/*++ Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: wizard.rc Abstract: This file contains all resources for faxwiz.dll Author: Wesley Witt (wesw) 16-Feb-1996 Environment: User Mode --*/ #include #include #include #include "resource.h" IDI_FAX_ICON BITMAP "fax.bmp" FAX_EULA BINARY "faxeula.txt" #define VER_FILETYPE VFT_APP #define VER_FILESUBTYPE VFT2_UNKNOWN #define VER_FILEDESCRIPTION_STR "Fax Setup" #define VER_INTERNALNAME_STR "faxocm.dll\0" #define VER_ORIGINALFILENAME_STR "faxocm.dll\0" #include "common.ver" STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_TITLE_WKS "Personal Fax for Windows" IDS_TITLE_SRV "Fax Server" IDS_TITLE_PP "Fax Client" IDS_TITLE_RA "Fax Remote Administration" IDS_COULD_NOT_CREATE_PRINTER "Could not create the fax printer" IDS_COULD_SET_REG_DATA "Could not set the service registry data" IDS_COULD_NOT_SET_APP_PATH "Could not set the fax service application path" IDS_CREATING_FAXPRT "Creating fax printer..." IDS_CREATING_GROUPS "Creating program groups..." IDS_DEFAULT_CSID "Fax" IDS_DEFAULT_DIR "%systemroot%\\FaxStore" IDS_DEFAULT_PRINTER_NAME "Fax" IDS_DEFAULT_TSID "Fax" IDS_DELETING_FAX_SERVICE "Deleting the fax service..." IDS_DELETING_GROUPS "Deleting program groups..." IDS_DELETING_REGISTRY "Deleting registry entries..." IDS_INBOUND_DIR "Select Destination Directory for Inbound Faxes" IDS_INSTALLING_EXCHANGE "Installing Windows Messaging..." IDS_INSTALLING_FAXSVC "Installing fax service..." IDS_QUERY_CANCEL "Are you sure that you want to quit setup?" IDS_SETTING_REGISTRY "Setting fax registry values..." IDS_EULA_SUBTITLE "Select the 'Accept' or 'Decline' buttons for the End User License Aggreement" IDS_EULA_TITLE "Welcome to Windows NT Fax Installation" IDS_ERR_TITLE "%s Setup Error" IDS_WRN_TITLE "%s Warning" IDS_RECEIVE_DIR "My Faxes\\Received Faxes" IDS_ARCHIVE_DIR "My Faxes\\Sent Faxes" IDS_COMMONAPPDIR "All Users\\Application Data" IDS_COVERPAGE_DIR "My Faxes\\Common Coverpages" IDS_COVERPAGE "Coverpage" IDS_COVERPAGEDESC "Fax Coverpage File" IDS_MONITOR "Fax Monitor" IDS_INCOMING "Incoming Fax" IDS_OUTGOING "Outgoing Fax" IDS_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION "Helps you send and receive faxes" IDS_RT_EMAIL_FRIENDLY "Route through Email" IDS_RT_FOLDER_FRIENDLY "Store in a folder" IDS_RT_INBOX_FRIENDLY "Store in your local exchange Inbox" IDS_RT_PRINT_FRIENDLY "Print" IDS_NT4FAX_GROUP "Fax" IDS_FAXGROUP "Accessories\\Communications\\Fax" IDS_FAXQUEUE_ITEM "Fax Queue" IDS_FAXQUEUE_EXE "%systemroot%\\system32\\faxqueue.exe" IDS_FAXQUEUE_ICON "%systemroot%\\system32\\faxqueue.exe" IDS_FAXQUEUE_WORKINGDIRECTORY "%systemroot%\\system32" IDS_FAXQUEUE_INFOTIP "Displays Faxes waiting for transmission and enables you to view, pause, or cancel them" IDS_CPE_ITEM "Cover Page Editor" IDS_CPE_EXE "%systemroot%\\system32\\faxcover.exe" IDS_CPE_ICON "%systemroot%\\system32\\faxcover.exe" IDS_CPE_WORKINGDIRECTORY "%systemroot%\\system32" IDS_CPE_INFOTIP "Creates a new cover page or opens an existing cover page" IDS_FAXSEND_ITEM "Send Cover Page Fax" IDS_FAXSEND_EXE "%systemroot%\\system32\\faxsend.exe" IDS_FAXSEND_ICON "%systemroot%\\system32\\faxsend.exe" IDS_FAXSEND_WORKINGDIRECTORY "%systemroot%\\system32" IDS_FAXSEND_INFOTIP "Sends a Fax composed of only a cover page" IDS_FAXFOLDER_ITEM "My Faxes" IDS_FAXFOLDER_EXE """%s\\My Faxes""" IDS_FAXFOLDER_ICON "%systemroot%\\system32\shell32.dll" IDS_FAXFOLDER_WORKINGDIRECTORY """%s\\My Faxes""" IDS_FAXFOLDER_INFOTIP "Displays available cover pages and sent and received Faxes" IDS_FAXCFG_ITEM "Fax Configuration" IDS_FAXCFG_EXE "%systemroot%\\system32\\fax.cpl" IDS_FAXCFG_ICON "%systemroot%\\system32\\fax.cpl" IDS_FAXCFG_WORKINGDIRECTORY "%systemroot%\\system32" IDS_FAXCFG_INFOTIP "Changes your personal Fax options" IDS_FAXVIEWER_ITEM "Fax Document Viewer" IDS_FAXVIEWER_EXE """%systemdrive%\\Program Files\\Windows NT\\Accessories\\ImageVue\\kodakprv.exe""" IDS_FAXVIEWER_ICON "%systemdrive%\\Program Files\\Windows NT\\Accessories\\ImageVue\\kodakprv.exe" IDS_FAXVIEWER_WORKINGDIRECTORY "%systemdrive%\\" IDS_FAXVIEWER_INFOTIP "Opens Faxes and enables you to print them, edit them, and more" IDS_FAXHELP_ITEM "Help" IDS_FAXHELP_EXE "%systemroot%\\hh.exe %systemroot%\\help\\fax.chm" IDS_FAXHELP_ICON "%systemroot%\\hh.exe" IDS_FAXHELP_WORKINGDIRECTORY "%systemroot%\\system32" IDS_FAXHELP_INFOTIP "Provides assistance on sending and receiving Faxes, changing Fax options, and more" IDS_FAXADMIN_ITEM "Fax Service Management" IDS_FAXADMIN_EXE "%systemroot%\\system32\\faxserv.msc /s" IDS_FAXADMIN_ICON "%systemroot%\\system32\\faxadmin.dll" IDS_FAXADMIN_WORKINGDIRECTORY "%systemroot%\\system32" IDS_FAXADMIN_INFOTIP "Changes the Fax options and the Fax devices" IDS_FAX_DISPLAY_NAME "Fax Service" IDS_FAX_UNINSTALL_NAME "Fax Service" IDS_FAXAB_DISPLAY_NAME "Fax Address Book" IDS_FAXXP_DISPLAY_NAME "Fax Mail Transport" IDS_MODEM_PROVIDER_NAME "Windows Telephony Service Provider for Universal Modem Driver" IDS_PERSONAL_COVERPAGE "Fax\\Personal Coverpages" IDS_FAXPRINTER_ITEM "Add Fax Printer" IDS_FAXPRINTER_ICON "%systemroot%\\system32\\shell32.dll" IDS_FAXPRINTER_WORKINGDIRECTORY "%systemroot%\\system32" IDS_FAXPRINTER_INFOTIP "Adds a Fax printer to the Printers folder" END IDD_WELCOME DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 304, 140 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Welcome to the", IDC_WELCOME_TITLE, 15, 11, 296, 10 LTEXT "Fax Installation Wizard", IDC_WELCOME_SUBTITLE, 30, 20, 296, 24 LTEXT "You use this wizard to install the Windows NT Fax services.",IDC_STATIC, 30,46,250,24 END IDD_EULA DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 304, 140 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN EDITTEXT IDC_LICENSE_AGREEMENT,10,6,256,89,ES_MULTILINE | ES_AUTOVSCROLL | ES_READONLY | WS_VSCROLL CONTROL "I Accept the License Agreement",IDC_ACCEPT,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,10,105,117,10 CONTROL "I Decline the License Agreement",IDC_DECLINE,"Button", BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON,10,123,119,10 END IDD_FINAL DIALOG DISCARDABLE 0, 0, 304, 140 STYLE WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg" BEGIN LTEXT "Completing the", IDC_FINAL_TITLE, 15, 11, 296, 10 LTEXT "Fax Installation Wizard", IDC_FINAL_SUBTITLE, 30, 20, 296, 24 LTEXT "You have successfully installed Microsoft Fax Services.",IDC_STATIC, 30,46,250,24 END