#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include extern DWORD g_dwTraceId; #if defined(DBG) || defined(_DEBUG) #define MYTRACE_ENABLE DWORD g_dwTraceId=0; int CMyDebugTrace::m_nIndent=-1; #define MYTRACE_START(UNIQUE_NAME) g_dwTraceId = TraceRegister(UNIQUE_NAME); // TRACE_USE_FILE #define MYTRACE_STOP TraceDeregister(g_dwTraceId); #define MYTRACE_ENTER(MSG) CMyDebugTrace _NewMyTrace(MSG, __FILE__, __LINE__, true); #define MYTRACE_ENTER_EXTRA_SPACE(MSG) CMyDebugTrace _NewMyTrace(MSG, __FILE__, __LINE__, true,1); #define MYTRACE_ENTER_NOSHOWEXIT(MSG) CMyDebugTrace _NewMyTrace(MSG, __FILE__, __LINE__, false); #define MYTRACE_ERROR(MSG,ERROR_NUMBER) _NewMyTrace.TraceError(MSG, ERROR_NUMBER, __LINE__); #define MYTRACE_IP(ULONG_ADDRESS) _NewMyTrace.IP2A(ULONG_ADDRESS) #define MYTRACE _NewMyTrace.MyTrace #define MYTRACE_BUFFER2STR(BUFF, NLEN) _NewMyTrace.Buffer2Str(BUFF, NLEN) #else #define MYTRACE_ENABLE #define MYTRACE_START(UNIQUE_NAME) #define MYTRACE_STOP #define MYTRACE_ENTER(MSG) #define MYTRACE_ENTER_EXTRA_SPACE(MSG) #define MYTRACE_ENTER_NOSHOWEXIT(MSG) #define MYTRACE_ERROR(MSG,ERROR_NUMBER) #define MYTRACE_IP(ULONG_ADDRESS) 0 #define MYTRACE #define MYTRACE_BUFFER2STR(BUFF, NLEN) 0 #endif //#define DOTRACE(ID, str) #define DOTRACE(ID, str) TracePrintf(g_dwTraceId, str); //#define DOTRACE(ID, str) OutputDebugString(str);OutputDebugString(L"\n"); //#define DOTRACE(ID, str) MessageBox(NULL,str,m_szMsgEnter,MB_OK|MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); class CMyDebugTrace { public: CMyDebugTrace( LPCSTR szMsgEnter, LPCSTR szFile, const int nLine, bool bShowExit, int nExtraWhiteSpace=0 ) { USES_CONVERSION; m_nExtraSpace = nExtraWhiteSpace; m_bShowExit = bShowExit; lstrcpy(m_szMsgEnter, A2T(szMsgEnter)); // From the entry/creation text we extract the function name // example "CFoo::Format" we will have CFoo to prefix in front of all traces done after lstrcpy(m_szFunction, A2T(szMsgEnter)); wchar_t* pEnd = wcschr(m_szFunction, L':'); if ( pEnd ) *pEnd = L'\0'; else lstrcpy(m_szFunction, L""); lstrcpy(m_szFile, A2T(szFile)); m_nIndent++; wsprintf( m_szTrace, L"%s%s %s", SzRepeat(m_nIndent), m_bShowExit ? L"++" : L"+-", m_szMsgEnter ); int nLen = lstrlen(m_szTrace); wsprintf( m_szTrace, L"%s%s[L%d]%s", m_szTrace, SzRepeat(80-nLen), nLine, m_szFile ); if ( m_nExtraSpace != 0 ) DOTRACE(g_dwTraceId, TEXT("")); DOTRACE(g_dwTraceId, m_szTrace); } ~CMyDebugTrace() { if ( m_bShowExit ) { wsprintf(m_szTrace, L"%s-- %s", SzRepeat(m_nIndent), m_szMsgEnter); DOTRACE(g_dwTraceId, m_szTrace); if ( m_nExtraSpace != 0 ) DOTRACE(g_dwTraceId, TEXT("")); } m_nIndent--; } // // Output to the debug window a user trace // inline void _cdecl MyTrace(LPCSTR lpszFormat, ...) { #if defined(DBG) || defined(_DEBUG) USES_CONVERSION; va_list args; va_start(args, lpszFormat); char szBuffer[2048]; _vsnprintf(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer), lpszFormat, args); TCHAR szLine[2048]; wsprintf(szLine, L"%s%s %s", SzRepeat(CMyDebugTrace::m_nIndent+3), m_szFunction, A2T(szBuffer)); DOTRACE(g_dwTraceId, szLine); va_end(args); #endif } // // Output a debug trace for a error including Line number and source file name // inline void TraceError( LPCSTR szMsg, int nError, const int nLine ) { USES_CONVERSION; TCHAR szBuffer[512]; // // No Error # was given so lets get the last one raised // if ( nError == 0 ) nError = GetLastError(); wsprintf(szBuffer, L"%s %s ERROR(0x%X):%s [L%d]%s", SzRepeat(CMyDebugTrace::m_nIndent), m_szMsgEnter, nError, A2T(szMsg), nLine, m_szFile); DOTRACE(g_dwTraceId, szBuffer); } // // Return the ascii equivalent of the IP example "" // inline char* IP2A(ULONG ulAddress) { in_addr tmpAddr; tmpAddr.s_addr = ulAddress; return inet_ntoa(tmpAddr); } inline char* Buffer2Str(char* pBuff, int nLen) { static char szPrintableStr[1024]; memcpy(szPrintableStr, pBuff, min(nLen,1022)); szPrintableStr[min(nLen,1023)] = '\0'; int nLenMin = strlen(szPrintableStr); for ( int nChar=0; nChar < nLenMin; nChar++ ) { if ( isprint(szPrintableStr[nChar])==0 ) szPrintableStr[nChar] = '·'; } return szPrintableStr; } // // Return a left paded space indentation // inline LPCTSTR SzRepeat(int nCount) { static TCHAR szPading[200]; lstrcpy(szPading, L""); for ( int nI=0; nI < nCount; nI++ ) lstrcat(szPading, L" "); return szPading; } int m_nExtraSpace; bool m_bShowExit; TCHAR m_szTrace[512]; TCHAR m_szMsgEnter[1024]; TCHAR m_szFunction[256]; TCHAR m_szFile[256]; static int m_nIndent; };