<% dim all() ReDim all(Request.Form.Count) AddDesc = null BugID ="" mx = 0 for each nm in Request.Form if nm = "bugid" then BugID = Request.Form(nm) elseif nm = "action" then elseif nm = "desc" then AddDesc = Request.Form(nm) & chr(13) & chr(10) else all(mx) = nm mx = mx + 1 end if next Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Conn.CommandTimeout = 90 Conn.Open Session("DSN") Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set Comm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set Comm.ActiveConnection = Conn Comm.CommandText = "Select DBColName,FriendlyName,XPos,YPos,Width,Height,HelpText,Type,fForcedEntry from flds" Set RS.Source = Comm RS.Open FldArray = RS.GetRows() RS.Close if BugID = "CREATE" then RS.CursorType = adOpenStatic Set RS.Source = Comm Conn.BeginTrans Comm.CommandText = "Select IsNull(max(BugID)+1,1) from bugs" RS.Open bid = RS(0) RS.Close v = "INSERT INTO bugs(BugID,Description" for i = 0 to mx - 1 v = v & "," & all(i) next v = v + ") VALUES (" & bid & ",'" & AddDesc & "'" for i = 0 to mx - 1 typ = 0 for j = 0 to UBound(FldArray,2) if FldArray(0,j) = all(i) then typ = FldArray(7,j) exit for end if next rem if type us numeric then do not use '' if typ = 2 then v = v & "," & Request.Form(all(i)) else v = v & ",'" & Request.Form(all(i)) & "'" end if next v = v + ")" rem Response.Write v Conn.Execute v Conn.CommitTrans ElseIf BugID <> "" then Set uRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") uRS.ActiveConnection = Conn base = 0 do while mx if ( mx > 12 ) then n = 12 else n = mx end if fl = "" for i = 0 to n - 1 if i > 0 then fl = fl & "," end if fl = fl & all(base+i) next uRS.Source = "Select " & fl & " from bugs where BugID=" & BugID uRS.CursorType = adOpenStatic uRS.LockType = adLockOptimistic uRS.Open for i = 0 to n - 1 rem Response.Write all(base+i) &"," & Request.Form(all(base+i)) & "-" uRS(all(base+i)).Value = Request.Form(all(base+i)) next uRS.Update uRS.Close base = base + n mx = mx - n loop if vbNull <> VarType(AddDesc) then uRS.Source = "Select Description from bugs where BugID=" & BugID uRS.CursorType = adOpenStatic uRS.LockType = adLockOptimistic uRS.Open rem Response.Write uRS(0) & AddDesc uRS("Description").Value = uRS(0) & AddDesc uRS.Update uRS.Close end if end if Conn.Close %>