%{ /* $XConsortium: to_wfont.y,v 5.3 91/04/04 16:00:26 gildea Exp $ */ /***************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1989,1990, 1991 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the X Consortium. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of Sun Microsystems, the X Consortium, and MIT not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. SUN MICROSYSTEMS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN MICROSYSTEMS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ #define YYMAXDEPTH 10000 #ifdef GLUT_WIN32 #include #include #define fileno _fileno #define close _close #define dup _dup #define unlink _unlink int yylineno = 0; #else #include #endif #include #include #ifndef L_SET #define L_SET SEEK_SET #endif #include "stroke.h" #ifdef X_NOT_STDC_ENV FILE *fopen(); #endif typedef struct { float std_left, /* NCGA standard left spacing */ std_wide, /* character width */ std_rght; /* Right spacing */ } Standard; char fname[80]; char symname[80] = "FONT"; Dispatch *table; /* dispatch table */ Standard *sp_table; /* NCGA font spacings */ Path *strokes; /* strokes of each character */ Property *property; /* property list */ struct { int path, point, props; } count, expect; Path_subpath *current_path; Font_header head; /* font header */ int tableindex; /* which character */ int yyerrno; /* error number */ %} %union { int nil; /* void is reserved */ int ival; float dval; char *cval; } %start font %token REAL %token INTEGER %token STRING %token BOTTOM %token CENTER %token CLOSE %token FONTNAME %token PROPERTIES %token NUM_CH %token INDEX %token L_SPACE %token MAGIC %token OPEN %token RIGHT %token R_SPACE %token STROKE %token TOP %token VERTICES %token BEARING %token WIDTH %type fontname %type properties %type top bottom center right %type nstroke nvertice n_pts index num_ch %type closeflag %type counter %type sp_left wide sp_right %% font : fontheader num_ch fontprops fontbody spacing { fini(); }| fontheader fontbody { fini(); }; fontheader : fontname top bottom { wf_header($1, $2, $3); }; fontname : FONTNAME STRING { $$ = $2; }; top : TOP REAL { $$ = $2;}; bottom : BOTTOM REAL { $$ = $2;}; num_ch: NUM_CH INTEGER { set_num_ch($2);}; fontprops : /* empty */ | properties; properties : PROPERTIES INTEGER { init_properties ($2); } property_list { check_num_props (); } property_list : /* empty */ | single_property property_list single_property : STRING STRING { add_property($1, $2); }; fontbody : /* empty */ | glyph fontbody; glyph : glyph_header strokes { check_nstroke(); }; glyph_header : index { tableindex = $1; } sym_headinfo; sym_headinfo : nstroke center right nvertice { glyph_header($1, $2, $3, $4); }; index : INDEX INTEGER { check_num_ch(); $$ = $2; }; nstroke : STROKE INTEGER { $$ = $2; expect.path = $2; }; nvertice: {$$ = 0;} | VERTICES INTEGER { $$ = $2; } ; center : CENTER REAL{ $$ = $2; }; right : RIGHT REAL{ $$ = $2; }; strokes : /* empty */ | path strokes; path : closeflag n_pts { init_path($1, $2); } points { check_npts(); } points : /* empty */ | coord points; closeflag : CLOSE { $$ = $1 == CLOSE; } | OPEN { $$ = $1 == CLOSE; } ; n_pts : INTEGER { $$ = $1; }; coord : REAL REAL { add_point($1, $2); }; spacing : /* empty */ | item spacing; item : counter {tableindex = $1;} sp_left wide sp_right { std_space($3, $4, $5); }; counter : BEARING INTEGER {$$ = $2;}; sp_left: L_SPACE REAL {$$ = $2;}; wide : WIDTH REAL {$$ = $2;}; sp_right: R_SPACE REAL {$$ = $2;}; %% #define BYE(err) yyerrno = (err), yyerror() #define ERR_BASE 1000 #define OPEN_ERROR 1001 #define WRITE_ERROR 1002 #define WRONG_NAME 1003 #define NO_MEMORY 1004 #define EXCEED_PATH 1005 #define EXCEED_POINT 1006 #define PATH_MISMATCH 1007 #define POINT_MISMATCH 1008 #define PROP_MISMATCH 1009 #define EXCEED_PROPS 1010 char *prog; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { /* Usage : to_wfont [-o outfile] [infile] */ char *s; fname[0] = 0; tableindex = 0; head.num_ch = -1; prog = *argv; while (--argc > 0 && *++argv != NULL) { s = *argv; if (*s++ == '-') switch (*s) { case 's': if (*++argv != NULL) { --argc; (void) strcpy(symname, *argv); } break; case 'o': if (*++argv != NULL) { --argc; (void) strcpy(fname, *argv); } break; default: /* ignore other options */ ; } else { FILE *fp; /* standard input redirection */ fp = fopen(*argv, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { if (close(fileno(stdin)) < 0) { perror(prog); return; } if (dup(fileno(fp)) < 0) { perror(prog); return; } (void) fclose(fp); } } } return (yyparse()); } /* set number of characters */ set_num_ch(num_ch) int num_ch; { yyerrno = 0; head.num_ch = num_ch; if (num_ch > 0) { table = (Dispatch *) malloc(num_ch * sizeof(Dispatch)); sp_table = (Standard *) malloc(num_ch * sizeof(Standard)); strokes = (Path *) malloc(num_ch * sizeof(Path)); } for (tableindex = 0; tableindex < num_ch; tableindex++) { table[tableindex].center = 0.0; table[tableindex].right = 0.0; table[tableindex].offset = 0; sp_table[tableindex].std_left = 0.0; sp_table[tableindex].std_wide = 0.0; sp_table[tableindex].std_rght = 0.0; strokes[tableindex].n_subpaths = 0; strokes[tableindex].n_vertices = 0; strokes[tableindex].subpaths = NULL; } } /* initialize the property info in the header */ init_properties(num_props) int num_props; { if (num_props > 0) { head.properties = (Property *) malloc (num_props * sizeof (Property)); head.num_props = expect.props = num_props; } else { head.properties = NULL; head.num_props = expect.props = 0; } count.props = -1; property = head.properties; /* initialize the list pointer */ } check_num_props() { count.props++; if (count.props != expect.props) BYE (PROP_MISMATCH); } /* add individual property info into the buffer */ add_property(name, value) char *name, *value; { /* check if the property exceeds allocated space */ if (++count.props >= head.num_props) BYE(EXCEED_PROPS); /* copy the strings into the buffer */ (void) strcpy (property->propname, name); (void) strcpy (property->propvalue, value); /* increment the property pointer */ property++; } check_num_ch() { if (head.num_ch == -1) set_num_ch(128); } yyerror() { extern int yylineno; # define ERR_SIZE (sizeof(err_string) / sizeof(char *)) static char *err_string[] = { "Cannot open file", "Write fails", "Illegal font name", "Memory allocation failure", "Specified number of strokes exceeded", "Specified number of points exceeded", "Number of strokes do not match", "Number of points do not match", "Number of properties do not match", "Specified number of properties exceeded", 0}; char *str; yyerrno -= ERR_BASE; if (yyerrno > 0 && yyerrno < ERR_SIZE) str = err_string[yyerrno-1]; else str = "Syntax error"; fprintf(stderr, "line %d: %s.\n", yylineno, str); freeall(); (void) unlink(fname); exit(1); } /* create wfont header */ wf_header(name, top, bottom) char *name; float top, bottom; { if (name == NULL) BYE(WRONG_NAME); head.top = (float) top; head.bottom = (float) bottom; head.magic = WFONT_MAGIC_PEX; (void) strcpy(head.name, name); free(name); } /* create header for each glyph */ glyph_header(npath, center, right, npts) int npath, npts; float center, right; { { register Path *strk = strokes + tableindex; if (npath > 0) /* Don't allocate space unless the character has strokes associated with it. */ { strk->subpaths = (Path_subpath *) malloc(npath * sizeof (Path_subpath)); if (strk->subpaths == NULL) BYE(NO_MEMORY); strk->type = PATH_2DF; strk->n_subpaths = npath; strk->n_vertices = npts; } else { /* Just initialize the entry */ strk->subpaths = NULL; strk->type = PATH_2DF; strk->n_subpaths = 0; strk->n_vertices = 0; } } { register Dispatch *tbl = table + tableindex; tbl->offset = 0; tbl->center = center; tbl->right = right; } count.path = -1; /* initialize path counter, not to * exceed n_subpath */ } /* create standard spacing info for each glyph */ std_space(l_bear, wide, r_bear) float l_bear, wide, r_bear; { register Standard *tbl = sp_table +tableindex; tbl->std_left = l_bear; tbl->std_wide = wide; tbl->std_rght = r_bear; } /* initialize each sub_path */ init_path(close, n) int close, n; { register Path_subpath *path; if (++count.path >= strokes[tableindex].n_subpaths) BYE(EXCEED_PATH); path = current_path = strokes[tableindex].subpaths + count.path; path->n_pts = n; path->closed = close; if (n > 0) path->pts.pt2df = (Path_point2df *) malloc(n * sizeof (Path_point2df)); if (path->pts.pt2df == NULL) BYE(NO_MEMORY); expect.point = path->n_pts; count.point = -1; /* initialize point counter, not to * exceed n_pts */ } /* accumulating points for each sub_path */ add_point(x, y) float x, y; { register Path_subpath *path; register Path_point2df *pt_ptr; path = current_path; if (++count.point >= path->n_pts) BYE(EXCEED_POINT); pt_ptr = path->pts.pt2df + count.point; pt_ptr->x = x; pt_ptr->y = y; } /* Path_type + n_subpaths + n_vertices */ #define STROKE_HEAD (sizeof (Path_type) + sizeof (int) + sizeof (int)) /* write out file, close everything, free everything */ fini() { static long zero = 0; /* pointers used to walk the arrays */ register Path_subpath *spath; register Dispatch *tbl_ptr; register Path *strptr; register Property *prop_ptr; FILE *fp; long offset; int npath; register int i, j, k; Standard *sp_ptr; Path_point2df *pt; printf("\n/* GENERATED FILE -- DO NOT MODIFY */\n\n"); printf("#include \"gltstrke.h\"\n\n"); # define BY_BYE(err) fclose(fp), BYE(err) /* adjust the characters for spacing, note max char width */ head.max_width = 0.0; for (i = 0, tbl_ptr = table, strptr = strokes, sp_ptr = sp_table; i < head.num_ch; i++, tbl_ptr++, strptr++, sp_ptr++) { tbl_ptr->center += sp_ptr->std_left; tbl_ptr->right += sp_ptr->std_left + sp_ptr->std_rght; if (tbl_ptr->right > head.max_width) head.max_width = tbl_ptr->right; npath = strptr->n_subpaths; if (npath > 0 || tbl_ptr->center != 0.0 || tbl_ptr->right != 0.0) { for (j = 0, spath = strptr->subpaths; j < npath; j++, spath++) { for(k=0, pt = spath->pts.pt2df; kn_pts; k++, pt++) { pt->x += sp_ptr->std_left; } } } } /* write the dispatch table */ for (i = 0, tbl_ptr = table, strptr = strokes; i < head.num_ch; i++, tbl_ptr++, strptr++) { npath = strptr->n_subpaths; if (npath > 0 || tbl_ptr->center != 0.0 || tbl_ptr->right != 0.0) { offset += STROKE_HEAD + npath * 2 * sizeof (int); for (j = 0, spath = strptr->subpaths; j < npath; j++, spath++) offset += spath->n_pts * sizeof (Path_point2df); } } /* write the stroke table */ for (i = 0, tbl_ptr = table, strptr = strokes; i < head.num_ch; i++, tbl_ptr++, strptr++) { if (strptr->n_subpaths > 0 && tbl_ptr->center != 0.0 && tbl_ptr->right != 0.0) { if(isprint(i)) { printf("/* char: %d '%c' */\n\n", i, i); } else { printf("/* char: %d */\n\n", i); } for (j = 0, spath = strptr->subpaths; j < strptr->n_subpaths; j++, spath++) { int z; printf("static CoordRec char%d_stroke%d[] = {\n", i, j); for(z = 0; z < spath->n_pts; z++) { printf(" { (float)%g, (float)%g },\n", spath->pts.pt2df[z].x, spath->pts.pt2df[z].y); } printf("};\n\n"); } printf("static StrokeRec char%d[] = {\n", i); for (j = 0, spath = strptr->subpaths; j < strptr->n_subpaths; j++, spath++) { printf(" { %d, char%d_stroke%d },\n", spath->n_pts, i, j); } printf("};\n\n"); } } printf("static StrokeCharRec chars[] = {\n"); for (i = 0, tbl_ptr = table, strptr = strokes; i < head.num_ch; i++, tbl_ptr++, strptr++) { if (strptr->n_subpaths > 0 && tbl_ptr->center != 0.0 && tbl_ptr->right != 0.0) { printf(" { %d, char%d, (float)%g, (float)%g },\n", strptr->n_subpaths, i, tbl_ptr->center, tbl_ptr->right); } else { printf(" { 0, /* char%d */ 0, (float)%g, (float)%g },\n", i, tbl_ptr->center, tbl_ptr->right); } } printf("};\n\n"); printf("StrokeFontRec %s = { \"%s\", %d, chars, (float)%.6g, (float)%.6g };\n\n", symname, head.name, head.num_ch, (double) head.top, (double) head.bottom); fflush(stdout); freeall(); # undef BY_BYE } freeall() { register Path *path; register Path_subpath *spath; register int i, j, n; path = strokes; for (i = 0; i < head.num_ch; i++, path++) { n = path->n_subpaths; if (n <= 0) continue; spath = path->subpaths; for (j = 0; j < n; j++, spath++) if (spath->pts.pt2df != NULL) free((char *) spath->pts.pt2df); if (path->subpaths != NULL) free((char *) path->subpaths); free(table); free(sp_table); free(strokes); } for (i=0; i < head.num_props; i++, head.properties++) { if (head.properties != NULL) free((char *) head.properties); } } check_nstroke() { count.path++; if (expect.path != count.path) BYE(PATH_MISMATCH); } check_npts() { count.point++; if (expect.point != count.point) BYE(POINT_MISMATCH); }