@rem = '--*-Perl-*-- @echo off if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto endofperl :WinNT perl -x -S "%0" %* if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endofperl if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH. goto endofperl @rem '; #!perl #line 14 # # This Perl program generates the "IsolationAware" stubs # in winbase.inl, winuser.inl, prsht.h, commctrl.h, commdlg.h. # # It is run by the makefile.inc files in # base\published # windows\published # shell\published\inc # # The name "shfusion2" comes from these stubs being the public replacement # for "shfusion" -- shell\lib\shfusion. # # Generation of the stubs is driven by declarations in the .w files. # The stubs vary in a few ways. # Some are just for delayload purposes -- all the actctx functions. # Some delayload the entire .dll -- comctl32.dll. # Others activate around static links -- kernel32.dll, user32.dll, comdlg32.dll # some do not activate at all -- the actctx functions # winbase.inl gets an extra chunk of "less generated" / "relatively hardcoded" # code, that the stubs in the other files depend on. # winbase.inl exports two symbols to all the stubs, and one extra symbol # to two stubs in prsht.h # The two symbols are ActivateMyActCtx, g_fDownlevel. # The third symbol is g_hActCtx. # All symbols get "mangled". # Each header also gets a small function for calling GetProcAddress with an implied # HMODULE parameter. This function's name is also "mangled". # Besides "mangling", all external symbols are clearly "namespaced" with a relatively # long "namespace" -- IsolationAware or IsolationAwarePrivate. # # owner=JayKrell # # # $ scalar/string/number # @ list/array # $ hash # {} hash # $true = 1; $false = 0; $ErrorMessagePrefix = 'NMAKE : U1234: ' . $ENV{'SDXROOT'} . '\\tools\\ShFusion2.bat '; sub MakeLower { my($x) = ($_[0]); return "\L$x"; } sub MakeTitlecase { # first character uppercase, the rest lowercase my($x) = ($_[0]); $x = "\L$x"; $x = "\u$x"; return $x; } sub ToIdentifier { # replace dots with underscores my($x) = ($_[0]); $x =~ s/\./_/g; return $x; } sub MakePublicPreprocessorSymbol { # # ISOLATION_AWARE_WORDWITHNOUNDERSCORES # ISOLATIONAWARE_MULTIPLE_UNDERSCORE_SEPERATED_WORDS # # not great, but consistent with existing symbols # my($name) = ($_[0]); if ($name !~ /[A-Z_0-9]/) { # warning.. } if ($name =~ /_/) { return "ISOLATIONAWARE_" . $name; } else { return "ISOLATION_AWARE_" . $name; } } $INLINE = MakePublicPreprocessorSymbol("INLINE"); sub ObscurePrivateName { #my ($hungarian, $namespace,$x) = ($_[0],$_[1]); my ($namespace,$x) = ($_[0],$_[1]); $readable = $x; $x =~ tr/0-9/a-j/; # shift 13, and sometimes invert case $x =~ tr/a-m/N-Z/; $x =~ tr/n-z/a-m/; $x =~ tr/A-M/n-z/; $x =~ tr/N-Z/A-M/; #if ($hungarian) #{ # $hungarian = $hungarian . '_'; #} #return $PRIVATE . '(' . $hungarian . $readable . ',' . $namespace . $x . ')'; #return $PRIVATE . '(' . $readable . ',' . $namespace . $x . ')'; return $namespace . $x; } sub MakeHeaderPrivateName { my($header, $name) = ($_[0], $_[1]); $header = MakeTitlecase(BaseName($header)); return ObscurePrivateName($header . 'IsolationAwarePrivate', $name); } sub MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName { my($name) = ($_[0]); return ObscurePrivateName('IsolationAwarePrivate', $name); } sub MakePublicName { # IsolationAwareFoo my($name) = ($_[0]); return "IsolationAware" . $name; } use Class::Struct; use IO::File; # # If ENV{_NTDRIVE} or ENV{_NTROOT} not defined, look here. # %NtDriveRootDefaults = ( "jaykrell" => { "_NTDRIVE" => "f:", "_NTROOT" => "\\jaykrell" }, "default" => { "_NTDRIVE" => "z:", "_NTROOT" => "\\nt" } ); sub Indent { return $_[0] . " "; } sub Outdent { return substr($_[0], 4); } # # for Perl embedded in headers, stick data in global hashtables, but hide # the Perl syntax in what looks like C function calls. # sub DeclareFunctionErrorValue { my($function,$errorValue) = ($_[0], $_[1]); $FunctionErrorValue{$function} = MakeStringTrue($errorValue); #print($function . " error value is " . $errorValue . "\n"); } sub DelayLoad { $DelayLoad{$_[0]} = 1; } sub MapHeaderToDll { $MapHeaderToDll{RemoveExtension(MakeLower($_[0]))} = MakeLower($_[1]); } sub ActivateAroundDelayLoad { DelayLoad($_[0], $_[1]); $ActivateAroundDelayLoad{$_[0]} = 1; } sub ActivateAroundFunctionCall { $ActivateAroundFunctionCall{$_[0]} = 1; } sub NoActivateAroundFunctionCall {$NoActivateAroundFunctionCall{$_[0]} = 1;} sub ActivateNULLAroundFunctionCall { $ActivateNULLAroundFunctionCall{$_[0]} = 1; } sub NoMacro { $NoMacro{$_[0]} = 1; } sub DeclareExportName32 { $ExportName32{$_[0]} = $_[1]; } sub DeclareExportName64 { $ExportName64{$_[0]} = $_[1]; } sub Undef { $Undef{$_[0]} = 1; } sub PoundIf { $PoundIfCondition{$_[0]} = $_[1]; } # # for Perl on the command line # sub SetStubsFile { $StubsFile = $_[0]; #print("StubsFile is " . $StubsFile . "\n"); } sub LeafPath { my($x) = ($_[0]); my($y)= $x; if ($y =~ /\\/) { ($y) = ($x =~ /.*\\(.+)/); } #print("leaf path of $x is $y\n"); return $y; } sub BaseName { my($x) = ($_[0]); $x = LeafPath($x); if ($x =~ /\./) { $x =~ s/^(.*)\..*$/$1/; } return $x; } sub RemoveExtension { return BaseName($_[0]); } sub GetNtDriveOrRoot { my($name) = ($_[0]); my($x); $x = $ENV{$name}; if ($x) { return $x; } $x = $NtDriveRootDefaults{MakeLower($ENV{"COMPUTERNAME"})} || $NtDriveRootDefaults{MakeLower($ENV{"USERNAME"})} || $NtDriveRootDefaults{$ENV{"default"}}; return $x{$name}; } sub GetNtDrive { return GetNtDriveOrRoot("_NTDRIVE"); }; sub GetNtRoot { return GetNtDriveOrRoot("_NTROOT"); }; struct Function => # I don't know what syntax is in play here, just following an example.. { name => '$', ret => '$', retname => '$', # just for Hungarian purposes # for more sophisticated processing, these should be arrays or hashes, and we wouldn't have # both, but all we ever do is print these flat strings argsTypesNames => '$', argsNames => '$', error => '$', # eg NULL, 0, -1, FALSE dll => '$', # eg: kernel32.dll, comctl32.dll header => '$', # eg: winuser, commctrl delayload => '$', # boolean }; # # Headers have versions of GetProcAddress where the .dll is implied. # This generates a call to such a GetProcAddress wrapper. # sub GenerateGetProcAddressCall { my($header, $dll, $function) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); my($x); $dll = MakeTitlecase($dll); $x .= MakeHeaderPrivateName($header, 'GetProcAddress_' . ToIdentifier($dll)); $x .= '("' . $function . '")'; return $x; } $code = ''; $WinbaseSpecialCode1=' BOOL WINAPI ' . MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName("ActivateMyActCtx") . '(ULONG_PTR* pulpCookie); /* These are private. */ __declspec(selectany) HANDLE ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_hActCtx') . ' = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; __declspec(selectany) BOOL ' . MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName('g_fDownlevel') . ' = FALSE; __declspec(selectany) BOOL ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_fCreatedActCtx') . ' = FALSE; __declspec(selectany) BOOL ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_fCleanupCalled') . ' = FALSE; '; $WinbaseSpecialCode2=' FORCEINLINE HMODULE WINAPI ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName("winbase.h", 'GetModuleHandle_Kernel32_dll') . '( ) { HMODULE hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleW(L"Kernel32.dll"); if (hKernel32 == NULL && GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ) hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleA("Kernel32.dll"); return hKernel32; } #define WINBASE_NUMBER_OF(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) ' . ' ' . $INLINE . ' BOOL WINAPI ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName("winbase.h", "GetMyActCtx") . ' (void) /* The correctness of this function depends on it being statically linked into its clients. This function is private to functions present in this header. Do not use it. */ { BOOL fResult = FALSE; ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_BASIC_INFORMATION actCtxBasicInfo; ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0; if (' . MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName('g_fDownlevel') . ') { fResult = TRUE; goto Exit; } if (' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_hActCtx') . ' != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { fResult = TRUE; goto Exit; } if (!' . MakePublicName('QueryActCtxW') . '( QUERY_ACTCTX_FLAG_ACTCTX_IS_ADDRESS | QUERY_ACTCTX_FLAG_NO_ADDREF, &' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_hActCtx') . ', NULL, ActivationContextBasicInformation, &actCtxBasicInfo, sizeof(actCtxBasicInfo), NULL )) goto Exit; /* If QueryActCtxW returns NULL, try CreateActCtx(3). */ if (actCtxBasicInfo.hActCtx == NULL) { ACTCTXW actCtx; WCHAR rgchFullModulePath[MAX_PATH + 2]; DWORD dw; HMODULE hmodSelf; PGET_MODULE_HANDLE_EXW pfnGetModuleHandleExW; pfnGetModuleHandleExW = (PGET_MODULE_HANDLE_EXW)' . GenerateGetProcAddressCall('winbase.h', 'kernel32.dll', 'GetModuleHandleExW') . '; if (pfnGetModuleHandleExW == NULL) goto Exit; if (!(*pfnGetModuleHandleExW)( GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS, (LPCWSTR)&' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_hActCtx') . ', &hmodSelf )) goto Exit; rgchFullModulePath[WINBASE_NUMBER_OF(rgchFullModulePath) - 1] = 0; rgchFullModulePath[WINBASE_NUMBER_OF(rgchFullModulePath) - 2] = 0; dw = GetModuleFileNameW(hmodSelf, rgchFullModulePath, WINBASE_NUMBER_OF(rgchFullModulePath)); if (dw == 0) goto Exit; if (rgchFullModulePath[WINBASE_NUMBER_OF(rgchFullModulePath) - 2] != 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); goto Exit; } actCtx.cbSize = sizeof(actCtx); actCtx.dwFlags = ACTCTX_FLAG_RESOURCE_NAME_VALID | ACTCTX_FLAG_HMODULE_VALID; actCtx.lpSource = rgchFullModulePath; actCtx.lpResourceName = (LPCWSTR)(ULONG_PTR)3; actCtx.hModule = hmodSelf; actCtxBasicInfo.hActCtx = ' . MakePublicName('CreateActCtxW') . '(&actCtx); if (actCtxBasicInfo.hActCtx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { const DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); if ((dwLastError != ERROR_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND) && (dwLastError != ERROR_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND) && (dwLastError != ERROR_RESOURCE_LANG_NOT_FOUND) && (dwLastError != ERROR_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND)) goto Exit; actCtxBasicInfo.hActCtx = NULL; } ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_fCreatedActCtx') . ' = TRUE; } ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_hActCtx') . ' = actCtxBasicInfo.hActCtx; #define ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_DLL_REDIRECTION (2) if (' . MakePublicName('ActivateActCtx') . '(actCtxBasicInfo.hActCtx, &ulpCookie)) { __try { ACTCTX_SECTION_KEYED_DATA actCtxSectionKeyedData; actCtxSectionKeyedData.cbSize = sizeof(actCtxSectionKeyedData); if (' . MakePublicName("FindActCtxSectionStringW") . '(0, NULL, ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_SECTION_DLL_REDIRECTION, L"Comctl32.dll", &actCtxSectionKeyedData)) { /* get button, edit, etc. registered */ LoadLibraryW(L"Comctl32.dll"); } } __finally { ' . MakePublicName('DeactivateActCtx') . '(0, ulpCookie); } } fResult = TRUE; Exit: return fResult; } ' . $INLINE . ' BOOL WINAPI ' . MakePublicName('Init') . '(void) /* The correctness of this function depends on it being statically linked into its clients. Call this from DllMain(DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) if you use id 3 and wish to avoid a race condition that can cause an hActCtx leak. Call this from your .exe\'s initialization if you use id 3 and wish to avoid a race condition that can cause an hActCtx leak. If you use id 2, this function fetches data from your .dll that you do not need to worry about cleaning up. */ { return ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName("winbase.h", "GetMyActCtx") . '(); } ' . $INLINE . ' void WINAPI ' . MakePublicName('Cleanup') . '(void) /* Call this from DllMain(DLL_PROCESS_DETACH), if you use id 3, to avoid a leak. Call this from your .exe\'s cleanup to possibly avoid apparent (but not actual) leaks, if use id 3. This function does nothing, safely, if you use id 2. */ { HANDLE hActCtx; if (' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_fCleanupCalled') . ') return; /* IsolationAware* calls made from here on out will OutputDebugString and use the process default activation context instead of id 3 or will continue to successfully use id 2 (but still OutputDebugString). */ ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_fCleanupCalled') . ' = TRUE; /* There is no cleanup to do if we did not CreateActCtx but only called QueryActCtx. */ if (!' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_fCreatedActCtx') . ') return; hActCtx = ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_hActCtx') . '; ' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_hActCtx') . ' = NULL; /* process default */ if (hActCtx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; if (hActCtx == NULL) return; IsolationAwareReleaseActCtx(hActCtx); } ' . $INLINE . ' BOOL WINAPI ' . MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName("ActivateMyActCtx") . '(ULONG_PTR* pulpCookie) /* This function is private to functions present in this header and other headers. */ { BOOL fResult = FALSE; if (' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_fCleanupCalled') . ') { const static char debugString[] = "IsolationAware function called after ' . MakePublicName('Cleanup') . '\\n"; OutputDebugStringA(debugString); } if (' . MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName('g_fDownlevel') . ') { fResult = TRUE; goto Exit; } /* Do not call Init if Cleanup has been called. */ if (!' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_fCleanupCalled') . ') { if (!' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'GetMyActCtx') . '()) goto Exit; } /* If Cleanup has been called and id3 was in use, this will activate NULL. */ if (!' . MakePublicName('ActivateActCtx') . '(' . MakeHeaderPrivateName('winbase.h', 'g_hActCtx') . ', pulpCookie)) goto Exit; fResult = TRUE; Exit: if (!fResult) { const DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); if (dwLastError == ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND || dwLastError == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ) { ' . MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName('g_fDownlevel') . ' = TRUE; fResult = TRUE; } } return fResult; } #undef WINBASE_NUMBER_OF ' ; %MapHeaderToSpecialCode1 = ( "winbase" => $WinbaseSpecialCode1, "winbase.h" => $WinbaseSpecialCode1, "Winbase" => $WinbaseSpecialCode1, "Winbase.h" => $WinbaseSpecialCode1, ); %MapHeaderToSpecialCode2 = ( "winbase" => $WinbaseSpecialCode2, "winbase.h" => $WinbaseSpecialCode2, "Winbase" => $WinbaseSpecialCode2, "Winbase.h" => $WinbaseSpecialCode2, ); sub MakeStringTrue { ($_[0] eq "0") ? "0 " : $_[0]; } %TypeErrorValue = ( # Individual functions can override with a #!perl comment. # Functions that return an integer must specify. 0, -1, ~0 are too evenly split. # HANDLE must specify (NULL, INVALID_HANDLE..) "BOOL" => "FALSE", "bool" => "false", "PVOID" => "NULL", "HICON" => "NULL", "HIMAGELIST" => "NULL", "HWND" => "NULL", "COLORREF" => "RGB(0,0,0)", "HBITMAP" => "NULL", "LANGID" => "0", "ATOM" => "0", "HPROPSHEETPAGE" => "NULL", "HDSA" => "NULL", "HDPA" => "NULL", # HRESULTs are treated specially! "HRESULT" => "S_OK" ); sub IndentMultiLineString { my ($indent, $string) = ($_[0], $_[1]); if ($string) { $string = join("\n" . $indent, split("\n", $string)). "\n"; #$string =~ s/^(.)/$indent$1/gm; # unindent preprocessor directives $string =~ s/^$indent#/#/gms; } return $string; } # hack hack $ExitWin32ToHresult =' ExitWin32ToHresult: { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); if (dwLastError == NO_ERROR) dwLastError = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR; result = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwLastError); return result; } '; %Hungarian = ( # We default to empty. "BOOL" => "f", "int" => "n", "short" => "n", "long" => "n", "INT" => "n", "SHORT" => "n", "LONG" => "n", "UINT" => "n", "USHORT" => "n", "ULONG" => "n", "WORD" => "n", "DWORD" => "n", "INT_PTR" => "n", "LONG_PTR" => "n", "UINT_PTR" => "n", "ULONG_PTR" => "n", "DWORD_PTR" => "n", "HWND" => "window", "HRESULT" => "", "COLORREF" => "color", "HICON" => "icon", "PVOID" => "v", "HMODULE" => "module", "HINSTANCE" => "instance", "HBITMAP" => "bitmap", "LANGID" => "languageId", "HIMAGELIST" => "imagelist", ); $headerName = MakeLower($ARGV[0]); #print("ARGV is " . join(" ", @ARGV) . "\n"); @ARGV = reverse(@ARGV); pop(ARGV); @ARGV = reverse(@ARGV); #print("ARGV is " . join(" ", @ARGV) . "\n"); # # The command line should say 'SetStubsFile('foo.sxs-stubs');' # eval(join("\n", @ARGV)); if ($headerName =~ /\\/) { ($headerLeafName) = ($headerName =~ /.+\\(.+)/); $headerFullPath = $headerName; } else { $headerLeafName = $headerName; $headerFullPath = GetNtDrive() . GetNtRoot() . "\\public\\sdk\\inc\\" . $headerName; } #print($headerFullPath); open(headerFileHandle, "< " . $headerFullPath) || die; # # extract out the executable code # @ single line @ # # $code .= "/* " . $headerFullPath . " */\n\n"; # read all the lines into one string $file = join("", ); # if it doesn't contain any embedded Perl, then we are a no-op, just spit it out # This way we can run over all files, makes it easier to edit shell\published\makefile.inc. if ($file !~ /#!perl/ms) { print($file); exit; } # remove stuff that doesn't mean much $file =~ s/\bWINAPIV\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bWINAPI\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\b__stdcall\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\b_stdcall\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\b__cdecl\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\b_cdecl\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\b__fastcall\b //g; $file =~ s/\b_fastcall\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bCALLBACK\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bPASCAL\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bAPIENTRY\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bFAR\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bNEAR\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bvolatile\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bIN\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bOUT\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bDECLSPEC_NORETURN\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bOPTIONAL\b/ /g; # honor backslash line continuations, before removing preprocessor directives $file =~ s/\\\n//gms; # execute perl code embedded in comments # quadratic behavior where we keep searching for the string, remove, search, remove.. # without remembering where the previous find was while ($file =~ s/\/\* ?#!perl(.*?)\*\///ms) { $_ = $1; # C++ comments in the Perl comment are removed s/\/\/.*?$//gms; # support C++ comments within the #!perl C comment. # something resembling C comment close is restored # escape-o-rama.. s/\* \//\*\//gms; eval; #print; } #print($file); #exit(); # remove comments, before removing preprocessor directives $file =~ s/\/\*.*?\*\//\n/gms; $file =~ s/\/\/.*?$//gms; #print($file); #exit(); # remove preprocessor directives # must do this before we make one statement per line in pursuit # of an easy typedef/struct removal $file =~ s/^[ \t]*#.*$//gm; # remove FORCEINLINE functions, assuming they don't contain any braces.. $file =~ s/FORCEINLINE.+?}//gms; # remove extern C open and close # must do this before we make one statement per line in pursuit # of an easy typedef/struct removal $file =~ s/\bextern\b \"C\" {$//gm; $file =~ s/^}$//gm; # # cleanup commdlg.h # # remove Afx blah $file =~ s/^.*Afx.*$//gm; # remove IID blah $file =~ s/^.*DEFINE_GUID.*$//gm; # remove IPrintDialogCallback $file =~ s/DECLARE_INTERFACE_.+?};//gs; # # futz with whitespace (has to do with having removed comments from within structs) # we do this more later # $file =~ s/[ \t\n]+/ /g; # remove typedefs and structs, this is extremely sloppy and fragile # .. we fold statements to be single lines, and then only keep statements that have parens, # and then remove single line typedefs and structs as well # .. avoiding counting braces .. $file =~ s/\n/ /gms; # remove all newlines $file =~ s/;/;\n/gms; # each statement on its own line (also struct fields on their own line) $file =~ s/^[^()]+$//gm; # only keep statements with parens # # types with parens that don't have typedefs will defeat the above, for example: # struct foo { # void (*bar)(void); # }; # # Still, just by requiring a leading "WIN" on function declarations, we can live with structs and # typedefs in the file. # $file =~ s/^ +//gm; # remove spaces at start of line $file =~ s/^typedef\b.+;$//gm; # remove typedefs (they're probably already gone) $file =~ s/^struct\b.+;$//gm; # remove structs (they're probably already gone) $file =~ s/\n+/\n/g; # remove empty lines #print $file; #exit; $file =~ s/^.+\.\.\..+$//gm; # remove vararg functions # format as one function declaration per line, no empty lines (some of this is redundant # given how we now remove typedefs and structs) $file =~ s/[ \t\n]+/ /g; $file =~ s/;/;\n/g; $file =~ s/^.+?\bWinMain\b.+?$//gm; # WinMain looks wierd due to #ifdef _MAC. Remove it. $file =~ s/\n+/\n/g; # remove empty lines (again) $file =~ s/^ +//gm; # remove spaces at line starts (again) $file =~ s/\A\n+//g; # remove newline from very start of file # more simplications, more whitespace, fewer other characters $file =~ s/\);$//gm; # get rid of trailing semi and rparen #$file =~ s/\(/ \(/g; # make sure whitespace precedes lparens, to set them off from function name $file =~ s/\*/ \* /g; # make sure stars are whitespace delimited $file =~ s/\( +/\(/g; # remove whitespace after lparen $file =~ s/\bWINBASEAPI\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bWINADVAPI\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bWINUSERAPI\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bWINCOMMCTRLAPI\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bWINGDIAPI\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bWINCOMMDLGAPI\b/ /g; $file =~ s/\bWIN[A-Z]+API\b/ /g; $file =~ s/^ +//gm; # remove whitespace at start of lines # normalize what empty parameter lists look like between (VOID) and (void) # leave PVOID and LPVOID alone (\b for word break) # lowercase others while we're at it $file =~ s/\b(VOID|CONST|INT|LONG|SHORT)\b/\L$1\E/g; $file =~ s/\($/\(void/gm; # change the occasional C++ form (this is broken if compiling for C) to the C form # yet more whitespace cleanup #$file =~ s/ *(,|\*) */$1/g; # remove whitespace around commas and stars $file =~ s/ *, */,/g; # remove whitespace around commas $file =~ s/^ +//gm; # remove spaces at start of line $file =~ s/ +$//gm; # remove spaces at end of line $file =~ s/ +/ /g; # runs of spaces to single spaces if (0) { print $file; exit; } foreach $line (split("\n", $file)) { $unnamed_counter = 1; # split off return type and name at first lparen #($retname, $args) = ($line =~ /WIN[A-Z]+ ([^(]+)\((.+)/); ($retname, $args) = ($line =~ /([^(]+)\((.+)/); # split off name as last space delimited from return type and name, # allowing return type to be multiple tokens ($ret, $name) = ($retname =~ /(.*) ([^ ]+)/); $args =~ s/^ +//g; # cleanup whitespace (again) $args =~ s/ +$//g; # cleanup whitespace (again!) $args =~ s/ +/ /g; # cleanup whitespace (again!!) # # now split up args, split their name from their type, and provide names for unnamed ones # and note if they are void # the key is to generate the two strings, argNamesAndTypes and argNames # # unnamed parameters are parameters that either # have only one token # or whose last token is a star # we don't handle C++ references or "untypedefed structs passed by value" like "void F(struct G);" # or inline defined structs "void F(struct G { int i; });" # $argNames = ""; if ($args !~ /^void$/) { $args2 = ""; foreach $arg (split(/,/, $args)) { $args2 .= $arg; if ($arg =~ /^ *\w+ *$/) { $argName = "unnamed" . $unnamed_counter++; $argNames .= $argName; $args2 .= " " . $argName; } # If a parameter ends with a star, it is unnamed. elsif ($arg =~ /\* *$/) { $argName = "unnamed" . $unnamed_counter++; $argNames .= $argName; $args2 .= " " . $argName; } else { ($argName) = ($arg =~ /(\w+)$/); $argNames .= $argName; } $args2 .= ","; $argNames .= ","; } $args = $args2; } $args =~ s/ *\* */\*/g; $args =~ s/, *$//g; $argNames =~ s/, *$//g; $args =~ s/ *, */,/g; $argNames =~ s/ *, */,/g; $dll = $MapHeaderToDll{RemoveExtension($headerLeafName)}; if ( $DelayLoad{$dll} || $DelayLoad{$name} || ($ActivateAroundFunctionCall{$dll} && !$NoActivateAroundFunctionCall{$name}) || $ActivateAroundFunctionCall{$name} || $ActivateNULLAroundFunctionCall{$name} ) { $function = Function->new(); $function->ret($ret); $function->name($name); $function->argsTypesNames("(". $args . ")"); $function->argsNames("(". $argNames . ")"); $error = MakeStringTrue($FunctionErrorValue{$name}); if (!$error) { $error = MakeStringTrue($TypeErrorValue{$ret}); } if (!$error && $ret ne "void") { print($ErrorMessagePrefix . "don't know know error value for " . $ret . " " . $name . "\n"); exit; #$error = "((" . $ret . ")0)"; } $function->error($error); $retname = $Hungarian{$ret}; if (!$retname) { $retname = "result"; } else { $retname .= "Result"; } $function->retname($retname); $function->dll($dll); $function->header(RemoveExtension(MakeLower($headerLeafName)) . ".h"); if ($DelayLoad{$dll} || $DelayLoad{$name}) { $function->delayload($true); } push(@functions, ($function)); #print("pushed " . $name . "\n"); } else { #print("didn"t push " . $name . "(" . $dll . ")\n"); } } sub InsertCodeIntoFile { my($code, $filePath) = ($_[0], $_[1]); my($fileContents, $fileHandle); my($stubsFileHandle); my($yearnow); $fileHandle = new IO::File($filePath, "r"); $fileContents = join("", $fileHandle->getlines()); # # We have decided to sometimes use an #include in order to not be so large. # # Remove the executable perl code. $fileContents =~ s/\/\* ?#!perl.*?\*\///msg; if ($StubsFile) { #print("StubsFile is $StubsFile\n"); $stubsFileHandle = new IO::File($StubsFile, "w"); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(); my ($firstyear) = 2001; $year += 1900; if ($year == $firstyear) { $stubsFileHandle->print("/* Copyright (c) " . $firstyear . " Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. */\n"); } else { $stubsFileHandle->print("/* Copyright (c) " . $firstyear . "-" . $year .", Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. */\n"); } #$stubsFileHandle->print("/* This file generated " . localtime() . " */\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print("\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print("#if _MSC_VER > 1000\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print("#pragma once\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print("#endif\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print("\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print("#if defined(__cplusplus)\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print("extern \"C\" {\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print("#endif\n\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print($code); $stubsFileHandle->print("\n#if defined(__cplusplus)\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print("} /* __cplusplus */\n"); $stubsFileHandle->print("#endif\n"); # generate the include, within #if $code = ""; $code .= "#if !defined(RC_INVOKED) /* RC complains about long symbols in #ifs */\n"; $code .= "#if " . MakePublicPreprocessorSymbol("ENABLED") . "\n"; $code .= "#include \"" . LeafPath($StubsFile) . "\"\n"; $code .= "#endif /* " . MakePublicPreprocessorSymbol("ENABLED") . " */\n"; $code .= "#endif /* RC */"; } # # put the #include or the code into the the file # # The #include or the code goes before the last # occurence of #ifdef __cplusplus or #if defined(__cplusplus. # $fileContents =~ s/(.+)(#if[defined( \t]+__cplusplus.*?$})/$1\n\n$code\n\n$2/ms; return $fileContents; }; sub GenerateHeaderCommon1 { my($function) = ($_[0]); my($x, $dll, $dllid, $header); #print("2\n"); $dll = MakeLower($function->dll()); $dllid = MakeTitlecase(ToIdentifier($dll)); $header = MakeLower(BaseName($function->header())) . ".h"; $x .= ' #if !defined(' . $INLINE . ') #if defined(__cplusplus) #define ' . $INLINE . ' inline #else #define ' . $INLINE . ' __inline #endif #endif '; $x .= $MapHeaderToSpecialCode1{$header}; $x .= "FARPROC WINAPI "; $x .= MakeHeaderPrivateName($header, "GetProcAddress_$dllid"); $x .= "(LPCSTR pszProcName);\n\n"; $x .= $SpecialChunksOfCode{$header}; return $x; } sub GenerateHeaderCommon2 { my($function) = ($_[0]); my($x); my($dll); my($LoadLibrary); my($indent); my($exit); my($dllid); my($activate); my($header); $LoadLibrary = "LoadLibrary"; # or GetModuleHandle $dll = MakeLower($function->dll()); $dllid = ToIdentifier(MakeTitlecase($dll)); $indent = ""; $activate = $ActivateAroundDelayLoad{$dll}; $header = MakeLower(LeafPath($function->header())); #print("header is " . $header . "\n"); $x .= $MapHeaderToSpecialCode2{$header}; $x .= $INLINE . " FARPROC WINAPI "; $x .= MakeHeaderPrivateName($header, "GetProcAddress_$dllid"); $x .= "(LPCSTR pszProcName)\n"; $x .= "/* This function is shared by the other stubs in this header. */\n"; $x .= "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); $x .= $indent . "FARPROC proc = NULL;\n"; $x .= $indent . "static HMODULE s_module;\n"; $exit = "return proc;\n"; if ($activate) { $x .= $indent . "BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = FALSE;\n"; $x .= $indent . "ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0;\n"; } if ($activate) { $x .= $indent . "__try\n"; $x .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); $exit = "__leave;\n"; } $x .= $indent . "if (s_module == NULL)\n"; $x .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); if ($activate) { $x .= $indent . "if (!" . MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName('g_fDownlevel') . ")\n"; $x .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); $x .= $indent . "fActivateActCtxSuccess = "; $x .= MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName("ActivateMyActCtx"); $x .= "(&ulpCookie);\n"; $x .= $indent . "if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess)\n"; $x .= $indent . " $exit"; $indent = Outdent($indent); $x .= $indent . "}\n"; } # # Depending on other factors, we might have a static ref to user32.dll, # in which case a GetModuleHandle is ok, but to be safe, LoadLibrary it. # if ($dll eq "kernel32.dll") { $x .= $indent . "s_module = " . MakeHeaderPrivateName("winbase.h", "GetModuleHandle_Kernel32_dll") . "();\n"; $x .= $indent . "if (s_module == NULL)\n"; $x .= $indent . " " . $exit; } else { $x .= $indent . "s_module = " . $LoadLibrary . "W(L\"" . MakeTitlecase($function->dll()) . "\");\n"; $x .= $indent . "if (s_module == NULL)\n"; $x .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); $x .= $indent . "if (GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)\n"; $x .= $indent . " " . $exit; $x .= $indent . "s_module = " . $LoadLibrary . "A(\"" . MakeTitlecase($function->dll()) . "\");\n"; $x .= $indent . "if (s_module == NULL)\n"; $x .= $indent . " " . $exit; $indent = Outdent($indent); $x .= $indent . "}\n"; } $indent = Outdent($indent); $x .= $indent . "}\n"; $x .= $indent . "proc = GetProcAddress(s_module, pszProcName);\n"; if ($activate) { $indent = Outdent($indent); $x .= $indent . "}\n"; $x .= $indent . "__finally\n"; $x .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); $x .= $indent . "if (!" . MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName('g_fDownlevel') . " && fActivateActCtxSuccess)\n"; $x .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); $x .= $indent . "const DWORD dwLastError = (proc == NULL) ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR;\n"; $x .= $indent . "(void)" . MakePublicName("DeactivateActCtx") . "(0, ulpCookie);\n"; $x .= $indent . "if (proc == NULL)\n"; $x .= $indent . " SetLastError(dwLastError);\n"; $indent = Outdent($indent); $x .= $indent . "}\n"; $indent = Outdent($indent); $x .= $indent . "}\n"; } $x .= $indent . "return proc;\n"; $indent = Outdent($indent); $x .= "}\n\n"; return $x; } sub GeneratePrototype { my($function) = ($_[0]); my($proto); $proto .= $function->ret() . " WINAPI "; $proto .= MakePublicName($function->name()); $proto .= $function->argsTypesNames() . ";\n"; return $proto; } sub GenerateStub { my($function) = ($_[0]); my($activate); my($delayload); my($stub); my($exit); my($indent); my($name); my($dll); my($ret); my($retname); $name = $function->name(); $dll = $function->dll(); $dllid = MakeTitlecase(ToIdentifier($dll)); $ret = $function->ret(); $retname = $function->retname(); $indent = ""; $stub = ""; $activate = $ActivateAroundFunctionCall{$name} || ($ActivateAroundFunctionCall{$dll} && !$NoActivateAroundFunctionCall{$name}) || $ActivateNULLAroundFunctionCall{$name}; $delayload = $DelayLoad{$name} || $DelayLoad{$dll}; if ($function->ret() eq "HRESULT") { $exit = "goto ExitWin32ToHresult;\n"; } elsif ($ret eq "void") { $exit = "return;\n"; } else { $exit = "return " . $function->retname() . ";\n"; } # "prototype" $stub .= $INLINE . " " . $ret . " WINAPI "; $stub .= MakePublicName($function->name()); $stub .= $function->argsTypesNames() . "\n"; $stub .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); # locals if ($ret ne "void") { $stub .= $indent . $ret . " " . $function->retname() . " = " . $function->error() . ";\n"; } if ($delayload) { $stub .= $indent . "typedef " . $ret . " (WINAPI* PFN)" . $function->argsTypesNames() . ";\n"; $stub .= $indent . "static PFN s_pfn;\n"; } $stub .= IndentMultiLineString($indent, $SpecialChunksOfCode{$function->name()}{"locals"}); if ($activate) { $stub .= $indent . "ULONG_PTR ulpCookie = 0;\n"; $stub .= $indent . "const BOOL fActivateActCtxSuccess = " . MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName('g_fDownlevel') . " || "; } # code (partly merged with local sometimes ("initialization" in the strict C++ terminology sense) if ($activate) { if ($ActivateNULLAroundFunctionCall{$function->name()}) { $stub .= MakePublicName("ActivateActCtx"); $stub .= "(NULL, &ulpCookie);\n"; } else { $stub .= MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName("ActivateMyActCtx"); $stub .= "(&ulpCookie);\n"; } $stub .= $indent . "if (!fActivateActCtxSuccess)\n"; $stub .= $indent . " $exit"; $stub .= $indent . "__try\n"; $stub .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); if ($ret ne "HRESULT") { $exit = "__leave;\n"; } } if ($delayload) { $stub .= $indent . "if (s_pfn == NULL)\n"; $stub .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); $stub .= $indent . "s_pfn = (PFN)"; $stub .= MakeHeaderPrivateName($function->header(), "GetProcAddress_$dllid"); $stub .= "("; if ($ExportName32{$name} || $ExportName64{$name}) { if (!$ExportName32{$name}) { $ExportName32{$name} = $name; } if (!$ExportName64{$name}) { $ExportName64{$name} = $name; } $stub .= "\n#if defined(_WIN64)\n"; $stub .= $indent . "\"" . $ExportName64{$name} . "\"\n"; $stub .= "#else\n"; $stub .= $indent . "\"" . $ExportName32{$name} . "\"\n"; $stub .= "#endif\n"; $stub .= $indent; } else { $stub .= "\"" . $name . "\""; } $stub .= ");\n"; $stub .= $indent . "if (s_pfn == NULL)\n"; $stub .= $indent . " $exit"; $indent = Outdent($indent); $stub .= $indent . "}\n"; } if ($SpecialChunksOfCode{$function->name()}{"body"}) { $stub .= IndentMultiLineString($indent, $SpecialChunksOfCode{$function->name()}{"body"}); } else { $stub .= $indent; if ($ret ne "void") { $stub .= $function->retname() . " = "; } if ($delayload) { $stub .= "s_pfn"; } else { $stub .= $function->name(); } $stub .= $function->argsNames(); $stub .= ";\n"; } if ($activate) { # # We cannot propagate the error from DeactivateActCtx. # 1) DeactivateActCtx only fails with INVALID_PARAMETER. # 2) How to generally cleanup the result, like of CreateWindow? # $indent = Outdent($indent); $stub .= $indent . "}\n"; $stub .= $indent . "__finally\n"; $stub .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); $stub .= $indent . "if (!" . MakeMultiHeaderPrivateName('g_fDownlevel') . ")\n"; $stub .= $indent . "{\n"; $indent = Indent($indent); $maybePreserveError = 0; if ($ret ne "void" && $ret ne "HRESULT") { $maybePreserveError = 1; $stub .= $indent . "const BOOL fPreserveLastError = (" . $retname . " == " . $function->error() . ");\n"; $stub .= $indent . "const DWORD dwLastError = fPreserveLastError ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR;\n"; } else { # nothing; } $stub .= $indent . "(void)" . MakePublicName("DeactivateActCtx") . "(0, ulpCookie);\n"; $stub .= IndentMultiLineString($indent, $SpecialChunksOfCode{$function->name()}{"cleanup"}); if ($maybePreserveError) { $stub .= $indent . "if (fPreserveLastError)\n"; $stub .= $indent . " SetLastError(dwLastError);\n"; } $indent = Outdent($indent); $stub .= $indent . "}\n"; $indent = Outdent($indent); $stub .= $indent . "}\n"; } if ($activate) { #$stub .= "Exit:\n"; } if ($ret ne "void") { $stub .= $indent . "return " . $function->retname() . ";\n"; } else { $stub .= $indent . "return;\n"; } if ($ret eq "HRESULT") { $stub .= $ExitWin32ToHresult; } $indent = Outdent($indent); $stub .= $indent . "}\n\n"; return $stub; }; foreach $function (@functions) { if (0) { print( "ret:" . $function->ret() . " name:" . $function->name() . " argsTypesNames:" . $function->argsTypesNames() . " argsNames:" . $function->argsNames() . "\n" ); } } $code .= "\n"; $code .= "#if !defined(RC_INVOKED) /* RC complains about long symbols in #ifs */\n"; $code .= "#if " . MakePublicPreprocessorSymbol("ENABLED") . "\n\n"; $code .= GenerateHeaderCommon1($functions[0]); #$ifSubClassProc = 0; #$ifStream = 0; #$ifPrintDialogEx = 0; sub AppendNewlineIfNotEmpty { return $_[0] ? $_[0] . "\n" : $_[0]; } sub GeneratePoundIf { # # note: nesting does not work # #print "GeneratePoundIf\n"; my($function) = ($_[0]); my($name) = $function->name(); my($condition) = $PoundIfCondition{$name}; my($state) = $PoundIfState{$condition}; my($code) = ""; if ($condition) { #$code .= "/* GeneratePoundIf:function=$name;condition=$condition;state=$state */\n"; } if ($condition && !$state) { $PoundIfState{$condition} = 1; $code .= "#if $condition\n"; } elsif (!$condition) { $code .= GeneratePoundEndif($function); } return $code; } sub GeneratePoundEndif { # # note: nesting does not work # my ($code) = ""; foreach $condition (keys(%PoundIfState)) { $code .= "#endif /* $condition */\n"; } undef %PoundIfState; # empty it return $code; } foreach $function (@functions) { $code .= GeneratePoundIf($function); $code .= GeneratePrototype($function); } $code .= GeneratePoundEndif($function); # hash so we can look for fooA and fooW foreach $function (@functions) { #print($function->name() . "\n"); $hashFunctionNames{$function->name()} = $function; } foreach $function (sort(keys(%hashFunctionNames))) { #print($function . "\n"); if ($function =~ /(.+)A$/ && $hashFunctionNames{$1 . "W"}) { $stringFunctionsHash{$1} = 1; #print($1 . " is a string function\n"); } } $code .= "\n#if defined(UNICODE)\n\n"; foreach $function (sort(keys(%stringFunctionsHash))) { $code .= "#define " . MakePublicName($function); $code .= " " . MakePublicName($function . "W") . "\n"; } $code .= "\n#else /* UNICODE */\n\n"; foreach $function (sort(keys(%stringFunctionsHash))) { $code .= "#define " . MakePublicName($function); $code .= " " . MakePublicName($function . "A") . "\n"; } $code .= "\n#endif /* UNICODE */\n\n"; ## PUBLIC here means "real Win32 documented name ## Public in elsewhere means user callable function, even if macro renamed #$code .= "\n#if defined(" . MakePublicPreprocessorSymbol("WRAPPER_NAMES_ARE_PUBLIC_NAMES") . ")\n\n"; # #$code .= '/* # THIS IS NOT THE DEFAULT. # # UNDONE If we really support this, then we need to do something about __declspec(dllimport). # It is a warning to say: # __declspec(dllimport) void Foo(); # inline void Foo() { } # # Either support the warning or remove the __declspec(dllimport) (a slight deoptimization for # users that directly statically link). # # UNDONE This also probably does not work for the kernel32 and user32 functions, but is in fact # what old shfusion.lib does for comctl and comdlg. The Perl code can tell these apart by # checking if "delayload dll" vs. individsual "delayload functions". # # Note that some functions like LoadLibrary do not appear in this list of macros. # That is deliberate. Nondelayloaded functions cannot be here, that\'d result in # infinite recursion, where the wrapper calls itself. #*/ #'; #foreach $function (sort(keys(%hashFunctionNames))) #{ # # # # This is only possible for delayloaded functions. # # In particular, LoadLibrary cannot be this way, otherwise our stubs end up # # calling our stubs. # # # if ($hashFunctionNames{$function}->delayload()) # { # $code .= "#define " . MakePublicName($function) . " " . $function . "\n"; # } #} #$code .= "\n#endif\n\n"; foreach $function (@functions) { $code .= AppendNewlineIfNotEmpty(GeneratePoundIf($function)); $code .= GenerateStub($function); } $code .= AppendNewlineIfNotEmpty(GeneratePoundEndif($function)); $code .= GenerateHeaderCommon2($functions[0]); # # The mapping must come after the WinbaseSpecialCode2. # #$code .= "\n#if !defined(" . MakePublicPreprocessorSymbol("WRAPPER_NAMES_ARE_PUBLIC_NAMES") . ") \\\n"; #$code .= " && !defined(" . MakePublicPreprocessorSymbol("DO_NOT_MAP_PUBLIC_NAMES_TO_WRAPPER_NAMES") . ")\n\n"; #$code .= '/* # THIS IS IN FACT THE USUAL CASE. # # All functions appear here, even if they don\'t all appear in the earlier macro list. #*/ #'; foreach $function (sort(keys(%hashFunctionNames))) { if ($NoMacro{$function}) { $code .= " /* " . $function . " skipped, as it is a popular C++ member function name. */\n"; } else { if ($Undef{$function}) { $code .= "#if defined(" . $function . ")\n"; $code .= "#undef " . $function . "\n"; $code .= "#endif\n"; } $code .= "#define " . $function . " " . MakePublicName($function) . "\n"; } } #$code .= "\n#endif\n\n"; $code .= "\n#endif /* " . MakePublicPreprocessorSymbol("ENABLED") . " */\n"; $code .= "#endif /* RC */\n\n"; $code = InsertCodeIntoFile($code, $headerFullPath); print($code); __END__ :endofperl