/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Microsoft Corporation // // // Module Name: // mpe.c // // Abstract: // // // Author: // // P Porzuczek // // Environment: // // Revision History: // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include "Mpe.h" #include "MpeMedia.h" #include "MpeStream.h" #include "Recv.h" #include "Main.h" #include "filter.h" #pragma pack (1) typedef struct { BYTE table_id; USHORT section_syntax_indicator : 1; USHORT private_indicator: 1; USHORT reserved1: 2; USHORT section_length: 12; BYTE MAC_address_6; BYTE MAC_address_5; BYTE reserved2 : 2; BYTE payload_scrambling : 2; BYTE address_scrambling : 2; BYTE LLC_SNAP_flag : 1; BYTE current_next_indicator : 1; BYTE section_number; BYTE last_section_number; BYTE MAC_address_4; BYTE MAC_address_3; BYTE MAC_address_2; BYTE MAC_address_1; BYTE Data [0]; } SECTION_HEADER, *PSECTION_HEADER; typedef struct { BYTE dsap; BYTE ssap; BYTE cntl; BYTE org [3]; USHORT type; BYTE Data [0]; } LLC_SNAP, *PLLC_SNAP; typedef struct { BYTE MAC_Dest_Address [6]; BYTE MAC_Src_Address [6]; USHORT usLength; } MAC_Address, *PMAC_Address; typedef struct _HEADER_IP_ { UCHAR ucVersion_Length; UCHAR ucTOS; USHORT usLength; USHORT usId; USHORT usFlags_Offset; UCHAR ucTTL; UCHAR ucProtocol; USHORT usHdrChecksum; UCHAR ucSrcAddress [4]; UCHAR ucDestAddress [4]; } HEADER_IP, *PHEADER_IP; #pragma pack () #define ES2(s) ((((s) >> 8) & 0x00FF) + (((s) << 8) & 0xFF00)) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN ValidSection ( PSECTION_HEADER pSection ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { if (pSection->table_id != 0x3E) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN ValidSnap ( PLLC_SNAP pSnap ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { if (pSnap->dsap != 0xAA) { return FALSE; } if (pSnap->ssap != 0xAA) { return FALSE; } if (pSnap->cntl != 0x03) { return FALSE; } if (pSnap->type != 0x0800) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID NormalizeSection ( PBYTE pStream, PSECTION_HEADER pSection ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { PBYTE pb = pStream; PUSHORT ps = (PUSHORT) pStream; if (pSection) { pSection->table_id = *pb; pb += 1; pSection->section_syntax_indicator = (*pb >> 7) & 0x01; pSection->private_indicator = (*pb >> 6 )& 0x01; pSection->reserved1 = (*pb >> 4) & 0x03; ps = (PUSHORT) pb; pSection->section_length = ES2 (*ps) & 0x0FFF; pb += 2; pSection->MAC_address_6 = *pb; pb += 1; pSection->MAC_address_5 = *pb; pb += 1; pSection->reserved2 = (*pb >> 6) & 0x03; pSection->payload_scrambling = (*pb >> 4) & 0x3; pSection->address_scrambling = (*pb >> 2) & 0x3; pSection->LLC_SNAP_flag = (*pb >> 1) & 0x01; pSection->current_next_indicator = *pb & 0x01; pb += 1; pSection->section_number = *pb; pb += 1; pSection->last_section_number = *pb; pb += 1; pSection->MAC_address_4 = *pb; pb += 1; pSection->MAC_address_3 = *pb; pb += 1; pSection->MAC_address_2 = *pb; pb += 1; pSection->MAC_address_1 = *pb; } return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID NormalizeSnap ( PBYTE pStream, PLLC_SNAP pSnap ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { PUSHORT ps = (PUSHORT) pStream; if (pSnap) { pSnap->type = ES2 (pSnap->type); } return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // VOID DumpDataFormat ( PKSDATAFORMAT pF ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID MpeGetConnectionProperty( PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { PSTREAM pStream = (PSTREAM)pSrb->StreamObject->HwStreamExtension; PSTREAM_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR pSPD = pSrb->CommandData.PropertyInfo; ULONG Id = pSPD->Property->Id; // index of the property ULONG ulStreamNumber = pSrb->StreamObject->StreamNumber; pSrb->ActualBytesTransferred = 0; switch (Id) { case KSPROPERTY_CONNECTION_ALLOCATORFRAMING: { PKSALLOCATOR_FRAMING Framing = (PKSALLOCATOR_FRAMING) pSPD->PropertyInfo; Framing->RequirementsFlags = KSALLOCATOR_REQUIREMENTF_SYSTEM_MEMORY | KSALLOCATOR_REQUIREMENTF_INPLACE_MODIFIER | KSALLOCATOR_REQUIREMENTF_PREFERENCES_ONLY; Framing->PoolType = NonPagedPool; Framing->Frames = 0; Framing->FrameSize = 0; Framing->FileAlignment = 0; // None OR FILE_QUAD_ALIGNMENT-1 OR PAGE_SIZE-1; Framing->Reserved = 0; switch (ulStreamNumber) { case MPE_IPV4: Framing->Frames = 16; Framing->FrameSize = pStream->OpenedFormat.SampleSize; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case MPE_STREAM: Framing->Frames = 32; Framing->FrameSize = pStream->OpenedFormat.SampleSize; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; default: pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } pSrb->ActualBytesTransferred = sizeof (KSALLOCATOR_FRAMING); } break; default: pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NTSTATUS MpeDriverInitialize ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA HwInitData; UNICODE_STRING DeviceNameString; UNICODE_STRING SymbolicNameString; RtlZeroMemory(&HwInitData, sizeof(HwInitData)); HwInitData.HwInitializationDataSize = sizeof(HwInitData); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Setup the stream class dispatch table // HwInitData.HwInterrupt = NULL; // HwInterrupt is only for HW devices HwInitData.HwReceivePacket = CodecReceivePacket; HwInitData.HwCancelPacket = CodecCancelPacket; HwInitData.HwRequestTimeoutHandler = CodecTimeoutPacket; HwInitData.DeviceExtensionSize = sizeof(MPE_FILTER); HwInitData.PerRequestExtensionSize = sizeof(SRB_EXTENSION); HwInitData.FilterInstanceExtensionSize = 0; HwInitData.PerStreamExtensionSize = sizeof(STREAM); HwInitData.BusMasterDMA = FALSE; HwInitData.Dma24BitAddresses = FALSE; HwInitData.BufferAlignment = 3; HwInitData.TurnOffSynchronization = TRUE; HwInitData.DmaBufferSize = 0; ntStatus = StreamClassRegisterAdapter (DriverObject, RegistryPath, &HwInitData); if (ntStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { goto ret; } ret: return ntStatus; } // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN CodecInitialize ( IN OUT PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOLEAN bStatus = FALSE; PPORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION pConfigInfo = pSrb->CommandData.ConfigInfo; PMPE_FILTER pFilter = (PMPE_FILTER) pConfigInfo->HwDeviceExtension; // // Define the default return codes // pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bStatus = TRUE; // // Initialize Statistics block // RtlZeroMemory(&pFilter->Stats, sizeof (STATS)); // // Check out init flag so we don't try to init more then once. The Streaming // Class driver appears to call the init handler several times for some reason. // if (pFilter->bInitializationComplete) { goto ret; } if (pConfigInfo->NumberOfAccessRanges == 0) { pConfigInfo->StreamDescriptorSize = sizeof (HW_STREAM_HEADER) + DRIVER_STREAM_COUNT * sizeof (HW_STREAM_INFORMATION); } else { pSrb->Status = STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; bStatus = FALSE; goto ret; } // // Create a filter object to represent our context // pSrb->Status = CreateFilter (pConfigInfo->ClassDeviceObject->DriverObject, pConfigInfo->ClassDeviceObject, pFilter); if (pSrb->Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { bStatus = FALSE; goto ret; } pFilter->bInitializationComplete = TRUE; ret: return (bStatus); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN CodecUnInitialize ( IN OUT PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; BOOLEAN bStatus = FALSE; PPORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION pConfigInfo = pSrb->CommandData.ConfigInfo; PMPE_FILTER pFilter = ((PMPE_FILTER)pSrb->HwDeviceExtension); PSTREAM pStream = NULL; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Codec Unitialize called\n")); if (pSrb->StreamObject != NULL) { pStream = (PSTREAM)pSrb->StreamObject->HwStreamExtension; } if (pStream) { // // Clean up the NAB_STREAM QUEUE used for deframing // //$$BUG //DeleteNabStreamQueue (pFilter); // // Clean up any queues we have and complete any outstanding SRB's // while (QueueRemove (&pSrb, &pFilter->StreamUserSpinLock, &pFilter->StreamContxList)) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 5Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); } while (QueueRemove (&pSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue)) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb ); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 6Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); } while (QueueRemove (&pSrb, &pFilter->StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->StreamDataQueue)) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb ); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 7Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); } while (QueueRemove (&pSrb, &pFilter->StreamControlSpinLock, &pFilter->StreamControlQueue)) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 8Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); } } while (QueueRemove (&pSrb, &pFilter->AdapterSRBSpinLock, &pFilter->AdapterSRBQueue)) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassDeviceNotification (DeviceRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_RECV, ("MPE 9Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); } bStatus = TRUE; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Codec Unitialize completed\n")); return (bStatus); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID CodecStreamInfo ( PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { int j; PMPE_FILTER pFilter = ((PMPE_FILTER)pSrb->HwDeviceExtension); // // pick up the pointer to header which preceeds the stream info structs // PHW_STREAM_HEADER pstrhdr = (PHW_STREAM_HEADER)&(pSrb->CommandData.StreamBuffer->StreamHeader); // // pick up the pointer to the array of stream information data structures // PHW_STREAM_INFORMATION pstrinfo = (PHW_STREAM_INFORMATION)&(pSrb->CommandData.StreamBuffer->StreamInfo); // // Set the header // StreamHeader.NumDevPropArrayEntries = 0; StreamHeader.DevicePropertiesArray = (PKSPROPERTY_SET)NULL; *pstrhdr = StreamHeader; // // stuff the contents of each HW_STREAM_INFORMATION struct // for (j = 0; j < DRIVER_STREAM_COUNT; j++) { *pstrinfo++ = Streams[j].hwStreamInfo; } pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID STREAMAPI CodecCancelPacket( PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { PSTREAM pStream = (PSTREAM)pSrb->StreamObject->HwStreamExtension; PMPE_FILTER pFilter = ((PMPE_FILTER)pSrb->HwDeviceExtension); // // Check whether the SRB to cancel is in use by this stream // TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: CancelPacket Called\n")); // //$$BUG // //CancelNabStreamSrb (pFilter, pSrb); if (QueueRemoveSpecific (pSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue)) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb ); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 10Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); return; } if (QueueRemoveSpecific (pSrb, &pFilter->StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->StreamDataQueue)) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb ); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 11Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); return; } if (QueueRemoveSpecific (pSrb, &pFilter->StreamControlSpinLock, &pFilter->StreamControlQueue)) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 12Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); return; } if (QueueRemoveSpecific (pSrb, &pFilter->AdapterSRBSpinLock, &pFilter->AdapterSRBQueue)) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassDeviceNotification (DeviceRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 13Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); return; } return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID STREAMAPI CodecTimeoutPacket( PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { // // if we timeout while playing, then we need to consider this // condition an error, and reset the hardware, and reset everything // as well as cancelling this and all requests // // // if we are not playing, and this is a CTRL request, we still // need to reset everything as well as cancelling this and all requests // // // if this is a data request, and the device is paused, we probably have // run out of data buffer, and need more time, so just reset the timer, // and let the packet continue // TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: TimeoutPacket Called\n")); pSrb->TimeoutCounter = 0; return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID STREAMAPI CodecReceivePacket( IN PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { PMPE_FILTER pFilter = ((PMPE_FILTER)pSrb->HwDeviceExtension); // // Make sure queue & SL initted // if (!pFilter->bAdapterQueueInitialized) { InitializeListHead (&pFilter->AdapterSRBQueue); KeInitializeSpinLock (&pFilter->AdapterSRBSpinLock); pFilter->bAdapterQueueInitialized = TRUE; } // // Assume success // pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // determine the type of packet. // QueueAdd (pSrb, &pFilter->AdapterSRBSpinLock, &pFilter->AdapterSRBQueue); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE Queuing SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); while (QueueRemove( &pSrb, &pFilter->AdapterSRBSpinLock, &pFilter->AdapterSRBQueue )) { switch (pSrb->Command) { case SRB_INITIALIZE_DEVICE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_INITIALIZE Command\n")); CodecInitialize(pSrb); break; case SRB_UNINITIALIZE_DEVICE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_UNINITIALIZE Command\n")); CodecUnInitialize(pSrb); break; case SRB_INITIALIZATION_COMPLETE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_INITIALIZE_COMPLETE Command\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case SRB_OPEN_STREAM: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_OPEN_STREAM Command\n")); OpenStream (pSrb); break; case SRB_CLOSE_STREAM: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_CLOSE_STREAM Command\n")); CloseStream (pSrb); break; case SRB_GET_STREAM_INFO: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_GET_STREAM_INFO Command\n")); CodecStreamInfo (pSrb); break; case SRB_GET_DATA_INTERSECTION: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_GET_DATA_INTERSECTION Command\n")); // // Compare our stream formats. NOTE, the compare functions sets the SRB // status fields // CompareStreamFormat (pSrb); break; case SRB_OPEN_DEVICE_INSTANCE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_OPEN_DEVICE_INSTANCE Command\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case SRB_CLOSE_DEVICE_INSTANCE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_CLOSE_DEVICE_INSTANCE Command\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case SRB_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_COMMAND: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_UNKNOWN_DEVICE Command\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case SRB_CHANGE_POWER_STATE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_CHANGE_POWER_STATE Command\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case SRB_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_GET_DEVICE_PROPERTY Command\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case SRB_SET_DEVICE_PROPERTY: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_SET_DEVICE_PROPERTY Command\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case SRB_UNKNOWN_STREAM_COMMAND: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_UNKNOWN Command\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; default: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_DEFAULT Command\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; }; // // NOTE: // // All of the commands that we do, or do not understand can all be completed // syncronously at this point, so we can use a common callback routine here. // If any of the above commands require asyncronous processing, this will // have to change // TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB Status returned: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); StreamClassDeviceNotification (DeviceRequestComplete, pFilter, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 14Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL STREAMAPI QueueAdd ( IN PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb, IN PKSPIN_LOCK pQueueSpinLock, IN PLIST_ENTRY pQueue ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { KIRQL Irql; PSRB_EXTENSION pSrbExtension; pSrbExtension = ( PSRB_EXTENSION )pSrb->SRBExtension; KeAcquireSpinLock( pQueueSpinLock, &Irql ); pSrbExtension->pSrb = pSrb; InsertTailList( pQueue, &pSrbExtension->ListEntry ); KeReleaseSpinLock( pQueueSpinLock, Irql ); return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL STREAMAPI QueuePush ( IN PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb, IN PKSPIN_LOCK pQueueSpinLock, IN PLIST_ENTRY pQueue ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { KIRQL Irql; PSRB_EXTENSION pSrbExtension; pSrbExtension = ( PSRB_EXTENSION )pSrb->SRBExtension; KeAcquireSpinLock( pQueueSpinLock, &Irql ); pSrbExtension->pSrb = pSrb; InsertHeadList( pQueue, &pSrbExtension->ListEntry ); KeReleaseSpinLock( pQueueSpinLock, Irql ); return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL STREAMAPI QueueAddIfNotEmpty ( IN PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb, IN PKSPIN_LOCK pQueueSpinLock, IN PLIST_ENTRY pQueue ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { KIRQL Irql; PSRB_EXTENSION pSrbExtension; BOOL bAddedSRB = FALSE; pSrbExtension = ( PSRB_EXTENSION )pSrb->SRBExtension; KeAcquireSpinLock( pQueueSpinLock, &Irql ); if( !IsListEmpty( pQueue )) { pSrbExtension->pSrb = pSrb; InsertTailList (pQueue, &pSrbExtension->ListEntry ); bAddedSRB = TRUE; } KeReleaseSpinLock( pQueueSpinLock, Irql ); return bAddedSRB; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL STREAMAPI QueueRemove ( IN OUT PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK * pSrb, IN PKSPIN_LOCK pQueueSpinLock, IN PLIST_ENTRY pQueue ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { KIRQL Irql; BOOL bRemovedSRB = FALSE; KeAcquireSpinLock (pQueueSpinLock, &Irql); *pSrb = (PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK) NULL; if( !IsListEmpty( pQueue )) { PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK *pCurrentSrb = NULL; PUCHAR Ptr = (PUCHAR) RemoveHeadList(pQueue); pCurrentSrb = (PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK *) (((PUCHAR)Ptr) + sizeof (LIST_ENTRY)); *pSrb = *pCurrentSrb; bRemovedSRB = TRUE; } KeReleaseSpinLock (pQueueSpinLock, Irql); return bRemovedSRB; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL STREAMAPI QueueRemoveSpecific ( IN PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb, IN PKSPIN_LOCK pQueueSpinLock, IN PLIST_ENTRY pQueue ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { KIRQL Irql; BOOL bRemovedSRB = FALSE; PLIST_ENTRY pCurrentEntry; PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK * pCurrentSrb; KeAcquireSpinLock( pQueueSpinLock, &Irql ); if( !IsListEmpty( pQueue )) { pCurrentEntry = pQueue->Flink; while ((pCurrentEntry != pQueue ) && !bRemovedSRB) { pCurrentSrb = (PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK * ) ((( PUCHAR )pCurrentEntry ) + sizeof( LIST_ENTRY )); if( *pCurrentSrb == pSrb ) { RemoveEntryList( pCurrentEntry ); bRemovedSRB = TRUE; } pCurrentEntry = pCurrentEntry->Flink; } } KeReleaseSpinLock( pQueueSpinLock, Irql ); return bRemovedSRB; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NTSTATUS StreamIPIndicateEvent ( PVOID pvEvent ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CompareGUIDsAndFormatSize( IN PKSDATARANGE pDataRange1, IN PKSDATARANGE pDataRange2, BOOLEAN bCheckSize ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { BOOL bResult = FALSE; if ( IsEqualGUID(&pDataRange1->MajorFormat, &KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_WILDCARD) || IsEqualGUID(&pDataRange2->MajorFormat, &KSDATAFORMAT_TYPE_WILDCARD) || IsEqualGUID(&pDataRange1->MajorFormat, &pDataRange2->MajorFormat) ) { if ( IsEqualGUID(&pDataRange1->SubFormat, &KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_WILDCARD) || IsEqualGUID(&pDataRange2->SubFormat, &KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_WILDCARD) || IsEqualGUID(&pDataRange1->SubFormat, &pDataRange2->SubFormat) ) { if ( IsEqualGUID(&pDataRange1->Specifier, &KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_WILDCARD) || IsEqualGUID(&pDataRange2->Specifier, &KSDATAFORMAT_SPECIFIER_WILDCARD) || IsEqualGUID(&pDataRange1->Specifier, &pDataRange2->Specifier) ) { if ( !bCheckSize || pDataRange1->FormatSize == pDataRange2->FormatSize) { bResult = TRUE; } } } } return bResult; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID DumpDataFormat ( PKSDATAFORMAT pF ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: DATA Format\n")); TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Format Size: %08X\n", pF->FormatSize)); TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Flags: %08X\n", pF->Flags)); TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SampleSize: %08X\n", pF->SampleSize)); TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Reserved: %08X\n", pF->Reserved)); TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Major GUID: %08X %04X %04X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", pF->MajorFormat.Data1, pF->MajorFormat.Data2, pF->MajorFormat.Data3, pF->MajorFormat.Data4[0], pF->MajorFormat.Data4[1], pF->MajorFormat.Data4[2], pF->MajorFormat.Data4[3], pF->MajorFormat.Data4[4], pF->MajorFormat.Data4[5], pF->MajorFormat.Data4[6], pF->MajorFormat.Data4[7] )); TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Sub GUID: %08X %04X %04X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", pF->SubFormat.Data1, pF->SubFormat.Data2, pF->SubFormat.Data3, pF->SubFormat.Data4[0], pF->SubFormat.Data4[1], pF->SubFormat.Data4[2], pF->SubFormat.Data4[3], pF->SubFormat.Data4[4], pF->SubFormat.Data4[5], pF->SubFormat.Data4[6], pF->SubFormat.Data4[7] )); TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Specifier: %08X %04X %04X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n", pF->Specifier.Data1, pF->Specifier.Data2, pF->Specifier.Data3, pF->Specifier.Data4[0], pF->Specifier.Data4[1], pF->Specifier.Data4[2], pF->Specifier.Data4[3], pF->Specifier.Data4[4], pF->Specifier.Data4[5], pF->Specifier.Data4[6], pF->Specifier.Data4[7] )); TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("\n")); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CompareStreamFormat ( IN PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { BOOL bStatus = FALSE; PSTREAM_DATA_INTERSECT_INFO pIntersectInfo; PKSDATARANGE pDataRange1; PKSDATARANGE pDataRange2; ULONG FormatSize = 0; ULONG ulStreamNumber; ULONG j; ULONG ulNumberOfFormatArrayEntries; PKSDATAFORMAT *pAvailableFormats; pIntersectInfo = pSrb->CommandData.IntersectInfo; ulStreamNumber = pIntersectInfo->StreamNumber; pSrb->ActualBytesTransferred = 0; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Comparing Stream Formats\n")); // // Check that the stream number is valid // if (ulStreamNumber < DRIVER_STREAM_COUNT) { ulNumberOfFormatArrayEntries = Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamInfo.NumberOfFormatArrayEntries; // // Get the pointer to the array of available formats // pAvailableFormats = Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamInfo.StreamFormatsArray; // // Walk the formats supported by the stream searching for a match // of the three GUIDs which together define a DATARANGE // for (pDataRange1 = pIntersectInfo->DataRange, j = 0; j < ulNumberOfFormatArrayEntries; j++, pAvailableFormats++) { bStatus = FALSE; pSrb->Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; pDataRange2 = *pAvailableFormats; if (CompareGUIDsAndFormatSize (pDataRange1, pDataRange2, TRUE)) { ULONG ulFormatSize = pDataRange2->FormatSize; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Stream Formats compare\n")); // // Is the caller trying to get the format, or the size of the format? // if (pIntersectInfo->SizeOfDataFormatBuffer == sizeof (ULONG)) { TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Returning Stream Format size\n")); *(PULONG) pIntersectInfo->DataFormatBuffer = ulFormatSize; pSrb->ActualBytesTransferred = sizeof (ULONG); pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bStatus = TRUE; } else { // // Verify that there is enough room in the supplied buffer for the whole thing // pSrb->Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; bStatus = FALSE; if (pIntersectInfo->SizeOfDataFormatBuffer >= ulFormatSize) { TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Returning Stream Format\n")); RtlCopyMemory (pIntersectInfo->DataFormatBuffer, pDataRange2, ulFormatSize); pSrb->ActualBytesTransferred = ulFormatSize; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; bStatus = TRUE; } else { TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Stream Format return buffer too small\n")); } } break; } else { TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Stream Formats DO NOT compare\n")); } } if ( j >= ulNumberOfFormatArrayEntries ) { pSrb->ActualBytesTransferred = 0; pSrb->Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; bStatus = FALSE; } } else { pSrb->ActualBytesTransferred = 0; pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; bStatus = FALSE; } return bStatus; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID CloseStream ( PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { // // the stream extension structure is allocated by the stream class driver // PSTREAM pStream = (PSTREAM)pSrb->StreamObject->HwStreamExtension; PMPE_FILTER pFilter = (PMPE_FILTER)pSrb->HwDeviceExtension; ULONG ulStreamNumber = (ULONG) pSrb->StreamObject->StreamNumber; ULONG ulStreamInstance = pStream->ulStreamInstance; PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pCurrentSrb = NULL; // // check that the stream index requested isn't too high // or that the maximum number of instances hasn't been exceeded // if (ulStreamNumber < DRIVER_STREAM_COUNT ) { // // Flush the stream data queue // while (QueueRemove( &pCurrentSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue)) { pCurrentSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification( StreamRequestComplete, pCurrentSrb->StreamObject, pCurrentSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 15Completed SRB %08X\n", pCurrentSrb)); } // // Flush the stream data queue // while (QueueRemove( &pCurrentSrb, &pFilter->StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->StreamDataQueue)) { pCurrentSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification( StreamRequestComplete, pCurrentSrb->StreamObject, pCurrentSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 16Completed SRB %08X\n", pCurrentSrb)); } // // Flush the stream control queue // while (QueueRemove( &pCurrentSrb, &pFilter->StreamControlSpinLock, &pFilter->StreamControlQueue)) { pCurrentSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pCurrentSrb->StreamObject, pCurrentSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 17Completed SRB %08X\n", pCurrentSrb)); } // // Clear this streams spot in the filters stream array // pFilter->pStream[ulStreamNumber][ulStreamInstance] = NULL; // // decrement the stream instance count for this filter // pFilter->ulActualInstances[ulStreamNumber]--; // // Indicate the clock support available on this stream // //pSrb->StreamObject->HwClockObject = 0; // // Reset the stream state to stopped // pStream->KSState = KSSTATE_STOP; // // // pStream->hMasterClock = NULL; // // Cleanup the streams transform buffer // if (pStream->pTransformBuffer) { ExFreePool (pStream->pTransformBuffer); pStream->pTransformBuffer = NULL; } // // Reset the stream extension blob // RtlZeroMemory(pStream, sizeof (STREAM)); pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { pSrb->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID OpenStream ( PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { // // the stream extension structure is allocated by the stream class driver // PSTREAM pStream = (PSTREAM)pSrb->StreamObject->HwStreamExtension; PMPE_FILTER pFilter = ((PMPE_FILTER)pSrb->HwDeviceExtension); ULONG ulStreamNumber = (ULONG) pSrb->StreamObject->StreamNumber; PKSDATAFORMAT pKSDataFormat = (PKSDATAFORMAT)pSrb->CommandData.OpenFormat; // // Initialize the stream extension blob // //RtlZeroMemory(pStream, sizeof (STREAM)); // // Initialize stream state // //pStream->KSState = KSSTATE_STOP; // // Initialize the next stream life check time. // KeQuerySystemTime( &pFilter->liLastTimeChecked ); // // check that the stream index requested isn't too high // or that the maximum number of instances hasn't been exceeded // if (ulStreamNumber < DRIVER_STREAM_COUNT ) { ULONG ulStreamInstance; ULONG ulMaxInstances = Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamInfo.NumberOfPossibleInstances; // // Search for next open slot // for (ulStreamInstance = 0; ulStreamInstance < ulMaxInstances; ++ulStreamInstance) { if (pFilter->pStream[ulStreamNumber][ulStreamInstance] == NULL) { break; } } if (ulStreamInstance < ulMaxInstances) { if (VerifyFormat(pKSDataFormat, ulStreamNumber, &pStream->MatchedFormat)) { // // Initialize Data queues and SpinLocks // InitializeListHead(&pFilter->StreamControlQueue); KeInitializeSpinLock(&pFilter->StreamControlSpinLock); InitializeListHead(&pFilter->StreamDataQueue); KeInitializeSpinLock(&pFilter->StreamDataSpinLock); InitializeListHead(&pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue); KeInitializeSpinLock(&pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock); InitializeListHead(&pFilter->StreamContxList); KeInitializeSpinLock(&pFilter->StreamUserSpinLock); // // Maintain an array of all the StreamEx structures in the HwDevExt // so that we can reference IRPs from any stream // pFilter->pStream[ulStreamNumber][ulStreamInstance] = pStream; // // Save the Stream Format in the Stream Extension as well. // pStream->OpenedFormat = *pKSDataFormat; // // Set up pointers to the handlers for the stream data and control handlers // pSrb->StreamObject->ReceiveDataPacket = (PVOID) Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamObject.ReceiveDataPacket; pSrb->StreamObject->ReceiveControlPacket = (PVOID) Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamObject.ReceiveControlPacket; // // The DMA flag must be set when the device will be performing DMA directly // to the data buffer addresses passed in to the ReceiveDataPacket routines. // pSrb->StreamObject->Dma = Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamObject.Dma; // // The PIO flag must be set when the mini driver will be accessing the data // buffers passed in using logical addressing // pSrb->StreamObject->Pio = Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamObject.Pio; pSrb->StreamObject->Allocator = Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamObject.Allocator; // // How many extra bytes will be passed up from the driver for each frame? // pSrb->StreamObject->StreamHeaderMediaSpecific = Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamObject.StreamHeaderMediaSpecific; pSrb->StreamObject->StreamHeaderWorkspace = Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamObject.StreamHeaderWorkspace; // // Indicate the clock support available on this stream // pSrb->StreamObject->HwClockObject = Streams[ulStreamNumber].hwStreamObject.HwClockObject; // // Increment the instance count on this stream // pStream->ulStreamInstance = ulStreamInstance; pFilter->ulActualInstances[ulStreamNumber]++; // // Allocate a transform buffer // pStream->pTransformBuffer = ExAllocatePool (NonPagedPool, sizeof(SECTION_HEADER) + 4096); if (pStream->pTransformBuffer == NULL) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; return; } RtlZeroMemory (pStream->pTransformBuffer, sizeof(SECTION_HEADER) + 4096); // // Initalize persistent pointer to output buffer to NULL // pStream->pOut = NULL; // // Initialize the exepected section number to zero // pStream->bExpectedSection = 0; // // Retain a private copy of the HwDevExt and StreamObject in the stream extension // so we can use a timer // pStream->pFilter = pFilter; // For timer use pStream->pStreamObject = pSrb->StreamObject; // For timer use pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { pSrb->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { pSrb->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { pSrb->Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN VerifyFormat( IN KSDATAFORMAT *pKSDataFormat, UINT StreamNumber, PKSDATARANGE pMatchedFormat ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { BOOLEAN bResult = FALSE; ULONG FormatCount = 0; PKS_DATARANGE_VIDEO pThisFormat = NULL; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Verify Format\n")); for (FormatCount = 0; !bResult && FormatCount < Streams[StreamNumber].hwStreamInfo.NumberOfFormatArrayEntries; FormatCount++ ) { pThisFormat = (PKS_DATARANGE_VIDEO) Streams [StreamNumber].hwStreamInfo.StreamFormatsArray [FormatCount]; if (CompareGUIDsAndFormatSize( pKSDataFormat, &pThisFormat->DataRange, FALSE ) ) { bResult = FALSE; if (pThisFormat->DataRange.SampleSize >= pKSDataFormat->SampleSize) { bResult = TRUE; } else { TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: VerifyFormat: Data range Sample Sizes don't match\n")); } } } if (bResult == TRUE && pMatchedFormat) { *pMatchedFormat = pThisFormat->DataRange; } return bResult; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NTSTATUS GetOutputBuffer ( PMPE_FILTER pFilter, PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK *ppSrb, PUCHAR *ppBuffer, PULONG pulSize ) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; PKSSTREAM_HEADER pStreamHdr = NULL; PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb = NULL; if (QueueRemove( &pSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue)) { pStreamHdr = pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray; *ppSrb = pSrb; *ppBuffer = pStreamHdr->Data; *pulSize = pStreamHdr->FrameExtent; status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } return status; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID STREAMAPI ReceiveDataPacket ( IN PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { PMPE_FILTER pFilter = (PMPE_FILTER) pSrb->HwDeviceExtension; PSTREAM pStream = (PSTREAM)pSrb->StreamObject->HwStreamExtension; int iStream = (int) pSrb->StreamObject->StreamNumber; PKSSTREAM_HEADER pStreamHdr = pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray; PKSDATAFORMAT pKSDataFormat = (PKSDATAFORMAT) &pStream->MatchedFormat; ULONG ul = 0; PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pOutSrb = NULL; SECTION_HEADER Section = {0}; PSECTION_HEADER pSection = NULL; PUCHAR pIn = NULL; PLLC_SNAP pSnap = NULL; ULONG ulSize = 0; ULONG ulLength = 0; PHEADER_IP pIP = NULL; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Data packet handler called\n")); // // Default to success, disable timeouts // pSrb->TimeoutCounter = 0; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // Check for last buffer // if (pStreamHdr->OptionsFlags & KSSTREAM_HEADER_OPTIONSF_ENDOFSTREAM) { TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Data packet is LAST PACKET\n")); StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 18Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); return; } if (pStreamHdr->OptionsFlags != 0) { TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: OptionsFlags: %08X\n", pStreamHdr->OptionsFlags)); } // // determine the type of packet. // switch (pSrb->Command) { case SRB_WRITE_DATA: if (pStream->KSState == KSSTATE_STOP) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_WRITE STOP SRB Status returned: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb ); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 19Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); break; } // // Update the total number of packets written statistic // pFilter->Stats.ulTotalSectionsWritten += 1; // // Handle data input, output requests differently. // switch (iStream) { // // Frame input stream // case MPE_STREAM: { ULONG ulBuffers = pSrb->NumberOfBuffers; ULONG ulSkip = 0; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Data packet handler - SRB_WRITE - MPE_STREAM\n")); // // Initialize SRB Status to success // pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // // copy the contents of all buffers into one big buffer // ASSERT( ulBuffers == 1); for (ul = 0; ul < ulBuffers; ul++, pStreamHdr++) { ASSERT( pStreamHdr); ASSERT( pStreamHdr->DataUsed <= (sizeof(SECTION_HEADER) + 4096)); if ( pStreamHdr && (pStreamHdr->DataUsed <= (sizeof(SECTION_HEADER) + 4096)) ) { // // Copy the data // RtlCopyMemory (pStream->pTransformBuffer, pStreamHdr->Data, pStreamHdr->DataUsed ); } } // // Process the transform buffer // pSection = (PSECTION_HEADER) pStream->pTransformBuffer; NormalizeSection (pStream->pTransformBuffer, &Section); // // Do a quick check of the section header to confirm it looks valid // if (! ValidSection (&Section)) { // Ignore non-MPE sections // StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); pStream->bExpectedSection = 0; pFilter->Stats.ulTotalInvalidSections += 1; // // Since we're discarding the data at this point, we'll re-queue the output // SRB and re-use it when we get re-synched. // if (pOutSrb) { //$REVIEW - Can this cause out of order completion of sections. // QueuePush (pOutSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue); } pStream->pOut = NULL; pOutSrb = NULL; TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 20Completed SRB %08X\n - Invalid TableID", pSrb)); break; } // // Update our UnNormalized section header with our normalized one. // RtlCopyMemory (pStream->pTransformBuffer, &Section, sizeof (SECTION_HEADER)); // // Check our section number and see if it's what we expect // if (pSection->section_number != pStream->bExpectedSection) { StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); pStream->bExpectedSection = 0; pFilter->Stats.ulTotalUnexpectedSections += 1; // // Since we're discarding the data at this point, we'll re-queue the output // SRB and re-use it when we get re-synched. // if (pOutSrb) { //$REVIEW - Can this cause out of order completion of sections. // QueuePush (pOutSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue); } pStream->pOut = NULL; pOutSrb = NULL; TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 20Completed SRB %08X\n - Invalid section_number", pSrb)); break; } // // Process the 1st section // if (pSection->section_number == 0) { PMAC_Address pMAC = NULL; // // Initialize packet length to zero // ulLength = 0; // // // if (GetOutputBuffer (pFilter, &pOutSrb, &pStream->pOut, &ulSize) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { // // Failure....no buffers available most likely // pFilter->Stats.ulTotalUnavailableOutputBuffers += 1; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 20Completed SRB %08X\n - Can't get SRB for output pin", pSrb)); break; } if (ulSize < (pSection->section_length - (sizeof (SECTION_HEADER) - 3))) { StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); pStream->bExpectedSection = 0; pFilter->Stats.ulTotalOutputBuffersTooSmall += 1; // // Since we're discarding the data at this point, we'll re-queue the output // SRB and re-use it when we get re-synched. // if (pOutSrb) { //$REVIEW - Can this cause out of order completion of sections. // QueuePush (pOutSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue); } pStream->pOut = NULL; pOutSrb = NULL; TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 20Completed SRB %08X\n - Section too big", pSrb)); break; } pIP = (PHEADER_IP) pSection->Data; if (pSection->LLC_SNAP_flag == 0x1) { pSnap = (PLLC_SNAP) pSection->Data; pIP = (PHEADER_IP) pSnap->Data; ulSkip = sizeof( LLC_SNAP); } // // Add the MAC address to the buffer. The MAC address prefix's the IP packet // pMAC = (PMAC_Address) pStream->pOut; pMAC->MAC_Dest_Address [0] = pSection->MAC_address_1; pMAC->MAC_Dest_Address [1] = pSection->MAC_address_2; pMAC->MAC_Dest_Address [2] = pSection->MAC_address_3; pMAC->MAC_Dest_Address [3] = pSection->MAC_address_4; pMAC->MAC_Dest_Address [4] = pSection->MAC_address_5; pMAC->MAC_Dest_Address [5] = pSection->MAC_address_6; pMAC->MAC_Src_Address [0] = 0x00; pMAC->MAC_Src_Address [1] = 0x00; pMAC->MAC_Src_Address [2] = 0x00; pMAC->MAC_Src_Address [3] = 0x00; pMAC->MAC_Src_Address [4] = 0x00; pMAC->MAC_Src_Address [5] = 0x00; pMAC->usLength = 0x0008; // // Adjust pointer to output buffer where we'll put data // pStream->pOut += sizeof (MAC_Address); pIn = pSection->Data; if (pSection->LLC_SNAP_flag == 0x1) { pSnap = (PLLC_SNAP) pSection->Data; if (pSnap->type != 0x0008) { StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); // // Next expected Section should be zero // pStream->bExpectedSection = 0; pFilter->Stats.ulTotalInvalidIPSnapHeaders += 1; // // Since we're discarding the data at this point, we'll re-queue the output // SRB and re-use it when we get re-synched. // if (pOutSrb) { //$REVIEW - Can this cause out of order completion of sections. // QueuePush (pOutSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue); } pStream->pOut = NULL; pOutSrb = NULL; TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 20Completed SRB %08X\n - Bad Snap Type", pSrb)); break; } pIn = pSnap->Data; } ulLength = sizeof (MAC_Address); } // // pOut should be NULL unless we've found the 1st section. // if (pStream->pOut) { ULONG ulTmp = 0; PKSSTREAM_HEADER pOutStreamHdr; // // Update the datasize field of the Output SRB // pOutStreamHdr = (PKSSTREAM_HEADER) pOutSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray; // // Copy data from transform section to output SRB buffer // // Compute the number of bytes to copy. We subtract of 9 bytes // only if this is a LLSNAP packet. // ulTmp = pSection->section_length; ulTmp -= ulSkip; RtlCopyMemory (pStream->pOut, pIn, ulTmp); ulLength += ulTmp; pOutStreamHdr->DataUsed += ulLength; ulLength = 0; } if (pSection->section_number == pSection->last_section_number) { pFilter->Stats.ulTotalIPPacketsWritten += 1; pOutSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pOutSrb->StreamObject, pOutSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 20Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); pOutSrb = NULL; pStream->pOut = NULL; ulSize = 0; } StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 20Completed SRB %08X\n - Packet Sent", pSrb)); } break; default: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Data packet handler called - SRB_WRITE - Default\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; // // Update stats for Unkown packet count // pFilter->Stats.ulTotalUnknownPacketsWritten += 1; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: DEFAULT SRB Status returned: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 22Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); break; } break; case SRB_READ_DATA: if (pStream->KSState == KSSTATE_STOP) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_READ STOP SRB Status returned: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb ); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 23Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); break; } // // Update stats for Unkown packet count // pFilter->Stats.ulTotalPacketsRead += 1; switch (iStream) { #ifdef OLD case MPE_NET_CONTROL: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Data packet handler called - SRB_READ - STREAM_NET_CONTROL\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: MPE_NET_CONTROL SRB Status returned: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 24Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); break; #endif case MPE_IPV4: { ULONG ulBuffers = pSrb->NumberOfBuffers; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Data packet handler called - SRB_READ - MPE_IPV4\n")); if (pSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->FrameExtent < pKSDataFormat->SampleSize) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: MPE_IPV4 SRB Buffer too small.... Status returned: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); StreamClassStreamNotification(StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 25Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); } else { // // Take the SRB we get and queue it up. These Queued SRB's will be filled with data on a WRITE_DATA // request, at which point they will be completed. // QueueAdd (pSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE Queuing IPv4 SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); // // Since the stream state may have changed while we were adding the SRB to the queue // we'll check it again, and cancel it if necessary // if (pStream->KSState == KSSTATE_STOP) { TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB_READ STOP SRB Status returned: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); if (QueueRemoveSpecific (pSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue)) { pSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb ); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 26Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); return; } break; } } } break; default: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Data packet handler called - SRB_READ - Default\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: DEFAULT SRB Status returned: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 27Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); break; } break; default: // // invalid / unsupported command. Fail it as such // TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Data packet handler called - Unsupported Command\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: DEFAULT SRB Status returned: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); StreamClassStreamNotification( StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb ); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 28Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); ASSERT (FALSE); break; } TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Data packet handler called...status: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID MpeGetProperty ( PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { PSTREAM_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR pSPD = pSrb->CommandData.PropertyInfo; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; if (IsEqualGUID (&KSPROPSETID_Connection, &pSPD->Property->Set)) { MpeGetConnectionProperty (pSrb); } else { pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: MpeGetProperty Status: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); return; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID IndicateMasterClock( PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { PSTREAM pStream = (PSTREAM) pSrb->StreamObject->HwStreamExtension; pStream->hClock = pSrb->CommandData.MasterClockHandle; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID STREAMAPI ReceiveCtrlPacket( IN PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { PMPE_FILTER pFilter = (PMPE_FILTER) pSrb->HwDeviceExtension; PSTREAM pStream = (PSTREAM) pSrb->StreamObject->HwStreamExtension; TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Control packet handler called\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; QueueAdd (pSrb, &pFilter->StreamControlSpinLock, &pFilter->StreamControlQueue); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE Queuing Control Packet SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); while (QueueRemove (&pSrb, &pFilter->StreamControlSpinLock, &pFilter->StreamControlQueue)) { // // determine the type of packet. // switch (pSrb->Command) { case SRB_PROPOSE_DATA_FORMAT: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Control packet handler - Propose data format\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case SRB_SET_STREAM_STATE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Control packet handler - Set Stream State\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; MpeSetState (pSrb); break; case SRB_GET_STREAM_STATE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Control packet handler - Get Stream State\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; pSrb->CommandData.StreamState = pStream->KSState; pSrb->ActualBytesTransferred = sizeof (KSSTATE); break; case SRB_GET_STREAM_PROPERTY: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Control packet handler - Get Stream Property\n")); MpeGetProperty(pSrb); break; case SRB_SET_STREAM_PROPERTY: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Control packet handler - Set Stream Property\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; case SRB_INDICATE_MASTER_CLOCK: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Control packet handler - Indicate Master Clock\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; IndicateMasterClock (pSrb); break; case SRB_SET_STREAM_RATE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Control packet handler - Set Stream Rate\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case SRB_PROPOSE_STREAM_RATE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Control packet handler - Propose Stream Rate\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; default: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Receive Control packet handler - Default case\n")); pSrb->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; break; } TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: SRB Status returned: %08X\n", pSrb->Status)); StreamClassStreamNotification (StreamRequestComplete, pSrb->StreamObject, pSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 29Completed SRB %08X\n", pSrb)); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID MpeSetState( PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pSrb ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { PMPE_FILTER pFilter = ((PMPE_FILTER) pSrb->HwDeviceExtension); PSTREAM pStream = (PSTREAM) pSrb->StreamObject->HwStreamExtension; PHW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK pCurrentSrb = NULL; // // For each stream, the following states are used: // // Stop: Absolute minimum resources are used. No outstanding IRPs. // Acquire: KS only state that has no DirectShow correpondence // Acquire needed resources. // Pause: Getting ready to run. Allocate needed resources so that // the eventual transition to Run is as fast as possible. // Read SRBs will be queued at either the Stream class // or in your driver (depending on when you send "ReadyForNext") // Run: Streaming. // // Moving to Stop to Run always transitions through Pause. // // But since a client app could crash unexpectedly, drivers should handle // the situation of having outstanding IRPs cancelled and open streams // being closed WHILE THEY ARE STREAMING! // // Note that it is quite possible to transition repeatedly between states: // Stop -> Pause -> Stop -> Pause -> Run -> Pause -> Run -> Pause -> Stop // switch (pSrb->CommandData.StreamState) { case KSSTATE_STOP: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Set Stream State KSSTATE_STOP\n")); // // If transitioning to STOP state, then complete any outstanding IRPs // while (QueueRemove(&pCurrentSrb, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataSpinLock, &pFilter->IpV4StreamDataQueue)) { pCurrentSrb->Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; pCurrentSrb->CommandData.DataBufferArray->DataUsed = 0; StreamClassStreamNotification(StreamRequestComplete, pCurrentSrb->StreamObject, pCurrentSrb); TEST_DEBUG( TEST_DBG_SRB, ("MPE 30Completed SRB %08X\n", pCurrentSrb)); } pStream->KSState = pSrb->CommandData.StreamState; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case KSSTATE_ACQUIRE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Set Stream State KSSTATE_ACQUIRE\n")); pStream->KSState = pSrb->CommandData.StreamState; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case KSSTATE_PAUSE: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Set Stream State KSSTATE_PAUSE\n")); pStream->KSState = pSrb->CommandData.StreamState; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case KSSTATE_RUN: TEST_DEBUG (TEST_DBG_TRACE, ("MPE: Set Stream State KSSTATE_RUN\n")); pStream->KSState = pSrb->CommandData.StreamState; pSrb->Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } // end switch (pSrb->CommandData.StreamState) return; }