% Option explicit Response.Expires = 0 Dim Conn,Comm,RS,BugID,addfn,FldLinks %>
<% ' EnumLinks: enumerate links in FldLinks array ' title: array of titles ' fld: array of field indexes in FldLinks ' onlick: client function for onclick event SUB EnumLinks(title,ondblclick,fld,ondelete) Dim i,j,mx,n Response.Write "" for i = 0 to UBound(title) Response.Write " | " & title(i) & " | " next Response.Write "|
Delete | " for j = 0 to UBound(fld) Response.Write "" & FldLinks(fld(j),i) & " | " next j = 0 for each n in RS.Fields Response.Write "" j = j + 1 next Response.Write " |