[Version] Signature="$CHICAGO$" Class=MEDIA ClassGUID={4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} provider=%MSFT% LayoutFile=layout.inf DriverVer =02/21/2001,5.1.2437.1 [Manufacturer] %AurealMfgName%=Aureal [ControlFlags] ExcludeFromSelect = MF\PCI_VEN_12EB&DEV_0001_AUDIO ExcludeFromSelect = MF\PCI_VEN_12EB&DEV_0002_AUDIO ExcludeFromSelect = MF\PCI_VEN_12EB&DEV_0003_AUDIO [Aureal] %*WDM_AU8820.DeviceDesc%=WDM_AU8820, MF\PCI_VEN_12EB&DEV_0001_AUDIO %*WDM_AU8830.DeviceDesc%=WDM_AU8830, MF\PCI_VEN_12EB&DEV_0002_AUDIO %*WDM_AU8810.DeviceDesc%=WDM_AU8810, MF\PCI_VEN_12EB&DEV_0003_AUDIO [WDM_AU8810] Include= ks.inf, wdmaudio.inf Needs= KS.Registration, WDMAUDIO.Registration AddReg = WDM_AU8810.AddReg, WDM_AU88XX.AddReg CopyFiles = WDM_AU8810.CopyList [WDM_AU8820] Include= ks.inf, wdmaudio.inf Needs= KS.Registration, WDMAUDIO.Registration AddReg = WDM_AU8820.AddReg, WDM_AU88XX.AddReg CopyFiles = WDM_AU8820.CopyList [WDM_AU8830] Include= ks.inf, wdmaudio.inf Needs= KS.Registration, WDMAUDIO.Registration AddReg = WDM_AU8830.AddReg, WDM_AU88XX.AddReg CopyFiles = WDM_AU8830.CopyList [A3D.Addreg] HKCR,A3d,,,"A3d Object" HKCR,A3d\CLSID,,,{d8f1eee0-f634-11cf-8700-00a0245d918b} HKCR,CLSID\{d8f1eee0-f634-11cf-8700-00a0245d918b},,,"A3d Object" HKCR,CLSID\{d8f1eee0-f634-11cf-8700-00a0245d918b}\InprocServer32,,,a3d.dll HKCR,CLSID\{d8f1eee0-f634-11cf-8700-00a0245d918b}\InprocServer32,"ThreadingModel",,"Apartment" HKCR,A3dApi,,,"A3dApi Object" HKCR,A3dApi\CLSID,,,{92FA2C24-253C-11d2-90FB-006008A1F441} HKCR,CLSID\{92FA2C24-253C-11d2-90FB-006008A1F441},,,"A3dApi Object" HKCR,CLSID\{92FA2C24-253C-11d2-90FB-006008A1F441}\InprocServer32,,,a3dapi.dll HKCR,CLSID\{92FA2C24-253C-11d2-90FB-006008A1F441}\InprocServer32,"ThreadingModel",,"Apartment" [WDM_AU8810.AddReg] HKR,,AssociatedFilters,,"wdmaud,redbook" HKR,,Driver,,adm8810.sys HKR,,NTMPDriver,,"adm8810.sys,sbemul.sys" HKR,Drivers,SubClasses,,"wave,midi,mixer,aux" HKR,Drivers\wave\wdmaud.drv, Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\midi\wdmaud.drv, Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\mixer\wdmaud.drv,Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\aux\wdmaud.drv,Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\wave\wdmaud.drv, Description,,%*WDM_AU8810.DeviceDesc% HKR,Drivers\midi\wdmaud.drv, Description,,%*WDM_AU8810.DeviceDesc% HKR,Drivers\mixer\wdmaud.drv,Description,,%*WDM_AU8810.DeviceDesc% HKR,Drivers\aux\wdmaud.drv,Description,,%*WDM_AU8810.DeviceDesc% ;; This section contains all registry keys used to disable the Vortex driver related features ;; or customize the functions provided by Vortex drivers/apps. ; Register Vortex installer ;HKLM,%RunOnce%,"Vortex10AppsSetUp",0x00000000,"AU10Setp.exe 14" ; Vortex apps/demos installation HKLM, %8810AppCustomStr%,"EnableA3dDemosInstall",0x00010001,1 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable A3D demos installation HKLM, %8810AppCustomStr%,"DisableVortexAppsInstall",0x00010001,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to disable Vortex apps installation ; Vortex Control Panel Tray Icon HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"DisableTrayIcon",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to remove the Vortex tray icon program ; Vortex Control Panel HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ControlPanelTitle",0x00020000,"Vortex Control Panel" ; Vortex control panel title HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ControlPanelPageConfig",0x00020000,"0123456" ; Vortex control panel page config HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ControlPanelActivePage",0x00020000,"0" ; Vortex control panel active page HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ControlPanelIconDesc",0x00020000,"Aureal Vortex Audio" ; Vortex control panel description HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ControlPanelIconInfo",0x00020000,"Vortex Control Panel" ; Vortex control panel info HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ControlPanelIcons",0x00000001,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,00,00 ; icons in 1st tab (1 - display, 0 - hide) HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"TargetOutput3D",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; 3D target output type - done for MX300 HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"SecondaryXtalk",0x00010001,2,0,0,0 ; Secondary Xtalk type - done for MX300 HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"PrimaryXtalk",0x00010001,2,0,0,0 ; Primary Xtalk type - done for MX300 HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"RoutingInfo",0x00010001,3,0,0,0 ; Routing information - done for MX300 HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"ShowTrayControl",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to show the Vortex icon in SysTray ; Vortex Uninstaller HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"UninstallerName",0x00020000,"Aureal Vortex AU8810" ; Vortex uninstaller name in Add/Remove Programs control panel HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ManufacturerName",0x00020000,"Aureal, Inc." ; OEM manufacturer name HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ProductName",0x00020000,"Vortex" ; OEM product name ; S/PDIF settings HKLM,%8810SpdifList%,"1",0x00010001,88,0,eb,12 ; RagX - DWORD=((SSID_WORD << 16) | SVID_WORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"EnableSpdifIn",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable S/PDIF In HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"EnableSpdifOut",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable S/PDIF Out HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"DetectSpdifOut",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable S/PDIF Out HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"SpdifFrequency",0x00010001,80,BB,0,0 ; DWORD value: 32000, 44100, 48000 - win95 needs DWORD val in binary format HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"SpdifHide441",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - hide, 0 - show HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"DigitalJackEnable",0x00010001,2,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "2" for SQ1500, "0" for SoundComm, "1" for SPDFSpeaker ;HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"HasHWVolumeControl",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable HW Volume support ;HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"Has3JackSupport",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable HW Volume support ; check for sigmatel LA2 codec, if LA2 detected - core corrects for signal inversion HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"CorrectLA2",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to detect LA2 ; set this key to 1 if you want to enable sharing of line and rear output jacks (sets GPIO0 in quad) ;HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"SetGPIO0InQuad",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; mixer tone control and 3D control config HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ToneControlType",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 0 - no tone control, 1 - HW TC HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"DisableAC97Codec3DEffect",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - disable, 0 - enable ; mixer sources config HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlay",0x00000001,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixConfigRec",0x00000001,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixConfigAC97Ctrl",0x00000001,1,0,1,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable ; mixer controls config HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixConfigLineOutMixer",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayLoudness",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayPopPost3D",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlaySimStereo",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayMicMixSelect",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayMic12Select",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayMic20dBBoost",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable ; initial mixer Master Vol/Mute HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitMasterVol",0x00010001,0C,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 0x00 - 0x10 HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitMasterMute",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - mute, 0 - unmute ;; initial mixer vol level ;; ;; ORDER: Wave Out, WT, S/PDIF In, Telephone, Mic, LineIn, CD, Video, Aux, PC-Beep HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayVol",0x00000001,08,08,0C,0E,0E,0D,0C,0B,0C,0C ; Binary Value: 0x00 - 0x10 ;; ORDER: Telephone, Mic, LineIn, CD, Video, Aux, StreoMixer, MonoMixer HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitRecVol",0x00000001,08,08,08,08,08,08,08,08 ; Binary Value: 0x00 - 0x10 ;; ORDER: Mono Out, Headphone Out, S/PDIF Out, 3D Center, 3D Depth, F/R Fader HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitAC97CtrlVol",0x00000001,0E,0E,10,0C,0C,08 ; Binary Value: 0x00 - 0x10 ; initial mixer mute HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMute",0x00000001,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - mute, 0 - unmute HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitRecSelect",0x00000001,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - selected HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitAC97CtrlMute",0x00000001,1,1,0,0,0,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - mute, 0 - unmute ; initial tone control - first BYTE for enable (1) / disable (0) ; and last two BYTE's for Bass and Treble amounts HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitLineOutToneCtrl",0x00000001,01,08,08 ; Binary Value ; initial status of on/off controls for playback HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitLineOut3D",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayLoudness",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayPopPost3D",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitPlaySimStereo",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMicMixSelect",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMic12Select",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMic20dBBoost",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off ; CODEC maximum volumes for analog playback ; NOTE: the valid value is 0x00000000 ~ 0x000C0000 (0 ~ 12 dB) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainPhone",0x00010001,00,00,03,00 ; 3 (dB) = 0x00030000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainMic",0x00010001,00,00,0C,00 ; 12 (dB) = 0x000C0000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainLineIn",0x00010001,00,00,03,00 ; 3 (dB) = 0x00030000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainCD",0x00010001,00,80,0A,00 ; 10.5 (dB) = 0x000A8000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainVideo",0x00010001,00,00,03,00 ; 3 (dB) = 0x00030000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainAux",0x00010001,00,00,0C,00 ; 12 (dB) = 0x000C0000 (DWORD) ; CODEC A/D path gains for record ; NOTE: the valid value is 0 ~ 15 (0 ~ 22.5 dB) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecVolGainPhone",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecVolGainMic",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecVolGainLineIn",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; 0 dB = 0 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecVolGainCD",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecVolGainVideo",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecVolGainAux",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecVolGainStereoMix",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecVolGainMonoMix",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB ; Digital Mixer maximum gains for record ; NOTE: the valid value is 0x00000000 ~ 0x00118000 (0 ~ 17.5 dB) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolPhone",0x00010001,00,00,06,00 ; 6 (dB) = 0x00060000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolMic",0x00010001,00,80,11,00 ; 17.5 (dB) = 0x00118000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolLineIn",0x00010001,00,00,06,00 ; 6 (dB) = 0x00060000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolCD",0x00010001,00,80,11,00 ; 17.5 (dB) = 0x00118000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolVideo",0x00010001,00,00,06,00 ; 6 (dB) = 0x00060000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolAux",0x00010001,00,80,11,00 ; 17.5 (dB) = 0x00118000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolStereoMix",0x00010001,00,00,00,00 ; 0 (dB) = 0x00000000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolMonoMix",0x00010001,00,00,00,00 ; 0 (dB) = 0x00000000 (DWORD) ; Digital Mixer maximum volumes for EQed analog playback ; NOTE: the valid dB value is 0x00000000 ~ 0x00118000 (0 ~ 17.5 dB) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MaxEQedPhonePlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,02,00 ; 2.5 (dB) = 0x00028000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MaxEQedMicPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,0B,00 ; 11.5 (dB) = 0x000B8000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MaxEQedLineInPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,02,00 ; 2.5 (dB) = 0x00028000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MaxEQedCDPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,01,00 ; 1.5 (dB) = 0x00018000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MaxEQedVideoPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,02,00 ; 2.5 (dB) = 0x00028000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MaxEQedAuxPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,0A,00 ; 10.5 (dB) = 0x000A8000 (DWORD) ; Initial mixer line states for Microsoft Volume Control Panel HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixCplLineStatesPlay",0x00000001,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - display HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixCplLineStatesRec",0x00000001,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - display HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixCplLineStatesAC97Ctrl",0x00000001,1,1,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - display HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"MixCplEnableAdvancedButton",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable ; Turn on/off the Sigmatel STAC9704 attenuation program HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ST9704ATTEN",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off ; Turn on/off the Sigmatel STAC9708LA4 Rear Inversion HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"ST9708LA4RearInversion",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off ; Analog EQ feature HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"SupportAnalogEQ",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"AnalogEQEnableState",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"AnalogEQSrcLine",0x00010001,3,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: Phone = 0, Mic, LineIn, CD, Video, Aux ; AC97 codec PCM Out volume ; DWORD Value: 0x0 = +12dB, 0x1 = +10.5dB, ... 0x8 = 0dB, ..., 0x1f = -34.5dB HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"AC97PCMOutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 ; codec PCM2 Out, Mixer Front Out and Mixer Rear Out volumes (only applied to symmetric quad codecs) ; DWORD Value: 0x0 = +12dB, 0x1 = +10.5dB, ... 0x8 = 0dB, ..., 0x1f = -34.5dB HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"AC97PCM2OutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"AC97MixerFrontOutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"AC97MixerRearOutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 ;Graphic Equalizer coeffs HKLM,%8810EqualizerStr%,"CoefSet0",0x00000001,\ 00, 00, 00, 00,\ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 14, 00, 00, 00,\ 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e,\ 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e HKLM,%8810EqualizerStr%,"MidEqGain",0x00000001,\ 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e,\ 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e HKLM,%8810AppEqualizerStr%,"Jazz",0x00000001,\ fb,ff,fe,ff,01,00,03,00,08,00,05,00,00,00,fb,ff,f9,ff,fc,ff,fb,ff,\ fe,ff,01,00,03,00,08,00,05,00,00,00,fb,ff,f9,ff,fc,ff HKLM,%8810AppEqualizerStr%,"Rock",0x00000001,\ 12,00,0d,00,09,00,04,00,ff,ff,fa,ff,fd,ff,00,00,06,00,01,00,12,00,\ 0d,00,09,00,04,00,ff,ff,fa,ff,fd,ff,00,00,06,00,01,00 HKLM,%8810AppEqualizerStr%,"Classical",0x00000001,\ 06,00,05,00,04,00,03,00,07,00,fb,ff,ff,ff,04,00,02,00,fe,ff,06,\ 00,05,00,04,00,03,00,07,00,fb,ff,ff,ff,04,00,02,00,fe,ff HKLM,%8810AppEqualizerStr%,"Pop",0x00000001,\ 00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,03,00,06,00,04,00,fe,ff,fc,ff,00,00,00,00,00,\ 00,00,00,02,00,03,00,06,00,04,00,fe,ff,fc,ff,00,00 HKLM,%8810AppEqualizerStr%,"Dance",0x00000001,\ 14,00,0e,00,0b,00,05,00,00,00,fb,ff,fd,ff,00,00,08,00,00,00,14,00,\ 0e,00,0b,00,05,00,00,00,fb,ff,fd,ff,00,00,08,00,00,00 HKLM,%8810AppEqualizerStr%,"Custom_1",0x00000001,\ fd,ff,09,00,0e,00,07,00,fc,ff,fe,ff,01,00,09,00,0c,00,0c,00,fd,\ ff,09,00,0e,00,07,00,fc,ff,fe,ff,01,00,09,00,0c,00,0c,00 HKLM,%8810AppEqualizerStr%,"BandLabels",0x00020000,%EqBandLabels% HKLM,%8810AppEqualizerStr%,"Ganged",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 HKLM,%8810AppEqualizerStr%,"PresetNumber",0x00010001,5,0,0,0 HKLM,%8810EqualizerStr%,"EqBypass",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; Quad codec output mode HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"QuadCodecOutputModeState",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; 0 - stereo, 1 - quad HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"SoftSynthModeIndex",0x00010001,0 ; Inital index setting HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"SoftSynthMode",0x00010001,2,0,0,0 ; Vortex WT mode (0 - 2) HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"AspenWavetableEffect",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; Vortex WT effects on/off (1/0) ; Default WT FX1 and FX2 amounts (0 -127) HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"ReverbAmount",0x00010001,40,0,0,0 ; set FX1 amount to 64 HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"ChorusAmount",0x00010001,40,0,0,0 ; set FX2 amount to 64 ; Default WT FX 1 & FX 2 parameters ; 0 = None, 1 = Delay, 2 = Room Reverb, 3 = Chamber Reverb, 4 = Hall Reverb, ; 5 = Cabinet, 6 = Flange, 7 = Distortion, 8 = Wah-Wah HKLM,%8810ControlStr%,"FxSelectParams",0x00000001,04,06 ; Hall Reverb for FX1, Chorus for FX2 ; HW & SW Voice Number in WT HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtMaxNumHwVoice",0x00010001,00,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: WtNumHwVoice = 0 HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtMaxNumSwVoice",0x00010001,00,1,0,0 ; DWORD Value: WtNumSwVoice = 256 HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesStrings",0x00010001,4,0,0,0 ; Number of strings for control panel HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString0",0x00020000,%8810WtNumVoicesString0% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString1",0x00020000,%8810WtNumVoicesString1% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString2",0x00020000,%8810WtNumVoicesString2% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString3",0x00020000,%8810WtNumVoicesString3% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams0",0x00000001,0,0,0,1,00,64,2 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams1",0x00000001,1,0,0,0,80,64,2 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams2",0x00000001,2,0,0,0,40,64,2 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode HKLM,%8810CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams3",0x00000001,3,0,0,0,20,64,2 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode ; device names HKLM,%8810AppDriverNameStr%,"MixerDriverName",0x00020000,%AurlAud.Topology.szPname% ; mixer [WDM_AU8820.AddReg] HKR,,AssociatedFilters,,"wdmaud,redbook" HKR,,Driver,,adm8820.sys HKR,,NTMPDriver,,"adm8820.sys,sbemul.sys" HKR,Drivers,SubClasses,,"wave,midi,mixer,aux" HKR,Drivers\wave\wdmaud.drv, Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\midi\wdmaud.drv, Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\mixer\wdmaud.drv,Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\aux\wdmaud.drv,Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\wave\wdmaud.drv, Description,,%*WDM_AU8820.DeviceDesc% HKR,Drivers\midi\wdmaud.drv, Description,,%*WDM_AU8820.DeviceDesc% HKR,Drivers\mixer\wdmaud.drv,Description,,%*WDM_AU8820.DeviceDesc% HKR,Drivers\aux\wdmaud.drv,Description,,%*WDM_AU8820.DeviceDesc% ;; This section contains all registry keys used to disable the Vortex driver related features ;; or customize the functions provided by Vortex drivers/apps. ; Register Vortex installer ;HKLM,%RunOnce%,"Vortex20AppsSetUp",0x00000000,"asp4Setp.exe 14" ; Vortex apps/demos installation HKLM, %8820AppCustomStr%,"EnableA3dDemosInstall",0x00010001,1 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable A3D demos installation HKLM, %8820AppCustomStr%,"DisableVortexAppsInstall",0x00010001,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to disable Vortex apps installation ; Vortex Control Panel Tray Icon HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"DisableTrayIcon",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to remove the Vortex tray icon program ; Vortex Control Panel HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"ControlPanelTitle",0x00020000,"Vortex Control Panel" ; Vortex control panel title HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"ControlPanelPageConfig",0x00020000,"0123456" ; Vortex control panel page config HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"ControlPanelActivePage",0x00020000,"0" ; Vortex control panel active page HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"ControlPanelIconDesc",0x00020000,"Aureal Vortex Audio" ; Vortex control panel description HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"ControlPanelIconInfo",0x00020000,"Vortex Control Panel" ; Vortex control panel info HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"ControlPanelIcons",0x00000001,01,01,01,01,01,01,00 ; icons in 1st tab (1 - display, 0 - hide) HKLM,%8820ControlStr%,"ShowTrayControl",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to show the Vortex icon in SysTray ; Vortex Uninstaller HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"UninstallerName",0x00020000,"Aureal Vortex AU8820" ; Vortex uninstaller name in Add/Remove Programs control panel HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"ManufacturerName",0x00020000,"Aureal, Inc." ; OEM manufacturer name HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"ProductName",0x00020000,"Vortex" ; OEM product name ; Software Tone Control stages HKLM,%8820InstallStr%,"SWTCStages",0x00010001,7,0,0,0 HKLM,%8820InstallStr%,"SWTCStagesUsed",0x00010001,7,0,0,0 HKLM,%8820InstallStr%,"SpeakerCompEQEnable",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 HKLM,%8820InstallStr%,"TCEnable",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 HKLM,%8820InstallStr%,"SpeakerCompEQGainAll",0x00010001,57,41,0,0 HKLM,%8820InstallStr%,"SWSpeakerEQcoeffs",0x00000001,\ 6f, 08, 52, 10, 00, 00, 00, 00, 91, f7, ad, ef, ce, 1c, 60, a3, 23, ef, 5b, 1f, 00, 00, 00, 10,\ e5, a9, 54, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 1b, 56, ab, ff, 7f, 85, 8b, 80, 2e, 46, 77, 3f, 00, 00, 00, 10,\ f6, 28, 5c, 7f, 37, 0e, af, 41, b0, e3, 17, 07, 9b, 62, b9, 24, d2, 6d, 2c, 0b, 00, 00, 00, 10,\ 57, 66, 63, 00, 5e, f3, dd, ff, ce, 47, 08, 00, fa, 85, 8d, 85, 52, 54, b5, 3a, 00, 00, 00, 10,\ 53, 12, ad, ff, bf, a5, 49, 00, 5e, fa, 08, 00, 74, f4, 58, 80, f8, 51, a7, 3f, 00, 00, 00, 10 ; SW TC Bass & Treble coefficients HKLM,%8820InstallStr%,"SWTCCoeffs",0x00000001,\ 10, CF, EF, 03, 10, CF, EF, 03, 00, 00, 00, 00, 1E, 9E, DF, C7, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00,\ F1, 30, 10, 3C, 0E, CF, EF, C3, 00, 00, 00, 00, 1E, 9E, DF, C7, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00 ; S/PDIF settings HKLM,%8820SpdifList%,"1",0x00010001,88,0,eb,12 ; RagX - DWORD=((SSID_WORD << 16) | SVID_WORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"EnableSpdifIn",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable S/PDIF In HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"EnableSpdifOut",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable S/PDIF Out HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"DetectSpdifOut",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable S/PDIF Out HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"SpdifFrequency",0x00010001,80,BB,0,0 ; DWORD value: 32000, 44100, 48000 - win95 needs DWORD val in binary format HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"SpdifHide441",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - hide, 0 - show ; check for sigmatel LA2 codec, if LA2 detected - core corrects for signal inversion HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"CorrectLA2",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to detect LA2 ; set this key to 1 if you want to enable sharing of line and rear output jacks (sets GPIO0 in quad) ;HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"SetGPIO0InQuad",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; Mixer tone control and 3D control config HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"ToneControlType",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 0 - no tone control, 1 - HW TC HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"DisableAC97Codec3DEffect",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - disable, 0 - enable ; mixer sources config HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlay",0x00000001,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixConfigRec",0x00000001,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixConfigAC97Ctrl",0x00000001,1,0,1,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable ; mixer controls config HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixConfigLineOutMixer",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayLoudness",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayPopPost3D",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlaySimStereo",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayMicMixSelect",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayMic12Select",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayMic20dBBoost",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable ; initial mixer Master Vol/Mute HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitMasterVol",0x00010001,0C,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 0x00 - 0x10 HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitMasterMute",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - mute, 0 - unmute ;; initial mixer vol level ;; ;; ORDER: Wave Out, WT, S/PDIF In, Telephone, Mic, LineIn, CD, Video, Aux, PC-Beep HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayVol",0x00000001,08,08,0C,0E,0E,0D,0C,0B,0C,0C ; Binary Value: 0x00 - 0x10 ;; ORDER: Telephone, Mic, LineIn, CD, Video, Aux, StreoMixer, MonoMixer HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitRecVol",0x00000001,08,08,00,08,08,08,08,08 ; Binary Value: 0x00 - 0x10 ;; ORDER: Mono Out, Headphone Out, S/PDIF Out, 3D Center, 3D Depth, F/R Fader HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitAC97CtrlVol",0x00000001,0E,0E,10,0C,0C,08 ; Binary Value: 0x00 - 0x10 ; initial mixer mute HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMute",0x00000001,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - mute, 0 - unmute HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitRecSelect",0x00000001,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - selected HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitAC97CtrlMute",0x00000001,1,1,0,0,0,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - mute, 0 - unmute ; initial tone control - first BYTE for enable (1) / disable (0) ; and last two BYTE's for Bass and Treble amounts HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitLineOutToneCtrl",0x00000001,01,08,08 ; Binary Value ; initial status of on/off controls for playback HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitLineOut3D",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayLoudness",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayPopPost3D",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitPlaySimStereo",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMicMixSelect",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMic12Select",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMic20dBBoost",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off ; CODEC maximum volumes for analog playback ; NOTE: the valid value is 0x00000000 ~ 0x000C0000 (0 ~ 12 dB) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainPhone",0x00010001,00,00,03,00 ; 3 (dB) = 0x00030000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainMic",0x00010001,00,00,0C,00 ; 12 (dB) = 0x000C0000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainLineIn",0x00010001,00,00,03,00 ; 3 (dB) = 0x00030000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainCD",0x00010001,00,80,0A,00 ; 10.5 (dB) = 0x000A8000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainVideo",0x00010001,00,00,03,00 ; 3 (dB) = 0x00030000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainAux",0x00010001,00,00,0C,00 ; 12 (dB) = 0x000C0000 (DWORD) ; CODEC A/D path gains for record ; NOTE: the valid value is 0 ~ 15 (0 ~ 22.5 dB) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecVolGainPhone",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecVolGainMic",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecVolGainLineIn",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; 0 dB = 0 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecVolGainCD",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecVolGainVideo",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecVolGainAux",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecVolGainStereoMix",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecVolGainMonoMix",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB ; Digital Mixer maximum gains for record ; NOTE: the valid value is 0x00000000 ~ 0x00118000 (0 ~ 17.5 dB) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolPhone",0x00010001,00,00,06,00 ; 6 (dB) = 0x00060000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolMic",0x00010001,00,80,11,00 ; 17.5 (dB) = 0x00118000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolLineIn",0x00010001,00,00,06,00 ; 6 (dB) = 0x00060000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolCD",0x00010001,00,80,11,00 ; 17.5 (dB) = 0x00118000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolVideo",0x00010001,00,00,06,00 ; 6 (dB) = 0x00060000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolAux",0x00010001,00,80,11,00 ; 17.5 (dB) = 0x00118000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolStereoMix",0x00010001,00,00,00,00 ; 0 (dB) = 0x00000000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolMonoMix",0x00010001,00,00,00,00 ; 0 (dB) = 0x00000000 (DWORD) ; Digital Mixer maximum volumes for EQed analog playback ; NOTE: the valid dB value is 0x00000000 ~ 0x00118000 (0 ~ 17.5 dB) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MaxEQedPhonePlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,02,00 ; 2.5 (dB) = 0x00028000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MaxEQedMicPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,0B,00 ; 11.5 (dB) = 0x000B8000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MaxEQedLineInPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,02,00 ; 2.5 (dB) = 0x00028000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MaxEQedCDPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,01,00 ; 1.5 (dB) = 0x00018000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MaxEQedVideoPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,02,00 ; 2.5 (dB) = 0x00028000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MaxEQedAuxPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,0A,00 ; 10.5 (dB) = 0x000A8000 (DWORD) ; Initial mixer line states for Microsoft Volume Control Panel HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixCplLineStatesPlay",0x00000001,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - display HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixCplLineStatesRec",0x00000001,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - display HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixCplLineStatesAC97Ctrl",0x00000001,1,1,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - display HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"MixCplEnableAdvancedButton",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable ; Turn on/off the Sigmatel STAC9704 attenuation program HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"ST9704ATTEN",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off ; Analog EQ feature HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"SupportAnalogEQ",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8820ControlStr%,"AnalogEQEnableState",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8820ControlStr%,"AnalogEQSrcLine",0x00010001,3,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: Phone = 0, Mic, LineIn, CD, Video, Aux ; AC97 codec PCM Out volume ; DWORD Value: 0x0 = +12dB, 0x1 = +10.5dB, ... 0x8 = 0dB, ..., 0x1f = -34.5dB HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"AC97PCMOutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 ; codec PCM2 Out, Mixer Front Out and Mixer Rear Out volumes (only applied to symmetric quad codecs) ; DWORD Value: 0x0 = +12dB, 0x1 = +10.5dB, ... 0x8 = 0dB, ..., 0x1f = -34.5dB HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"AC97PCM2OutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"AC97MixerFrontOutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"AC97MixerRearOutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 ; Set default state of "Speaker Compensation" check box in Vortex cpl HKLM,%8820ControlStr%,"SpeakerCompEQEnable",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"SupportSpeakerEQ",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"SpeakerEqGainCurve",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8820ControlStr%,"SoftSynthModeIndex",0x00010001,0 ; Inital index setting HKLM,%8820ControlStr%,"SoftSynthMode",0x00010001,3,0,0,0 ; Vortex WT mode (0 - 2) HKLM,%8820ControlStr%,"AspenWavetableEffect",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; Vortex WT effects on/off (1/0) ; Default WT FX1 and FX2 amounts (0 -127) HKLM,%8820ControlStr%,"ReverbAmount",0x00010001,40,0,0,0 ; set FX1 amount to 64 HKLM,%8820ControlStr%,"ChorusAmount",0x00010001,40,0,0,0 ; set FX2 amount to 64 ; Default WT FX 1 & FX 2 parameters ; 0 = None, 1 = Delay, 2 = Room Reverb, 3 = Chamber Reverb, 4 = Hall Reverb, ; 5 = Cabinet, 6 = Flange, 7 = Distortion, 8 = Wah-Wah HKLM,%8820ControlStr%,"FxSelectParams",0x00000001,04,06 ; Hall Reverb for FX1, Chorus for FX2 ; HW & SW Voice Number in WT HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtMaxNumHwVoice",0x00010001,20,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: WtNumHwVoice = 64 HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtMaxNumSwVoice",0x00010001,20,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: WtNumSwVoice = 256 HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesStrings",0x00010001,3,0,0,0 ; Number of strings for control panel HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString0",0x00020000,%8820WtNumVoicesString0% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString1",0x00020000,%8820WtNumVoicesString1% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString2",0x00020000,%8820WtNumVoicesString2% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString3",0x00020000,%8820WtNumVoicesString3% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams1",0x00000001,0,0,20,0,20,64,3 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams2",0x00000001,1,0,20,0,20,64,2 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams0",0x00000001,2,0,20,0,0,64,0 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode HKLM,%8820CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams3",0x00000001,3,0,0,1,00,64,2 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode ; device names HKLM,%8820AppDriverNameStr%,"MixerDriverName",0x00020000,%AurlAud.Topology.szPname% ; mixer [WDM_AU8830.AddReg] HKR,,AssociatedFilters,,"wdmaud,redbook" HKR,,Driver,,adm8830.sys HKR,,NTMPDriver,,"adm8830.sys,sbemul.sys" HKR,Drivers,SubClasses,,"wave,midi,mixer,aux" HKR,Drivers\wave\wdmaud.drv, Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\midi\wdmaud.drv, Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\mixer\wdmaud.drv,Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\aux\wdmaud.drv,Driver,,wdmaud.drv HKR,Drivers\wave\wdmaud.drv, Description,,%*WDM_AU8830.DeviceDesc% HKR,Drivers\midi\wdmaud.drv, Description,,%*WDM_AU8830.DeviceDesc% HKR,Drivers\mixer\wdmaud.drv,Description,,%*WDM_AU8830.DeviceDesc% HKR,Drivers\aux\wdmaud.drv,Description,,%*WDM_AU8830.DeviceDesc% ;; This section contains all registry keys used to disable the Vortex driver related features ;; or customize the functions provided by Vortex drivers/apps. ; Register Vortex installer ;HKLM,%RunOnce%,"Vortex30AppsSetUp",0x00000000,"AU30Setp.exe 14" ; Vortex apps/demos installation HKLM, %8830AppCustomStr%,"EnableA3dDemosInstall",0x00010001,1 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable A3D demos installation HKLM, %8830AppCustomStr%,"DisableVortexAppsInstall",0x00010001,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to disable Vortex apps installation ; Vortex Control Panel Tray Icon HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"DisableTrayIcon",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to disable Vortex tray icon in SysTray ; Vortex Control Panel HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ControlPanelTitle",0x00020000,"Vortex Control Panel" ; Vortex control panel title HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ControlPanelPageConfig",0x00020000,"0123456" ; Vortex control panel page config HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ControlPanelActivePage",0x00020000,"0" ; Vortex control panel active page HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ControlPanelIconDesc",0x00020000,"Aureal Vortex Audio" ; Vortex control panel description HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ControlPanelIconInfo",0x00020000,"Vortex Control Panel" ; Vortex control panel info HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ControlPanelIcons",0x00000001,01,01,01,01,01,01,01,00,00 ; icons in 1st tab (1 - display, 0 - hide) HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"TargetOutput3D",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; 3D target output type - done for MX300 HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"SecondaryXtalk",0x00010001,2,0,0,0 ; Secondary Xtalk type - done for MX300 HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"PrimaryXtalk",0x00010001,2,0,0,0 ; Primary Xtalk type - done for MX300 HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"RoutingInfo",0x00010001,3,0,0,0 ; Routing information - done for MX300 HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"ShowTrayControl",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to show the Vortex icon in SysTray ; Vortex Uninstaller HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"UninstallerName",0x00020000,"Aureal Vortex AU8830" ; Vortex uninstaller name in Add/Remove Programs control panel HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ManufacturerName",0x00020000,"Aureal, Inc." ; OEM manufacturer name HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ProductName",0x00020000,"Vortex" ; OEM product name ; S/PDIF settings HKLM,%8830SpdifList%,"1",0x00010001,88,0,eb,12 ; RagX - DWORD=((SSID_WORD << 16) | SVID_WORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"EnableSpdifIn",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable S/PDIF In HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"EnableSpdifOut",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable S/PDIF Out HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"DetectSpdifOut",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to enable S/PDIF Out HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"SpdifFrequency",0x00010001,80,BB,0,0 ; DWORD value: 32000, 44100, 48000 - win95 needs DWORD val in binary format HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"SpdifHide441",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - hide, 0 - show ; check for sigmatel LA2 codec, if LA2 detected - core corrects for signal inversion HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"CorrectLA2",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; set DWORD value to "1" to detect LA2 ; set this key to 1 if you want to enable sharing of line and rear output jacks (sets GPIO0 in quad) ;HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"SetGPIO0InQuad",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; Mixer tone control and 3D control config HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ToneControlType",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 0 - no tone control, 1 - HW TC HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"DisableAC97Codec3DEffect",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - disable, 0 - enable ; mixer sources config HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlay",0x00000001,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixConfigRec",0x00000001,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixConfigAC97Ctrl",0x00000001,1,0,1,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable ; mixer controls config HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixConfigLineOutMixer",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayLoudness",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayPopPost3D",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlaySimStereo",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayMicMixSelect",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayMic12Select",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixConfigPlayMic20dBBoost",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable ; initial mixer Master Vol/Mute HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitMasterVol",0x00010001,0C,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 0x00 - 0x10 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitMasterMute",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - mute, 0 - unmute ;; initial mixer vol level ;; ;; ORDER: Wave Out, WT, S/PDIF In, Telephone, Mic, LineIn, CD, Video, Aux, PC-Beep HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayVol",0x00000001,08,08,0C,0E,0E,0D,0C,0B,0C,0C ; Binary Value: 0x00 - 0x10 ;; ORDER: Telephone, Mic, LineIn, CD, Video, Aux, StreoMixer, MonoMixer HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitRecVol",0x00000001,08,08,00,08,08,08,08,08 ; Binary Value: 0x00 - 0x10 ;; ORDER: Mono Out, Headphone Out, S/PDIF Out, 3D Center, 3D Depth, F/R Fader HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitAC97CtrlVol",0x00000001,0E,0E,10,0C,0C,08 ; Binary Value: 0x00 - 0x10 ; initial mixer mute HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMute",0x00000001,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - mute, 0 - unmute HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitRecSelect",0x00000001,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - selected HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitAC97CtrlMute",0x00000001,1,1,0,0,0,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - mute, 0 - unmute ; initial tone control - first BYTE for enable (1) / disable (0) ; and last two BYTE's for Bass and Treble amounts HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitLineOutToneCtrl",0x00000001,01,08,08 ; Binary Value ; initial status of on/off controls for playback (DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitLineOut3D",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayLoudness",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayPopPost3D",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitPLaySimStereo",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMicMixSelect",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMic12Select",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixInitPlayMic20dBBoost",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; CODEC maximum volumes for analog playback ; NOTE: the valid value is 0x00000000 ~ 0x000C0000 (0 ~ 12 dB) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainPhone",0x00010001,00,00,03,00 ; 3 (dB) = 0x00030000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainMic",0x00010001,00,00,0C,00 ; 12 (dB) = 0x000C0000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainLineIn",0x00010001,00,00,03,00 ; 3 (dB) = 0x00030000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainCD",0x00010001,00,80,0A,00 ; 10.5 (dB) = 0x000A8000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainVideo",0x00010001,00,00,03,00 ; 3 (dB) = 0x00030000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"PlayVolGainAux",0x00010001,00,00,0C,00 ; 12 (dB) = 0x000C0000 (DWORD) ; CODEC A/D path gains for record ; NOTE: the valid value is 0 ~ 15 (0 ~ 22.5 dB) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecVolGainPhone",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecVolGainMic",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecVolGainLineIn",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; 0 dB = 0 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecVolGainCD",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecVolGainVideo",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecVolGainAux",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecVolGainStereoMix",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecVolGainMonoMix",0x00010001,8,0,0,0 ; 12 dB = 8 * 1.5 dB ; Digital Mixer maximum gains for record ; NOTE: the valid value is 0x00000000 ~ 0x00118000 (0 ~ 17.5 dB) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolPhone",0x00010001,00,00,06,00 ; 6 (dB) = 0x00060000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolMic",0x00010001,00,80,11,00 ; 17.5 (dB) = 0x00118000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolLineIn",0x00010001,00,00,06,00 ; 6 (dB) = 0x00060000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolCD",0x00010001,00,80,11,00 ; 17.5 (dB) = 0x00118000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolVideo",0x00010001,00,00,06,00 ; 6 (dB) = 0x00060000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolAux",0x00010001,00,80,11,00 ; 17.5 (dB) = 0x00118000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolStereoMix",0x00010001,00,00,00,00 ; 0 (dB) = 0x00000000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"RecMaxVolMonoMix",0x00010001,00,00,00,00 ; 0 (dB) = 0x00000000 (DWORD) ; Digital Mixer maximum volumes for EQed analog playback ; NOTE: the valid dB value is 0x00000000 ~ 0x00118000 (0 ~ 17.5 dB) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MaxEQedPhonePlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,02,00 ; 2.5 (dB) = 0x00028000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MaxEQedMicPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,0B,00 ; 11.5 (dB) = 0x000B8000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MaxEQedLineInPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,02,00 ; 2.5 (dB) = 0x00028000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MaxEQedCDPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,01,00 ; 1.5 (dB) = 0x00018000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MaxEQedVideoPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,02,00 ; 2.5 (dB) = 0x00028000 (DWORD) HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MaxEQedAuxPlayVol",0x00010001,00,80,0A,00 ; 10.5 (dB) = 0x000A8000 (DWORD) ; Initial mixer line states for Microsoft Volume Control Panel HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixCplLineStatesPlay",0x00000001,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - display HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixCplLineStatesRec",0x00000001,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0 ; Binary Value: 1 - display HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixCplLineStatesAC97Ctrl",0x00000001,1,1,1,1,1 ; Binary Value: 1 - display HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"MixCplEnableAdvancedButton",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable ; Turn on/off the Sigmatel STAC9704 attenuation program HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ST9704ATTEN",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off ; Turn on/off the Sigmatel STAC9708LA4 Rear Inversion HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"ST9708LA4RearInversion",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off ; Analog EQ feature HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"SupportAnalogEQ",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - on, 0 - off HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"AnalogEQEnableState",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: 1 - enable, 0 - disable HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"AnalogEQSrcLine",0x00010001,3,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: Phone = 0, Mic, LineIn, CD, Video, Aux ; AC97 codec PCM Out volume ; DWORD Value: 0x0 = +12dB, 0x1 = +10.5dB, ... 0x8 = 0dB, ..., 0x1f = -34.5dB HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"AC97PCMOutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 ; codec PCM2 Out, Mixer Front Out and Mixer Rear Out volumes (only applied to symmetric quad codecs) ; DWORD Value: 0x0 = +12dB, 0x1 = +10.5dB, ... 0x8 = 0dB, ..., 0x1f = -34.5dB HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"AC97PCM2OutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"AC97MixerFrontOutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"AC97MixerRearOutVol",0x00010001,08,0,0,0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Bi-Quad coefficients for Sony monotor "SONY CPD-100VS" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HKLM,%8830EqualizerStr%"\SONY CPD-100VS","CoefSet",0x00000001,\ 00, 00, 00, 00,\ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 14, 00, 00, 00,\ ab,4b,d5,65,ea,72,05,5c,db,41,1d,27,3d,3c,ab,4b,ab,4b,ab,4b,\ ab,4b,d5,65,ea,72,05,5c,db,41,1d,27,3d,3c,ab,4b,ab,4b,ab,4b ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Bi-Quad coefficients for Sony monotor "SONY CPD-101VS iGPE" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HKLM,%8830EqualizerStr%"\SONY CPD-101VS iGPE","CoefSet",0x00000001,\ 00, 00, 00, 00,\ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 14, 00, 00, 00,\ ab,4b,d5,65,ea,72,c0,58,96,3e,1d,27,3d,3c,ab,4b,ab,4b,ab,4b,\ ab,4b,d5,65,ea,72,c0,58,96,3e,1d,27,3d,3c,ab,4b,ab,4b,ab,4b ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Bi-Quad coefficients for Sony monotor "SONY CPD-120VS" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HKLM,%8830EqualizerStr%"\SONY CPD-120VS","CoefSet",0x00000001,\ 00, 00, 00, 00,\ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 14, 00, 00, 00,\ ab,4b,d5,65,ea,72,05,5c,db,41,1d,27,3d,3c,ab,4b,ab,4b,ab,4b,\ ab,4b,d5,65,ea,72,05,5c,db,41,1d,27,3d,3c,ab,4b,ab,4b,ab,4b ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Bi-Quad coefficients for Sony monotor "SONY CPD-201VS iGPE" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HKLM,%8830EqualizerStr%"\SONY CPD-201VS iGPE","CoefSet",0x00000001,\ 00, 00, 00, 00,\ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 14, 00, 00, 00,\ ab,4b,d5,65,ea,72,c0,58,96,3e,1d,27,3d,3c,ab,4b,ab,4b,ab,4b,\ ab,4b,d5,65,ea,72,c0,58,96,3e,1d,27,3d,3c,ab,4b,ab,4b,ab,4b ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Bi-Quad coefficients for Sony monotor "SONY CPD-220VS" ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HKLM,%8830EqualizerStr%"\SONY CPD-220VS","CoefSet",0x00000001,\ 00, 00, 00, 00,\ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ f0,4e,d5,65,74,79,8f,62,65,48,1d,27,3d,3c,f0,4e,ab,4b,f0,4e,\ f0,4e,d5,65,74,79,8f,62,65,48,1d,27,3d,3c,f0,4e,ab,4b,f0,4e ;Graphic Equalizer coeffs HKLM,%8830EqualizerStr%,"CoefSet0",0x00000001,\ 00, 00, 00, 00,\ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 60, 7e, 9e, c1, 01, 00, 02, 00, 01, 00,\ a0, 7f, 5f, c0, 4f, 00, 00, 00, b1, ff,\ 3f, 7f, bc, c0, c2, 00, 00, 00, 3e, ff,\ 78, 7e, 77, c1, 1f, 01, 00, 00, e1, fe,\ d6, 7c, e5, c2, 5c, 02, 00, 00, a4, fd,\ 49, 79, aa, c5, 67, 04, 00, 00, 99, fb,\ 20, 71, df, ca, 64, 08, 00, 00, 9c, f7,\ 33, 5d, 30, d4, 7e, 0f, 00, 00, 82, f0,\ eb, 2b, ca, e3, d3, 1b, 00, 00, 2d, e4,\ 40, d7, 1d, f0, c5, 2a, 00, 00, 3b, d5,\ \ 14, 00, 00, 00,\ 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e,\ 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e HKLM,%8830EqualizerStr%,"MidEqGain",0x00000001,\ 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e,\ 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e, 96, 3e HKLM,%8830AppEqualizerStr%,"Jazz",0x00000001,\ fb,ff,fe,ff,01,00,03,00,08,00,05,00,00,00,fb,ff,f9,ff,fc,ff,fb,ff,\ fe,ff,01,00,03,00,08,00,05,00,00,00,fb,ff,f9,ff,fc,ff HKLM,%8830AppEqualizerStr%,"Rock",0x00000001,\ 12,00,0d,00,09,00,04,00,ff,ff,fa,ff,fd,ff,00,00,06,00,01,00,12,00,\ 0d,00,09,00,04,00,ff,ff,fa,ff,fd,ff,00,00,06,00,01,00 HKLM,%8830AppEqualizerStr%,"Classical",0x00000001,\ 06,00,05,00,04,00,03,00,07,00,fb,ff,ff,ff,04,00,02,00,fe,ff,06,\ 00,05,00,04,00,03,00,07,00,fb,ff,ff,ff,04,00,02,00,fe,ff HKLM,%8830AppEqualizerStr%,"Pop",0x00000001,\ 00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,03,00,06,00,04,00,fe,ff,fc,ff,00,00,00,00,00,\ 00,00,00,02,00,03,00,06,00,04,00,fe,ff,fc,ff,00,00 HKLM,%8830AppEqualizerStr%,"Dance",0x00000001,\ 14,00,0e,00,0b,00,05,00,00,00,fb,ff,fd,ff,00,00,08,00,00,00,14,00,\ 0e,00,0b,00,05,00,00,00,fb,ff,fd,ff,00,00,08,00,00,00 HKLM,%8830AppEqualizerStr%,"Custom_1",0x00000001,\ fd,ff,09,00,0e,00,07,00,fc,ff,fe,ff,01,00,09,00,0c,00,0c,00,fd,\ ff,09,00,0e,00,07,00,fc,ff,fe,ff,01,00,09,00,0c,00,0c,00 HKLM,%8830AppEqualizerStr%,"BandLabels",0x00020000,%EqBandLabels% HKLM,%8830AppEqualizerStr%,"Ganged",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 HKLM,%8830AppEqualizerStr%,"PresetNumber",0x00010001,5,0,0,0 HKLM,%8830EqualizerStr%,"EqBypass",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; Quad codec output mode HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"QuadCodecOutputModeState",0x00010001,0,0,0,0 ; 0 - stereo, 1 - quad HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"SoftSynthModeIndex",0x00010001,0 ; Inital index setting HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"SoftSynthMode",0x00010001,3,0,0,0 ; Vortex WT mode (0 - 2) HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"AspenWavetableEffect",0x00010001,1,0,0,0 ; Vortex WT effects on/off (1/0) ; Default WT FX1 and FX2 amounts (0 -127) HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"ReverbAmount",0x00010001,40,0,0,0 ; set FX1 amount to 64 HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"ChorusAmount",0x00010001,40,0,0,0 ; set FX2 amount to 64 ; Default WT FX 1 & FX 2 parameters ; 0 = None, 1 = Delay, 2 = Room Reverb, 3 = Chamber Reverb, 4 = Hall Reverb, ; 5 = Cabinet, 6 = Flange, 7 = Distortion, 8 = Wah-Wah HKLM,%8830ControlStr%,"FxSelectParams",0x00000001,04,06 ; Hall Reverb for FX1, Chorus for FX2 ; HW & SW Voice Number in WT HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtMaxNumHwVoice",0x00010001,40,0,0,0 ; DWORD Value: WtNumHwVoice = 64 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtMaxNumSwVoice",0x00010001,0,1,0,0 ; DWORD Value: WtNumSwVoice = 256 HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesStrings",0x00010001,3,0,0,0 ; Number of strings for control panel HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString0",0x00020000,%8830WtNumVoicesString0% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString1",0x00020000,%8830WtNumVoicesString1% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString2",0x00020000,%8830WtNumVoicesString2% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesString3",0x00020000,%8830WtNumVoicesString3% ; Strings for Wt control panel HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams0",0x00000001,0,0,40,1,00,64,3 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams1",0x00000001,1,0,40,0,40,64,2 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams2",0x00000001,2,0,40,0,00,64,0 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode HKLM,%8830CustomInf%,"WtNumVoicesParams3",0x00000001,3,0,0,1,00,64,2 ; Preset ID, num Hard Voices msb, Num Hard Voices Lsb,num Soft Voices msb, Num Soft Voices Lsb, CPU utilization, mode ; device names HKLM,%8830AppDriverNameStr%,"MixerDriverName",0x00020000,%AurlAud.Topology.szPname% ; mixer [WDM_AU88XX.AddReg] ;; Friendly names HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.WaveOut%,Name,,%AURLPin.WaveOut% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.WaveOut%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.PcBeep%,Name,,%AURLPin.PcBeep% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.PcBeep%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 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HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.SpdifOut%,Name,,%AURLPin.SpdifOut% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.SpdifOut%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Center3D%,Name,,%AURLPin.Center3D% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Center3D%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Depth3D%,Name,,%AURLPin.Depth3D% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Depth3D%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.FrontRear%,Name,,%AURLPin.FrontRear% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.FrontRear%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.WaveOut_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.WaveOut_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.WaveOut_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.WaveOut_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.WaveOut_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.WaveOut_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.PcBeep_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.PcBeep_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.PcBeep_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.PcBeep_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.PcBeep_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.PcBeep_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Phone_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Phone_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Phone_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Phone_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.Phone_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Phone_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Mic_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Mic_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Mic_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Mic_Select%,Name,,%AURLPin.Mic_Select% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Mic_Select%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Mic_20dBGain%,Name,,%AURLPin.Mic_20dBGain% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Mic_20dBGain%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Mic_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.Mic_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Mic_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineIn_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.LineIn_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineIn_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineIn_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.LineIn_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineIn_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.CDPlayer_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.CDPlayer_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.CDPlayer_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.CDPlayer_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.CDPlayer_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.CDPlayer_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Video_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Video_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Video_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Video_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.Video_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Video_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Aux_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Aux_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Aux_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Aux_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.Aux_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Aux_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Wavetable_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Wavetable_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Wavetable_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Wavetable_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.Wavetable_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Wavetable_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Spdif_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Spdif_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Spdif_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Spdif_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.Spdif_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Spdif_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_Bass%,Name,,%AURLPin.LineOut_Bass% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_Bass%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_Treble%,Name,,%AURLPin.LineOut_Treble% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_Treble%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_Loudness%,Name,,%AURLPin.LineOut_Loudness% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_Loudness%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_3DAudio_OnOff%,Name,,%AURLPin.LineOut_3DAudio_OnOff% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_3DAudio_OnOff%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_MasterVolume%,Name,,%AURLPin.LineOut_MasterVolume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_MasterVolume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_MasterMute%,Name,,%AURLPin.LineOut_MasterMute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineOut_MasterMute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Phone_W_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Phone_W_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Phone_W_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Mic_W_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Mic_W_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Mic_W_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineIn_W_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.LineIn_W_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.LineIn_W_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.CDPlayer_W_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.CDPlayer_W_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.CDPlayer_W_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Video_W_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Video_W_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Video_W_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Aux_W_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Aux_W_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Aux_W_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.StereoMix_W_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.StereoMix_W_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.StereoMix_W_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.MonoMix_W_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.MonoMix_W_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.MonoMix_W_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.MonoOut_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.MonoOut_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.MonoOut_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.MonoOut_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.MonoOut_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.HPOut_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.HPOut_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.HPOut_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.HPOut_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.HPOut_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.HPOut_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.HPOut_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.SpdifOut_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.SpdifOut_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.SpdifOut_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.SpdifOut_Mute%,Name,,%AURLPin.SpdifOut_Mute% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.SpdifOut_Mute%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Audio_3DDepth_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Audio_3DDepth_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Audio_3DDepth_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Audio_3DCenter_Volume%,Name,,%AURLPin.Audio_3DCenter_Volume% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.Audio_3DCenter_Volume%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.FrontBack_Balance%,Name,,%AURLPin.FrontBack_Balance% HKLM,%MediaCategories%\%AURLGUID.FrontBack_Balance%,Display,1,00,00,00,00 [WDM_AU8810.CopyList] adm8810.sys [WDM_AU8820.CopyList] adm8820.sys [WDM_AU8830.CopyList] adm8830.sys [VortexSystem.CopyList] a3d.dll a3dapi.dll [DestinationDirs] WDM_AU8810.CopyList = 10,system32\drivers ; %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers WDM_AU8820.CopyList = 10,system32\drivers ; %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers WDM_AU8830.CopyList = 10,system32\drivers ; %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers VortexSystem.CopyList= 11 ; %SystemRoot%\system32 [WDM_AU8810.Interfaces] AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Topology%,AurlAud.Interface.Topology AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT [WDM_AU8820.Interfaces] AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Topology%,AurlAud.Interface.Topology AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT [WDM_AU8830.Interfaces] AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Topology%,AurlAud.Interface.Topology AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT [AurlAud.Interface.Wave] AddReg=AurlAud.Interface.Wave.AddReg [AurlAud.Interface.Wave.AddReg] HKR,,CLSID,,%Proxy.CLSID% HKR,,FriendlyName,,%AurlAud.Wave.szPname% [AurlAud.Interface.Topology] AddReg=AurlAud.Interface.Topo.AddReg [AurlAud.Interface.Topo.AddReg] HKR,,CLSID,,%Proxy.CLSID% HKR,,FriendlyName,,%AurlAud.Topology.szPname% [WDM.Interface.UART] AddReg=WDM.Interface.UART.AddReg [WDM.Interface.UART.AddReg] HKR,,CLSID,,%Proxy.CLSID% HKR,,FriendlyName,,%WDM.UART.szPname% [WDM.Interface.WT] AddReg=WDM.Interface.WT.AddReg [WDM.Interface.WT.AddReg] HKR,,CLSID,,%Proxy.CLSID% HKR,,FriendlyName,,%WDM.WT.szPname% ;;**************** NT Install **************** [WDM_AU8810.NTX86] Include= ks.inf, wdmaudio.inf Needs= KS.Registration, WDMAUDIO.Registration CopyFiles= WDM_AU8810.CopyList, VortexSystem.CopyList AddReg= WDM_AU8810.AddReg, WDM_AU88XX.AddReg, A3D.Addreg [WDM_AU8820.NTX86] Include= ks.inf, wdmaudio.inf Needs= KS.Registration, WDMAUDIO.Registration CopyFiles= WDM_AU8820.CopyList, VortexSystem.CopyList AddReg= WDM_AU8820.AddReg, WDM_AU88XX.AddReg, A3D.Addreg [WDM_AU8830.NTX86] Include= ks.inf, wdmaudio.inf Needs= KS.Registration, WDMAUDIO.Registration CopyFiles= WDM_AU8830.CopyList, VortexSystem.CopyList AddReg= WDM_AU8830.AddReg, WDM_AU88XX.AddReg, A3D.Addreg [WDM_AU8810.NTX86.Interfaces] AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Topology%,AurlAud.Interface.Topology AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT [WDM_AU8820.NTX86.Interfaces] AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Topology%,AurlAud.Interface.Topology AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT [WDM_AU8830.NTX86.Interfaces] AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_Wave%,AurlAud.Interface.Wave AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_Topology%,AurlAud.Interface.Topology AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,%KSNAME_UART%,WDM.Interface.UART AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT AddInterface=%KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,%KSNAME_WT%,WDM.Interface.WT [WDM_AU8810.NTX86.Services] AddService = wdm_au8810, 0x00000002, wdm_au8810_Service_Inst [wdm_au8810_Service_Inst] DisplayName = %wdm_au8810.SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %10%\system32\drivers\adm8810.sys [WDM_AU8820.NTX86.Services] AddService = wdm_au8820, 0x00000002, wdm_au8820_Service_Inst [wdm_au8820_Service_Inst] DisplayName = %wdm_au8820.SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %10%\system32\drivers\adm8820.sys [WDM_AU8830.NTX86.Services] AddService = wdm_au8830, 0x00000002, wdm_au8830_Service_Inst [wdm_au8830_Service_Inst] DisplayName = %wdm_au8830.SvcDesc% ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %10%\system32\drivers\adm8830.sys