYFIXEDOUTPUT) { _bFilterFixedOutput = TRUE; _dwFixedOutput = pdevmode->dmDisplayFixedOutput; TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS, "Filtering modes on fixed output %d", _dwFixedOutput); } } else { TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS, "_SetFilterOptions -- No settings, forcing default"); _bFilterOrientation = TRUE; _dwOrientation = DMDO_DEFAULT; } TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS, "Filter mode settings for: %s", pszDeviceName); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS, " _bFilterOrientation: %d, _dwOrientation: %d", _bFilterOrientation, _dwOrientation); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS, " _bFilterFixedOutput: %d, _dwFixedOutput: %d", _bFilterFixedOutput, _dwFixedOutput); } // // InitSettings -- Enumerate the settings, and build the mode list when // BOOL CDisplaySettings::InitSettings(LPDISPLAY_DEVICE pDisplay) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; LPDEVMODE pdevmode = (LPDEVMODE) LocalAlloc(LPTR, (sizeof(DEVMODE) + 0xFFFF)); if (pdevmode) { ULONG i = 0; BOOL bCurrent = FALSE; BOOL bRegistry = FALSE; BOOL bExact = FALSE; fReturn = TRUE; // Set the cached values for modes. MAKEXYRES(&_ptCurPos, 0, 0); _fCurAttached = FALSE; _pCurDevmode = NULL; // Save the display name ASSERT(pDisplay); _pDisplayDevice = pDisplay; TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "Initializing CDisplaySettings for %s", _pDisplayDevice->DeviceName); // Pruning Mode _bCanBePruned = ((_pDisplayDevice->StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MODESPRUNED) != 0); _bIsPruningReadOnly = TRUE; _bIsPruningOn = FALSE; if (_bCanBePruned) { _bIsPruningOn = TRUE; // if can be pruned, by default pruning is on GetDeviceRegKey(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceKey, &_hPruningRegKey, &_bIsPruningReadOnly); if (_hPruningRegKey) { DWORD dwIsPruningOn = 1; DWORD cb = sizeof(dwIsPruningOn); RegQueryValueEx(_hPruningRegKey, SZ_PRUNNING_MODE, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwIsPruningOn, &cb); _bIsPruningOn = (dwIsPruningOn != 0); } } // See if we need to filter modes by orientation and/or stretched/centered _SetFilterOptions(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, pdevmode); // Lets generate a list with all the possible modes. ZeroMemory(pdevmode, sizeof(DEVMODE)); pdevmode->dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); // Enum the raw list of modes while (EnumDisplaySettingsExWrap(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, i++, pdevmode, EDS_RAWMODE)) { WORD dmsize = pdevmode->dmSize + pdevmode->dmDriverExtra; LPDEVMODE lpdm = (LPDEVMODE) LocalAlloc(LPTR, dmsize); if (lpdm) { CopyMemory(lpdm, pdevmode, dmsize); _AddDevMode(lpdm); } pdevmode->dmDriverExtra = 0; } // Filter the list of modes _FilterModes(); if(_bCanBePruned) { // Enum pruned list of modes i = 0; _bCanBePruned = FALSE; while (EnumDisplaySettingsExWrap(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, i++, pdevmode, 0)) { if(_MarkMode(pdevmode)) _bCanBePruned = TRUE; // at least one non-raw mode pdevmode->dmDriverExtra = 0; } if(!_bCanBePruned) { _bIsPruningReadOnly = TRUE; _bIsPruningOn = FALSE; } } // Debug _Dump_CDisplaySettings(TRUE); // Get the current mode ZeroMemory(pdevmode,sizeof(DEVMODE)); pdevmode->dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); bCurrent = EnumDisplaySettingsExWrap(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, pdevmode, 0); if (!bCurrent) { TraceMsg(TF_DISPLAYSETTINGS, "InitSettings -- No Current Mode. Try to use registry settings."); ZeroMemory(pdevmode,sizeof(DEVMODE)); pdevmode->dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE); bRegistry = EnumDisplaySettingsExWrap(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS, pdevmode, 0); } // Set the default values based on registry or current settings. if (bCurrent || bRegistry) { // Check if this DEVMODE is in the list TraceMsg(TF_FUNC, "Devmode for Exact Matching"); _Dump_CDevmode(pdevmode); TraceMsg(TF_FUNC, ""); // If the current mode is not in the list of modes supported by // the monitor, we want to show it anyway. // // Consider the following scenario: the user sets the display // to 1024x768 and after that it goes to DevManager and selects // a monitor type that can not do that mode. When the user // reopens the applet the current mode will be pruned out. // In such a case we want the current mode to be visible. bExact = _ExactMatch(pdevmode, TRUE); if (!bExact && bCurrent) { // If the current mode is not in the list, we may have a problem. } // Is attached? if(bCurrent) { _fOrgAttached = _fCurAttached = ((pdevmode->dmFields & DM_POSITION) ? 1 : 0); } // Set the original values if (bExact == TRUE) { MAKEXYRES(&_ptCurPos, pdevmode->dmPosition.x, pdevmode->dmPosition.y); ConfirmChangeSettings(); } } // If we have no modes, return FALSE. if (_cpdm == 0) { FmtMessageBox(ghwndPropSheet, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MSG_CONFIGURATION_PROBLEM, MSG_INVALID_OLD_DISPLAY_DRIVER); fReturn = FALSE; } else { // If there were no current values, set some now // But don't confirm them ... if (bExact == FALSE) { TraceMsg(TF_DISPLAYSETTINGS, "InitSettings -- No Current OR Registry Mode"); i = 0; // Try setting any mode as the current. while (_apdm && (_PerfectMatch((_apdm + i++)->lpdm) == FALSE)) { if (i > _cpdm) { FmtMessageBox(ghwndPropSheet, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MSG_CONFIGURATION_PROBLEM, MSG_INVALID_OLD_DISPLAY_DRIVER); fReturn = FALSE; break; } } if (fReturn && _fCurAttached) { MAKEXYRES(&_ptCurPos, _pCurDevmode->dmPosition.x, _pCurDevmode->dmPosition.y); } } if (fReturn) { // Export our interfaces for extended properly pages. _InitClipboardFormats(); // Final debug output TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS," InitSettings successful - current values :"); _Dump_CDisplaySettings(FALSE); } } LocalFree(pdevmode); } return TRUE; } // SaveSettings // // Writes the new display parameters to the proper place in the // registry. int CDisplaySettings::SaveSettings(DWORD dwSet) { int iResult = 0; if (_pCurDevmode) { // Make a copy of the current devmode ULONG dmSize = _pCurDevmode->dmSize + _pCurDevmode->dmDriverExtra; PDEVMODE pdevmode = (LPDEVMODE) LocalAlloc(LPTR, dmSize); if (pdevmode) { CopyMemory(pdevmode, _pCurDevmode, dmSize); // Save all of the new values out to the registry // Resolution color bits and frequency // // We always have to set DM_POSITION when calling the API. // In order to remove a device from the desktop, what actually needs // to be done is provide an empty rectangle. pdevmode->dmFields |= DM_POSITION; if (!_fCurAttached) { pdevmode->dmPelsWidth = 0; pdevmode->dmPelsHeight = 0; } else { pdevmode->dmPosition.x = _ptCurPos.x; pdevmode->dmPosition.y = _ptCurPos.y; } TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "SaveSettings:: Display: %s", _pDisplayDevice->DeviceName); _Dump_CDevmode(pdevmode); // These calls have NORESET flag set so that it only goes to // change the registry settings, it does not refresh the display // If EnumDisplaySettings was called with EDS_RAWMODE, we need CDS_RAWMODE below. // Otherwise, it's harmless. iResult = ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, pdevmode, NULL, CDS_RAWMODE | dwSet | ( _fPrimary ? CDS_SET_PRIMARY : 0), NULL); if (iResult < 0) { TraceMsg(TF_DISPLAYSETTINGS, "**** SaveSettings:: ChangeDisplaySettingsEx not successful on %s", _pDisplayDevice->DeviceName); } LocalFree(pdevmode); } } return iResult; } HRESULT CDisplaySettings::GetDevInstID(LPTSTR lpszDeviceKey, STGMEDIUM *pstgmed) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; return hr; } void ConvertStrToToken(LPTSTR pszString, DWORD cchSize) { while (pszString[0]) { if (TEXT('\\') == pszString[0]) { pszString[0] = TEXT(':'); } pszString++; } } HRESULT CDisplaySettings::_GetRegKey(LPDEVMODE pDevmode, int * pnIndex, LPTSTR pszRegKey, DWORD cchSize, LPTSTR pszRegValue, DWORD cchValueSize) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DISPLAY_DEVICE ddMonitor = {0}; ddMonitor.cb = sizeof(ddMonitor); if (pDevmode && pDevmode->dmDeviceName && _pDisplayDevice && EnumDisplayDevices(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, *pnIndex, &ddMonitor, 0)) { TCHAR szMonitor[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szVideoAdapter[MAX_PATH]; StrCpyN(szMonitor, ddMonitor.DeviceID, ARRAYSIZE(szMonitor)); StrCpyN(szVideoAdapter, _pDisplayDevice->DeviceID, ARRAYSIZE(szVideoAdapter)); ConvertStrToToken(szMonitor, ARRAYSIZE(szMonitor)); ConvertStrToToken(szVideoAdapter, ARRAYSIZE(szVideoAdapter)); wnsprintf(pszRegKey, cchSize, TEXT("%s\\%s\\%s,%d\\%dx%d x %dHz"), SZ_CP_SETTINGS_VIDEO, szVideoAdapter, szMonitor, *pnIndex, pDevmode->dmPelsWidth, pDevmode->dmPelsHeight, pDevmode->dmDisplayFrequency); wnsprintf(pszRegValue, cchValueSize, TEXT("%d bpp"), pDevmode->dmBitsPerPel); hr = S_OK; } return hr; } BOOL CDisplaySettings::ConfirmChangeSettings() { // Succeeded, so, reset the original settings _ptOrgPos = _ptCurPos; _pOrgDevmode = _pCurDevmode; _fOrgAttached = _fCurAttached; // Now write the results to the registry so we know this is safe and can use it later. TCHAR szRegKey[2*MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szRegValue[20]; int nIndex = 0; while (SUCCEEDED(_GetRegKey(_pCurDevmode, &nIndex, szRegKey, ARRAYSIZE(szRegKey), szRegValue, ARRAYSIZE(szRegValue)))) { HKEY hKey; if (SUCCEEDED(HrRegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKey, NULL))) { RegCloseKey(hKey); } HrRegSetDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegKey, szRegValue, 1); nIndex++; } return TRUE; } BOOL CDisplaySettings::IsKnownSafe(void) { TCHAR szRegKey[2*MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szRegValue[20]; BOOL fIsSafe = FALSE; int nIndex = 0; while (SUCCEEDED(_GetRegKey(_pCurDevmode, &nIndex, szRegKey, ARRAYSIZE(szRegKey), szRegValue, ARRAYSIZE(szRegValue)))) { fIsSafe = HrRegGetDWORD(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegKey, szRegValue, 0); if (!fIsSafe) { break; } nIndex++; } // TODO: In blackcomb, just return TRUE as long as long as we were able to prune the list. If we could prune the list, // then the driver dudes where able to get PnP IDs from the video cards (adapters) and monitors, so the list of // supported modes should be accurate. If not, the drivers guys (ErickS) will fix. -BryanSt return fIsSafe; } int CDisplaySettings::RestoreSettings() { // // Test failed, so restore the old settings, only restore the color and resolution // information, and do restore the monitor position and its attached status // Although this function is currently only called when restoring resolution // the user could have changed position, then resolution and then clicked 'Apply,' // in which case we want to revert position as well. // int iResult = DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL; PDEVMODE pdevmode; // // If this display was originally turned off, don't bother // if ((_pOrgDevmode != NULL) && //(_pOrgDevmode != _pCurDevmode)) ((_pOrgDevmode != _pCurDevmode) || (_ptOrgPos.x != _ptCurPos.x) || (_ptOrgPos.y != _ptCurPos.y) )) { iResult = DISP_CHANGE_NOTUPDATED; // Make a copy of the original devmode ULONG dmSize = _pOrgDevmode->dmSize + _pOrgDevmode->dmDriverExtra; pdevmode = (LPDEVMODE) LocalAlloc(LPTR, dmSize); if (pdevmode) { CopyMemory(pdevmode, _pOrgDevmode, dmSize); pdevmode->dmFields |= DM_POSITION; pdevmode->dmPosition.x = _ptOrgPos.x; pdevmode->dmPosition.y = _ptOrgPos.y; if (!_fOrgAttached) { pdevmode->dmPelsWidth = 0; pdevmode->dmPelsHeight = 0; } TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "RestoreSettings:: Display: %s", _pDisplayDevice->DeviceName); _Dump_CDevmode(pdevmode); // If EnumDisplaySettings was called with EDS_RAWMODE, we need CDS_RAWMODE below. // Otherwise, it's harmless. iResult = ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(_pDisplayDevice->DeviceName, pdevmode, NULL, CDS_RAWMODE | CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY | CDS_NORESET | ( _fPrimary ? CDS_SET_PRIMARY : 0), NULL); if (iResult < 0 ) { TraceMsg(TF_DISPLAYSETTINGS, "**** RestoreSettings:: ChangeDisplaySettingsEx not successful on %s", _pDisplayDevice->DeviceName); ASSERT(FALSE); LocalFree(pdevmode); return iResult; } else { // Succeeded, so, reset the original settings _ptCurPos = _ptOrgPos; _pCurDevmode = _pOrgDevmode; _fCurAttached = _fOrgAttached; if(_bCanBePruned && !_bIsPruningReadOnly && _bIsPruningOn && _IsCurDevmodeRaw()) SetPruningMode(FALSE); } LocalFree(pdevmode); } } return iResult; } BOOL CDisplaySettings::_IsModeVisible(int i) { return _IsModeVisible(this, i); } BOOL CDisplaySettings::_IsModeVisible(CDisplaySettings* pSettings, int i) { ASSERT(pSettings); if (!pSettings->_apdm) { return FALSE; } // (the mode is valid) AND // ((pruning mode is off) OR (mode is not raw)) return ((!((pSettings->_apdm + i)->dwFlags & MODE_INVALID)) && ((!pSettings->_bIsPruningOn) || (!((pSettings->_apdm + i)->dwFlags & MODE_RAW)) ) ); } BOOL CDisplaySettings::_IsModePreferred(int i) { LPDEVMODE pDevMode = ((PMODEARRAY)(_apdm + i))->lpdm; if (_pCurDevmode == pDevMode) return TRUE; BOOL bLandscape = (pDevMode->dmPelsWidth >= pDevMode->dmPelsHeight); TraceMsg(TF_DUMP_CSETTINGS, "_IsModePreferred: %d x %d - landscape mode: %d", pDevMode->dmPelsWidth, pDevMode->dmPelsHeight, bLandscape); // (the mode is valid) AND // ((pruning mode is off) OR (mode is not raw)) return (pDevMode->dmBitsPerPel >= 15 && ((bLandscape && pDevMode->dmPelsWidth >= 800 && pDevMode->dmPelsHeight >= 600) || (!bLandscape && pDevMode->dmPelsWidth >= 600 && pDevMode->dmPelsHeight >= 800))); } BOOL CDisplaySettings::_MarkMode(LPDEVMODE lpdm) { LPDEVMODE pdm; ULONG i; BOOL bMark = FALSE; for (i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { if (!((_apdm + i)->dwFlags & MODE_INVALID)) { pdm = (_apdm + i)->lpdm; if ( ((lpdm->dmFields & DM_BITSPERPEL) && (pdm->dmBitsPerPel == lpdm->dmBitsPerPel)) && ((lpdm->dmFields & DM_PELSWIDTH) && (pdm->dmPelsWidth == lpdm->dmPelsWidth)) && ((lpdm->dmFields & DM_PELSHEIGHT) && (pdm->dmPelsHeight == lpdm->dmPelsHeight)) && ((lpdm->dmFields & DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY) && (pdm->dmDisplayFrequency == lpdm->dmDisplayFrequency)) ) { (_apdm + i)->dwFlags &= ~MODE_RAW; bMark = TRUE; } } } return bMark; } BOOL CDisplaySettings::_IsCurDevmodeRaw() { LPDEVMODE pdm; ULONG i; BOOL bCurrentAndPruned = FALSE; for (i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { if (!((_apdm + i)->dwFlags & MODE_INVALID) && ((_apdm + i)->dwFlags & MODE_RAW)) { pdm = (_apdm + i)->lpdm; if ( ((_pCurDevmode->dmFields & DM_BITSPERPEL) && (pdm->dmBitsPerPel == _pCurDevmode->dmBitsPerPel)) && ((_pCurDevmode->dmFields & DM_PELSWIDTH) && (pdm->dmPelsWidth == _pCurDevmode->dmPelsWidth)) && ((_pCurDevmode->dmFields & DM_PELSHEIGHT) && (pdm->dmPelsHeight == _pCurDevmode->dmPelsHeight)) && ((_pCurDevmode->dmFields & DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY) && (pdm->dmDisplayFrequency == _pCurDevmode->dmDisplayFrequency)) ) { bCurrentAndPruned = TRUE; break; } } } return bCurrentAndPruned; } DISPLAY_DEVICE dd; HRESULT CDisplaySettings::SetMonitor(DWORD dwMonitor) { ZeroMemory(&dd, sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE)); dd.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE); DWORD dwMon = 0; for (DWORD dwCount = 0; EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, dwCount, &dd, 0); dwCount++) { if (!(dd.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_MIRRORING_DRIVER)) { if (dwMon == dwMonitor) { InitSettings(&dd); _fPrimary = (dd.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE); return S_OK; } dwMon++; } } return E_INVALIDARG; } HRESULT CDisplaySettings::GetModeCount(DWORD* pdwCount, BOOL fOnlyPreferredModes) { DWORD cCount = 0; for (DWORD i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { // Don't show invalid modes or raw modes if pruning is on; if(!_IsModeVisible(i)) { continue; } if(fOnlyPreferredModes && (!_IsModePreferred(i))) { continue; } cCount++; } *pdwCount = cCount; return S_OK; } HRESULT CDisplaySettings::GetMode(DWORD dwMode, BOOL fOnlyPreferredModes, DWORD* pdwWidth, DWORD* pdwHeight, DWORD* pdwColor) { DWORD cCount = 0; for (DWORD i = 0; _apdm && (i < _cpdm); i++) { // Don't show invalid modes or raw modes if pruning is on; if(!_IsModeVisible(i)) { continue; } if(fOnlyPreferredModes && (!_IsModePreferred(i))) { continue; } if (cCount == dwMode) { LPDEVMODE lpdm = (_apdm + i)->lpdm; *pdwWidth = lpdm->dmPelsWidth; *pdwHeight = lpdm->dmPelsHeight; *pdwColor = lpdm->dmBitsPerPel; return S_OK; } cCount++; } return E_INVALIDARG; } DEVMODE dm; HRESULT CDisplaySettings::SetSelectedMode(HWND hwnd, DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight, DWORD dwColor, BOOL* pfApplied, DWORD dwFlags) { dm.dmBitsPerPel = dwColor; dm.dmPelsWidth = dwWidth; dm.dmPelsHeight = dwHeight; dm.dmFields = DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT; *pfApplied = FALSE; POINT res = {dwWidth, dwHeight}; PLONGLONG freq = NULL; int cFreq = GetFrequencyList(dwColor, &res, &freq); if (cFreq) { dm.dmFields |= DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY; // Default to lowest frequency dm.dmDisplayFrequency = (DWORD)freq[0]; // Try to find a good frequency for (int i = cFreq - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ((freq[i] >= 60) && (freq[i] <= 72)) { dm.dmDisplayFrequency = (DWORD)freq[i]; } } } LocalFree(freq); ULONG dmSize = _pCurDevmode->dmSize + _pCurDevmode->dmDriverExtra; PDEVMODE pOldDevMode = (LPDEVMODE) LocalAlloc(LPTR, dmSize); if (pOldDevMode) { CopyMemory(pOldDevMode, _pCurDevmode, dmSize); if (_ExactMatch(&dm, FALSE)) { // Verify that the mode actually works if (SaveSettings(CDS_TEST) == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { // Update the registry to specify the new display settings if (SaveSettings(CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY | CDS_NORESET) == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { // Refresh the display info from the registry, if you update directly ChangeDisplaySettings will do weird things in the fringe cases if (ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, CDS_RAWMODE) == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) { if (IsKnownSafe()) { // No need to warn, this is known to be a good value. *pfApplied = TRUE; } else { INT_PTR iRet = DialogBoxParam(HINST_THISDLL, MAKEINTRESOURCE((dwFlags & DS_BACKUPDISPLAYCPL) ? DLG_KEEPNEW2 : DLG_KEEPNEW3), hwnd, KeepNewDlgProc, (dwFlags & DS_BACKUPDISPLAYCPL) ? 15 : 30); if ((IDYES == iRet) || (IDOK == iRet)) { *pfApplied = TRUE; } else { if (_ExactMatch(pOldDevMode, FALSE)) { SaveSettings(CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY | CDS_NORESET); ChangeDisplaySettings(NULL, CDS_RAWMODE); } if (dwFlags & DS_BACKUPDISPLAYCPL) { // Use shellexecuteex to run the display CPL SHELLEXECUTEINFO shexinfo = {0}; shexinfo.cbSize = sizeof (shexinfo); shexinfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; shexinfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; shexinfo.lpFile = L"desk.cpl"; ShellExecuteEx(&shexinfo); } } } } } } } LocalFree(pOldDevMode); } return S_OK; } HRESULT CDisplaySettings::GetSelectedMode(DWORD* pdwWidth, DWORD* pdwHeight, DWORD* pdwColor) { if (pdwWidth && pdwHeight && pdwColor) { if (_pCurDevmode) { *pdwWidth = _pCurDevmode->dmPelsWidth; *pdwHeight = _pCurDevmode->dmPelsHeight; *pdwColor = _pCurDevmode->dmBitsPerPel; return S_OK; } else { return E_FAIL; } } else { return E_INVALIDARG; } } HRESULT CDisplaySettings::GetAttached(BOOL* pfAttached) { if (pfAttached) { *pfAttached = _fCurAttached; return S_OK; } else return E_INVALIDARG; } HRESULT CDisplaySettings::SetPruningMode(BOOL fIsPruningOn) { ASSERT (_bCanBePruned && !_bIsPruningReadOnly); if (_bCanBePruned && !_bIsPruningReadOnly && ((fIsPruningOn != 0) != _bIsPruningOn)) { _bIsPruningOn = (fIsPruningOn != 0); DWORD dwIsPruningOn = (DWORD)_bIsPruningOn; RegSetValueEx(_hPruningRegKey, SZ_PRUNNING_MODE, NULL, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwIsPruningOn, sizeof(dwIsPruningOn)); // // handle the special case when we pruned out the current mode // if(_bIsPruningOn && _IsCurDevmodeRaw()) { // // switch to the closest mode // _BestMatch(NULL, -1, TRUE); } } return S_OK; } HRESULT CDisplaySettings::GetPruningMode(BOOL* pfCanBePruned, BOOL* pfIsPruningReadOnly, BOOL* pfIsPruningOn) { if (pfCanBePruned && pfIsPruningReadOnly && pfIsPruningOn) { *pfCanBePruned = _bCanBePruned; *pfIsPruningReadOnly = _bIsPruningReadOnly; *pfIsPruningOn = _bIsPruningOn; return S_OK; } else { return E_INVALIDARG; } } HRESULT CDisplaySettings_CreateInstance(IN IUnknown * punkOuter, IN REFIID riid, OUT LPVOID * ppvObj) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if (!punkOuter && ppvObj) { CDisplaySettings * pThis = new CDisplaySettings(); *ppvObj = NULL; if (pThis) { hr = pThis->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); pThis->Release(); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } return hr; }