/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Module Name: mcaia64.mof Abstract: This file defines the permament subscriptions needed to reflect the WMI MCA events into the eventlog. Revision History: --*/ // // Machine Check Abort // #if defined(_IA64_) // // Define the permament eventlog event subscriptions // // The WMI eventlog consumer provider is a facility that is built into WMI // that will generate an eventlog message whenever a specific WMI event is // received. This can be useful to circumvent the limited size of an eventlog // that can be generated from kernel mode. // // In order to set this up you need an instnace of an __EventFilter, an // instance of an NTEventLogEventConsumer and an instance of // __FilterToConsumerBinding. // // __EventFilter describes the WQL query that specifies a set of events that // trigger generation of an eventlog. // // NTEventLogEventConsumer describes the type of eventlog event that should // be generated and some of the parameters for the eventlog. In general the // properties follow the parameters of the ReportEvent api. The // InsertionStringTemplates property is an array of strings that specify // what strings should be used as replacable parameters in the eventlog // message. If the string is withing % then it specifies that the value for // the replacable string should come from that property in the event that // triggered the eventlog generation. The NameOfRawDataProperty property // specifies the property from the event that triggered the eventlog // generation whose value is used as the additional data in the // generated eventlog. // // __FilterToConsumerBinding specifies a binding between the __EventFilter // instance and the NTEventLogEventConsumer instance. Basically it assigns // which eventlog should be generated from which event triggers. // // Note that this macro should be used only within the root\subscriptions // namespace. // // // UNIQUE_NAME must be a universally unique within the root\subscription // namespace. It is a unique name the event to eventlog // instances. // // QUNIQUE_NAME is the same as UNIQUE_NAME except it is surrounded by // double quotes // // EVENT_TYPE is the eventlog id for the eventlog that is generated // // QUERY is the WQL that when succeeded will trigger eventlog generation // // SOURCE is the name of the eventlog source which is used to generate the // eventlog // // EXTRA_DATA is the name of the property in the trigger event whose value // is used as the additional data within the eventlog // // INSERTION_STRING_COUNT is the number of eventlog insertion strings // // INSERTION1 to INSERTION5 is the insertion string text for each insertion // string. If the value is within % then the value of the // property with that name is used as the insertion string // #define DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION(UNIQUE_NAME, \ QUNIQUE_NAME, \ EVENT_TYPE, \ QUERY, \ SOURCE, \ EXTRA_DATA, \ INSERTION_STRING_COUNT, \ INSERTION1, \ INSERTION2, \ INSERTION3, \ INSERTION4, \ INSERTION5) \ instance of __EventFilter as $Filter##UNIQUE_NAME \ { \ EventNamespace = "\\\\.\\root\\wmi"; \ Name = ##QUNIQUE_NAME; \ Query = ##QUERY; \ QueryLanguage = "WQL"; \ }; \ \ instance of NTEventLogEventConsumer as $Consumer##UNIQUE_NAME \ { \ Category = 0; \ Name = QUNIQUE_NAME; \ \ EventType = 1; \ EventId = ##EVENT_TYPE; \ SourceName = ##SOURCE; \ NumberOfInsertionStrings = ##INSERTION_STRING_COUNT; \ InsertionStringTemplates = {##INSERTION1, ##INSERTION2, ##INSERTION3, ##INSERTION4, ##INSERTION5}; \ NameOfRawDataProperty = ##EXTRA_DATA; \ }; \ \ instance of __FilterToConsumerBinding \ { \ Consumer = $Consumer##UNIQUE_NAME; \ Filter = $Filter##UNIQUE_NAME; \ }; // // Define all event to eventlog subscriptions for MCA events/eventlogs // #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\subscription") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA0, "MCA0", 2147811388, // MCA_WARNING_CACHE "select * from MSMCAEvent_CPUError where type = 2147811388", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 3, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%level%", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA1, "MCA1", 3221553213, // MCA_ERROR_CACHE "select * from MSMCAEvent_CPUError where type = 3221553213", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 3, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%level%", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA2, "MCA2", 2147811390, // MCA_WARNING_TLB "select * from MSMCAEvent_CPUError where type = 2147811390", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 3, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%level%", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA3, "MCA3", 3221553215, // MCA_ERROR_TLB "select * from MSMCAEvent_CPUError where type = 3221553215", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 3, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%level%", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA4, "MCA4", 2147811392, // MCA_WARNING_CPU_BUS "select * from MSMCAEvent_CPUError where type = 2147811392", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA5, "MCA5", 3221553217, // MCA_ERROR_CPU_BUS "select * from MSMCAEvent_CPUError where type = 3221553217", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA6, "MCA6", 2147811394, // MCA_WARNING_REGISTER_FILE "select * from MSMCAEvent_CPUError where type = 2147811394", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA7, "MCA7", 3221553219, // MCA_ERROR_REGISTER_FILE "select * from MSMCAEvent_CPUError where type = 3221553219", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA8, "MCA8", 2147811396, // MCA_WARNING_MAS "select * from MSMCAEvent_CPUError where type = 2147811396", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA9, "MCA9", 3221553221, // MCA_ERROR_MAS "select * from MSMCAEvent_CPUError where type = 3221553221", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA10, "MCA10", 2147811398, // MCA_WARNING_MEM_UNKNOWN "select * from MSMCAEvent_MemoryError where type = 2147811398", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA11, "MCA11", 3221553223, // MCA_ERROR_MEM_UNKNOWN "select * from MSMCAEvent_MemoryError where type = 3221553223", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA12, "MCA12", 2147811400, // MCA_WARNING_MEM_1_2 "select * from MSMCAEvent_MemoryError where type = 2147811400", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 3, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%MEM_PHYSICAL_ADDR%", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA13, "MCA13", 3221553225, // MCA_ERROR_MEM_1_2 "select * from MSMCAEvent_MemoryError where type = 3221553225", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 3, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%MEM_PHYSICAL_ADDR%", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA14, "MCA14", 2147811402, // MCA_WARNING_MEM_1_2_5 "select * from MSMCAEvent_MemoryError where type = 2147811402", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 4, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%MEM_PHYSICAL_ADDR%", "%MEM_MODULE%", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA15, "MCA15", 3221553227, // MCA_ERROR_MEM_1_2_5 "select * from MSMCAEvent_MemoryError where type = 3221553227", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 4, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%MEM_PHYSICAL_ADDR%", "%MEM_MODULE%", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA16, "MCA16", 2147811404, // MCA_WARNING_MEM_1_2_5_4 "select * from MSMCAEvent_MemoryError where type = 2147811404", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 5, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%MEM_PHYSICAL_ADDR%", "%MEM_MODULE%", "%MEM_CARD%") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA17, "MCA17", 3221553229, // MCA_ERROR_MEM_1_2_5_4 "select * from MSMCAEvent_MemoryError where type = 3221553229", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 5, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%MEM_PHYSICAL_ADDR%", "%MEM_MODULE%", "%MEM_CARD%") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA18, "MCA18", 2147811406, // MCA_WARNING_SYSTEM_EVENT "select * from MSMCAEvent_SystemEventError where type = 2147811406", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA19, "MCA19", 3221553231, // MCA_ERROR_SYSTEM_EVENT "select * from MSMCAEvent_SystemEventError where type = 3221553231", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA20, "MCA20", 2147811408, // MCA_WARNING_PCI_BUS_PARITY "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 2147811408", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 5, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%PCI_BUS_CMD%", "%PCI_BUS_ADDRESS%", "%PCI_BUS_ID_BusNumber%") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA21, "MCA21", 3221553233, // MCA_ERROR_PCI_BUS_PARITY "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 3221553233", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 5, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%PCI_BUS_CMD%", "%PCI_BUS_ADDRESS%", "%PCI_BUS_ID_BusNumber%") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA22, "MCA22", 2147811410, // MCA_WARNING_PCI_BUS_PARITY_NO_INFO "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 2147811410", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA23, "MCA23", 3221553235, // MCA_ERROR_PCI_BUS_PARITY_NO_INFO "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 3221553235", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA24, "MCA24", 2147811412, // MCA_WARNING_PCI_BUS_SERR "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 2147811412", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 5, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%PCI_BUS_CMD%", "%PCI_BUS_ADDRESS%", "%PCI_BUS_ID_BusNumber%") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA25, "MCA25", 3221553237, // MCA_ERROR_PCI_BUS_SERR "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 3221553237", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 5, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%PCI_BUS_CMD%", "%PCI_BUS_ADDRESS%", "%PCI_BUS_ID_BusNumber%") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA26, "MCA26", 2147811414, // MCA_WARNING_PCI_BUS_SERR_NO_INFO "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 2147811414", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA27, "MCA27", 3221553239, // MCA_ERROR_PCI_BUS_SERR_NO_INFO "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 3221553239", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA28, "MCA28", 2147811416, // MCA_WARNING_PCI_BUS_MASTER_ABORT "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 2147811416", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 5, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%PCI_BUS_CMD%", "%PCI_BUS_ADDRESS%", "%PCI_BUS_ID_BusNumber%") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA29, "MCA29", 3221553241, // MCA_ERROR_PCI_BUS_MASTER_ABORT "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 3221553241", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 5, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%PCI_BUS_CMD%", "%PCI_BUS_ADDRESS%", "%PCI_BUS_ID_BusNumber%") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA30, "MCA30", 2147811418, // MCA_WARNING_PCI_BUS_MASTER_ABORT_NO_INFO "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 2147811418", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA31, "MCA31", 3221553243, // MCA_ERROR_PCI_BUS_MASTER_ABORT_NO_INFO "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 3221553243", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA32, "MCA32", 2147811420, // MCA_WARNING_PCI_BUS_TIMEOUT "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 2147811420", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 5, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%PCI_BUS_CMD%", "%PCI_BUS_ADDRESS%", "%PCI_BUS_ID_BusNumber%") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA33, "MCA33", 3221553245, // MCA_ERROR_PCI_BUS_TIMEOUT "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 3221553245", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 5, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%PCI_BUS_CMD%", "%PCI_BUS_ADDRESS%", "%PCI_BUS_ID_BusNumber%") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA34, "MCA34", 2147811422, // MCA_WARNING_PCI_BUS_TIMEOUT_NO_INFO "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 2147811422", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA35, "MCA35", 3221553247, // MCA_ERROR_PCI_BUS_TIMEOUT_NO_INFO "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 3221553247", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA36, "MCA36", 2147811424, // MCA_WARNING_PCI_BUS_UNKNOWN "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 2147811424", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA37, "MCA37", 3221553249, // MCA_ERROR_PCI_BUS_UNKNOWN "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIBusError where type = 3221553249", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA38, "MCA38", 2147811426, // MCA_WARNING_PCI_DEVICE "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIComponentError where type = 2147811426", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA39, "MCA39", 3221553251, // MCA_ERROR_PCI_DEVICE "select * from MSMCAEvent_PCIComponentError where type = 3221553251", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA40, "MCA40", 2147811428, // MCA_WARNING_SMBIOS "select * from MSMCAEvent_SMBIOSError where type = 2147811428", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 4, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%SMBIOS_EVENT_TYPE%", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA41, "MCA41", 3221553253, // MCA_ERROR_SMBIOS "select * from MSMCAEvent_SMBIOSError where type = 3221553253", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 3, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "%SMBIOS_EVENT_TYPE%", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA42, "MCA42", 2147811430, // MCA_WARNING_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC "select * from MSMCAEvent_PlatformSpecificError where type = 2147811430", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA43, "MCA43", 3221553255, // MCA_ERROR_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC "select * from MSMCAEvent_PlatformSpecificError where type = 3221553255", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA44, "MCA44", 2147811432, // MCA_WARNING_UNKNOWN "select * from MSMCAEvent_InvalidError where type = 2147811432", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA45, "MCA45", 3221553257, // MCA_ERROR_UNKNOWN "select * from MSMCAEvent_InvalidError where type = 3221553257", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 2, "%Cpu%", "%AdditionalErrors%", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA46, "MCA46", 2147811434, // MCA_WARNING_UNKNOWN_NO_CPU "select * from MSMCAEvent_InvalidError where type = 2147811434", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 0, "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") DEFINE_EVENT_TO_EVENTLOG_SUBSCRIPTION( MCA47, "MCA47", 3221553259, // MCA_ERROR_UNKNOWN _NO_CPU "select * from MSMCAEvent_InvalidError where type = 3221553259", "WMIxWDM", "RawRecord", 0, "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A") #pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\wmi") #endif